Can I make a ship available on only 1 planet?

I'd like to make a one-of-a-kind ship, i.e., one that's (1) available only on one planet and (2) is never available again once it's bought (well, maybe if it's sold later).

I'm not sure if #1 is possible. #2 presumably requires manipulating and checking a control bit, but I don't know which ones are reserved by EVN and which are available to developers.

Any guidance?


Yes. Put a number in the planet's "Special Tech" field, and put the same number as the ship's tech level. This is actually used in the Nova scenario, for the Argosy. It is only available on Heraan.

Thanks, Darth. I see that, once again, I've posed a question that's answered in the bible.

Does anyone know: Are the tech levels used in stock EVN documented anywhere?


Yeh, you on a mac or a pc?

EDIT: I have a document which has all of the tech levels but there is a Mac version and a PC version. I can send you whichever one you need. On top of that there are two other sheet which have weapons on it and one with ships on it and each of thier tech levels.
I didnt make them and they are a bit squashed but its easy enough to read anyway.

This post has been edited by Sp3cies : 18 January 2006 - 12:49 PM

dp, on Jan 18 2006, 05:12 AM, said:

Thanks, Darth. I see that, once again, I've posed a question that's answered in the bible.

Does anyone know: Are the tech levels used in stock EVN documented anywhere?

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The tech levels... I don't know. Probably, but not officially; you should be able to find a list in the add-on files or run a search in this forum. Regardless, you can also export the Nova files to text format and use you spreadsheet to gather the data, if you're feeling like it.

As for control bits, there is no such this as reservation. The best way to be safe is to use the middle of an unused range.

Zacha Pedro, on Jan 18 2006, 03:41 PM, said:

As for control bits, there is no such this as reservation. The best way to be safe is to use the middle of an unused range.
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What I meant was: Does anyone know which control bits are used already by EVN and which are available for developers to use? If I unwittingly manipulate a bit EVN uses, my plug will introduce a bug (obviously).

The advice to use the middle of an unused range is sound, but what ranges are unused?


darth_vader, on Jan 17 2006, 10:01 PM, said:

the Argosy. It is only available on Heraan.
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argosy? as in the EV 1 argosy?

No. There is a ship in Nova called the Argosy.

The entire 2000-2999 range is unused.

orcaloverbri9, on Jan 19 2006, 03:09 PM, said:

No. There is a ship in Nova called the Argosy.

The entire 2000-2999 range is unused.
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whoops, yeah, i know which one it is, but i allways forget it's name.

orcaloverbri9, on Jan 19 2006, 08:09 PM, said:

The entire 2000-2999 range is unused.
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Thanks, orcaloverbri9!

Curious, tho: How did you determine this?


There's a w00tware utility called Mission BitMap which would analyse bits - not sure where you could get it now though. There's also a list of unused bits somewhere though it may be out of date.

I've posted an up-to-date list recently, but I don't remember where, so I'll post it again. This was created using the w00tware utility Guy mentioned. Unfortunately, there isn't anyplace you can download it currently.

Used bits in Nova 1.0.9:
0-90, 96, 123-149, 152-170, 175, 178-237, 250, 275-327, 330-335, 340-341, 347-377, 415,
417, 422-446, 450, 467, 500, 502-503, 509-513, 515-519, 600-613, 650-653, 666-667, 677,
681, 749-753, 800-819, 838, 850-852, 995,

1000, 1100, 1300-1309, 1500-1502, 3000-3007, 3009, 3015, 3025, 3050, 3721, 3789,
4000, 4322, 4444, 5757-5765, 5770, 5999-6034, 6100-6106, 6137, 6200-6206, 6300-6302,
6666, 6723-6724, 7777-7788, 7878-7880, 8338-8340, 8444, 8888-8911, 9011-9015, 9111,
9200-9208, 9215-9216, 9333-9334, 9500-9501, 9666, 9812, 9995, 9998-9999

Unused bits in Nova 1.0.9:
91-95, 97-122, 150-151, 171-174, 176-177, 238-249, 251-274, 328-329, 336-339, 342-346,
378-414, 416, 418-421, 447-449, 451-466, 468-499, 501, 504-508, 514, 520-599, 614-649,
654-665, 668-676, 678-680, 682-748, 754-799, 820-837, 839-849, 853-994, 996-999,

1001-1099, 1101-1299, 1310-1499, 1503-2999, 3008, 3010-3014, 3016-3024, 3026-3049,
3051-3720, 3722-3788, 3790-3999, 4001-4321, 4323-4443, 4445-5756, 5766-5769, 5771-5998,
6035-6099, 6107-6136, 6138-6199, 6207-6299, 6303-6665, 6667-6722, 6725-7776, 7789-7877,
7881-8337, 8341-8443, 8445-8887, 8912-9010, 9016-9110, 9112-9199, 9209-9214, 9217-9332,
9335-9499, 9502-9665, 9668-9811, 9813-9994, 9996-9997


Sp3cies sent me the following info re. the EVN tech levels, which seems worth sharing. Indeed, I suggest that this info, along with the control-bit info posted by Edwards, be added to the next version of the EVN Bible.


tech levels in stock nova scenario:
1,3,4,5,6,7 Federation/human items/ships.
8,9 Polaris Items
10,11 Auroran Items
12 Pirate Items
14 Federation Military ships
15 Rebel Items/ships
16 EMP torpedoes, Pirate ships
17 Auroran Ships, incl enterprise, but not argossy
18 Polaris Ships, Peaceful
19 Polaris Warships
20 Sigma Upgrades, Sigma ships
22 Polaris Dragon
31 Wraiths, Hyperoids, and Krypt pods. All have BuyRandom and
HireRandom of 0.
32 Mod Starbridges
42 Illegal versions of weapons
55 Cheap carbon fiber/jammers
57 Cheap reactors
58 Forged liscense (both working and fed. sting version)
65 Degraded carbon fiber
67 Failing reactors
73 Another forged ES&W liscense.
77 Drop Bear Repellant
80 Map, Sol, Kel'ar ly only
81 Map, Fed/polaris
82 Map, Rebel, Auroran, Pirate
88 Argossy
100 Wild Geese Lightning
111 IPC, Thor. Reactor, Light Cannon, Vectored Thrust.
112 Port and Polish
113 Glitech stuff: Thead lance, Polaron cannon, Glitech wraith cannon,
Etheric wake missiles.
115 Gravimetric and Hellhound missiles.
116 Chrome Valk upgrade (Starbridge upgrade)
133 BRL, Wraith cannon - Rebel version
200 Transmission jammer and fed and moash IFF jammers (Auroran string
parts), Thunderforge
999 Stuff your not allowed to buy
8000 Kestrel
9999 Stuff your not allowed to buy, incl The Unrellenting
32767 Escape pod