Hey I have a question, I made a style that I like a lot in SketchUp how can I transfer that to other files? Do any of you know that?
Delphi Ship Creations
Delete the ship in the file, make a new one, and save as? That ought to work. Or you could just set it as the default theme.
What do you mean, transfer it to other files? :huh: Like a different folder? Change file type? Open with a different application? Or by style do you mean design? Or color? Or color scheme? or component? Knowing this goes a long way towards helping.
Yeah I could do that but I was hoping not to have to create doubles of every file. I have a large number of ships I would like to change that would be very tedious. If it comes down to it I will do it like that but I just thought maybe someone here might know. I do have it set to the Default theme now though that was a good suggestion, thanks for that.
I mean the "Style" that you have set up in the file. Under the Components button is the "Style" button so you can customize how sketchy or not your model is. I have made a "Style" by mixing various preset "Styles" that I really like and I want more of my ships to use it so they look slicker when I make screenshots. I was hoping that the "Style" that I created would be able to be loaded into more of my models without having to do what DarthKev suggested.
QUOTE (Spartan Jai @ Aug 19 2010, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just messing around with what I figured I wanted to be a cruiser. Well, it didn't come out as a cruiser. Let me introduce you to my latest fighter, mostly inspired by the Imperial Lambda Class Shuttle from Star Wars:
Actually, if you take off the tailfin, it looks like FreiTek's E-Wing.
This is an escort fighter that appears in the post- Return of the Jedi expanded universe.
QUOTE (Sp3cies @ Aug 23 2010, 12:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah I could do that but I was hoping not to have to create doubles of every file. I have a large number of ships I would like to change that would be very tedious. If it comes down to it I will do it like that but I just thought maybe someone here might know. I do have it set to the Default theme now though that was a good suggestion, thanks for that.
I mean the "Style" that you have set up in the file. Under the Components button is the "Style" button so you can customize how sketchy or not your model is. I have made a "Style" by mixing various preset "Styles" that I really like and I want more of my ships to use it so they look slicker when I make screenshots. I was hoping that the "Style" that I created would be able to be loaded into more of my models without having to do what DarthKev suggested.
Yes, you can save your styles. And your textures, and your components, and probably something else that I'm forgetting. The little calculator-triangle thing on the right of the styles window, above the frame where the styles actually show up does it - click it and click "Open or create a local collection" and then create a folder and put your style(s) in there. Purge or forcibly-delete any you don't want, and make sure you click the house-shaped button (for "home" menu) so you get the styles in your model and not some already-pre-saved set.
Yes, but the tail fin is there. I really like it that way. Anyway, earlier in the thread Meaker posted a picture of a dozen or so smooth ships. Question: How did you make that curved surface?
I think I figured it out. Did you use the soften/smooth tool? Anyway, trying to make a new minigun, and got inspiration for this Med Dingy.
This is a med Dingy launching from a Pelican Launch Tube
The nice thing about the Pelican is that the bays are back further, protecting them. Unlike a Fed Carrier, if the game were slightly more realistic, you could just shoot the Anacondas before they even launched.
Then I made the Dingy a VTOL
QUOTE (Spartan Jai @ Aug 23 2010, 08:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
... Anyway, earlier in the thread Meaker posted a picture of a dozen or so smooth ships. Question: How did you make that curved surface?
QUOTE (Spartan Jai @ Aug 24 2010, 06:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think I figured it out. Did you use the soften/smooth tool?
Yes and no. I smoothed things over when I needed them to be smooth, but I also did some fairly complicated geometry manipulation using tools your sketchup build doesn't have. The green ship was just an arc push-pull. The Blue ship was complex geometry using a hexagon as a base and building it up with intersecting arcs and skinning. The Yellow ship... that involved a sphere, a tube, and a bend command.
Speaking of weapon builds...
All of those are in sketchup, and I made them all myself - though some are obviously based on NOVA counterparts. Unfortunately, the file is too large to attach. I might be able to attach some of them, but the FPC's big brother is 101k zipped.
This post has been edited by Meaker VI : 24 August 2010 - 10:36 AM
It would be entertaining to see repair ships ingame, that would repair ships in combat.
Those turrets look awwwwfully familiar...
I have a new idea to model, but I'm currently too obsessed with Marathon to actually work on it, haha. The idea? Spider Tank
Darn. Smoothing would still work too, right? Those turrets are familiar. Marathon by Bungie? And if it's not to large of a file, would someone be able to make a shan out of that med Dingy? I like the quad railgun turret. It's like I've got ADD or something, jumping from one spot to another. About the repair ships, you could set a certain ship to salvage the ships, and that would work as repairing. Other than that, you might be able to make a weapon that deals negative damage, increasing the ship's shielding/hull strength. I could make a spider tank out of my claw design, if you want. And by med dingy, I meant like wounded people med, not ship repair med. Besides, that's what a hull repair bot is for.
Smoothing does make things smooth, but sketchup will "fake" smoothing by using shading. I could smooth a cube, and it'll look like a demented sphere, but it won't really be smooth. You've got to make smooth geometry too, which requires a bit of finesse. And yes, most of those are taken straight from EVN - although there are quite a few that aren't. Quad and triple rail guns, Conventional guns, big FPC cannon...
Marathon was made by Bungie - interestingly Spartan/Mjilnor super-troopers are mentioned at one point and it's hinted at that you are, in fact, playing as what we now know as a Spartan (One of the terminals in the earlier games says something about 9 of the 10 Mjilnors being vaporized on the colony, and the other is 'unaccounted for'). My avatar is from a Marathon Infinity cut scene.
This post has been edited by Meaker VI : 24 August 2010 - 12:51 PM
I know Marathon was made by bungie. That's why I mentioned it. While I like Marathon, there are other games worth playing more. Like EVN, HALO CE, Urban Terror, Java Fish Hunter, etc.
QUOTE (Spartan Jai @ Aug 24 2010, 01:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know Marathon was made by bungie. That's why I mentioned it. While I like Marathon, there are other games worth playing more. Like EVN, HALO CE, Urban Terror, Java Fish Hunter, etc.
StarCraft 2!!!
This post has been edited by StarSword : 24 August 2010 - 01:52 PM
Sorry, never played starcraft. Anyway, back on topic, people. Yes, I know I'm the one who basically got it off topic.
QUOTE (Meaker VI @ Aug 24 2010, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
... Mjilnor super-troopers...
Mjolnir wouldn't happen to be a reference to Mjilnor, would it?
Yep. I'm pretty sure, anyway. Actually, in Halo, the Spartan armor is MJOLNIR Mark VI armor. Mjolinr in reference to Thor's hammer.
This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 24 August 2010 - 02:21 PM
QUOTE (DarthKev @ Aug 24 2010, 12:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mjolnir wouldn't happen to be a reference to Mjilnor, would it?
Yep, spelling error. From the Marathon (1) terminals:
Mjolnir Recon number 54
must stop them from ...
There is surprisingly good news planetside: nine military Mjolnir
Mark IV cyborgs were covertly living among the
colonists, and acting together they were able to
single-handedly turn back the latter stages of the Pfhor
assault. Casualties on the colony were nowhere near as high
as those we experienced here on the Marathon.
Thought so. However, I'm not referring to Thor's Hammer. Nor am I referencing Halo. Actually, I'm thinking of Nil'a Mjolnir, a defense station operated by the Nil'kemorya in EVN. It's landing dësc talks about it being named after a Federation cyborg-soldier who saved the Polaris from defeat by destroying a new device the Federation was developing. Part of the soldier's unit designation was 'Mjolnir'.
My guess is it's a reference to Marathon.
Probably. Anyway, back on topic.
P.S. Know what happens to those who continue talking about something off-topic? They are disemboweled by Spartan II's wearing Mark VI Mjolnir Powered Combat Armor.
Sorry for my sick twisted sense of humor, but I assume that's not a problem...
EDIT: If someone would be kind enough, and the file size not too large, would someone be willing to make a shan of my Med Dingy? Hate to ask, but you know me and graphics...
EDIT2: File Size too large. I'll post a link to download it.
This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 24 August 2010 - 07:25 PM