Un-Employment thread

Please note that I'm currently not available for any plug-in works.

Name: Freq245

Development Platform: Mac (10.4.5) Nova, Mac (10.4.5) Override

Tools available: Mission Computer, Photoshop CS2

Experience: Small plugs for Override, converted a medium Override plug to a Nova plug (Reign of the Voinians), medium plug for Nova (Shard Guild)

Skills: Writing oütf descs, making mďsns, oütfs, wëaps, düdes, ränks, flëts, përses, STRs, STR#s, shďps, spöbs, s˙sts, chärs, gövts and cröns.

Availability, time: weekend

Availability, projects: Medium plugs, Large plugs and TCs.

ICQ: 199438682
AIM: Freq245
Yahoo!: freq245
e-mail: hitchhiker@freq245.de

This post has been edited by Freq245 : 12 June 2007 - 10:09 AM

Name: Sarien Palth

Development platform(s): EV: Nova (x86); Escape Velocity (Classic, Old-World MacOS)

Tools available: (Windows) Escape Velocity: Nova Editor for Windows (EVNEW), The GIMP, Inkscape, Blender; (Old-world MacOS) EV-Edit, ResEdit, Graphic Converter

Skills: (Directly Applicable) Advanced Escape Velocity Resource System familiarity, Basic Mission Design, Basic Starship Design, Basic Weapon Design, Basic Outfit Design, Basic Stellar Implementation and Design, Basic Governement Implementation and Design, Basic Fleet Implementation and Design, Advanced Plug-in Debugging and Troubleshooting experience, Basic Image Editing experience, Basic Three-Dimensional Graphics rendering, Moderately developed writing skills. (Indirectly applicable) Application Developer.

Experience: (Escape Velocity) Written weapon and ship plugins. Successfully implemented stellars and governments. Implemented simple, one-shot mission plug-ins. (EV:Nova) Partially implemented system for multiple purchase of missile and non-missile ammunition. Designed and implemented simple ship and outfit plug-ins. Implemented 3-D rendered icons for outfits. (All) Extracted and modified sprites and sprite masks for animated Escape Velocity components. (No previous public or for-release project experience.)

Availability: All projects. Will provide basic sample if specifications are given.

e-mail: sarienpalth@hotmail.com
AIM: SBrakeman
YIM: sarienpalth@yahoo.com

This post has been edited by sarienpalth : 07 August 2005 - 09:20 PM

Name: MoveZig or speedybug256

Development platform: EV: Nova

Tools available: EVNEW; IrfanView for graphic editing

Skills: Very good understanding of most plug-in making aspects; good at modifying things, however I'm not good at graphics as I don't have very good image software.

Experience: Many small plug-ins I've made; little experience in large projects

Availability: Mostly small projects; large if I approve

e-mail: speedybug256@gmail.com
AIM: speedybug256
MSN: speedybug256@gmail.com

Name: Joshua Restall-Orr (Chrome Falcon)

Development Platform: EV Nova (PC)
I also have the addons which convert EVN into EVC and EVO

Tools: EVNEW, Blender3D

Skills: I can find my way around most of the resources in Nova - I'm fairly new to developing, but learning fast. I'm good at creating 3D models, although I only have experience with ships at the moment. Fairly prolific writer - have written about seventy A4 pages of a book, so am happy to provide suggestions for plots, descs etc.

Experience: No official releases, but I have built a few plugs for myself, and I'm currently working a TC.

Availability: Variable - I'm still at school, so between that and aforementioned project, I have limited time. I'm sure I can make time for any small (and large, if they look good) projects.

Email: chrome_falcon@yahoo.co.uk

This post has been edited by Chrome Falcon : 12 September 2005 - 12:21 PM

Name: Mispeled

Development Platform: Mac OS X

Tools available: MissionComputer, NovaTools, Terragen

Skills: I'm a decent writer, could write minor mission strings, planet descriptions, outfits, whatever you want. As far as coding goes, I know how to do most basic stuff like shďps, mďsns, and cröns. I can also fork some decent stuff out of Terragen if you need landing shots.

Experience: Worked on Kemet for awhile, numerous "unfinished" 😛 large-scale plug-ins of my own, and a few released minor plugins. Not really much, though.

Availability: Can commit a few hours each week.

AIM: Mispeled1

Name: Floop

Development Platform: Mac OS X

Tools available: Terragen, Bryce, Photoshop CS, Garageband2

Skills: Music and some graphics. If you want a kick-ass intro theme song, im your man. As for graphics, im good at making landing shots.

Experience: 7 years playing Guitar 🙂 , no previous experience with plugins.

Availability: Wouldn't mind doing medium to large plugs in terms of Intro music, small plugs for graphics.


Name: Kami (That's 'Kami sama ' to you buddy)

Development Platform: Windows XP, OSX 10.3.something if needed.

Tools available: 3ds Max 7, Photoshop, EVNEW, Sibelius 3, Pen & Paper!

Skills: I can write fairly well, and could probably write a storyline if needed. I would prefer to do Graphics though. Ships, outfits, planets, missiles etc. My skills are still developing (I hope) and I'm just started learning how to use EVNEW to make plugs. Music! - If you would like some opening music made, or something of the sort, Look no further!. I have been working on some music for a movie I'm currently making; (Much like the Dark Swarm movie ) and it is going rather well.(about 1.5 minutes made so far.)

Experience: Self teaching all of the modelling; I have made about 10 ships so far. Only 3 have been furthered beyond the basic rendering. These could be pulled out and re-developed if needed. I used to use a combo of resedit and Infini-D to make plugs years back. But those skills have been sadly left to rot somewhere in the empty blackage of night. I can make a ship like this in about 2 days of work. (10 hours or so.) It has been put into EVN as a plug, but the results are not quite what I had expected; Still ironing out bugs in my masking technique. Music - Both my parents are music teachers, and hence I have been doing music my entire life. Doing all my music compositions for school using Sibelius.

Availability: A fair few hours a week, When I let my school work slip; Which is always. I prefer modelling and music to school-work. 🙂


This post has been edited by Kamisama : 13 October 2005 - 01:18 AM

Name: Sven Meling/Knight of NI/God 2.0

Development Platform: NOVA, OSX 10.4.2

Tools available: Resedit, Mission Computer, Bryce 5

Skills: I can do NOVA resource editing well, though I have never done anything related to control bits or flags. I have modest skills with Bryce, and with a goal I think I could make something good. I am usually good at grammar and spelling, so I can spellcheck text in your plug as well.

Experience: Mostly self-learned using "Reverse engineering" (wow, sounds sooo advanced!) on all resource-editing stuff. Started back in the EV-classic days. I DID use template-files though. Never completed any plugs, but I have fiddled around enough to know what I am doing.

Availability: I have some spare time..



This post has been edited by Knight of NI : 20 October 2005 - 09:48 AM

Name: Elliott Belser
Platform: EV/O/N; Mac
Tools: Mission Computer
Skills: System creation, planet creation, description writing, creation of weird cultures, conceptual work for outfits, weapons, ships and other aspects of technology, editing
Experience: Years of creative writing: published a pen-and-paper RPG expansion in Benzine, by Antarctic Press; copious notes for failed TC.
Availability: Winter break, Weekends, throughout summer.
E-mail: e_belser@yahoo.com
AIM: VulpusOtaku

This post has been edited by Kalvin Trismegustos : 12 December 2005 - 12:48 PM

Name: Blake Nelson

Platform: Nova (PC)

Skills: Almost Everything, exept graphics.

Experience: I have never posted any plugs, i have many abandond TC's that ive done.
MANY pen and paper plugs. New Gov't storylines are my fav., along with (of corse) TC's.

Availability: Really anytime

Email: Nelsonicc@gmail.com

Name: Shady Tradesman

Development platform: EV Nova for PC

Tools available: EVNEW, Photoshop v.7, Photoshop Elements 3, a scanner, and a variety of programs that everyone else has (ie: MS paint)

Skills: I have a good understanding of how plugins work. I can do everything except complex missions. I also have some abillity to make graphics. Nothing 3-d though, just 2-d. You could have me import resources or make outfits or weapons. I can be creative too.

Experience: I have made several plug-ins, none were officially released though, except my first one since the realease of which I have greatly increased in skill.My first one was called NEON glow for windows and mac OS X. I have no examples of my recent work to show at the moment.

Availability: Whatever. Big, small, TC or little featurette.

E-mail: nextgenddrer21@hotmail.com
MSN: "
Or you can PM me on these boards.

This post has been edited by shady tradesman : 05 January 2006 - 10:29 PM

Name: Ravenheart

Development platform: EV: Nova, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.4

Tools available: MissionComputer, a large variety of graphics software, Microsoft Word, links to the professional graphics world and Terragen.

Skills: I know my way around plug-ins pretty well. I will ontake any developmental task except mission bits. Graphics-wise i can produce landing pictures, web graphics (do NOT trust me on the HTML though) and splash pictures for any TC developers out there. Little (yet improving) Wings 3D modelling skills, not my strongest point. Writing is really my strongest ability of all, i will do you descs in any shape and form. Though my (very little) free time is always judgemental of the size of jobs i can ontake.

Experience: I am currently working on Rigante, and have finished NTNG v1.0 over the past few months. So overall i'm a pretty hard worker if i am motivated, links to these plug-ins may be found in my signature.

Availability: Once i have finished Rigante, i will be free to work with small/medium size plug-ins. I will also gladly fill in on any singular/part-time jobs if needed.

E-mail: mail@silentoutpost.net
MSN: Please PM me for it!
PM: At the Outpost Forums, ev-nova.net or here.

Name: -REDchigh-
Development platform: Any (Prefer EVO)
Tools available: Just word processing... And AIM.
Skills: Writing. I can do desc's for just about anything... I'm really good at writing storylines... I can do anything from helping develop backgrounds, to plotline twists, to just being on AIM to brainstorm with.
Experience: Did a few EVO plugs... Long time ago. Can't really remember them now... may have been under "redchigh" or "-redchigh-"
Availability: Nil. Working on a huge TC now. PM me if you'd like to help.
e-mail: redchigh@juno.com
AIM: duodeadlypeace
or PM me.

This post has been edited by -REDCHIGH- : 28 November 2007 - 04:30 PM

Name: Trev_lite

Development platform: EV Nova and EV Nova Clasic TC

Tools available: EVNEW, paint

Skills: i can make neat outfits orginize plugins. i can also do story lines and if you need graphics only go to me is you can't do it your self

Experience: I don't have any but i did a few plugins to clear a misson bit but thats nothing.
Availability: Not a TC exept the clasic but anything else is ok with me

E-mail: Trev_lite@thefreesite.com
MSN Messanger: Trev_lite@thefreesite.com
This boards pm feature

Name: Střrm
Development platform: EV: Nova, Windows

Tools available: EVNEW, Paint Shop Pro 10, Adobe Audition (sound editng/recording program), Word Processing

Skills: I can make some pretty decent plug-ins, I did the coding for a Pirate Mod Starbridge two years ago, although admittedly it was extremely overpowered it still stands. Recentally i've made a plug that adds a Galaxy Map and Access to the Hypergates (if you havn't done so already) once you've finished the game (b9995).

Experience: No big projects but i've done little side jobs for myself and I can do extremely basic imaging.

Availability: Prefer smaller Projects may do an extra storyline or mission string but I don't plan to go into TCs

e-mail: stormcro@gmail.com
AIM: n/a
YIM: n/a
MSN: themess_stormcrow@hotmail.com

This post has been edited by StormÇrřw : 07 April 2006 - 07:29 AM

Name: Aldi Talim (kitkut).
Development platform: EV Nova 1.0.8, Mac OS 10.4.
Tools available: All w00tWare tools (including NovaTools with ResEdit), Mission Computer, Rezilla Custom, orca's Plug-in Archiver, SpacePort, EVN Capture Odds, Mac Plug-in Convertor 1.0.1, Pilotlog Analyzer, ViewRLE, Wings3D, Blender, Photoshop 7, GraphicConverter, Terragen, basic word processing applications.
Skills: Rudimentary to competent resource knowledge, good writing skills, rudimentary graphic skills. Unrelated, but I know rudimentary PHP, AppleScript, and Pascal, and I'm fairly competent in HTML/XHTML and CSS, as well as rudimentary shell skills in the Terminal.
Experience: About a dozen unpublished small plugs I made myself, was in the Project Inferno development team in the writing department. I lurk in osxfaq.com and I learned some pretty nifty Terminal hacks, but that's about the limit of my technical balloon.
Availability: Contact me anytime you want, and I'll contact you as soon as I can. I usually do about an hour of non-paper related work each day, but that's as much procrastination I can let myself with. I should be able to get a fair amount of work done on the weekends. Any project should be fine, as long as I do not have to edit or test sound , as my computer's sound box is nonfunctional.
E-mail: kitkut@gmail.com
AIM: kitikutu
IRC: irc.ambrosia.net:6667:#kontik, rabidtinker.mine.nu/irc.uplinklabs.net:6667:#xenos

This post has been edited by kitkut : 08 April 2006 - 07:10 AM

Name: Jon Karve

Development platform: EVNova, Windows XP SP2

Tools available: EVNEW, Photoshop/Imageready, Lightwave 7

Skills: Basic resource knowledge(just started, so quickly learning), intermediate 3d knowledge in lightwave

Experience: Lightwave mostly, not much EVN experience as of yet, tinkering with my own plugins, including making my own ship sprites from lightwave.

Availability: My work is pretty seasonal, so lots of time during the week usually, mostly at night. I'm not around too much on the weekends, but I can be if contacted. Willing to help with any size plug or TC.

PM'ing me here is probably the best bet, I dont check my email as often as I'd like.
E-mail: jkarve@gmail.com

This post has been edited by Mythran : 15 April 2006 - 12:22 AM

Name: Trey

Development platform: EVN...I might be interested in EVC or EVO, contact me specifically.

Tools available: Resedit (duh), Mission Computer, all the minor utilities you could name, EVNEW though I'd rather work on the mac, for graphical work i mainly use strata...though i have terragen. and graphicconverter for gfx utility work.

Skills: Storyline, coming up with nifty ideas/implementations for ships and outfs and such, Resource Coding!, some graphical work (mostly ships).

Experience: minor plugins for evo and evn. Work on the EVO TC Shatters (formerly Liasons), which died shortly before release due to team issues (read: team leader vanished off the face of the earth with important info. I still have the code files, though). never got into development until evo was popular, but i know how to code evc.

Availability: TC's only. If you need some quick help with a small plug, ask me, but I prefer working on large projects.

e-mail: aradapilot@charter.net
AIM: AradaPilot

This post has been edited by Arada Pilot : 25 October 2006 - 11:13 AM

Name: Ictinike

Development platform: EV: Nova, Mac Only

Tools available: Mission Computer, Photoshop CS2, (Getting Bryce)

Skills: Writing for anything(preambles, descs, storyline, fiction), Nebula Graphics, Planet Graphics, Maps.

Experience: None, yet.

Availability: All. Large projects, small projects and TC's.

e-mail: Andy.Hobden -at- Gmail.com
MSN: Chronepsis -at- Gmail.com

This post has been edited by Ictinike : 07 January 2007 - 01:15 PM

Name: Hateluck

Development platform: EV: Nova, Windows Only

Tools available: EVNEW

Skills: Basic coding, systs, spobs, weapons, outfits, and basic missions, and ships.

Experience: Tinkering with my own plugin.

Availability: Medium/Small projects.

e-mail: o.hately@gmail.com
MSN: o.hately@gmail.com