The Albatross

oops my bad :eek:

shoot to kill?
shoot to stop?
I say let loose the firepower and let fate decide

“Damn, it looks like everybody’s better than me at weave,” Larra complained, though she didn’t sound too upset about it.
"Did he just-?" Demon suddenly spoke up, changing the subject abruptly.
"Yes I believe he did." Larra interrupted smoothly.
"Well wh-"
"Soon enough."
Demon grinned evilly, and though Strauss had no idea what they were talking about, Page got the idea that it had something to do with the "non–combat class" comment.

Kamikaze lifted slowly off the docking pad and ascended at a fairly moderate pace, but stopped before they were even close to out of the atmosphere. Hermes caught up and stopped as well.

Causally, Larra glanced over at Page who was still sitting with his feet up and seat belt unlocked, then back to Strauss who had taken her advice about the belt, then to Demon who didn't need to be told, and back to Page. "Last chance."
"I'll be fine.
"Okay...if that's the way you want it...." She pushed a few buttons and flames shot out of the back of the little ship. The engines screamed as Kamikaze began to vibrate. Just as the heat inside became almost unbearable, Kamikaze suddenly shot forward like it had been fired from a gun, blazing through the atmosphere and out into space, almost crashing into a UE destroyer in the process. Slowly Larra brought her ship to a stop. Page was no longer in his seat, and Demon was snickering loudly. Hermes had been left in the dust, and was no where in sight.

For awhile there was no sound except Page cursing and Demon laughing. Then Larra spoke, almost as if she was wondering aloud.
"You know, something tells me an escort won't be necessary," she said lightly, "but Hermes can still come if you want."

OOC: Just a little background on Kamikaze it was built for extreme speed. Though it doesn't have any weapons it does fight. If you want a hint how, it always comes very close to following in the footsteps of it's namesakes.

Life is a game, and it's to short to sit on the sidelines.

Liat system, Northern Human space
Strauss grinned cleverly as he saw a white flash slowly approaching the Kamikaze Sure enough there was the Hermes slowly approaching the spacebound bullet that was the Kamikaze but she was vio;ently vibrating and her shield was showing visual sighns of instability.
"That's enough Samuel! That ship cost me great sums of money! The last thing i need is an overcosted piece of red space debris drifting through the liat system!"
The Hermes quickly fell back and took up a holding pattern prepatred to hyperspace.
"She's a capable craft, but she still isn't desighned for high speed. she's going to need some repairs." Strauss said as he looked back at his fast retreating personal craft which was now missing large pathes of paint and hull plating for that matter.
"Luckily she's still spaceworthy, She'l be fine 'til our next pit stop."

shoot to kill?
shoot to stop?
I say let loose the firepower and let fate decide

OOC: How far out of UE space has Strauss been?

Larra hit a few buttons on her computer and a fairly complete map of the EVO universe appeared. "Hmmm, best route....ahh screw it, let's just go here."

Cheerfully she chose a system in the vague direction of Miranu space, sent a message to the Hermes telling it where she was going, and initiated the jump. Almost automatically she reached over and hit two more buttons. There was a slight whirring sound, before speakers positioned all over the ship started blasting out music.

OOC: Oh yes, just for the record, Kamikaze is capable of leaving a planet in a perfectly normal way, Larra just wanted to a) show off a bit (when doesn't she?) and 🆒 knock Page out of his seat. 😉

Life is a game, and it's to short to sit on the sidelines.

OOC: Hmm... Look what I've found.. Guess it pays off to leave the EVN boards every once in awhile... I'm going to try and get in this one if no one minds. Give me about 6 hours and as soon as I get home I'll create a good intro post.

The New Beginnings glided through space. It was a heavily refurbished Miranu Freighter, Voinian Turrets concealed within it's heavily armoured cargo pods. The captain, Kai Sillis, looked out of his viewport, hoping to find adventure. An adventure far more exciting than the constant plying of the spacelines, his now incredible trade empire bulging at the seams with credits. He stepped up to the command console, and waited.

OOC: Like I said, as soon as I have time to get a general idea of what's going on in this bar (unless someone will fill me in) it'll be awhile before I can get involved. Glad to find it though.

"Marge, don't discourage the boy from weaseling out of things. It's what seperates us from the animals. Except the weasel."
-Homer Simpson

"OOC: How far out of UE space has Strauss been?"

during his life, far (much of the universe, but he doesnt know it to well), he stumbled apon an interdimensional rift during his time in the evn universe, during this time he was able to prepare a small fleet.

Voinia, Voinian Capital Sytem
The Endekung II under control of first Officer Adolphus Himler hyperspaced in at the edge of the system and activated its cloak.
"Power down weapons, we are hear only to observe for the time being, Helmsmen; set course for planet voinia's space and monitor transmittions.

shoot to kill?
shoot to stop?
I say let loose the firepower and let fate decide

OOC: well well well, this might just turn into a Nova bar. We're currently following the Kergoth story. In that story the nova and override universes are parallel dimensions. Larra 's ship has the capability to jump dimensions, and thats how she got here. Page was tossed into this dimension after a duel to the death with Jasan. This is about a year later then slum sector, and Page, Jasan and D'nel had just killed the last Kergoth clone bearer. Immediately after, Page and Jasan duel, and in the end jasan opened a dimensional rift and sent Page through.
If you want a basic overview of the kergoth story its a page or two back.

Page took in the now farmiliar sounds of his own band, and nodded to the beat.
"Can I smoke in here?"
"we're approaching the station, you can smoke there," Larra replied over the blaring music.
Kamikaze slid through space towards Zachit station. From inside Page could feel the presence of Kergoth. But there was something else there, he had no idea what it was, but he figured he'd soon find out.


OOC: Work me in by meeting me in the Zachit Bar or something. Wow. The spoilers.

Kai docked the Miranu Freighter at one of the docking bays, and as he got off, the Miranu engineers got on, and began to repair and remodulate the sheilding arrays. He walked towards the bar in a leisurly pace underneath the simulated blue night sky, and was there in abaout 10 minutes.

As he walked in, he saw the bar filled with the blue suits of the Zachit, the guardians of the innocent. He walked over to the bar, and ordered a drink, and was startled to see a towaring deathly figure, who seemed vaguely familiar.

"WHAT IS IT THAT YOU NEED TONIGHT?" the eery voice almost crooned. Kai was taken aback, but he managed to mutter has order.

"I'd like Voinian Draft, thanks much." He took his drink, and slipped 20 credits to the figure, who mumbled at the small amount of pay. Kai took his drink and sat down at a table, and began watching the holo-vid on the wall. Official trading lanes opened up with the UE government.

I've been trading with them for decades now... Tooke them long enough...

Kai continued drinking his drink, watching the intergalactic news, hoping for something exciting to come his way.

OOC: Again, just work me in. I figure about 2 or 3 people will get the little inside joke I slipped in there. But do, please, absorb me into the Kergoth storyline. I need something a little more in depth. Sounds kind of like an awkward twist on Diablo and it's storyline. Whatever. Sounds good to me.

"Marge, don't discourage the boy from weaseling out of things. It's what seperates us from the animals. Except the weasel."
-Homer Simpson

(This message has been edited by fchsjv4 (edited 10-29-2003).)

Larra, Page, Strauss, and Demon stepped out of Larras ship and into the sea of bright blue zachit uniforms. Page strode towards where he thought where the bar was. He stepped into the large packed bar, closely followed by the others, except for demon, who left to go make some mischief, then again he was always doing that. Page spotted who he was looking for in the corner of the bar. There sat a Grim looking man. He looked like a renegade, but Page could assume he was a bounty hunter, considering he was still alive. Sitting next to him was a poor looking man of about 22.
Larra gasped as she saw the farmiliar face of Sen.
"Page!" She whispered quite audibly.
"Its him! Eribi's servant!"
Page cocked his head, and stared at the nameless apprentice of Eribi. "But thats Kergoth clone at his waist," Page caught himself in mid fault and took a seat. At a table where another man sat.
How? We defeated all the swordbearers?!
The man whose table Page sat looked up from a data cube. Page's concentration was broken when the man asked, "Do i know you?"
Page looked over to the man across the table, and saw the almost farmiliar face of a Mr. Kai Sillis.
"I dont think we've ever met," Page began, "but i remember youe face from the other universe."
Kai extended a hand and said,"Kai Sillis."
"Page Hamilton."
"So what brings you to this dimension?"
"Its a long story," Page mused, looking back to his targets. His eyes shifted from the grisled mercinary to the massive p ole axe that leaned on the wall beind him.
Holy ****...
Strauss and Larra sat at the table, shooting glances over to the two at the corner table.
After about 10 minutes Larra began wailing.
"When are we going to do something?!?!?!!! This is boring!! I'm tired of sitting around in this smokey bar, I want to make that bastard over there pay!!"
"Isn't it a little crowded to start a brawl," Strauss began.
"Will a drink make you shut up?" Page finnished
Larra glared at Page, then crossed her arms, and looked away.


UnkownZachit Station, unkown System
Strauss stepped off the Kamikaze and took a deep breath intending to get some fresh air but instead inhaling smoke from Page's lit cig causing him to cough slightly.
"Ah, here comes the escort."
The Hermes landed. A woman lept to the ground.
"Glad to see you mina. Don't think I've introduced you to our party."
"Page, Mina. Mina Page."
Page couldn't e bothered for long as he was focusing on the objective: the soulstone.
"Larra, Mina, Mina larra."
Larra was busy running her post flight routine, she waved.
"bye." Page said
"Bye what? I'm not going anywhere."
Mina levitated a nearby shuttle off the ground then dropped it back on it's skids with a loud bang.
"Can she join in?"

shoot to kill?
shoot to stop?
I say let loose the firepower and let fate decide

(This message has been edited by Harbringer (edited 10-30-2003).)

Onboard the A.D.L. Teiresias
Voina System

Voinian Grand Admiral Zathe Voltok, garbed in the all-black-no-decoration uniform of his rank, looked across the table at Shek Sunrunner, a thoughtful look playing across his sculpted features.

It still wasn't apparent how the UE had managed to get ships all the way to Voina without running into the picket ships deployed throughout the rest of the Empire. The UE attack should have been intercepted parsecs away and destroyed far from the Voinian capital.

But they hadn't been.

It didn't make sense.

Shek had put forth the hypothesis that the UE government's corrupt ties extended beyond the Blue Hand. Or perhaps those ties meant something more than the sanctioning of renegade piracy and an intergalactic slave trade. Perhaps it meant access to exotic technology that had remained secret.

What truly galled the Admiral and his two Dur'achi swordmaster generals was the uncertainty of the situation. True, uncertainty was always something to accept during war, but when one doesn't know whether the enemy has a superior weapon, or what kind of tactics they're prone to use, formulating a plan to respond can be difficult. No matter. What would come would come.

Commodore Z'kosh, the commander of the Dur'achi reinforcement fleet, had indicated to the Admiral that he would prefer to open talks with the commanders of the opposing fleet, instead of having to open fire. While the earlier ultimatum might be sufficient—and both Volotk and Z'kosh agreed that it would be best if it was so—if it was not, then the potential destruction they might unleash on the galaxy was profound.

The chronometer was still ticking down, albeit slowly. Hopefully the fleet would respond soon.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
—J. R. R. Tolkien
(url="http://";=26")The Search Feature(/url)

OOC: Larra doesn't know Sen (yet) but ah well.

Larra turned back, grinning, as she wondered how Page would get her a drink when he didn't have the currency of the Override dimension. Though she was fully aware of the danger in the bar, she seemed completely oblivious to it.
"You're right," she said slowly to Strauss, then continuing thoughtfully and a little distractedly to what seemed to be no one in particular, "It is a little crowded to start a brawl. But if might be a little less crowded soon...I think we should move over here." With that she got up and nonchalantly strolled over to a unoccupied corner table.

The others frowned at her odd behavior, then Page remembered that Demon wasn't in the bar, at least at the moment. "You know, that might be a good idea..." he said retreating to the corner table as well.
Kai suddenly remembered that Larra minus Demon was very rare, and, well, who could forget Thorin? "Yes, let's go," he agreed. Strauss and Mina shrugged at each other and followed.

"Demon likes the fans," Larra said distractedly as the others walked up. The four looked up to see old but operational ceiling fans attached to the roof. "He's got a plan, as usual."

Without warning the power went out. "He found the fuse box," Larra said lightly, though quiet enough that she could only be heard by Page, Strauss, Kai, and Mina. The five sat quietly, listening to the faint scratching sounds that could occasionally be heard over the loud complaints of the patrons.

A minute later, the power returned, except this time, the fire alarm was blaring as well. Tiny little sprinklers descended from the roof, soaking the entire bar. However, it was then understood why Larra had wanted to move tables; the sprinkler above their table was broken. After a few minutes the Zacha finally got the fire alarm shut off, and the ceiling fans, which hadn't been turned on when the power came on, began rotating slowly. A white substance began drifting off the ends of the blades...

"Oh no, not flour again," Kai groaned. Larra began furiously brushing the substance out of her hair.

"Oh, it's not flour," a voice spoke up from under the table, as Demon stuck his head out from under it and grinned. How he had got there, no one asked. "It's powdered paste. The bag said 'just add water'" he continued, grinning evilly. "I love this bar!"

Life is a game, and it's to short to sit on the sidelines.


I love this bar

The Toby Keith song starts playing over the ancient jukebox, singing "I love this bar". Kai muttered something about country music and continued to brush the flour off of him, thankful he hadn't gotten wet, and alughed as the other patrons began to get slightly sticky.

"Hey, who's that guy with the sword? It looks...interesting..." said Kai, pointing to the man bearing a piece of the Kergoth (correct?). HE sipped his drink, and contined observing the man, but not as much as so that the man would catch him looking. HE observed Larra's sudden change of face.

"Marge, don't discourage the boy from weaseling out of things. It's what seperates us from the animals. Except the weasel."
-Homer Simpson

Strauss whispered to the party.
"Any plan of action thus far?"

shoot to kill?
shoot to stop?
I say let loose the firepower and let fate decide

Enter Falcen.

Falcen entered the bar, seeing that it was in a state of chaos. The little white flakes floating around slowly settled to the ground, while contrasting deeply to his all-black dress. The wild-haired,blue-eyed man paused, and looked around to survey his surroundings.

Signature on hold.

(OOC) Sorry Solel I've been busy. The logic for the invasion is in the previous post posted nearly two weeks before the invasion basically saying that the front line of Voinian space had been taken out and 50 days in game time later or 12RTDs the UE attacks the Voinian home system. I would name systems if I had a map. But though I must defend myself I love the wild card you've played and will attempt to integrate it. (OOC)

System: Voinia
(Message from the India ranking surviving UE vessel, open channel)
Damn Voinian loving aliens, must have decided a temporary alliance with the Igadzra was necessary to crush an innocent nation. You had to rub it in our faces, the Voinians already outnumbered us more than five to one, you could have let them kill us and not act holy while bringing reinforcements to 'em. We'll retreat as long as these lizards don't fire on us.
(Message from the Gr'iak Shchryr Voinian flagship, open channel)
(Untranslatable cursing) humans (Untranslatable) attacked us, they must die you brought vessels, Strands are friends, kill (Untranslatable)

Vessel: Trushalo Odj
Tshaya looks over the transcripts of the recent transmissions, Strange, the Voinians pointedly mentioned the Igadzra, but the Du'rachi never mentioned anything about the interference, Te lolirav I phuv mure ratesa I hope not. "Tsara scan the hulk of the Igazra we destroyed, see what species the crew is."
" Arah , I think I see what you're thinking, it may take a few minutes though."
"Good, caram."

On the outskirts of Igadzra space
(UE scouting patrol division six Gammas squadron)
"Damn it! We don't need a bad defeat." The messages from the battle are being relayed through a hyperoute beam transmission. "We'll get them back, Adam."
"Yes sir, there's a small Igadzra fleet over there, we could take 'em."
"Brilliant, they attacked us so we're at war now, organize the squadron and we'll kill them."

(OOC) I'm leaving negotiations to Solel, but the Voinians are very unlikely to let the invaders go and the UE are unlikely to want to be captured... I also have enjoyed reading the other thread when I have time, good writing. (OOC)

"What if to reach the highest place you had to fall?"
Peter Mayer

(This message has been edited by Paranoid (edited 11-02-2003).)

(This message has been edited by Paranoid (edited 11-03-2003).)

(NSP: This is going to get complicated, mainly because I'm writing this on the assumption that the two sides just semi-agreed to negotiate. (If that assumption's wrong...greaaaat.

Even I don't understand what's going on with the Igadzra in this matter...)


After nearly a Galactic Standard day of endless talking, deal-making, deal-breaking, negotiating, equivocating, double-talking, rethinking, retracting, rewording, and overall rethinking, the Dur'achi peacemakers were finally able to get two Voinians and three UE officers to sit across the table from one another aboard the Teiresias to discuss a solution to the current debacle in the Voinian capital system.

Unfortunately, the two sides came to the conference room with openly declared reluctance and anger. All but one, that is.

Grand Admiral Zathe Voltok considered, above all else, strategy. It was his job. And right now, the current situation indicated that the best strategy would be to talk. Talk while the fleets regrouped and filled the holes that had been made across the War Zone. Talk to get the UE ships out of Voinian space.

Talk to get some level of peace, for a change.

He just had to make sure Vice Admiral Horsk saw the situation the same way. It wouldn't do to have a rogue commander going out and ignoring the command structure with neutron weapons blazing.

The UE fleet admiral and his commanders were also somewhat eager to get out of Voinian territory alive. But they also despised retreating to their mortal enemy. And they knew their enemy wanted the UE ships to shatter upon the anvil of the stars.

Such was the situation when Dur'achi Swordmasters Shek Sunrunner and Lelos Somm walked into the conference room as escorts to the two parties' representatives, as negotiators of the Voina Accord. Or so they hoped they would be remembered as for this one day.

Shek and Somm walked to the main display wall. While Somm turned on the power for the projector, Shek began to talk.

"I'm not going to waste my time or yours trying to get you people to want peace with one another. If you did, your ships wouldn't be here."

The Voinians merely looked on silently. The humans nodded.

Shek smiled uneasily. At least that's one item they can agree on. Killing each other. Good.

"Regardless of your feelings, however, the Allied Dur'achi League does not enjoy watching while thousands upon thousands, and millions upon millions of people die for a cause that was put forth years before they were ever born. We cannot force you to accept peace. One day, perhaps, you will have it. I doubt I will see that day, and I regret that. But perhaps I will. It is not in my power; it is in yours. But that day will never come if the situation here is not resolved."

Vice Admiral Horsk stood. "There shall never be peace until these...humans"—he spat the word—"cease their heinous attacks on Voinian worlds! Until then, the Empire shall spend every joule of energy it possesses to wipe them all out, like vermin should be!"

As UE Admiral Davison stood to counter the attack, Lelos Somm's glaive slammed into the table.


The word was not shouted, nor was it whispered, but it was heard. And, being heard, it took its effect. Silence reigned in Voina for a moment.

Shek attempted to smooth the situation over. "We see the only real course of action out of this to be the allowance of the UE request." Vice Admiral Horsk almost began shouting again, but Admiral Voltok stopped him with a sharp glare. Shek continued. "The remains of the UE fleet will be allowed to evacuate out of the Voinian Grand Empire and back to United Earth space. So long as they cause no damage on their return voyage, no Voinian military ship is to cause them trouble."

Shek turned to the Voinian delegation. "I realize we are asking you to grind rocks between your teeth, as it were. You have the chance to smash an entire fleet in your hands, or perhaps the chance to lose your homeworld." He then turned to the UE delegation.

"I also realize that we are asking you to do something of the same. You might be able to irreparable harm to the Voinian homeworld and Imperial infrastructure, or perhaps the chance to lose all your lives and lessen the chance of the UE repelling a deadly coalition counterattack."

He looked at both groups of representatives. "You must decide what you will do. Should you run out of here screaming curses and hurling insults, you will return to your ships and return to your fighting with screaming engines and hurling weapons. But, should you put aside racial and personal pride, as well as xenophobical hate, perhaps something will come of this."


One Galactic Standard week later, the UE fleet withdrew from Voina, unharried by Voinian warships. They took the long journey back to UE space and harmed no one in their path. The Voinian Imperial Navy held to their word, just as the UE Fleet did: no ships were destroyed; no damage was inflicted.

Vice Admiral Horsk resigned, to no one's surprise. Admiral Davison was seen giving a speech in public, where he was booed down by an angry crowd of war hawks. Two days later, it was reported that the Admiral had resigned.

He was not seen again.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
—J. R. R. Tolkien
(url="http://";=26")The Search Feature(/url)

Larra grinned sheepishly as she saw Page sneak back with a few half empty liquor bottles.
"I'm not drinking those," Larra began turning away.
"Fine more for me and him, Page said motioning to Strauss.
"What about me?" Mina piped up from her seat.
Page put down the now empty bottle of Sailian brandy, and was now working on some voinian rum.
He tossed Mina and Strauss the only un-opened bottle, and chucked his now three empty ones into the trash.
The population had shinned in the bar, and soon there were only about 2 other people aside from the two groups.
"What do we do?" Kai whispered to Page.
Page ran his fingers through his long (unspiked) black hair.
"I guess you should all take the guy with the ****in huge weapon, the other one looks kind of sketchy, I'll take him."
Everyone at the table nodded, and Page stood up. Everyone followed his example and turned towards the two men.
Page held out his hand and Antaries formed in it. He allowed his weaves to spread out, ripping into the walls, and cracking floor tiles.
Sen and the other man stood.
An almost wicked smile spread across the dark vell-os' face, and Sen released his weaves aswell. Page's and Sen's weaves fought an invisible battle. Sen's blade began to glow a bright red and it ascended much like the Kergoth blades did.
All of the sudden Page and the others found themselves in immense pain. The muscles in everyones bodys began to tense, and the blood flowed far too fast for any human heart to handle.
Page clenched his fists. In his Mind Antaries fought the abrupt Intrusion of Dark weaves, and called for a Presence deep within Page's mind.
A woman appeared in a dazzling green robe, and her brown hair swayed as if it was being blown by a wind. but there was no wind.
In Page's left hand another blade formed. The black cracks on Page's left arm lengthened slightly, and the monacle of Antaries glowed a bright blue.
Sen was thrownn back into the wall due to the sudden burst of power that came from Page.
The man with the pole axe charged the others, and Sen charged Page.

OOC: Sen is about as strong as a T0, but uses dark weaves, that easily counteract normal weaves. The souldstone bearer is considerably weaker mentally, but is quite apt at using his Pole axe.
For the reccord, Page is roughly 5 times stronger than he is in the current Nova bar, the reason will be stated in the Nova bar later. Believe me it will not be so insane when you know the reason why.


(OOC) I don't mind you negotiating a truce, I was actually wondering how I would get the Trushalo Odj out alive. On the other hand you should have read a little more deeply two posts back, a force destroyed all production facilities on Denlon. As for the Igadzra issue, I think I'll draw that out a little longer. To anyone who speaks Romany I apologize for butchering the language. (/OOC)

Throughout UE Space

The greatly reduced UE fleet cripples back to the original border and attempts to refortify their position. Vessels are spread sparsely. Out of more than two-thirds of the complete United Earth fleet sent into Voinian space only a tenth remains.

Allied force in Niob

Little resistance was encountered by the force in Niob either, the fleet destroyed all production facilities and retreated deciding not to push their luck any further. The fleet begins a retreat back towards Emalghan space.

Throughout Voinian Space
The Voinians quickly retake their systems, unfortunately the destruction of the outer systems is complete, Avann and Vorik have few surviving Voinians left and no facilities or ships, Denlon is totaled and the facilities are scrap. The Voinian losses total more than 9 billion, but most are civilian. Only one-eighth of the Voinian fleet is damaged. Production facilities on the other hand will likely never recover and the fleet is unready for a counter-attack on the UE due to the Emalghan threat. More vessels shift away from the weakened UE border to defend against Emalghan incursion.

On the outskirts of Igadzra space
The division of Gamma squadron manages to kill 2 Igazras and 6 Igadzra Aradas before being called back to base to defend the border. Several days later the Igadzra investigate the hulks and find evidence of blaze weaponry scarring the hulls and a destruction message places UE vessels in the system at the time of destruction. Defenses in the galactic south are raised and a counter-attack is prepared.

System Huron on board the Trushalo Odj
" Arah! You cannot mean this, it cannot be true." The pleading in the subordinate's voice is almost pitiful. Tshaya looks at the data again, those manning the destroyed Igazra were Voinian, with exception of the pilot a human.
"I'm afraid caram it cannot mean anything else, humans betrayed us to the beasts. I can understand Yilta and the Confederacy not encouraging the attack but I can hardly conceive any human orchestrating this massacre. It looks well planned, Tsara, but it was not helpful to the Voinians since they were obviously advised to prepare for our attack but to ignore the Allied force. It does not serve their interests and any human would have inferred the attack from the Emalghans the Voinians may not have been devious enough to spot it but traitors would. No a third organization must have done it, whoever it was they must pay." Tshaya draws a 14cm dagger from her back turns her arms forward and slices seven times. A symbol appears as the blood rushes down her arm Tsara steps back but the symbol is gone and blood completely covers Tshaya's arm. In a calm voice Tshaya utters, " Te lolirav I phuv mure ratesa."

"What if to reach the highest place you had to fall?"
Peter Mayer

Kai felt the dark weaves surging throughout his body. His memory was almost completely gone, including that of his Heron Weave Training acquired in the EVN universe. He pulled out a pistol, recoiling under the dark energy, and held down the trigger, sending it into rapid fire. Red energy bursts flew everywhere, and Kai blacked out onto the floor... He soon slipped into a state of coma...

In Kai's dream...

_(Random cries of distress throughout the dream, while Kai is in first person view of an unknown fighter...)

"Captain! Sheilds down! Dark Vell-os flanking..."

"Kai, you aft wing is damaged... Return back to the _Shuryou _or go through the-..."

"The gate is opened... Go back through... Thorin nearby..."

"Dark Vell-os on your starboard side!"

_Sparks flew inside the cockpit as the ship shuttered. _

"Commander! You're Gravis cannons are jammed... Disable... Before... Wormhole..."




He saw himself rapidly spiraling towards a red blur encircled in stone, and as he flew thorugh the cracks of the closing stone gates, a white glow filled his view...

And then there was all black..._

OOC: Kai is knocked out and has jsut experianced a flashback from the EVN universe, please be kind and revive him after the fight, and do remove the blaster from his hand, as his finger is still gripping the trigger.

Do me a big favor and keep this from leaking into Thorin Station Bar, as it is a major spoiler.

It's time for a new Sig! Here goes!
(url="http://";=26")Search. It's what you need.(/url)|(url="http://"")Asteroid Mining Made Easy(/url)|(url="http://"")Slagblah's Quick Fixes(/url)

(This message has been edited by fchsjv4 (edited 11-03-2003).)