Just a thousand missions? But, how are they


I am working on a TC/plugin right now and I just realized the 1000 mission limit is going to be a problem. I already have missions 1001 through 1209. Once I put in 128-999 I will have over a thousand missions. I haven't actually checked to see if 1209 is available but...

Can these 1000 missions be numbered any way I want? That is, could I make missions 1001-2000? Or every even index from 1002-3000? I take it this is why I've read, off and on, about how people use crons as limited missions.


As a general rule, when the Bible tells you there is a limit N on the number of a certain resource type (and most of them are limited), this means only resource IDs 128 to 128+N-1 are valid for this resource type (here, resource type mďsn is limited to the range 128 to 128+1000-1 = 1127).

so if I were to make, say, mission 2000, EV would just ignore it?

Absolutely. Just as it ignores shďps with ID >895, etc...

I don't know about this... I've had govts with ids in excess of 384, but I did not pass the greater than 256 total govts limit. I think that some resources are adressed internally by the engine in a slot or cubbyhole based format without a real reference to thier id number.

That's odd. Anyway, I don't think it's makes any sense to use an ID equal to or above 128+N, since you might as well us the ones below, and it won't work for some stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised at all of RMX is correct. My current mission loads start at 1000 and go up to 1300 I think. Originally I had always assumed that I could use any index number I wanted, as long as I didn't exceed 1000 total missions. I haven't actually double checked, but I didn't notice that some of my missions weren't working. It'd be an easy thing for someone to test. I'd do it except I'm at work right now.

Well, I've done exactly this test, trying to fit a hundred-mission timer into the highest space possible, and I determined that mission IDs 1128 and up don't work, whether they are supposed to show up in the BBS or be started by Sxxx.

Mac/PC differences? Who's on what?

I dont believe it would reindex anything internally, given the way the set operators work.