I'm well into developing a TC....

Interesting story! Sounds promising if you make the whole plug this well. Except for the bold thing 😛

And Cosmic, don't try to exclude science from fiction in science-fiction...

This post has been edited by Mumbling Psycho : 16 September 2007 - 04:33 PM

Actually, that was Josh. For all I care, it could have been an artificial construct designed to emulate the sun that had a malfunction and went nova, or at least caused the sun to explode.


It sounds like you were trying to be poetic, a sort of free-verse prose poem. I don't know if that's your intention, but I had the misfortune of reading lots of poetry last semester, and that's what it reminds me of. And to be blunt, it needs a bit of work still.

Yeah, I was going for a somewhat poetic feel. I might make a few minor alterations, but I am not a poet by any means so I have no clue how to make it sound better that way.


I think it's also worth pointing out that the Sun isn't capable of going supernova.

Yes, that's true. It needs to reach a certain mass first, if I'm not mistaken. All you need to make it go nova anyway, however, is a very large interstellar dust cloud to choke the sun's emissions up. It's possible that I should have mentioned that in the above, but I forgot that that was what happened temporarily. :rolleyes:


Interesting story! Sounds promising if you make the whole plug this well. Except for the bold thing

Thanks! Yes, the whole story should be at least this well written, possibly better. Of course some things may be written more poorly, but that remains to be seen.


For all I care, it could have been an artificial construct designed to emulate the sun that had a malfunction and went nova, or at least caused the sun to explode.

Hey! How'd you find out about that?!? I mean- !GAH!

@shlimazel, on Sep 15 2007, 11:45 AM, said in I'm well into developing a TC....:

Hey! How'd you find out about that?!? I mean- !GAH!

Psychic. 😄

At least T3, I'd say.

Naw, I'm a T2.

Okay, time for today's update. I worked on a new mission, for most of today's labour, but I couldn't get it to work right today. I'll get back to work on that tomorrow.

I'm a T0.

Okay, time for today's update. I finished the mission, and started working on redoing a few ships. I think I'll work on adding more spontaneous things that just happen tomorrow.

@joshtigerheart, on Sep 14 2007, 08:48 PM, said in I'm well into developing a TC....:

It sounds like you were trying to be poetic, a sort of free-verse prose poem. I don't know if that's your intention, but I had the misfortune of reading lots of poetry last semester, and that's what it reminds me of. And to be blunt, it needs a bit of work still.

I think it's also worth pointing out that the Sun isn't capable of going supernova.

Yeah, it's going for the epic, sad, slow prose a-la Homeworld, but doesn't pull it off.

That could be written in a much better way, Shlimazel. Not to be insulting, just letting you know that i cringed a little.

@zapp, on Sep 15 2007, 09:04 PM, said in I'm well into developing a TC....:

I'm a T0.

I'm a T(-infinity).
What's the deal with everybody hating the story after I love it? 😄

This post has been edited by Cosmic_Nusiance : 16 September 2007 - 09:47 PM

Because you keep spamming and are a nusiance.


Yeah, it's going for the epic, sad, slow prose a-la Homeworld, but doesn't pull it off.

That could be written in a much better way, Shlimazel. Not to be insulting, just letting you know that i cringed a little.

Mmm. Well, if anyone thinks that they can do better, they are welcome to write something and show it off. I like what I wrote, but if someone can show me a better way to write this then I'll use that instead.

Throw me the material and facts needed and I'll see if I can put something together. It might give me much needed motivation to work on my other writing projects.

Really? Thanks. I'll try and put together a story summary for you and PM it to you. If you need more than that be sure to tell me so.

This post has been edited by Shlimazel : 17 September 2007 - 12:09 PM

Okay, time for today's update!




Ugh. I got next to nothing done today. Where did the time GO!?!? Hopefully I'll do better tomorrow.


Well, I guess I did get a couple of descriptions done, so that isn't so bad.

This post has been edited by Shlimazel : 17 September 2007 - 02:58 PM

I'd like to draw this fact to everyone's attention: Today marks the first month spend working on Spacelane!

Woohoo! And many more to follow!

Okay, I finished the fourth mission in the Merchant Marine storyline and ground out a 4000+ character desc for a significant moment in the story. I also added a new ship, which looks good in game but is a tad smaller than it should be.

Here's my new loading picture. It's considerably niftier looking than the old one.

Okay, time for today's update! I did a lot of rewiring today, and a LOT of retouching. I also finished detailing my new ship, redid my loading pict, and edited a lot of descs and ship files. It is coming along really well. I won't set a deadline for the teaser, but expect it at least by the end of the month.