The Blue Mushroom Pub


Originally posted by premonition:
**Arianne apologises to Rawzer and takes a dip in the scalding hot tub.


SlaVitiCkus notices this, and assumes the tub must of cooled off. Minutes later in the ER he realizes he was wrong in that assumtion.

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil, whitedevil2, and Ory' hara.

Arianne must be on a higher plane of existence not to be understood by mortal man. In other words, a woman. <jealous muttering>

I had a (url="http://"")dream(/url) that I had about a (url="http://"")dozen(/url) (url="http://";=56&SUBMIT;=Go")links(/url) here. (url="http://";=6&SUBMIT;=Go")Mostly(/url) to other (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")places(/url) on this (url="http://";=1")site(/url). (url="http://";=10&SUBMIT;=Go")Weird(/url).

Thunderforge stumbles in through the window. His clothes are tattered, his hair is singed, and he has burns all over his hands and face.

"If only electricity was discovered in Garendall, then I wouldn't have to create a battery myself," he mutters. "Should have paid more attention in engineering classes..."

Thunderforge sits down at the table that he usually sits at (it's a stamtish (sp?) so if anybody but the regular(s) sit there, they have to buy the drinks). Then, after a glass of Vanilla Coke, he perks up. A brave person in the bar walks up to Thunderforge and asks what happened.

"As you know, I went out to Gidolan Keep to fix up my Escape Pod so that I could prove that a person could reach outer space." A few more people gather around as Thunderforge continues the tale. "Well, it turns out that Gidolan Keep was sealed shut. So I decided to look for alternate ways inside. I ended up going to the west entrance. When I reached the gates, I banged on them for some time, but to no avail. They remained shut for quite some time. Just as I gave up, an old mage appeared in front of me. He promised me that he could get me in. So, in exchange for some gold, he teleported me inside. I instantly noticed that something was wrong. I could only go in a straight line towards the east, and back the way I came towards the west. I kept walking towards a white area. I walked on it and multiple images of me appeared on the ground! I ran back to the gate and yelled to the mage. He finally decided to teleport me to my escape pod.

Then, I found the most skilled blacksmith in the Keep. He was busy creating weapons for the soldiers, but, he let me use his metal. So day and night I worked. I patched up the escape pod, I created weapons and tested them by launching rocks with random sayings on them (which I think landed somewhere near here!). But then, I had the problem with electricity. I tried creating a simple battery. It worked. So I created a battery that could power the escape pod. Unfortunately, I created an explosion instead. Citizens of Gidolan Keep ran around everywhere, believing that the Sea Giants had gotten through the walls. I had to talk to the Queen to get things straightened out. She told me to stop worrying about the escape pod and to just worry about saving Gidolan Keep. So I left, but as I left, I could see a few trolls carrying four bags that were moving about. I chased them, but the trolls got away from me. I decided that I should probably go back to the Blue Mushroom Bar here in Dernath, since a nice Vanilla Coke would help me to relax after those months of labor day and night."

Someone asked, "What is electricity?". Thunderforge looked at the remains of the robot. "It's what powers that."

"What is outer space?" asks another. "I thought that we had this discussion before I left!" exclaims Thunderforge. "Ask Rawzer, he's got a time machine. He must know all about the landing on the moon, and the contact with the Centaurans. What?... Ask Rawzer!!! I want to go to bed!"

And on that note, Thunderforge dashes to his room. He instantly falls asleep.

P.S. If you, like Slav, think that I'm crazy, then ask to borrow Rawzer's time machine and go to 1177 NC and all this should become clearer. Or you can just download (url="http://"http://http;//")Escape Velocity: Nova(/url)
Clones are people two.
If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!

(This message has been edited by Thunderforge (edited 09-13-2003).)

SlaVitiCkus looks at the long post, reads the first and last sentence (not enough attention-span to read it all), and concludes Thunderforge is crazy. He then agrees with Rawzers last statement about Arianne and orders "something liquid, red, and best made fresh". After getting the attention of Arianne, he begins to sip his Strawberry Dackery 😛

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil, whitedevil2, and Ory' hara.

Returned from her bath, Arianne looks briefly disappointed as she stares at SlaVitiCkus' drink. She returns to her seat and sulkily starts throwing darts at the dartboard.

(url="http://"")Webstory Forum(/url)

KDC tries (and fails) in reading what happened, and takes a nap.

"The principal virtue of democracy is that it makes a good show — one incomparably bizarre, amazing, shocking, and obscene."

Then with out warning a member of Starfleet bursts through the door phaser in hand. Startled SlaVitiCkus' drink strikes the floor sending shards of glass flying. The lead Starfleet officer ducks to the floor only to be showered by shards of broken glass. What...who...are you? I am Lt Cmdr Data of the Starship Enterprise. I have been sent here by Starfleet command as a last attemp to warn you of the Borg. They have their sights on Garendall. You must bring Thunderforge to me as soon as he wakes, he is Garendalls last chance to save us from the Borg. He is the only one... Data is cut off in mid-sentence as an arrow shoots into the officer to his left. In one fluid motion he spins wielding (sp?) his phaser, fires and a body falls from a tree out side the door with a thud. Who in the name of Garendall was that? He then turns just in time to see a figure appear infront of him. The remaining officer quickly fires and stuns the figure. "Their here" "the Borg" Data cries, "You must get Thunderforge NOW!" As SlaVitiCkus dashes out of the room. As an explosion rocks the building. Data yells...

Lt. Worf arm the photon torpedos. 1...2...3... FIRE. No no that is just a Web Board Moderator abort photo torpedo launch sequence now! Go to (url="http://"") today.


Originally posted by Lt Cmdr Data:
**Don't know, didn't read it.


SlaVitiCkus notices how eveyone makes a huge intro post into the bar, then just stoops to 1 or 2 line posts. After deducing this, he slaps the newcomer and makes him pay for the drink. He looks at the glass shards and wonders where that little penguin went. SlaVitiCkus also gets utterly confused as to how EVERYONE who enters the bar comes through the door, considering there is NO DOOR. He decides that the answer is 42 and drinks his new drink.

P.S.- I would never dash to get Thunderforge, I really don't care about Garendalls safety, since the bar isn't in danger...not only that, but I would rarely be sober enough to dash.

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil, whitedevil2, and Ory' hara.


Originally posted by Lt Cmdr Data:
A bunch of stuff about the borg which Thunderforge thinks that he must have dreamt.

Thunderforge wakes up. His head hurts. He walks out of his room into the main bar and sees an android is firing a phaser and yelling about the Borg and saying something about Thunderforge being Garendall's only hope. He decides that he needs to go back to bed.

BTW: Slav, I made a big entry post, but I also made several other big ones (like the one before this one). So what you say is not necessarily true.

Lt. Cmdr. Data, did you read the whole thread? If not, then you will find that things make much more sense if you do.

Clones are people two.
If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!

Rawzer installs a door, tells Data to calm down (the Borg are overrated), and gently reminds Arianne to keep the dart-throwing at the dartboard, since she seems to be glancing over at SlaV way too often to be considered healthy. For SlaV.

Rawzer then points out the fact that the robot is now... (checks back) a demon with Awesome drink dispensing abilities. Rawzer asks the demon (named Sidatious) to join Yellow in keeping an eye on Garendall whenever they can spare the time. Yellow and Sidatious spend the next thirty seconds removing the Borg threat.

"Just a matter of flipping the right switch," mutters the burly, musky demon.

I had a (url="http://"")dream(/url) that I had about a (url="http://"")dozen(/url) (url="http://";=56&SUBMIT;=Go")links(/url) here. (url="http://";=6&SUBMIT;=Go")Mostly(/url) to other (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")places(/url) on this (url="http://";=1")site(/url). (url="http://";=10&SUBMIT;=Go")Weird(/url).

Patting Yellow, KDC glances bleary-eyed around the bar.

She nods a greeting at Sidatious, flashes a sanguine grin, and orders another drink.

"The principal virtue of democracy is that it makes a good show ? one incomparably bizarre, amazing, shocking, and obscene."

(This message has been edited by kraftdinnerclone (edited 09-15-2003).)


Originally posted by
Of the color of blood; red.

Of a healthy reddish color; ruddy: a sanguine complexion.

Having blood as the dominant humor in terms of medieval physiology.

Having the temperament and ruddy complexion formerly thought to be characteristic of a person dominated by this humor; passionate.

Cheerfully confident; optimistic.

Do you mean the last definition? I guess they are all applicable...

I had a (url="http://"")dream(/url) that I had about a (url="http://"")dozen(/url) (url="http://";=56&SUBMIT;=Go")links(/url) here. (url="http://";=6&SUBMIT;=Go")Mostly(/url) to other (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")places(/url) on this (url="http://";=1")site(/url). (url="http://";=10&SUBMIT;=Go")Weird(/url).


Originally posted by Rawzer:
Rawzer installs a door.

I was about to point out that there wasn't a door anymore. Oh well, you beat me to it. So now do we have a door and a time teleporter? Or did you remove the door as well.

EDIT: Post # 500! Of those five hundred posts, I have posted in:

18 different topics on the Ambrosia Banter Forum
59 different topics on the EVN Webboards
2 different topics on the EVO Webboards
A whopping 1 topic on Help is on the Way
13 different topics on Just Games
76 different topics on Just Tech
38 topics on the PoG Webboards
14 topics on the Uplink Webboards
17 topics on the pop-pop webboards
and a few posts in several FAQs and chronicles.

Note that it doesn't come out to five hundred. This is because in some topics, I have posted more than once.
EDIT2: Assuming that I registered for the boards on Nov. 15 (today is Sept. 15th) then I have posted .608 posts a day (on average).

EDIT3: It helps to use the right formula for calculating how many posts per day. It should be 500 divided by 304, not 304 divided by 500. I have really posted an average of 1.644737 posts per day.

We now return you to the Blue Mushroom Pub.
Clones are people two.
If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!

(This message has been edited by Thunderforge (edited 09-15-2003).)

(This message has been edited by Thunderforge (edited 09-15-2003).)

(This message has been edited by Thunderforge (edited 09-16-2003).)

Forest OgreBob enters the bar through the newly installed door. Literally, through it. We Ogres never had much use for doors. Theyre so overrated. Smells very niceley like new door though. Being an ogre, he is not necessarily on the small side, so he bumps people on his way to the bartender, including a young lady throwing darts. She mis-throws and the dart ends up hitting the demon right in the eye.

"Cuuuuurses, I'll never get this thing out!"

OgreBob walks up to the drink-serving-super-demon-guy and asks for a drink. As soon as he gets it, he yells, "Hey guys, first drinks are free!"

Immediateley 25 of his ogre friends wielding huge axes come running through the door, windows, and walls, filling up the bar. The "Normal" bargoers aren't very pleased, as there seems to be a lack of space.

"Stiney! Get me a danish!"

SlaVitiCkus says good-bye to OgreBob, noting him hitting Arianne and predicting her next move. He also wonders how a door was installed if the reason for the time-thingy was because we weren't actually in Dernath. He considers the 25 Ogres, the door, the Borg, and the demon, and realizes that the only logical explination is that he is smashed. He then wonders how he could of deduced this if he actually was drunk.

He also points out OgreBobs big intro post 😛

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil, whitedevil2, and Ory' hara.

OgreBob says it's more of a medium intro post 😛

"Stiney! Get me a danish!"

Rawzer uninstalls the door, remembering that he said eariler that the bar does not exist in the temporal universe. There are entrances to the bar in Dernath, on the Kane Band, and in the pop-pop arena. Others may be installed later.

I had a (url="http://"")dream(/url) that I had about a (url="http://"")dozen(/url) (url="http://";=56&SUBMIT;=Go")links(/url) here. (url="http://";=6&SUBMIT;=Go")Mostly(/url) to other (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")places(/url) on this (url="http://";=1")site(/url). (url="http://";=10&SUBMIT;=Go")Weird(/url).

Arianne snarls and glares at the demon. She holds her hand out imperiously. "Dart. Now."

The demon, while undoubtedly more powerful, has a fine instinct for self-preservation - and besides, he is under strict instructions not to upset the customers more than necessary. Placing both hands over his face, he does a curious headbanging movement, and a moment later returns the offending object to Arianne.

She turns to OgreBob, eyes narrowed, and smiles. Her expression has rarely contained such hostility, and she does not seem at all impressed that she is outnumbered 26 to one.

"You," Arianne says, "made me miss."

(url="http://"")Webstory Forum(/url)


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**Rawzer uninstalls the door, remembering that he said eariler that the bar does not exist in the temporal universe. There are entrances to the bar in Dernath, on the Kane Band, and in the pop-pop arena. Others may be installed later.


I thought that the door was replaced to reduce break-ins. Or maybe that was just an added plus.

So my Escape Pod must have crashed through the Kane Band Entrance, then I got teleported to Gidolan Keep, then I ran to Dernath and came in through the window (Dernath Entrance) while I "crashed into the bar" as a result of the time continuim that the teleporter messes with. As for the pop-pop arena, I am not sure if anybody has used that one.

Clones are people two.
If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!

"I made you... miss eh?"

OgreBob glares at her, pulls down his hat.

(western music)

Tumbleweeds roll by, OgreBobs "Ogre Possie" and the rest of the bar falls silent, watching the two stare at each other.

doo doo dooooo, wah wah wah

"I challenge you to a duel, I dare you to face the terror of my mighty..."

(/western music)

"butter knife? Where'd my axe go? Oh well, let's just play go fish."

"Stiney! Get me a danish!"