EVN, the turn based strategy game...

I bet you could make a two (or more) player hot-seat game out of the EV engine...

I'm not sure why you'd want to do this, though... (except, just to do it)
And it certianly wouldn't bear much resemblance to EV...

A player only gets so much time (or days) to do stuff. His actions would be something like going to different systems and getting missions that represent the moving/building of forces across the galaxy.
(Your options would be limited as you'd probably need a system for every way it could be changed. Player ships would probaly be limited to pre-designed ships based on your forces, or possibly a couple outfit options)

Then when your turn is up, the bits are set to record locations and stuff, and then the player is put in a 'player change' system.
So player 2 sits down at the controls and activates a mission and he jumps to his previous location and get his turn to do stuff.

In the case of a conflict, a player doesn't battle the other player directly, rather he battles the forces that the other player set up.
Or perhaps, if there are conflicts that could occur without either players direct interaction, these could be resolved administratively based on some kind of rules.

So each player's ship represents your location where you can affect things. And then also you can jump into one of the warships to do battle. (win or lose, you then jump back into your command and control ship)

Upgrades could represent changes that allow you to run your empire better. Maybe if you take the time to run a mission that will build an improvement of sorts, you could get to travel to further systems during your turn.

Or am I just on crack?

I would probably enjoy something like that. It wouldn't have to be a single-computer hot-seat thing, though -- a turn-based game would be no worse if it were playable over the internet.

Are you aware of the EV Nova Card Game? I wonder if it could come full-circle by being converted into an online game.

@dr--trowel, on Apr 15 2006, 11:52 PM, said in EVN, the turn based strategy game...:

Are you aware of the EV Nova Card Game? I wonder if it could come full-circle by being converted into an online game.

:blink: I had no idea.

That does sound like a cool idea. Dr Trowel, he's saying this is currently doable with the EV engine. An online version is not (unless you transfer the pilot file between each turn).

@guy, on Apr 16 2006, 12:18 AM, said in EVN, the turn based strategy game...:

That does sound like a cool idea. Dr Trowel, he's saying this is currently doable with the EV engine. An online version is not (unless you transfer the pilot file between each turn).

Well, you could do that, a play-by-email sort of thing. But that could get a bit tedious.

It seems multi-player EV is indeed possible after all...

@guy, on Apr 15 2006, 07:18 PM, said in EVN, the turn based strategy game...:

Dr Trowel, he's saying this is currently doable with the EV engine.

He is, isn't he? Dang -- that's another post that has wizzed right past me today. 😮

Hm. If you removed the storylines (or made them non-exclusive... would Polycon be usable as-is?), perhaps you could do a very simple version of Desprez's idea with any of the existing EV universes and a small plug. Player One's goal would be to raise the value of some variable (e.g. the credit balance, or the legal rating with a particular syst or govt), while Player Two would work to keep Player One from accomplishing his/her goal before a set date. A cycling cron would announce player switches every month or so, and another cron would announce the end of the game.

If a backstory were needed, something generally along the lines of The Alternative Factor would work....

I'm thinking back to Interplanetary Wargame here...

This definately looks interseting...
lot of work though. If someone made it, I'd play it, though.

Only problem is if a player dies...

@joshtigerheart, on Apr 16 2006, 09:29 PM, said in EVN, the turn based strategy game...:

Only problem is if a player dies...

Couldn't you have a mandatory auto-eject back to the command and control ship?
Or maybe have the escape pod trigger bits and stuff before swaping you back into the C&C ship?

@desprez, on Apr 16 2006, 08:17 PM, said in EVN, the turn based strategy game...:

Couldn't you have a mandatory auto-eject back to the command and control ship?
Or maybe have the escape pod trigger bits and stuff before swaping you back into the C&C ship?

Shouldn't be any problem. I've used something similar in one of my own projects- when you got blown up, you ejected into an escape pod that was a giant blinking "game over" message before being returned to a central control system.
As you always end up in shďp 128 after ejecting, it would probably work best if it set a "player blown up" bit OnPurchase (which is set when you recieve that ship after ejecting), and then incremented the date by one, if neccesary, to allow various cröns to fire.

Anyway, I like the idea!
