~ A P O P H I S ~

Progress Log

Hello and welcome! I'm starting this as the official Progress Log for my TC, Apophis. The TC will include a completely redone star map, over 70 new ships and outfits, all new weapons, 8 or so new alien races, all new planets that are all 50 % bigger then the old ones, several ships that are also very big (The Apophian Super ship, Soul Mirror, or Kre'te'asulk, takes up more that half the screen. 😉 )

Here is the story:

When humanity first discovered deep space travel, It led to a massive space race of colonization, and soon almost 40 planets had Human habitation. after a brief period of conflict, a new government was created, called the Earth Unity, to watch and protect the new worlds. No Intelligent life had been found, but they kept searching.

about 20 years after the first big push into space, at the very edge of Unity space, A research ship, called the Dawn Voyager, encountered a ship different than anything ever seen before. It was an alien ship. The first to be seen by any human being since humanity's creation. The Dawn Voyager immediately sent word of it's discovery back to earth, and there was much rejoicing. But then the Alien ship began to attack the Dawn Voyager, which managed to send a single sos, before it was destroyed completely. The Earth Unity acted immediately, sending a large number of attack ships to the place where The Dawn Voyager had been attacked, tracked down the alien ship and destroyed it without mercy.

another 2 years passed in which the Earth Unity started manufacturing warships like mad, before a second sighting occurred. it was closer to the center of Earth unity space this time, a large fleet moving purposely toward Earth. but this time, Humanity was ready. the newly created E.U.G.N ships confronted the Alien ones, and won. Again, Humans the Galaxy over celebrated The Earth Unit's fragile victory.

But after less Than a month, a second Alien Fleet appeared, this one 20 times the size of the first. Again humanity fought, but battle after battle was lost, as the impossibly huge alien force slowly but steadily destroyed the human worlds, taking many prisoner, until only 3 remained.

and it was, that as the alien force was at the very edge of our own solar system, the ragged remains of The Earth unity's star fleet confronted The invaders at Saturn. The battle of Saturn lasted only 2 hours, and every single Human ship was destroyed. However, the bravery of those who gave their lives that day allowed for a single ship, an Ark, to escape before the settlements of Mars, The Moon, and finally Earth fell to the Alien menace Humanity deemed "Apophis"

The Renegade Sky, the last Hope of human civilization, traveled to the edge of the galaxy, where it's tired and and half starved inhabitants found a paradise world, which they deemed Aether. The survivors, who called themselves the Last Strain of humanity, quickly settled the planet, and after a few years, cautiously moved back into space, where they colonized 17 worlds, and slowly started to build up their space army again for the day they would have to again confront the Apophis. The Last strain also started the A.C.I.A, or Alien Counter Intelligence Agency, whose job was to study Apophian Technology, and look for ways to defeat them. After a few years, when the Last Strain's Technology had improved greatly, the A.C.I.A. also started making forays into Apophis space to rescue Humans captured by the invaders.

on to this day.

Now, before you go saying that this is the classic "Aliens destroy humanity" story, keep in mind that this is only the HUMANS POINT OF VIEW! Consider for a moment that the Apophis might have had a reason for doing what they did. 😉 but I'm not going to tell you because it would ruin the suprise.

You start out as a prisoner of the Apophis who is rescued by the A.C.I.A.

Thats it. I will post updates as development continues.

Greetings from the other side,


PS. If you are interested in helping, PM me. Any assistance is always appreciated. 😛

This post has been edited by Yoda Almighty : 01 December 2007 - 08:45 AM

is already helping with graphics and spinning


The TC will include a completely redone star map, over 70 new ships and outfits, all new weapons(...)

The very word TC ( Total Conversion ) implies that everything is re-made anew. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a TC. 😉

Good luck anyways!

There has been more than one TC in the past that recycled graphics, ships, systems, or whatever, for different purposes. It's worth saying, I think. 😉

I agree with Mazca. And this sounds like one of the better concepts for a TC that I have heard in a while. So I look forward to it.

Thank you :laugh:

I've been working on the story part of this for more than a year now. It's also been contributed heavily too by Geek, who was originally on my Dev team, But sadly had to retire due to problems at home. He has still left himself open for bouncing Ideas off of, however, so hopefully This TC will contain plenty of his creative enthusiasm. 😛

and yes, I was thinking about the TC's that have reused graphics when I wrote about how everything was new.

anyway, made a new title screen today. I can't post it now, but I will later.

Ok, I have a dilemma. How do you make a PNG? could someone just give me a detailed description, of how one would take an animation from Blender, and turn it into the grid you need to put it in Mission Computer as an RLE. (Also taking into account the various formats you can export from blender.) I also have flash MX, Photoshop, imovie, dreamweaver, freehand MX, Firework MX several Adobe programs, and lots of other little programs that I have no idea what they all do.

Anything you have to say would be deeply appreciated.



Yoda, the way i do it is spin the image in whatever program in your case blender... take each frame from the spin and use Photoshop to put the grid together then using photoshop its just save as type PNG.

EG: for the Puddle Jumper plugin i got another guy to make a quicktime movie of the ship spinning then i used quicktime or photoshop (can't remember which) to exports all the frames to a directory and then used Photoshop to put then together in a 6 x 6 grid, used the magic wand toold to cut the ship out and changed the background from grey to black to make the mask and then from pc went to the mac and used mission computer to put it together.

This post has been edited by Lostpinky : 29 November 2007 - 02:33 PM

This is my new Titlescreen:

Attached File Apophis_titlescreen.jpg (20.39K)
Number of downloads: 59

Plus a new fighter I've been working on:

Attached File Fighter_armed_to_the_teeth.jpg (30.2K)
Number of downloads: 70

That fighter looks atmospheric. Cool.

@yamfries, on Nov 30 2007, 05:36 PM, said in ~ A P O P H I S ~:

This is my new Titlescreen:

Attachment Apophis_...lescreen.jpg

Plus a new fighter I've been working on:

Attachment Fighter_...he_teeth.jpg

Allow me to be one of the first to say that your modeling has improved by leaps and bounds. Awesome.

I'd be more enthusiastic if only you were aware that the plural of "planet" is not "planet's."

Oh, how much the little things can get me ticked off!

@zurdo, on Dec 1 2007, 12:45 AM, said in ~ A P O P H I S ~:

I'd be more enthusiastic if only you were aware that the plural of "planet" is not "planet's."

Oh, how much the little things can get me ticked off!

Fixed. Plus a few other small spelling mistakes. Thank you for pointing out my error.

@yamfries, on Dec 1 2007, 05:48 AM, said in ~ A P O P H I S ~:

Fixed. Plus a few other small spelling mistakes. Thank you for pointing out my error.

I see many more errors and have numerous stylistic grievances as well.

Time will tell whether this develops into anything worthwhile.

I like the fighter. It looks like a model one could buy at a hobby shop. It's good to have a unique look.

@zurdo, on Dec 1 2007, 03:29 PM, said in ~ A P O P H I S ~:

I see many more errors and have numerous stylistic grievances as well.

Time will tell whether this develops into anything worthwhile.

I like the fighter. It looks like a model one could buy at a hobby shop. It's good to have a unique look.

If you will point out the errors you see, I will gladly correct them.

made 3 more ships today. The Falchion class Fighter, A fuel/liquid transport ship, and a heavy cargo courier.

still having connection issues.

This os officially my first post from my new computer!


I am Having trouble where to go with this ship:

Attached File Falchion.jpg (25.51K)
Number of downloads: 70

The Falchion. It needs something, but I am not sure what...

Added somr more systems around Apophis space.

EDIT: Actually. I am having a bit of a problem. After adding the 10 or so systems, The mission computer file will not opne. It goes to "Opening Data Fork" and just stops. My computer has a gig and a half of memory; so I know it's not memory related. Whats wrong?

This post has been edited by Yoda Almighty : 07 December 2007 - 06:38 PM

@yamfries, on Dec 7 2007, 10:59 PM, said in ~ A P O P H I S ~:

This os officially my first post from my new computer!


I am Having trouble where to go with this ship:

Attachment Falchion.jpg

The Falchion. It needs something, but I am not sure what...

Added somr more systems around Apophis space.

EDIT: Actually. I am having a bit of a problem. After adding the 10 or so systems, The mission computer file will not opne. It goes to "Opening Data Fork" and just stops. My computer has a gig and a half of memory; so I know it's not memory related. Whats wrong?

NICE ship. It looks a bit frail, but even more awesome. Try texturing it as it is, and if it looks like it's ready, it is 😛

assuming it's frail might just be the last assumption you ever make :laugh:

I have a question. is it considered common practice so spread your information out over several files when making a TC? would it work?



Once a plugin file gets to 16 megabytes it won't work. You'll experience crashing in Nova. So yes, you need to spread it across multiple files.

@yamfries, on Dec 9 2007, 06:34 PM, said in ~ A P O P H I S ~:

I have a question. is it considered common practice so spread your information out over several files when making a TC? would it work?

The resource-fork format was designed in 1984, and by today’s standards has significant limits on both file size and the number of resources. Failure to split the files can easily lead to the data loss, that afflicted the development of both EV Override and EV Nova , along with major plug-ins as early as Elite Frontiers in 1997.