Project Multi Sketch

Pi: Make sure that you are indeed using a working version of the map- I downloaded it after SW said that the map was officially available, but got the buggy version.

Other than not being able to complete it legally*, that map is absolutely amazing. The volcanic crater is stunning, and the boss itself is a great challenge. Nice job!

*I specify "legally" because accelerating downward in the post-boss force field tube allows you to escape when the tube makes a sharp turn near the end.


Uh oh... What bugs were in the "Buggy" version? Hope i don't have to start over.

What what? Buggy version? (plays through downloadable version.. GASP!) Oh, dear, that ain't good! Woops, I thought the latest file Freq245 attached was the finished one. Sorry about that folks.

Freq245 do you have a finished version you could post up, or do you want me to make the changes in the file I've got now? Is it just the Upgrade and the Switch Fitting that need their values changed?

@silverwind, on May 15 2007, 09:58 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

What what? Buggy version? (plays through downloadable version.. GASP!) Oh, dear, that ain't good! Woops, I thought the latest file Freq245 attached was the finished one. Sorry about that folks.

Freq245 do you have a finished version you could post up, or do you want me to make the changes in the file I've got now? Is it just the Upgrade and the Switch Fitting that need their values changed?

Hm, I thought that, too. The switch should, as far as I know, need 1078 and one of the lava sea's switch force fields (the upper right one) also needs an Extra2, 1077, to be exact.

I'm afraid i've got some bad news, boys.

I'm going camping. It'll take a bit of a chunk out of my designing time, as we're not actually bringing computers. (:()

So, i'm thinking that it might be wise to pass it on down.

Oh, wait, Conelight (Little Bro) is coming too, and it looks like he's the only one left on the list...


Displeased. I suppose i can take the level anyway and lose some time, but that would be ok.

Allright, so this post was pretty much useless.

This post has been edited by PiSketch : 16 May 2007 - 08:41 AM

No problem Pi, seeing as how you're the last person on the list (excluding Conelight of course, as he's going with you) time's not really a worry anymore. You could pick up where you left off when you get back if you like, or you could pass it on and start anew when the file comes back to you, your choice. (I think I've got someone who might be interested in filling the last designer slot you see)

Allright, i'm back, and i'm back to work. Just so's you all know.

Coolaboola Pi! 🙂

Erm...Coolaboola? Suuuure.... Edges away slowly

In other news, it's going well. I'd say i'm about 2/5ths done, so not too much longer. Unless i'm totally wrong.

Which is a distinct possibility.

Hey, Silverwind, When I'm starting My Project Multi Sketch can I Make my own File? It would be easier to work on the level if it was. If so, Thanks Alot Silverwind.

@pisketch, on May 22 2007, 11:10 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Erm...Coolaboola? Suuuure.... Edges away slowly

In other news, it's going well. I'd say i'm about 2/5ths done, so not too much longer. Unless i'm totally wrong.

Which is a distinct possibility.

Excellent stuff Pi, and yes Conelight it would be great if you could start a new map 🙂

I still haven't roped this 10'th designer in btw, so if anyone else knows someone who's willing to join... MAKE THEM SIGN A CONTRACT NOW!!! lol! Kidding. But if anyone does know of a willing designer, tell them PMS will graciously accept 🙂

Hmmm..... maybe Woodhaven would do it..........

He he... "PMS"... Chuckle

Hm, i don't think i know anyone who could help much. I don't really know anyone with a Mac+Sketchfighter Registered who hasn't signed up already. I could try to rope Teh in, though.


Indeed, PMS. Cheleball also pointed that out in a pm not but three days ago. <_< Bah, it could also stand for Particularly Masterful Sketchediting! hehe...

Iwas thinking Victor, (If he would you to) that might work for the 10'th designer.

@conelight, on May 24 2007, 09:31 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Iwas thinking Victor, (If he would you to) that might work for the 10'th designer.

Good idea, but he han't been on the forums since April 😞

@dogbert, on May 24 2007, 04:38 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Good idea, but he han't been on the forums since April 😞

I believe it's the work of the Phantom Sketchfighter Designer Eater. If anyone has any information concerning this elusive individual, please notify Team Multi Sketch at soon as possible. (and failing that... Spiderman)

Spiderman, Spiderman. He can do anything, a Spider can...

Anyway, my section's coming fairly well. I am borrowing your "computer-maintaining-defenses" idea, Silver. If you don't want me to I can come up with something else.

Go for it Pi! 🙂 This Area's release is becoming increasingly anticipated, I can't wait to see the finished product.

Looks worried

It's nothing special, really... I'm using the Culling Childrened Objects thing once or twice, and there's a few things that aren't really used in any other maps, but nothing really new. I guess i'm saying not to expect too much. It'll be fun and hard sometimes, but that's about it.

How's progress on Area 8 Pi? Nearing completion?