The Albatross

The warrior with the pole axe rushed at Strauss mina flew in from he side and threw him agaiinst the wall. That gave Strauss time to open the bayonettes on his rifles, he detached the barrels and jumped at the warrior who countered and threw strauss back, he rolled into a standing position and blocked the near constant swings and blows from the pole axe. Mina came in from behind and drew out two wrist blades but was also countered by the warrior. Strauss went into a rage simultaniosly with Mina, he flipped his blades around and began using his weaves to block the pole axe leaving his wapons to do the rest. He disabled his limbs and knocked him over.-

ooc: should i deliver the final blow or im guessing you have a bigger plan for him. Please if its ok to finish him leave it to me

shoot to kill?
shoot to stop?
I say let loose the firepower and let fate decide

(This message has been edited by Harbringer (edited 11-04-2003).)

(This message has been edited by Harbringer (edited 11-04-2003).)

OOC: I'll go ahead and answer that one, since there is a relativly low amount of posting, this shouldn't hurt. I would imagine not, since he needs to be destroyed by one of the foudners of the storyling, i. e, Larra and Valence and their character Page, Larra, and Demon. Alot to handle indeed.

It's time for a new Sig! Here goes!
(url="http://";=26")Search. It's what you need.(/url)|(url="http://"")Asteroid Mining Made Easy(/url)|(url="http://"")Slagblah's Quick Fixes(/url)

Strauss let loose a loud scream as he pulled back for the final blow, he struck the warrior down and killed him. he and Mina were thrown violently against the wall and were knocked out. something began to trigger as the two were near death. weaves came into existance around the pair, Strauss came too feeling Mina do the same, amid his paniced thoughts under the imense strain that was apon him he realized he could practicaly feel exatly what was happening to Mina, he realized they were telepathicly linked. They simultaniosly raised themselve up and dodged a oncoming weave from Sen, which was about all he could spare while in an epic scale battle with Page. The two jumped clear across the room using weaves to enhance their jumps, then realizing what they had just accomplished, this was something far beyound them... before now. But something big had happened. They began using their weaves to evade and attack Sen in tandem to support page. They were barely able to maintain their power level, the only thing keeping them where they were was some odd Bersarker rage hat had come over them and would not lift.

shoot to kill?
shoot to stop?
I say let loose the firepower and let fate decide

OOC: Dang! I never have time to write decent posts lately!!

I didn't know Val's plans for the soulstone bearer, but something tells me he didn't want him killed quite yet, and definitely not that easily if he did. Meh. Oh yes, and just for the record, Larra does drink. 😉


Larra leaned coolly against a non-paste covered area of one a wall. Demon sat by her feet. Though weaves were being thrown around everywhere, any in her direction seemed to stop where the air around her grew thick. Larra had been careful to shake off Sen's dark weaves fully before she had attacked. By the time she was sure she was done, the soulstone bearer appeared to be down, and Sen was being triple teamed.
"That was fast," she muttered under her breath. Strange as it was, especially for her, Larra had no inclination to fight Sen. Quite the opposite, in fact. Lately she had had more experience with dark magic/telepathy than she cared to have again for quite awhile. Demon was relieved as well, but for another reason.

Much more slowly than the weave users had, Larra spread her telepathy around the bar, and especially the fight area. Had any of the four been paying attention to things other than the fight, they would have noticed the air become slightly thicker, but not harder to breathe. Only Page, and maybe Sen, would know what that meant. Her deep violet eyes, focused on the four, were swirling slightly with different shades of the same color. She would interfere if Sen was about to land a kill shot, but Larra really hoped something more interesting would happen.



Posted above by me:
the soulstone bearer appeared to be down

Maybe he's just fakin' 😉

Life is a game, and it's to short to sit on the sidelines.

DE walks in, decides this place is a bit boring, and walks back to Boozy.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

Kai twitched. He was still unconcious. He twitched again, and his dreams of fright and despair changed to those of dancing lepricons holding choclate ice cream cones dancing to a holo-commercial for something called "Pop-Tarts". THey then proceeded to tackle Kai and try to force feed him ice cream, while laughing and screaming curse words in Gailic.

Kai twitched again.

Maybe someone will kill Sen and the other guy and revive him.

Kai twitched.

OOC: Thought I'd have a little fun. Go on, rant. puts on helmet and cowars 😛

It's time for a new Sig! Here goes!
(url="http://";=26")Search. It's what you need.(/url)|(url="http://"")Asteroid Mining Made Easy(/url)|(url="http://"")Slagblah's Quick Fixes(/url)

(NSP: Paranoid, I seem to recall reading a while back that there were Igadzra ships in the Voina system when the attack happened. I can't find the post now, but could you explain what the implications of that are? I'm going to need to know that at some point soon. Thanks. )

Imperial High Command
Undisclosed Voinian System

"They hit us hard sir."

"Yes they did, Commander. Yes they did."

"Will we be able to recover?"

The Admiral paused momentarily. "Yes, in time. But it will take years to get back to the production base we had last month. The humans hit the border factory worlds soundly. "

"They missed the rearguard systems, though," commented one of the Dur'achi in the conference room. "You do have significant production capability there."

"True. And the UE fleet is crippled. Still, we can't effectively counterattack, not until we crush the Emalgha once and for all. The Emperor is getting impatient. He's put forth the proposal of genocide as a solution to the rebel problem."

"Kill off all the Emalgha?"

"That's what he implied. It does have its strategic benefits. For years we've been trying to re-enslave them, but have been unable to commit to a full attack because of the humans. But now we don't have the support to enslave them. It's no longer worth the cost. Killing them would be much more economical." The Admiral was silent for a while. "I don't want to do it. But if the need arises, I will not run from my duty to His Majesty."

"Alright, so let's leave that for now," cut in Shek. "We've still got some questions that need answering."

"Like the Igadzra ships," pointed out Lelos. "What are Strand warships doing halfway across the Galaxy?"

"This demands investigation," agreed the Voinian Grand Admiral. He turned to the Director of the Voinian Intelligence Directorate. "I want the VID to look into this, even more than you already have. See to it that we find the reasons why the Igadzra came here."

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
—J. R. R. Tolkien
(url="http://";=26")The Search Feature(/url)

(OOC) The Igadzra weren't actually involved. A few Igazras and Igadzra Aradas were salvaged by the South tip and purchased for massive fees by the humans. When the UE started to win the war the Renegades decided if it was won the UE would turn on them. Then after the battle some pilots attacked Igadzra convoys out of revenge. I'll explain a little more in this post. (/OOC)

Veed Counsel

The 'room' swelled with unity and a strange sense of power, the black coat pushes forward. "Together."All attention centers on him, and his presence grows. "Our objectives were achieved in the assault. Because of our recommendation the Voinians left their rear flank open to Emahlgan attack and will be unable to produce vessels enough to annihilate the weakened fleet. The other matter was a success as well. According to our most recent reports the UE fleet is up to approximately half it's original size, which is a 45% growth rate in the past month. As for the debts incurred by the recent purchases I will be imposing a tax on all of the present members of counsel."

The protests are universal and simultaneous yet every one is 'heard'. A strong speaker swells from the 'background' to speak. "Friends, I understand that we are not rich men but our purchases were excessively expensive 9 specialty items valued at a total of 180 million and 24 Aradas valued at 24 million, as well as modification prices. If each of us donate a mere 2.5 million it can all be paid without weakening our status."

Black grows again, "If our friends aren't payed they will undoubtedly be angry and they have valuable information. I believe you all know that if our involvement was even guessed all benefits we receive from the UE would be canceled, so it goes without saying that no one will know. Are their any further issues to address?"

A man wearing civilian dress 'steps' forward almost as if he were physical. "Nothing nearly as dramatic as recent events but several members, myself included, have decided we have achieved enough wealth and we would like you to bring our retirement to the UE."

"I will attempt to pass your proposal. Are there any further issues?" No one grows, "well then I will attend to all dealings before our next session. Counsel dismissed."

Confederate Alliance of Free Trade

Participants grow and diminish with in a seemingly random fashion until Jack 'yells' for attention. "Order friends, come together. This counsel is not an emergency council like the previous two we will deal with both normal and abnormal business issues captained over by Yilta Tinker our elected leader." The word elected is emphasized and gets strong reenforcement from the Voinians and ex-renegades in the 'room.'

Yilta drags herself forward hardly 'swelling' due to mental exhaustion. "Thank you friends," even hardly able to maintain consciousness it is obvious the connotations of the previous statement did not escape her, "we have much to discuss. First is the issue of the raids the Igadzra have begun in the system Molos, no organized fleet has been sent but several non-confederate trading ships have been destroyed before the Igadzra flee. I believe that not much can be done about this since the Igadzra do not recognize our non-involvement, I recommend increased escorts when traveling through Molos and surrounding systems."

The 'muttering' at this pathetic 'solution' would be nearly deafening if it could be. Only the Tinker faction seem satisfied with this solution. Tshaya wearing full Romany garb, which is not much, swells monstrously. "The incident between the Igadzra is meaningless, they were not behind the attack fleet." The quorum nearly laugh at this, "I am not lying, after investigating the destroyed Igazra we found that the occupants excepting the pilot were Voinian."

"What race was the pilot?"

"The pilot was human, before you scoff I have recordings from my black box to prove my findings. I'm uploading them to the network now. "I have begun a thorough investigation to find out if human collaborator's are involved. If any still live and are found they will be executed."

The arguments seem to drain Yilta further, if she had been standing she probably would have fallen. "Second issue is trade concerns with the Voinians after the massacre 30 days ago. This is not so much a voting issue as a statement. Trading is nearly impossible our main hubs were in Avann and Vorik with some trade to Obron and the inner systems. Avann and Vorik have no living inhabitants so trade is impossible. Obron sustained minor damage and requires massive food imports since refugees have flooded it. The core worlds are refusing any trade but agricultural products could fetch high prices in Obron.”

A Voinian swells more competently than most users even though he is new to the system. “We have a minor issue to deal with under the trade issues.” The Voinian seems to be speaking the UE standard tongue, “Many Voinians have noticed that during the invasion our vessels were ignored by the invaders. Many supply ship captains and even a few warships wish to join but the Conglomeration is more than slightly hesitant to lose capable vessels with present production. We can work out initiating the supply convoys but the warships need better authority than us.” The ‘s’ vibrates through the room, resonating with perfection.

Yilta emerges, “Vorik I would like you to meet me personally after this meeting to deal with this situation. Any further issues?” Several are proposed but dismissed for later meetings. “Is that all? Fine, dismissed.”

(OOC) I think I wrote too much, if itÂ’s hard to follow blame politics, democratic confederations are hard to run. IÂ’ll address the Voinian conversation and further investigation into the Igadzra involvement or lack thereof as well as the Emalgha condition, as soon as I have time. (/OOC)

"What if to reach the highest place you had to fall?"
Peter Mayer

OOC: Hope you don't mind me joining. I'm jumping in blind because I don't want to interrupt any of the running plots.

A bright flash, accompanied by a thunderclash is the signal for the band of Pirates. Hoping for a bulk freighter or at least a ship with some precious cargo, they head for the point where the new ship had arrived. What they see, however, is completely different from what they had expected. They see a grey ship with strange black paintings all over the hull. It doesn't even feature any weapon systems, how boring. The first fighter fires its lasers, but the laser bolts don't even hit the ship. A blue glowing shield diverts the energy of the shots without difficulties. Two short lasting blue beams, apparentally coming directly out of the ship's hull destroy the fighter. The other four fighters, their pilots being stunned at first, start their attack run now. The strange ship aims its tip at the second fighter, which virtually shatters (no figure of speach) in an instant before it explodes. The third fighter is met by two more blue beams and explodes, too. The fate of the remaining two fighters isn't any better. After being freed from the Pirates, the alien ship continues its approach towards the planet. Half an hour later, a patrol fighter, which was sent to investigate the reason for an unknown energy emission, only wondered about the completely crashed Pirate fighters and that their pilots hadn't even been able to eject.

“Azula to port control, requesting clearance for landing. Over.”
“Clearance granted, Azula. Do you have any cargo liable to duty aboard your ship? Over.”
“Negative. Over.”
“Alright, you're cleared for section three, platform 12. Please use approach vector A4. Out.”
“Copy that, port control. Confirming vector A4. Out.”

The strange ship descends from the skies and heads towards the assigned landing platform. When it extends its landing pylons and settles down, a small crowd of curious watchers formes around the platform. Noone of them has ever seen a ship like that. A ramp descends from the underside and several people debark the ship. They all wear cloaks of different colors and with different marks on them. When they are all off the ramp, it closes and leaves no trace of its existance on the ship's underside. The people that had exited the ship leave in different directions. One of them, who differs from the others by wearing a cloak of white color with a golden ring over his head, heads towards the local bar.

When the figure enters the bar, he folds back the hood of the cloak. The face of a relatively young looking man is revealed. His eyes are of violett color and have slit pupils. His skin is cinamon-colored with darker tiger-like stripes on it. His hairs are black with white strands and the ears look like a bat's wings. They unfold to their full width when the man looks around, than fold back until they lay directly at the head.
“What do you have here to drink?” he asks the bartender.
“Whatever you want. I recommend you to try our Saalian Brandy. Good stuff.”
“Then I'll have that, please.”
With a smile, the man shows his cat-like teeth.
“You're not from around here, are you?” the bartender asks.
“Not actually.”
“Some of the guests told me about a weird ship that landed just before you came in. Did you see it?”
The stranger's wing-like ears unfold completely due to slight confusion and raising attention.
This makes the bartender, who hadn't noticed the ears until now, raise an eyebrow. He hadn't seen ears like that before.
“Weird?” the stranger repeats, stretching the word.
“Um yeah, you know. Strange, um alien. Grey with black paintings all over it.”
“Oh ”
The ears fold again, now they are about half of the maximum width.
“So, have you seen it?”
“I'm it's owner and captain, actually.”
“Really? You seem to have caused quite some excitement around here.”
“Happens sometimes. Most people around here have never seen a Karee ship.”
“Karee? Never heared of a race with that name.”
“Not amazing. Could I have my drink now?”
“Uh sure.”
Ta-vora turns around to observe the other guests in the bar. Somehow it is annoying that everywhere he goes, people ask hip where he comes from.
Well, that's the problem if you go too far from home. Good thing most of the guests are too busy being drunk or absent to annoy me. But a few of them look quite interesting themselves.
As a Ka-nuth, Ta-vora had been able to visit many different worlds, but this one felt somehow different. Strange

The lie is a truth, too. The truth of the one that
believes it.

(This message has been edited by Ta-vora (edited 11-13-2003).)


Originally posted by Ta-vora:

Oh sure, steal my eye color. 😉 Ha, just kidding, don't take that seriously.

Hmm, nothing to say IC right now, just waiting for someone to post.
hackcoughValence coughcough

hint hint

Life is a game, and it's to short to sit on the sidelines.

(This message has been edited by Larra (edited 11-13-2003).)

Strauss hangs in suspended animation, wondering when page will arive and finish the battle.

Hope is an edulgance I don't have time for - matrix

(quote)Originally posted by Larra:
**Oh sure, steal my eye color.:p
On the other side, my ears twitch. 😄

The lie is a truth, too. The truth of the one that
believes it.

Kai twitches. His pulse remains steady, if somebody doesn't do something soon and kill the bad guy he might possibly die.

Kai twitched again.

And again.

And again.

OOC: Walks away to go to the equally slow Thorin Bar.

It's time for a new Sig! Here goes!
(url="http://";=26")Search. It's what you need.(/url)|(url="http://"")Asteroid Mining Made Easy(/url)|(url="http://"")Slagblah's Quick Fixes(/url)

Raids from the Boozerama Bar. Frags everyone.

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
It needs more girls!
"Screw the whales. They'd nuke us if they had the chance. And don't think they aren't trying" - Myrad
"When we (Men) are kids we think that girls are evil and stupid, then we grow up and think they are the center of the universe, then we get married and realizie that we were right as kids" -Me

wheres valence?

Hope is an edulgance I don't have time for - matrix

OOC: sorry to leave you all hanging

Page locked blade's with the dark Vell-osian. Sens weaves washed over Page's body, and he knew it was time to stop holding back. Antaries glowed a Lapis Lazuli blue and began changing shape. The two blades at the handles end snaked down to the floor, and turned into bladed chains. The black hilt broadened as the sword lengthened and grew more elegant. The single sided blade widenned and formed a double edged blade.
the blue glow turned into a black aura, and the color faded from Page's face, and exposed hand. Black bolts of lightning lashed out at the walls, and objects in the way. Page's sillouhette pushed Sen back, through the wall, and followed up with an attack not even secconds after. Sen's sword shattered under the power of the blow. the sickly man broke through the wall back into the bar. and Page's sillouhette burst through the hole right after.
Antaries slid through the mans chest, and even a massochist of twice his callibre would have screamed as loud as he did.
The black faded from Page's face, and his amber eyes darkened with black flame. The tint of his black clothes lightened and became grey. Coils of metal wrapped around his body, and four blades hovered over each shoulder. Antaries ascended again, now reaching an even stronger level.
Black bolts of energy burst from the blade, and a battered Sen sailed to the opposite wall.
Strauss, Mina, and Larra all backed away in fear of being struck by one of the many stray bolts. The metal Panels on the walls seemed to begin melting, and the bar was filled with a searing heat. Page's armor shifted to black and he shot forward, faster than any weav capable person present could see.
Sen had managed to retreive his swords handle, and another blade formed at the hilt. There wasnt a man alive that could parry or black all of the swipes Page dished out, and many bloody cuts tore open in Sens body. Sen saw the last swing coming and brought up his sword to block. It was no use. Antaries swung through the blade, once again shattering it, and left a gash in Sens throat. Page had stopped moving, and was stuck in his finishing pose. With the end of his energy Sen attempted to launch a weave at Page, but the fully ascended vell-osian swordbearer over powered him. One of sens slave blade plunged into his skull, and the sickly man fell to the ground.
Page was not done. In his higher ascended forms he seemed to break into Berserk. Antaries fell to the floor with a clang, and Page brought up his gauntleted arms. Zacha warriors burst into the bar but were cut down by the Hovering blades, which dispursed, and flew like wasps. Page clenched his fists and black Bolts of energy gathered into the Obsidian stones.
The air swirled with dark energies, and all of The combattants on Page's side began to feel drained.
"Lets get out of here!" Larra yelled above the screaming of the energy.
Larra and Strauss grabbed Kai, and bolted out to the docking bays.
Page still stood there Gathering energy, his thirst for Power couldnt be quenched. The life force was being sucked from almost everyone aboard the station.
The Kamikaze streaked towards the edge of the system, and turned facing the station. Zacha ships also fled the station, and just left their station for dead.
Page's full forearm gauntlets began to hase under the dark energy. The two metal bands around each gauntlet shattered, and the arms each opened up along a zig zag crack. The energyjust kept growing and growing, and suddenly it just stopped. Black sparks were shooting from the obsidian stones.
Sen was somehow still alive. The pain was driving him mad, and in his insanity, he could see the sillouhette of Page infront of him.
Antaries flew into Page's hand and once again shifted. The blade lengthened once again, but this time broadened to about the with of The fully ascended Kergoth sword. The hilt was a symphany of floating parts. two blades each a foot long orbited the obsidian centerpeace. The blade glowed a blistering dark blue, and the floating handguard was black.
Page's burning eyes widened, and for the first time in centuries Sen was afraid. Antaries shrank into Pages fists and The warrior flew forward. The fist impacted against Sens skull, and the energy exploded outward.
Larra saw the station explode, and the shockwave shot past her ship. The energy was so great in the area that it created dimensional ebbs. Then anotheer explosion rippled through space and Larras ship lost all power. It was disabled, everyone onboard in sheer terror.
Kai awoke with a start.
"Uh... Whats going on?"
He got no answer...


Shaking, Larra stared at what remained of the station. "Almanta! Page!" was about all she could manage to say. It wasn't the station, Sen, or the flying energy that bothered her. It was Page's form.

Trying not to lose all control, Larra took several deep breaths, and tried to calm herself down. Noticing the dimensional rifts for the first time, she focused for a few minutes, and they settled and closed. There. Something easy to focus on. It helped her calm down. Kami had no power. That meant no music, which was what she really needed right then. Calm down. She spread her senses around, weaving beyond their current dimension to places where she knew she could find comfort.

Knowing that everyone in the ship was looking to her for what to do, Larra finally spoke again, managing to succeed in sounding calm. "All right. We need to get Kamikaze started up again." She didn't think it was a good time to mention that she had never been disabled before, despite her recklessness. "Demon, do we have any secondary power sources we could use for a boost? The ship itself wasn't damaged, so that should be enough to start 'er up." No reply. Larra turned around, only to see the black wolf curled up in his chair, teeth sunk into the armrest, fur standing on end, and a look of sheer terror on his face.

"Okay...maybe we could hook up that old generator we tried to use for the gun, remember that? It didn't work then, actually it almost blew up, but maybe it would help. Isn't it in your lair, Demon? Demon!" He still hadn't broken out of his trance, but he did rather quickly when Larra strode across the ship and slapped him across the face. "Get the generator." Shaking, Demon raced across the room, suddenly disappearing under the trick floor tile, into the small space non of the others could get into. Larra collapsed in her chair. Keeping her mind on the job was helping as well. After awhile, a yell from Demon's lair announced that he couldn't get the generator through the entrance.

"How did you get it down there, then?" Larra yelled back. Demon didn't know. She sighed. "All right, guys, rip up the floor time."

A few minutes later, a large part of the floor had been ripped up, and Larra telepathically hoisted up the generator.

"Go ahead and hook it up, Larra," Demon yelled up, "but I'm going to check the wiring first."

Good, Larra thought to herself, He's calming down too. "Ahhm, anyone know how to hook up a generator?"

About ten minutes later, they managed to get the generator hooked up to what they thought was the right spot. Demon hopped up, and told them it was in the wrong spot, where to put it, and that the explosion blew a couple key fuses.
"I think I have some in my junk pile, though," he mused.

Finally everything was in the right spot, and Demon had replaced the fuses, some with rather unorthodox methods. The wolf walked over the generator (Larra had forgotten how to run it). "All right, here goes nothing..." The generator whirred into life, making a racket that only could be equaled by the Bad Catholics. Everyone but Larra plugged their ears. It wasn't quite enough power. Hoping desperately that her sudden idea would work, Larra drew her Blazor, flipped the settings to ten, and fired at the generator. The noise increased as the electric bolt hit it, and then the slightly blackened generator just quit.

But the lights were on, and Kamikaze's engine coughed a few times and hummed to life. A cheer raced through the tiny ship, and Larra hugged everyone in the room. Hmm. Very un-Larra like behavior.

"All right," she said, settling happily into the pilot's seat, "Lets go see if we can find a sign of Page. I won't leave without one."

The gloomy mood settled back over the ship's inhabitants as they searched through the wide spread field of rocks that was the wreckage of Zachit Station.

(This message has been edited by Larra (edited 11-15-2003).)

Unknown system, unkown galatic location
A sqaud of UE fighters flew into the wreckage and scanned for lifesighns as a Turncoat decloaked and launched the hermes which also began scanning

=transmission from Independed combat vessel Endekung II recieved=
endekung II requesting to open audio channel
request granted
=switching to audio channel=

"This is Second in command Adolohus to captain of kamikaze we are here to assist in the rescue op. We are also requesting Strauss take the controls of his personal transport. we would also like to report to our captain that the hermes has been repaired and upgraded to be able to withstand higher speeds, maximum speed within safe limits has been increased by 60%."
after large amounts of grumbling from Larra about wasting time, she trnfered Strauss to the Endekung II he launched from thwe ship in the hermes. which took up a holding pattern.
Strauss began telepathicly searching the debris for Page, he was relitively weak due to his combat berserker rage that took place during combat and being sapped of much of his energy by page after the battle. He detected a faint presence of psychic energy although he couldn't exactly pinpoint it. He allowed his subconcios to guide him, sure enough there was page, barely able to maintain himself in the vacume. Strauss oremotely opened the airlock on the bottom of the ship and skillfuly manuevered the ship to pick Page from space. The co-pilot behind Strauss got out of his seat and slipped through the slightly cramped rear hatch and brought Page into the passenger bay.
"This is the hermes we have found and reovered page, Larra, where do you want to pick him up?"

Hope is an edulgance I don't have time for - matrix

(This message has been edited by Harbringer (edited 11-15-2003).)

Ta-vora takes a sip of the brown fluid the bartender called “Saalian Brandy”. It tastes quite nice. While just enjoying his drink and relaxing, he receives a message from the Azula.
“Kre'Merah, we are completed the repair on the probe and are ready to launch it now.”
“Excellent. Deploy the probe and inform me about any results.”
“Ayie, Kre'Merah.”
Ta-vora had been through this too often. Although he would never completely give up his hope, sometimes it simply was desperate. Two years. Two long years of search through dozens of systems. And nothing.
Well, maybe this time
While he was waiting, Ta-vora suddenly felt a wave of psionic energy hurtling past him. This energy was unlike anything he had felt before, like a scream of power, force, might and death.
Eryss! This energy was definitely emitted by a single being. No being I know would be able to control such an amount of energy. Whoever it was, I suppose he did not survive this.

The lie is a truth, too. The truth of the one that
believes it.

(This message has been edited by Ta-vora (edited 11-15-2003).)

Force .
Limitless Power
And then came pain..
His view was nothing more than a haze. All he could feel was the blinding pain. The black cracks stretched farther and farther up his arm, and he screamed in agony. The vacuum of space did nothing to his damaged form, and the faint outlines of a vellosian craft surrounded him. The eye of Antaries burned deeper and deeper into his hand, and page began to lose conciseness.
The comfort of sleep however did not come. His view became even more blurred, and he felt half-dead. He was in all respects half dead.
The warm lights of a craft waved over him. The hatch opened and he was scooped into the ship. Page was brought to a warm bed, and finally sleep came.
Page awoke to many sets of eyes.
Kai was examining PageÂ’s arm in concern. A blackish energy was seen coursing through the cracks. There were also third degree burns in the shape of the monocle on his hand. Page scanned the room, with one Amber eye, but the other stayed closed. It always did these days.
"You alright?" Larra said, breaking the silence.
"I donÂ’t know," Page replied, shifting to find a more comfortable position.
"Then lets get you back to the Albatross, weÂ’ll take it from there."
Page nodded slightly, then closed his eye.
