Mission bits

compress for PC

I have seen these lists of mission bits used by the standard scenario in the addons page, but all of them were .sit files and I'm using Windows. Could anyone with a mac compress one of the files to be PC-friendly? I'd greatly appreciate it.

@dr-neverhood, on May 7 2006, 05:54 PM, said in Mission bits:

I have seen these lists of mission bits used by the standard scenario in the addons page, but all of them were .sit files and I'm using Windows. Could anyone with a mac compress one of the files to be PC-friendly? I'd greatly appreciate it.

No. We all hate you and wish you bad luck.


Just kidding. Grab Stuffit (version 7.0, I think), and decompress it yourself. You don't need a mac user to go make something 'PC-friendly' every time you stumble across a .sit file. After all, most plug-ins use .sit. I know I'd sure be pissed if I got stuck turning every .sit'd plug-in you wanted to try into a Zipped archive.

Odd. I don't know anything worthy about compression but I always compress straight to zip files automatically. I don't have stuffit though, I don't think, and I doubt I'll get it due to the whole charging issue. Unless there's somewhere to download it without charge that's legal that I don't know about. I use a mac. Perhaps I'm just being stupid. I don't know.

stuffit expander is offered free with the trial version of stuffit standard. stuffit expander is free, its the compression apps that cost money.

Hmm... I was under the impression that .sit files could only be used by macs. My appologies.

This post has been edited by dr neverhood : 07 May 2006 - 08:21 PM

@lnsu, on May 7 2006, 07:19 PM, said in Mission bits:

stuffit expander is offered free with the trial version of stuffit standard. stuffit expander is free, its the compression apps that cost money.

Yes, I have stuffit expander.

@anaxagoras, on May 7 2006, 05:58 PM, said in Mission bits:

Just kidding. Grab Stuffit (version 7.0, I think)

I use 7.5. Can't say it works too well, but it gets the job done.

It might be worth noting that Mac text-based guides are occasionally written in some Mac-only file format (such as that used by Claris Works, or whatever it's called these days) or some other format which only has Mac carriage returns (leading to a solid block of unbroken text on the PC).

@anaxagoras, on May 8 2006, 10:58 AM, said in Mission bits:

Stuffit (version 7.0, I think


@darth_vader, on May 8 2006, 01:14 PM, said in Mission bits:

I use 7.5. Can't say it works too well, but it gets the job done.

9.0 is better, despite its little blind spot regarding .hqx archives. That, and I no longer offer support to those using 7.5. 🙂

Claris Works is now called AppleWorks, but it's being phased out by Apple, to be (partly) replaced by iWork (Pages and Keynote). Indeed most of these text docs use a more or less Mac-centric format, but usually you can grab the info out of them by opening them with Wordpad (Notepad is the devil): it will interpret the Mac end-of-lines correctly, you may have to delete some formatting data but at least you'll be able to get the raw text. I have to do more or less the same thing (but on my Mac) each time I recieve a Word document from PC users who think everyone has Office...

I had to do that before I got a computer with OS X, and thus TextEdit. At least in the Panther version, it could open Word docs fairly easily, though I guess MacLinkPlus through AppleWorks preserved more stuff.