Project Multi Sketch 2

@klublex, on Dec 16 2008, 04:54 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch 2:

No problem, but keep in mind that the Auto Background will be plain paper rotation 0 in the end, so if you put anything else that is Ex2-999 or Layer 1, it will be replaced. Thanks for asking!


Actually, Auto Background won't delete all layer 1 sprites, only sprites 1 - 4 providing they have E2 -999 as you say. 🙂

You guys don't fancy a different background by any chance, do you? I'm partial to Graph Paper with 85 rotation myself, but anything would be easier on the eyes than the plain white. What say yee honorable bilge rats?

Oh, my area is coming along nicely btw. 🙂

@silverwind, on Dec 16 2008, 03:12 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch 2:

You guys don't fancy a different background by any chance, do you? I'm partial to Graph Paper with 85 rotation myself, but anything would be easier on the eyes than the plain white. What say yee honorable bilge rats?

I'd already mentioned this, and I agree with Silverwind that graph paper seems like the best choice. I know Klublex has altered (my) area 1 by keeping the cardboard background, but all I had been trying to say was that I hadn't wanted it to be plain white. I was essentially saying that I thought the entire project/level should have one uniform background color that is anything but plain white.
(I apologize if my tone comes off as though I'm annoyed, as I don't intend for it to.) 🙂
bilge rat Lamkin
Posted Image

About it deleted Layer 1 sprites, I just meant that it would cover them up and you couldn't see them.

I'm sorry about the paper, it is hard on the eyes. My only reason for plain paper background was that I thought some participants (like myself) put paper-cover secrets in their levels, and plain paper is the easiest for that. I have 3 of those in my area, but I think that, if it is okay with all participants, we can do the graph paper. However, about the rotation, would be okay if it was 0? (it is easier to align things that way)
Thanks! 🙂

By the way, I haven't seen Sidepipe around the boards recently. His area is coming up...


P.S. Silverwind, any opinion on what music to have for this project?

The easiest way to contacts someone is to PM them, so if I wanted to tell/ask them something, that is what I would do.


@klublex, on Dec 17 2008, 01:52 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch 2:

I'm sorry about the paper, it is hard on the eyes. My only reason for plain paper background was that I thought some participants (like myself) put paper-cover secrets in their levels, and plain paper is the easiest for that. I have 3 of those in my area, but I think that, if it is okay with all participants, we can do the graph paper. However, about the rotation, would be okay if it was 0? (it is easier to align things that way)
Thanks! 🙂

Oh, I didn't know you had any secrets. Plain paper certainly is easier to work with in that case, so I don't mind using it if we need to.

@klublex, on Dec 17 2008, 01:52 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch 2:

P.S. Silverwind, any opinion on what music to have for this project?

Wasteland is my personal favorite but it's overused. I vote for either Wasteland, Forest or Factory.

btw, my area is coming along nicely. It's fully mapped and mostly furnished, I've just to add a few more details to the scenery. I'd have it finished tomorrow but unfortunately I won't have time in the evening to work on it, thus it'll probably be Saturday before I post it.

This post has been edited by Silverwind : 18 December 2008 - 02:15 PM

It's really cool how far this project has come, and Klublex, you might want to edit the top post to say that the level will not be out before christmas, because there is no way that this will be done by then.
Hurry up SW, because I want it to be my turn soon! 😉


@kasofa1, on Dec 18 2008, 02:10 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch 2:

It's really cool how far this project has come, and Klublex, you might want to edit the top post to say that the level will not be out before christmas, because there is no way that this will be done by then.

Good point. Done. Silver, nice to hear your area is going well. Ooh, just thought of flattering new name. Project Sketchmaster. 🆒 What do you think?

I hope that that tempting holiday bundle brings more people to the Sketchfighter boards, instead of taking them away.


I would go for it, but I already have SKF4k and I don't really want redline, and I have already BT'd my heart out in the demo, so I don't really think that I will buy it. If I were AW, I would take the price on some of the better games down a notch, like in the bundle, its six games for $19 which means... $3.166666666ect per game.
But that's just my opinion of it, so, what am I gonna do?
Enough of my rambling!
But yeah, I do hope it brings more people to the boards.


EDIT: Duh, just realized that I forgot to reply to your post, Project Sketchmaster sounds like I should make my area really hard, and it seems a little bit, self-approvitory, but it would be a cool name.



christmas 09

Christmas 09? maybe summer, more like.

This post has been edited by Kasofa1 : 19 December 2008 - 12:05 AM

Why not just call it Multi Sketch 2? Everyone's already familiar with Multi Sketch so it's a sell point as well as a good name.

btw, if you're planning to add loads more areas I suggest you split the file. I'm already wrestling with lag when I use the editor and I'd say the actual game will be slurred a bit by the time I finish my area.

I have every game in the bundle (Aperion W is demo) registered. Redline used to be my favorite.
I already got an interesting idea for my area...

@silverwind, on Dec 19 2008, 02:17 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch 2:

Why not just call it Multi Sketch 2? Everyone's already familiar with Multi Sketch so it's a sell point as well as a good name.

I like it...:)

@silverwind, on Dec 19 2008, 02:17 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch 2:

btw, if you're planning to add loads more areas I suggest you split the file. I'm already wrestling with lag when I use the editor and I'd say the actual game will be slurred a bit by the time I finish my area.

That's enough of a reason for me...
I also think that the decision to split the file should also depend on how long it would take the average person to complete the entire level, 'cause playing for much longer than an hour at a stretch can become kind of frustrating. :mad:

Could you send me the file (as it is now)? I'm hoping it might help me to come up with a decent concept, as I'm sort of blocked at the moment. :huh:

This post has been edited by Lamkin : 14 February 2010 - 02:58 PM

@silverwind, on Dec 19 2008, 01:17 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch 2:

Why not just call it Multi Sketch 2? Everyone's already familiar with Multi Sketch so it's a sell point as well as a good name.

btw, if you're planning to add loads more areas I suggest you split the file. I'm already wrestling with lag when I use the editor and I'd say the actual game will be slurred a bit by the time I finish my area.

Multi Sketch 2 sounds great. My only reason for not naming it that in the first place is the topic right below, Project Multi Sketch 2. I agree, Project Sketchmaster does sound way to self-approving to me, I was just trying to think up cool-sounding names.

Well, it probably would be a good idea to split the game in half, I'm not doing another area and so it's the other participants decision. How about I send the level through PM to everyone after Silverwind is done with his area? Then the participants can decide if they would like to split it in half or not. Sound good?

One more thing, does anyone know how to edit the topic title? (I'd like to change it to Multi Sketch 2)

Thanks, Klublex

Klub, if you go to the top post, you can click on the 'Edit' button, and then if you click on the 'Full-Edit' drop-down, you can edit the title.
I hope that this answers your question.


This post has been edited by Kasofa1 : 19 December 2008 - 07:26 PM

Kasofa is right about how to change the title or description. For some reason I'd had trouble doing this a long time ago for one of my topics, but I was able to successfully change the title of the topic of my last level from Smashing Pumpkins to The Great Pumpkin.

This post has been edited by Lamkin : 19 December 2008 - 02:24 PM

I completely forgot that I won't be around this weekend. I guess it will be Monday before I post anything. Have a jolly ol' weekend chaps, and may the best of the brandy be downed at the Christmas feast! (not that Christmas is this weekend, but nonetheless)

@lamkin, on Dec 19 2008, 04:03 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch 2:

That's enough of a reason for me...
I also think that the decision to split the file should also depend on how long it would take the average person to complete the entire level, 'cause playing for much longer than an hour at a stretch can become kind of frustrating. :mad:

With few exceptions I find maps repetitive if they last longer than half an hour.

@lamkin, on Dec 19 2008, 04:03 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch 2:

Could you send me the file (as it is now)? I'm hoping it might help me to come up with a decent concept, as I'm sort of blocked at the moment. :huh:
My e-mail address is:

Here 'tis: link removed

I've furnished most of the Wasteland area, but the Factory areas still need detailing.

This post has been edited by Silverwind : 20 December 2008 - 01:56 AM

Thanks, you guys.

Anyone who is not a participant in Mini Multi Sketch 2, please do not download the file in the above post, as we would like it to not be shown until it is completed

Glad to see your area is coming along wonderfully, Silverwind! 😉

I'm editing the title right this moment.

Ooops, sorry, I didn't realize that. I've removed the link, so if you downloaded it Klubs maybe you could PM it to Lamkin.

@klublex, on Dec 19 2008, 07:13 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch 2:

Anyone who is not a participant in Mini Multi Sketch 2, please do not download the file in the above post, as we would like it to not be shown until it is completed

I thought that too, so it's good the link was pulled.

@silverwind, on Dec 19 2008, 11:57 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch 2:

...if you downloaded it Klubs maybe you could PM it to Lamkin.

I already snagged it from that site.:)

Can you send it to me?

I'll send it to ya, but I would need an e-mail address, as the file is zipped at over 100k.