What are you working on right now?

Unity Part 3 and my Nova conversion of Heart of Darkness are both nearing completion, though my spare time is extremely limited these days.

I'm starting work on a plug-in to make an asteroid/planetship. Going slow though. I have to make more frames for a planet though. Maybe i'll ask someone to make some sprites for me.

AmTC, I guess. But it's pretty much on hold while real life sorts out.

MacDevil, on Dec 28 2005, 01:58 AM, said:

Nova conversion of Heart of DarknessView Post

Wow, good luck. I might actually try that.

I'm still working on how to make a plug...

Star Fighter 9000, on Dec 27 2005, 11:01 PM, said:

I'm still working on how to make a plug...
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Well if you need any help you can just PM me. I might not be the best plug-in maker, but I know the basics (and then some).

Hamster, on Dec 28 2005, 12:28 AM, said:

Wow, good luck. I might actually try that.
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Actually I have a list of about 5 bugs that I still need to work out and then it will be ready for beta testing.

I'm working on a plug in called Rigante, which will be a major expansion to EVN.

Well, I'm not working on it, exactly. I'm publicising it. You can Visit our Forum to learn about it, and/or to offer suggestions.

I'm working on Totally Pointless, a TC, although public input has been put to a standstill since the topic was locked.

If you still want to contribute to Totally Pointless, PM or e-mail me.

A semi TC about racing vipers around planets not hitting them or getting shot.

A very, very, very small TC. ETR: Sometime this week.
Of course, with my luck it will be completely non-functional on Nova 1.0.9...

@Eegras: I've had a few ideas about that, including a method of allowing a ship to fly through a ring, if you're interested.



Edwards, on Dec 30 2005, 01:56 AM, said:

A very, very, very small TC. ETR: Sometime this week.
Of course, with my luck it will be completely non-functional on Nova 1.0.9...

If you're talking about xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxx then wouldn't nonfunctionality on update 9 be a good thing? =Ţ


@Eegras: I've had a few ideas about that, including a method of allowing a ship to fly through a ring, if you're interested.

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Now this intrigues me. Is it true that your ship is only vaped by a deadly stellar if its mask overlaps your ship's mask? If so then I think a "maze" where there's a grid of stellars that are animated "squares" with just the outer ring visible and a gap moving around that ring, so you have to time your movements to get from the "inside" of one spöb to another, and then quickly stop to avoid hitting the "walls" would be interesting, if not particularly useful.

From what I've noticed a ship is destroyed by a deadly spob if it enters anywhere inside the square defined as the size in the spin resource.

It's definitely when it hits the mask. Otherwise a certain concept plug for a certain project wouldn't work...

just make two different sprites for different parts of the gate and declare them both as deadly stellars, then set them a little bit away from each other. That way, the player has to go through.

I'm still slugging away at my bug fix and general update for my original plug:


Actual bug fixing was finished long ago. Current holdup is that I somewhat lost interest in the storyline expansion I was working on to complement the update. (been working on a book, two other stories, a job, various holiday shenanigans, and taking care of a sick puppy)

Also kicking around ideas for a "true" Federation storyline, where the player joins the Fed Navy (as opposed to being a Bureau lackey).

It is definitely touching the mask that causes death with deadly stellars, at least on a Mac. However, my "through a ring" has nothing to do with deadly stellars (it does have a bit in common with rotating turrets, though). Basically, it uses the fact that the weap resource's "shot appears above ship" flag causes the sprite to be displayed above every ship, not just above the firing ship. Although this is bad for rotating turrets, it could be very useful for creating a ring you can fly through.

@Qaanol: No, the plug I'm working on has nothing to do with that.
On a related note, I just finished downloading the 1.0.9 updater, so said plug should be released (for Mac at least) very soon.


I think I'm working on a TC (Nightsky or Revolution), but I'm not sure if it's still alive.

I just did a quick test (accidentally inspired by my tests of bugs in 1.0.9), and there is a difference between where you die with PICT-based and rle-based deadly spobs. With PICT-based sprites, you die when you touch the mask. With rle-based sprites, you die about 50 pixels out from the mask.
This would not have been a problem in 1.0.8, but unfortunately MacNova 1.0.9 makes it (expletive deleted) hard to create a working PICT-based sprite. I have not yet managed to do so.

Now, the plug I'm working on is currently non-functional under MacNova 1.0.9, with 0% of the graphics working. It will be released once I work out a method of converting them properly.
