Stop ships from entering system

syst w/ jump gates only

I've been working on this idea of a system of planets where travel is by Hypergates ONLY.
How do I make sure ALL ships (NPC ships that is) only use the HG. I have one system where the only dude resourse for the Syst is set by me. While I was testing things, a Liviathan and an IDA Frigate jumped in and then jumped out.

If I didn't assign them access to the system how did they just jump in? The system has no connection to other systems (that section is all set to -1)

I think I understand how to make Gov't trade shipping that only uses the HG system, it's just having other ships of other govt entering I have a problem with.

NPCs randomly enter all systems, even from invalid directions. Ships jump in from all directions in dead-end systems, while the player can only jump from one direction.
Try making all the ships have 0 fuel.

Make sure that their govt has the "Prefers Hypergates" and/or the "Prefers Wormholes" flags set.
Whether or not a systems has any hyperlinks has no effect on whether AI ships can jump in and out.


Perhaps making the average number of ships in the system 0 and using AuxShips or special ships in the misn resource could help you?

There is a fairly comprehensive discussion on preventing AI ships from jumping in this thread. The consensus there is that 99 fuel is the way to sgo.

This post has been edited by Qaanol : 17 June 2005 - 12:45 PM

Does the engine actually check to make sure no ship with less than 100 max fuel ever jumps into the system, even if the dudes for that sys indicate he might otherwise be there?

Qaanol, on Jun 17 2005, 05:44 PM, said:

There is a fairly comprehensive discussion on preventing AI ships from jumping in this thread. The consensus there is that 99 fuel is the way to sgo.
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Well it shouldn't be, I made sure certain a new ship I created hued that is... only appears in this one system. The problem is, since there is nothing going on in the system for them to investigate, they immediately jump out.

I thought it kind of stupid for the AI to jump out of a system even though I set the prefers jumpgates flag, so I set the ships fuel to 99. Since they can't jump out of the system, they just cruise to the edge, presumably trying to hyperjump but not having the fuel for it.

I had this grand idea for an indepentant set of planets connected by hypergates alone. But if AIs can jump in even without jump points, I have given up on the idea., I think I said roughly the same thing in that other thread too. 🙂

Vast Deathmaster, on Jun 17 2005, 04:21 AM, said:

I've been working on this idea of a system of planets where travel is by Hypergates ONLY.
How do I make sure ALL ships (NPC ships that is) only use the HG. I have one system where the only dude resourse for the Syst is set by me. While I was testing things, a Liviathan and an IDA Frigate jumped in and then jumped out.

If I didn't assign them access to the system how did they just jump in? The system has no connection to other systems (that section is all set to -1)

I think I understand how to make Gov't trade shipping that only uses the HG system, it's just having other ships of other govt entering I have a problem with.
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**You could always set the average ships to zero in the system, then use a couple of generic pers resources to fake the effect of random traffic. Not sure if the zero in system only applies to the dude resources though, this may affect the pers as well.

