Project Multi Sketch

@edwards, on May 8 2007, 11:06 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

That said, I'd love to see a peaceful flight through some spectacular scenery just before the final Boss- perhaps a psuedo-racecourse arrangement, either by using one of the built-in mechanisms, or by having something really deadly chasing the player.

Heh, a "peaceful flight ..." "... by having something really deadly chasing the player". Okay, you didn't say that entirely that way, but it looks funny, though. 😉

@freq245, on May 9 2007, 05:32 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Heh, a "peaceful flight ..." "... by having something really deadly chasing the player". Okay, you didn't say that entirely that way, but it looks funny, though. 😉

True, and that's why I'd recommend going with one of the Race trigger sets. It may be a bit difficult to get working right, and might require that the Boss fight be in a separate map due to the timer issue (or not, depending on how you set things up- a second Race Start should reset the timer). However, it would allow the player to move along at their own pace, enjoying the scenery as they learn the path they need to fly, and then do a high-speed run to actually get through.


Now I just have to test my level to finish it.

Cool! Pi, you can start whenever your ready after Freq245 releases the file.

We're getting so close to finishing this project... I can almost taste it...

@freq245, on May 11 2007, 08:40 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Now I just have to test my level to finish it.

I look forward to playing what you've come up with.

@edwards, on May 9 2007, 09:07 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

...I'd recommend going with one of the Race trigger sets...

Please ignore this advice. I got around to re-testing the racing minigames last night, and they have been disabled as of version 1.0.1.


I found that out a while ago. Hurmph... and I liked those mini games as well. <_< Although I suppose they were a little tricky to incorporate.

This post has been edited by Silverwind : 12 May 2007 - 01:58 PM

Shame, i was thinking about having fun with those. Oh well.

It's done!

Download it here (bah, because of the sketchfighter board's moderator's bug I'm not even allowed to upload attachments. Silverwind, could you please put this in your start post? I don't want too many datas on my website):
(edited out because of another download location)

Well, I hope you like it and don't think that it's too hard. 🙂

Known bugs I wasn't able to fix:


- The body parts of the two bosses are cycling, too. Help for solving this would be very nice

- The "Error" message isn't appearing. Again help would be very appreciated

And because of some things relating to deleted background sprites it could be not that good to use the auto background tool on this any longer.

I'll just run through it and then post it. Just a minute people...

There is but 1 fix that I can spot. (you've really done your job on this one! ^_^ )


The Trinity Turbo Edition Ship Upgrade is non solid when encountered. Likewise, the Super Force Field and the Switch Fitting which also share the same Extra 2 Value do not behave properly. (the Switch Fitting is already black when you meet it which makes it undetectable by sight, and the Super Force Field is deactivated) The Value of the Ship Upgrade must have been assigned to a different object in the level, which is triggered before encountering the Upgrade. As to which object, I don't know. I've gone over most of the triggers, but there's so many! lol! One thing I did notice was that 1077 (which is used for the Upgrade) is not the assigned Value of the Level End Force Fields. Is the problem simply that you meant to assign the Upgrade a value of 1177? As that's the Value of quite a number of other objects in the level, including the Level End Force Fields.

As soon as this is fixed, I'll post up the level and give my usual synopsis. 😉

This post has been edited by Silverwind : 13 May 2007 - 06:53 AM

@silverwind, on May 13 2007, 01:53 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

There is but 1 fix that I can spot. (you've really done your job on this one! ^_^ )


The Trinity Turbo Edition Ship Upgrade is non solid when encountered. Likewise, the Super Force Field and the Switch Fitting which also share the same Extra 2 Value do not behave properly. (the Switch Fitting is already black when you meet it which makes it undetectable by sight, and the Super Force Field is deactivated) The Value of the Ship Upgrade must have been assigned to a different object in the level, which is triggered before encountering the Upgrade. As to which object, I don't know. I've gone over most of the triggers, but there's so many! lol! One thing I did notice was that 1077 (which is used for the Upgrade) is not the assigned Value of the Level End Force Fields. Is the problem simply that you meant to assign the Upgrade a value of 1177? As that's the Value of quite a number of other objects in the level, including the Level End Force Fields.

As soon as this is fixed, I'll post up the level and give my usual synopsis. 😉

Ah, yes. I edited that today, the latest bit used was 1077 and not 1076. The upgrade must have 1078.

Some other changes included here: (data was deleted and can be refound here)

Freq, i can honestly say that you are EVIL.

I mea-Helbgh-Urhgh-Blh-

EVIL. That is all.

Oh, except for the whole "FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!" Part.

Area 7 is now (officially) up for download. 😉

The stupendous Area 7 presents you with tough enemies that require smart use of your weapons to take down, while at the same time distracting you with wonderfully detailed scenery. (the volcanic crater... B-E-A-U-tiful!) The difficulty is very well balanced what with plenty of challenging battles, but a Save Zone Ring around every corner. Excellent job Freq245!

Pi, you may begin whenever. (knowing your eagerness, I assume you've already started. lol!) 😄

It really is a beautiful level, Freq. I agree whole-heartedly about the crater thing.

As for mine, i'll be starting in about three minutes. Only reason it's not half done already is because I wanted to make sure that i was working off the final version. 😄


Edit: Wait, should i be starting a new map, or starting from Freq's finishing point?

This post has been edited by PiSketch : 13 May 2007 - 12:42 PM

It would keep the order to continue from Freq245's, but if you feel it absolutely necessary you can start a new one.

Nope, i'm fine with that. Means i don't have to redo what i've got.

@pisketch, on May 14 2007, 01:26 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Nope, i'm fine with that. Means i don't have to redo what i've got.

You should be careful with the auto background tool, though, because these missing background sprites are supposed to be missing. 🙂 And thank you all for your nice comments, I wanted this to be a hard SketchFighter level with interesting challenges, but as detailed as a map of Silverwind, which I could be really proud of. I hope I attained my goal here.

Yeah, i'll have to go back and delete some, but hopefully i won't mess anything up. If you like, i could send it to you so you could fix it yourself, but i'll do it if you're okay with that.

Maybe you should keep the original file to look at it. Some background sprites are children of "A7 Viewer"s, maybe you could avoid deleting them.

Allright, i'll do what i can.