Light Weapons Upgrade

I've read your post again and it suddenly became very vague. If you set the weapon to use ammos only at the end of burst cycle, it means it will use only one ammo per burst, no matter how big the burst is. If you don't, then a rocket is used for every rocket fired. Now, your turret is two pods. That means it is two outfits, right? If it is not then how do you expect nova to understand that?

If I'm right about how you want them to work, you should make 2 outfits for the turret. One weapon. Now have both outfits grant the same weapon. One of the outfits is massless, invisible and can't be sold or seen or anything. The other one grants the invisible one when you buy it and removes it when sold. What this will do is simple. It will act as if you had two weapons for nova, but the user will only see the one he bought.

I'm not sure, though, if nova will like that, as associating two outfits to the same weapons means that if a ship is equipped with it by default, it cannot tell which outfit should be granted. A possible fix would be to set it in the outfits, but then the AI doesn't use outfits and will not be able to use them. If no ship has more than two, then a cron could check if you have one of the invisible ones and none of the "real" ones, remove the extra and grant a real one. Should work. If no ship has more than two. And if nova doesn't fry its own brain with multiple outfits of the same weapon.

For whatever reason when I set the turret to have 2 of the Pod weapons it fires 20 like it shuld. But if I set it to fire 2 of the Turret weapons it will only fire 10.


For whatever reason when I set the turret to have 2 of the Pod weapons it fires 20 like it shuld. But if I set it to fire 2 of the Turret weapons it will only fire 10.

Ok, and how are they different, save that one is turreted and one is not? Check for anything different. If you did then telling us relevant things about the two weapons would help. If you didn't check, then do so. Thoroughly. It might just have been a mistake or typo or something like that.

Beware that inaccuracy might have something to do with it. The lower, the fewer projectiles you might see. Doesn't mean there isn't the right amount of projectiles, but what if they're stacked on top of each other?

Anyways, look around for mistakes. The main difference between the two should only be at the type of weapon, one being turreted and one that is not, along with a few stats that shouldn't affect the number of projectiles, as long as unintended typos weren't made there. Then check so outfits are also set properly.

If you can't figure it out, then try to give more details about it. And is the attachment you made earlier still up to date? So we could look at it, in case you get stuck.

I diden't see anything that shuld mess anything up. But I am as of yet a fairly unexperienced plug maker with a untrained eye. Here is a updated version of the plug because I don't remember if the previous one is current or not.

Attached File(s)

There. If it doesn't crash nova on start up or when buying the turrets, then this should work. Give it a look at how I did it even if it screws up. You might wanna read the bible. Oh and giving twice the same weapon in the same outfit doesn't work. Sad, but true. Though you might be able to give two different weapons in the same outfit. But that wouldn't work with your plug because you'd have to switch to another raven rocket turret weapon.

Check out the cron to insure the player doesn't accidentally get only some invisible pods. And the smoke flag for the weapon doesn't work, as there is no default smoke trail in nova. Only particles. Override has smoke trails.

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Mumbling Psycho : 31 May 2006 - 09:03 PM

Unfortunatly it still doesent work. It dident crash Mova either. Also you cant sell the turrets but if you click on sell you get money. weird. Does it work on yours? Either my plug or yours? And when I gave the Rocket Pod 2 weapons It shot 20 rockets and used 2 ammo. But WHY THE HECK DOESEN'T THE TURRET DO THA SAME?!

This post has been edited by WonderBoy : 04 June 2006 - 12:48 PM

I'm thinking the reload might have to do with it. Not the burst one, the regular one. I'm not sure how nova handles burst weapon, but it might stop at 10 rockets because it takes 9 frames to shoot each rocket. While the regular pod only has a reload of 6 which would mean that for, say, 90 frames, which is where the turret stops, the regular pods might fire 15 rockets. Or maybe 16 if nova stops it somewhere within the last 9 frames of the turret. Whatever.

And about my plug, to test it you have to buy new turrets. Forget the previous ones. Try with a new pilot or a new ship. Though, I'm pretty sure nova doesn't like me setting two outfits with the same weapon. You could try inverting their IDs. Give the turret the ID 145, and give the invisible brother the ID 144. Make the change in all other places, as well. Such as the on purchase and on sell fields and in the cron for their new IDs.

And you could go the easier way, by just giving the turret a burst count of 20. -_-

EDIT: Forget the reload thing. I got them wrong in the first place. It appears the turret has the reload of six and the pod has the 9 one. Also, because of the reload and no simultaenous fire, they can't be stacked on top of each other. Which just made me realise as I typed it that you don't have the fire simultaneously flag set. Check it. If it isn't checked, then it just cuts the reload time.

This post has been edited by Mumbling Psycho : 31 May 2006 - 09:29 PM

Problem with that is then it only uses one ammo. And one ammo has 10 rockets not 20. look at the outfiters pictures or the rocket pod. It only has 10 slots for rockets. But I will try the turret on a new pilot.

(Edit): It works on the new pilot. But you have to buy 2. The first one doesent show up. But when you buy the second one it lets you. Also one turret that doesent show up will still let you shoot.

This post has been edited by WonderBoy : 31 May 2006 - 09:33 PM

Weird stuff. Might have to do with the cron. Anyways, what you were looking for was as simple as the multiples of this fire simultaneously flag. That should work as intended. It was just too simple.

It looks like you're trying to have the Raven Rocket Turret, outf 144, grant the "Invisible 2nd Pod", outf 145. Unfortunately, there's a minor bug in Nova where, if a weapon-type outfit grants another outfit, the first outfit doesn't actually appear on the player's ship. You will likely need to add "G144" to outf 144's OnPurchase field in order to get this working properly. Do not touch the OnSell field.

Also, you should change the RID of the "Invisible Raven Pod" (outf 145). It is currently overwriting the Stellar Grenade Launcher.


Well, I just learned something. That was a very theorical way of doing it. Then you could set a bit that will trigger a cron. But the simultaneous fire flag is where it's at, in this case. As for overwriting the stellar grenades, I thought it might overwrite something, but I did that in a few minutes in an attemps to show him another way and did not care.

@wonderboy, on May 25 2006, 06:36 PM, said in Light Weapons Upgrade:

Something I started did a while back: ravens(weap) fire out of packs. A pack has 10 ravens and has some burst reload but increased the fire rate for both launch methods(turret and pod). I will see if I can find it. If I cant I will just recreate it more or less how I had it before.

(Edit): Found it. I believe it is complete with descs as well so everything shuld work right and look good.

yeah, i did something like that once, turned up the fire rate EXTREMLY fast, so you could fire 80 rockets in one second with 1 pod, but set a burst reload at 80 shots so that after those 80 went off, you had to wait for 2-3 seconds for the whole pod to re-fill. (at least i think it was 80, count teh number of slots on a raven pod, that's how many it was) My reasoning was that the raven rocket is a cheap weapon designed to spray out a whole lot of cheap ammo, but do it really, really fast.

@edwin-, on Jun 2 2006, 03:30 PM, said in Light Weapons Upgrade:

yeah, i did something like that once, turned up the fire rate EXTREMLY fast, so you could fire 80 rockets in one second with 1 pod, but set a burst reload at 80 shots so that after those 80 went off, you had to wait for 2-3 seconds for the whole pod to re-fill. (at least i think it was 80, count teh number of slots on a raven pod, that's how many it was) My reasoning was that the raven rocket is a cheap weapon designed to spray out a whole lot of cheap ammo, but do it really, really fast.

The Raven Rocket Pod has 10 slots on it not 80. Hope you don't work in medicine with numerical errors that large; Easily overdose someone. 😛 But yeah the thing is that I'm trying to get the turret to use 2 ammo per burst and Mumbeler's thing worked except for a few moderate details. but hey it works beter then mine.

eh, it definately isn't ten, it is a sqaure-faced pod, peaning that the number of slots must be a perfect square, and since it has several (more than 5) slots on each edge of the front face, it is a high sqaure.

EDIT: oops, it does indeed have ten, i was looking at a similar pod from a different game. <_<

This post has been edited by Edwin| : 03 June 2006 - 10:07 PM

Some say "Ignorance is bliss" I say "**** that! Confusion is a hella lot better!" But yeah thats happend to me aswell.