Light Weapons Upgrade

Stellar Grenades & Raven Rockets

I've never been one for hulking capital ships with obscenely overpowered weaponry (the Raven, I'm looking at you). On the other hand, the light weapons in EVN generally suck - hard. Now, I like a challenge, but there's a difference between "challenging" and "boring," so I've made a few quick adjustments to the Stellar Grenade and the Raven Rocket. The first has been changed to a freefall bomb, making it more useful for dive-bombing tactics, and does more damage on the whole. The second has been slowed down a bit, but its payload has been drastically increased - I didn't see why an unguided rocket couldn't be given some extra weight. Both are a tad more expensive, and completely replace their previous incarnations. This doesn't have much bearing on the stellar grenade, as no AI ship uses it as far as I'm aware, but it does make ships that carry Raven Rockets as part of their standard load-out a little more deadly. Anyway, I'd appreciate any feedback or suggestions you guys have. If this is well recieved, I might take a crack at some other weapons and maybe some ships; I think the Argosy and the Lightning could use some tweaking.

Note: I'm using a PC, so these are .rez files. Mac users will need to convert them.

Attached File (1.78K)
Number of downloads: 44

I'll bet you've never flown a slow ship and only used raven turrets as weapons. 😄

The lightning is perfect. It's just too big for its own good. And the argosy... well it's a jack-of-all-trades kind of ship. I kinda like the argosy. I think it's fine. But the slow jumping killed it for me. Even with the 2x speed it's annoying to jump with it.

Anyways, I didn't look at your plug but I have to agree I'd like to see things such as the grenades and raven rockets have some more expensive but stronger counterparts. But I also believe the original ones are fine. Cheaper stuff has its uses. Such as being cheap 😉

Oh, well, they're not much more expensive. I'm not entirely sure about the stats for the stellar grenade, as I developed that one a week or so ago, but the raven rockets are about 200 credits a piece - twice as much as the orginal, but still fairly cheap. Maybe I'll push it down to 150, though...

That was not my point. I meant to say you could leave them how they were originally and create some more expensive and perhaps a bit rarer and maybe, gasp heavier but much much stronger variants of these weapons as there are no other mine-type weapon in nova except for the cheap ones. And it is similar with raven rockets, too.

Ahh, ahh, okay. I think what I'll do is as follows:

-Re-include the originals. I'll problably make them a little cheaper, considering the newly released versions.
-Include the modified variants, with some changes. They'll problably a bit stronger and heavier, with slightly higher tech levels.
-Add some even heavier unguided rockets/space mines. They'll be expensive and heavy, but much stronger than the others. I'd even consider having the missles take up free mass, but I really can't stand ammo that does that and I don't think anyone else can either. Maybe I'll make them take up cargo space. That could be an interesting twist on things... Hm...

Well, some people, like me, tend to stay away from everything with ammos at all may not care. But, if they're worth it, it may be interesting. But I changed my mind about these weapons when I started my own plug, as I gave a whole new meaning to these weapons with the missiles and torpedos.

Something I started did a while back: ravens(weap) fire out of packs. A pack has 10 ravens and has some burst reload but increased the fire rate for both launch methods(turret and pod). I will see if I can find it. If I cant I will just recreate it more or less how I had it before.

(Edit): Found it. I believe it is complete with descs as well so everything shuld work right and look good.

This post has been edited by WonderBoy : 25 May 2006 - 08:56 PM

Pardon the Double Post, but, How did that one person that downloaded my plugin like it, or whatever?

Where do you buy the stuff?

The Modded Raven Stuff for my plug? Any where where you would normally purchase Ravens. That is unless the plugin got corrupted during ziping/uploading. (offtopic)Why does your Avatar say "Its Christmas!"?(/offtopic) Any way I will download the file and check(even though no-one has sence downloaded it).

(Edit): It works for me fine. Though I think I may eddit it so that the pod fires slightly faster. But before I do that, I will take others oppinions(sp?).

This post has been edited by WonderBoy : 29 May 2006 - 08:48 PM

Okay, I'll try it again.

My avatar says "It's Christmas" because Meowx started a topic over in the BnB about people who still have Christmas avatars, so I made this to annoy him.

And finally, opinions has one P. 😉

EDIT: I'm sorry, I hadn't realized it replaced the original rockets. Pretty good, though I'd recommend raising the inaccuracy. I've never been good at aiming those things, though it could just be me. I like these better than the original rockets.

This post has been edited by The CrimpMaster : 29 May 2006 - 09:04 PM

  • no problem no harm

  • you like them beter? cool.

So Increase the inaccuracy? Ok, it does make sence to increase the inaccuracy because the pods are just as long as the rockets and that doesent give it very long to gain momentum in the correct direction. And did you notice how much more effective the A.I. is with these rockets? they drain your sheilds/armor rather quickly, atleast in comparison. Shuld I raise the fire rate for the rocket pod? Even if it is raised by just 1/30 of a second? I am after all trying to make it a worthy weapon, but I do sometimes have a hard time finding the fine line in balancing weapons so that they are not to strong.

This post has been edited by WonderBoy : 29 May 2006 - 09:50 PM

Maybe raise the fire rate by a tiny bit, yes.

Ok so I raised teh fire rate by 1/30th of a second it now resides at 9/30th of a second for the Rocket Pod(was 10/30th or 1/3rd) and at 6/30th or 1/5th for the Raven Turret(was 7/30th). The inaccuracy has also been raised for both. 3° for the Rocket Pod(was 1°) and it is now at 4° for the Raven Turret(was 2°). I am also thinking about turning on the salvo weapons flag for both but I am not sure if that is a good idea. Also Shuld I turn on the flag that makes the turret not fire at "fast" ships? Fast ships are ships with a turn rate faster than 30° per second. Any way here is the new file.

This post has been edited by WonderBoy : 30 May 2006 - 05:41 PM

Wow, that really kicks ass. Salvo weapons should stay off, but try out the "don't fire at fast ships" flag.

Hmm... Thats right. The "don't fire at fast ships" flag is for guided weapons only. But I do have a delema, Sence both the Turret and the Pod use the same ammo, and the "uses ammo at the end of burst cycle" flag is set, that means that the turret will fire 20 rockets before it will use one "pack" which is wrong(a pack only has 10 rockets in it). Any way to fix this error? It shuld fire 20 rockets before it reloads sence the Turret is 2 Pods on a swivel base. So it fires faster twice as many takes longer to reload but the one things that is wrong is that it fires twice as many rockets. Is there any way to fiz it with out making the turret fire a different outf?

The weapon fire simultaneously flag is probably checked. That's why.

Make the turret weapon fire only ten rounds, then have the outfit be two of the turret weapons. It will fix the ammo problem and still only count as one turret. If I've interpereted your dilemma correctly.

Crusader you presented something that shuld of worked but it would only fire 10 rounds even though I have the outf set as 2 turret weapons. And Psycho, that flag is not set. Is there a way using mission bits that I could fix it?