The Albatross


Originally posted by Bomb:
**Bomb walks in, eviction notice in hand.

1000 posts and this place is demolished.. See you all in a few months..



I am confused. Why do you say 1000 posts and this place is demolished, when it has just 738? Do you mean this as a notice?

I am eager to try to answer mission questions

ooc: Could we have a summary of the universe as it stands now. Or do I have to go back to the beginning and read the whole story. Either way is fine because I don't want to contradict anyones post.

"Chaos is our ally, discipline our mortal foe" --Azdgari Commander
Long live the Azdgari!
"Guns don't kill people, ammunition does."-Garison Keeler

After the mention of Kergoth Page didnt fall asleep again, he noticed Larra scootching closer and closer but he didnt care. After hearing everything he Angel said, stories about a zidara with a tampered hyperdrive, and a man named Jasan.
Learning about the paladins and the wanderers and everything in between, even listening to the smallest details.
"And then you came in," dar said at last.
The Angel put a hand on Pages face, and the fog in his mind began to dissappear, he saw memories, freinds, enemies, and Jasan.
The man in the siver armor, the weilder of Kergoths half peice, The man who Page had befreinded in the most bizzare way possible.
And then came the pain, the buning of his left arm, and the discovery of the monacle. And then the strange presence.
Even in a universe so far away it showed up like a firefly in a nights sky. And yet, it was over a large area, far too many systems to check. And Page felt something farmiliar within that thing. Though he couldnt put his finger on it, it felt very much like a friend.
Page reveled in thought for the better part of an hour, and was only interrupted as the angel stood.
Larra had an uneasy look on her face, and her hand was on the strange gun on her side.
"A now farmilliar face will be stopping by soon, I'll be back in about an hour, untill then, just think of the past."
The angel seemed to fade out of exhistnace, and Page was left to himself, though Larra was almost close enough to be percieved as talking to him.
But Page thought of days past. All the suffering, enemies, battles, and pain.


A red scout streaks across the sky over a large desolate desert. Strauss had a void in his life that needed to be filled, he was soul searching, spending time on huron. Emele was strausses wife, she was dead now, well at least as far as concerned him. he was filled with false hope that she would turn up.
He sighted footprints on the sand and immediately pulled the ship into a high speed turn and began following them.

As Yilta arrives in the system she quickly raises a hail to the Jenna Jones. "Captain, your adaptations are complete, correct?"
"Of course Captain, Strauss' escorts should experience a dramatic increase in VRPM and TS, as well as an A boost of twenty-four to twenty-seven percent."
Yilta visibly relaxes. "Excellent Matt, when are you planning to inform captain Strauss?"
"I already attempted but he was not on board his vessel I asked his second to contact me when it was finished, by the way that wouldn't be the Matt Milhelm I see escorting you?"
"Jenna would not have allowed me to leave her behind when searching for the cause of the Voinian traffic increase, it has something to do with the vessels attacking out here, but we do not know what."
"I'm sure she'll make time to see me."
"I'm sure."

(Transmission left for captain Strauss)
Repairs are complete we will be in the system for several thousand more minutes if you wish to contact us your vessels have been upgraded as well as had the special feature installed.
(End transmission)

"What if to reach the highest place you had to fall?"
Peter Mayer

Larra waited for about fifteen minutes, leaving Page to his thoughts, then got up and slid her chair over to his table. It spun slightly on the floor, ending up postitioned for someone to sit facing away from Page. Larra sat backwards on it, linking her fingers over the fairly high back of the chair and resting her chin on them. For a few moments, neither spoke. She too, was confused with what she had learned. Having never been told the connection between Page's and Jasan's swords and everything in between, she still found this information confusing, especially since she only heard snatches of the conversation.
"Well know you know everything," she said softly, trying to think of the best thing to say. Slowly, Page looked up at her. He looked sad, and not at all like the Page she used to know. Larra hesitated. She wanted to be there, wanted to help him out, but she didn't really know how.
"Is there anything I can do?" she asked quietly.

Life is a game, and it's to short to sit on the sidelines.

(OOC) I'm going to attempt a narration, I went through the history of the bar since I left and think I can summarize it. If I leave out anything important or add something incorrectly please inform me.(/OOC)

Empires rise and fall, some with glory, some with decay. In the notorious incident known as the “Termination of Empires” smaller players had as great an import as the Empires themselves. The discovery could be said to have begun in a small orbital bar in Hatuli, the Albatross. In that bar three of the most influential characters met Double Zero the Gun, (generally referred to by his initials DZ) Shek Sunrunner the Lightning, and the mysterious woman known only as Cresent. They joined together to find a vessel called the Cat's pyjamas because of strange behavior and a tip from an unnamed source. It is not known just what they found but the three met, and then split. Cresent joined a smuggling ring to discover the hidden objectives of a group known only as the "Blue Hand" and Shek left to find allies, and found his father. At that point the slave trade was only suspected by Shek. A new figure and what was a small confederacy soon take part in the hunt. When Captain Strauss the Brave is attacked by several enemy vessels he valiantly annihilates the Hand vessels and captures a device of enormous portent, and power, along with the well known Confederacy he installs the device, none could guess the changes these relatively minor events would bring.

(OOC) Again feel free to correct me or ask me to add anything, but remember it is a brief summary(/OOC)

"What if to reach the highest place you had to fall?"
Peter Mayer

ooc: I feel so ignored.... well... its only been one page...

Page looked up at Larra with his open eye, his eyelid was heavy with pain and confusion. He thought back to his alcoholic days, days that lasted forever, and how he was cursed with blood with higher alcohol content than the strongest liquor. And how he got into his dead end job of selling defective watches.
He smiled slightly a small glisten appeared in his amber eye, that hadnt been seen since a while back.
He put his hand on the table, and reached for a cigarette out of his bag.
"I have a question," he began slowly, lighting his cigarette, "Did i actually sell yellow plastic watches?"
Larra smiled warmly and rolls up her sleeve, revealing a yellow plastic watch.
"You gave it to me for my birthday, not that i couldnt have afforded it."
Page smiled.
Smoke curled up around his nose, and began to fill the air around him. The smoke in his eyes didnt bother him as much as it did anyone else.
He and Larra spoke for the better part of an hour, of memories past, and things to come, and even moreso about the darkness looming in the north eastern space beyond the override universe.
Their conversation seemed to stop as the red dimensional rift tore open in the bar.
Most of the bar patrons scattered and removed their concealed weapons, pointing them all at the portal.
A tall man, if you could call him that stepped out. He wore a grey, wide brimmed hat, and a long matching trenchcoat. There were frays and rips, in the almost ancient looking coat. His sleeves were rolled up revealing as many watches as would cover his long arms. And yet there were more. A jumble of chains snaked up from inside his coat, and hooked onto a large chain around his waist.
At his side was a tan holster, which was filled with an Archaic rifle.
Under the hat, covered in shadow, was a white mask half smiling and half frowning.
He lifted his head and scanned the stone faced patrons pointing intimidating weapons at him. He lifted his hands into the air as if to surrender, and the patrons slowly began pocketing their chainguns, and shot blasters.

The man swept over to Pages table and eyed both him and Larra.
Hello The black letters that seemed to hover infront of the man read.
"Hello again Skysayer," Page said openly.
The man scanned Larra slowly
The others say hello, and they want you to come visit soon.
Larra merely cocked her head to the side, and debated whether he could know her friendsfrom home.
"whats going on?" Page asked rather calmly, for someone who just relearned their entire lifes history.
I know you have undoubtadley felt the presence in the galactic north
"what is that?"
I'm not sure, but its power is growing at an alarming rate, and the wraiths, seem to be congregating at its very location.
"exactly how powerful?" Page asked yet another question.
The ancient man shook his head, and replied in his regular black letters.
I cannot tell with the wraith in such close proximity
Page put out his cigarette and attempted to stretch his being through the universe. He couldnt reach past the overide dimension, but he still felt the presence on a planet in another universe, and its relation to his current one.
As his minds eye scanned the universe closely, he discovered there was no sign of a planet where he felt this presence, this darkness, this chaos.
Page felt a course through his head, as his mind was thrown back within the walls of his skull.
I'm assuming it blocks you aswell?
There is a Kergoth soulstone within your current universe, It isnt important enough that i need destroy it, but it is however important that you regain your strength.
"I'm going with him," Larra spoke from her silent chair
Very well young one
Larra almost seemed to take an offence to being called young, but inorder to realise one would have to understand her subtleties. This was something Page never paid attention to, though the Skysayer seemed to understand like the back of his hand.
The Bearer of the stone is Miranu, you can find him on zachit station

OOC: feel free to accompany Page and Larra, just know theirs more to the stone bearer than what i just said.
By the way, this is a flash forward for the Kergoth storyline in the 4 most recent nova bars

(This message has been edited by Valence (edited 10-01-2003).)


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**I am confused. Why do you say 1000 posts and this place is demolished, when it has just 738? Do you mean this as a notice?


Cade, sometimes I think you go out of your way to not understand what I'm saying.


"I've over stayed a while..
my time in exile..."

“Finally, something to do!” Larra said with a smile, her violet eyes shining with the thought of breaking the monotony.
Don’t be to eager, young one the Skysayer’s black lettering reminded her This might be more dangerous than you think
Larra merely smiled. She was beginning to like Skysayer.
“Page,” she said mischievously, “would you mind to much if we were to fly to Zachit in slightly more style than your shuttle?” Before Page could answer, a voice coming from the table interrupted: “Yeah, we’ll take something about the same size, with worse shields and less weaponry.”
“Demon!” Larra yelped as she aimed a kick at the black wolf, who ran, laughing, out from under the table. Now that the Angel had left, there was no way Demon was going to stay in Kamikaze when something interesting was going on in the bar. Jogging back, Demon studied Skysayer for a few minutes before giving him a canine grin and wagging his tail.
“Are you coming too?”

OOC: Like Valence said, just because this is a bit...weird... compared to the usual EVO bar storyline, it's not a two person exclusive.

Life is a game, and it's to short to sit on the sidelines.

OOC: Sorry Valence, Larra but I didn't really have enough info on your plot to link it or make a sub-topic. I can attempt if you wish but I might make mistakes that are dissonant toward your plot-line. /OOC

UEN: Headline
Attacks on Voinian border increasing, breakthrough in sight

After weeks of hard pressure on the front the UE vessel Excalibur has returned the captain James Taylor gave this account, "We've got the bastards on the run they've had less vessels to defend we've broken their front line, with a coordinated assault we could take Voinia in a matter of weeks. We would like every available independent vessel to aid us. A galaxy without Voinians would benefit everyone." What brave traders will join the final assault on Voinia the government has promised massive rewards according to success. "

The veed chamber swells and contracts with the anger of the occupants. "Damn them, they can't win the bloody war that would destroy our chances. The UE government would continue the oppression of the people after the glorious finale all free planets would be recaptured and suppressed."
"I agree," the leader of the group is armed with a rapier in a black scabbard, "our best chance of survival is the continuation of the war we must bring the strands into the war." This statement causes murmurs of assent as well as questions. "Listen friends the "Hand" is already helping our trading profits I believe we could use them and our allies." Confusion and shock erupts, the freedom fighters have never had much support outside of their space. "We should be able to use a dozen Igazras and thirty Igadzra Aradas, when the UE make their next attack. I have already dealt with the Voinians and the vessels are in the system preparing an ambush on the incoming forces."
The audience is shocked but one man is willing to speak, "The Voinians must through the UE back, but if the Voinians win and the UE is pushed on the defensive we will be in danger ourselves. The Voinians must be contained, though not defeated."
"Well spoken friend, I have already thought on this. As some of you may know the Voinians have a small enemy near the Miranu. The UE have been trading with them and we have given them improved technology. With careful planning they have communicated with the UE and will attack on the same day, in different systems. With the UE distracting the majority of the Voinian troops the race should be able to raze several key systems crippling Voinian production before being forced into withdrawal."

"What if to reach the highest place you had to fall?"
Peter Mayer

(This message has been edited by Paranoid (edited 11-03-2003).)

OOC: Just a little backround info on the story..

A long long time ago there were three gods nearing the end of their time.
Ungar the creator, Antaries the angelic protector, and Kergoth the keeper of the dead, and lord of destruction, were to ascend to a higher plane.
The three gods brooded long and hard for a way for their essence to live on.
Ungar was the first to forge a sword with a bit of her essence and her love for humanity.
Antaries was next, and he forged his blade from the finest steel in any dimension, creating the unbreakable protector.
And Kergoth brooded still.
The lord of death and destruction forged his blade from the souls of the dead he kept, and his everlasting hatred of life. Thus he gave birth to the immortal destroyer.
Many years passed and the Gods ceased to exhist, but their swords lived on.
The greatest ancient heroes weilded these powerful swords and used them for their own benifit, and after a massive war between three tribes, each weilding one of the blades, the swords hid themselves from humanity and races alike.
It wasnt untill about the time of the Hypergate incidents, in the nova universe, that the swords resurfaced.
The Destroyer was found by a peasant, full of hatred. The man went on a rampage and reigned over whole planets as the Warlord Kergoth.
Many challenged him but none could compete with his strength.
Not even a boy of seventeen entrusted with the protecter Antaries could stand up to the Warlords might. And he met the fate of millions of others.
It wasnt untill two groups of galactic protectors, and powerful merchants combined forces, that the warlords demise came near.
Under the blades of The Wanderers and the Paladins, the warlord fell.
In an attempt to destroy the blood tainted blade of Kergoth, they cast the sword into a black hole.
Unfortunately that wasnt the last they saw of the destroyer.
Somehow the blade exited the back hole, and split itself into 9 peices. One of the 9 not only had the essence of the sword, but it also had the memories and wills of the warlords.
An ecceptional outfitting engineer named Atrius Reed, in the override universe, stumbled across a sword.
The blade almost drove him insane, so he entrusted it to his young son Jasan.
Jasan followed in his fathers footsteps, and became an adept engineeer, but the sword he never questioned seemed to have taken a hold on him.
He seemed to have developed a severe schitsophrenia (sp?) and he would often wake up in the middle of the night, screaming for control of his thoughts.
More years passed, and when running a cargo mission, and oddity in his zidara's hyperdrive landed him in the nova universe.
There he met a young wanderer by the name of D'nel, and many other people.
It wasn't untill Jasan was a common bargoer, that D'nel realized the bizzarre moodswings in Jasan.
It was D'nel who recognized Jasans sword as one of the Kergoth clones.
After the paladins made another appearance, and took Jasan under their wing, to cleanse the evil blade, other swordbearers began popping up, challenging Jasan for his sword. Jasan without fail defeated all that stepped infront of him.
About a year and 7 swordsmen later D'nel, Jasan and company stumbled into the Bright Star Station.
After an imfamous Punk rock band named The Bad Catholics played a concert, turned riot, The bearer of both Antaries and Ungar showed his face.
His name was Page Hamilton.
The Vell-os born T0, on the verge of falling of the recovering alcoholic wagon, seemed to endlessly butt heads with Jasan and D'nel, and yet they always mannaged to work as a team.
When the seccond to last swordbearer made his appearance, things started to go terribly wrong.
Under influence of Kergoth Jasan shattered Ungar, leaving Pages mind in shambles.
Since then Ungar had put its energy into an armor, and imprinted the Monacle of Antaries on Pages left hand.
The Obsidian eye had the power to absorb any and all energy, and channel it into a punch, but at great cost to its bearer.
After using the monacle wrecklessley Page was left with long black cracks on his left arm that spread wth the monacles every use. Once they spread throughout Pages body, he will die.
Then The final swordbearer showed his face, six times as powerful, as the rivals Page and Jasan.

(Larra this hasn't happened yet on the Nova boards so dont give it away to anyone!!!)

After a battle long fought, Jasans twin brother Alpha Omega was defeated, and Page and Jasan were left to do what they must.
They began a duel which would undoubtadely end in the death of either Jasan or Page. They fought for days, weeks even, but the two were so well matched that neither would faulter.
At the end of his energy Jasan managed to tear open the dimensional fabric between the nova and override universes.
Before Page was banished to the other dimension, he fired his last bit of energy at Jasan, seemingly killing him.
Somehow Kergoth retaliated and erased Pages mind as he was sucked into the override universe.

The presence in the galactic northeast is still a mystery to all...

OOC 2: jeez that took long to write, there you have it, the very abridged story of the Ancient three. The soulstone Page and Larra are about to find and destroy is imbued with the essence of Kergoth, and it is a part of the origional sword.
As previously said, all who want to come along are welcome to.

As far as the story, It was started by Phoenix Fire on about page 10 of the 'Cambrian Cruise Lines 2', on the Nova boards ,and has been greatly elaborated by Myself, Just Smile and Nod, NTiOzymandias, Mister C, and Phoenix fire since. (not to mention the many other contribtions i was to lazy to find when skimming the story breifly.)


Huron Starport pad 12, Planet Huron, huron System
A contact appeared on the main sensors. Oskar responded and immediately began scanning the contact...
finaly... thought he'd never get here
the intercom activated "Good news, strauss is back."

Strauss piloted the Hermes with extreme haste into position to land on the EndekungII 's main docking bay. He flew paralel with the endekung II and pulled a savage left turn, unseating his passenger and bringing the Hermes to a full stop, he then pulled into the opening docking bay doors and landed. He helped Mina from her seat.
"get medical here, we have a female with moderate injuries!"
Two paramedics followed by an automatic hover stretcher carried her off.
Adolphus moved forward
"That her?"
"Yeah, hard to believe she survived eh?"
"Definently, glad to see she made it."
"More good news too. Got some very important information from her. She said she discovered a hulk in the desert ne'r her escape pod's drop site. It was one of the white fang ships, she discovered tactcal data onboard. Theres going to be a buildup of their ships near voinia. I don't know exactly what's going on, but get this information to yitra and her crew."
"One last thing... i notied improved performance of the Hermes."
"So did I, propably mat's engineer's work."
Strauss raced off for the sickbay to confer with Mina.

He felt mina indicate she new he was coming as he triggered the door into the infermary.
They began communicating telepathicly.

_I just felt something... very subtle... almost indetectable by me.

I felt it too it worries me...

I feelt many rising powers, of great magnitude.... they converged on the albatross, they are on the crest of a mission, they seek a soulstone, part of the destroyer's sword, they intend to obliterate it. They are about to embark.

shal we join them and leave adolphus in command?


shoot to kill?
shoot to stop?
I say let loose the firepower and let fate decide

(This message has been edited by Harbringer (edited 10-08-2003).)

(OOC:) Another lull, no one even made comments on the imminent invasion of Voinia with the intent to destroy Borb station. Oh well I'll make the attack and in case anyone cares enough to be there they can influence the outcome to some extent. Anyone not participating can freely make a post in this battle (on any side) if they care, with or without long term commitment

System: Voinia

A massive UE and independent fleet jumps into Voinia and begins to engage the enemy.

On board the vessel Trushalo Odj
" Te shordjol muro rat! " The success of the fleet had looked simple, then the fleet emerged from the depths. When dogfighting Tshaya had used a similar tactic often. Dozens of heavily shielded Igazras and Igadzra Aradas had emerged from the depth of a massive gas giant. Trushalo Odj still outmaneuvered every vessel in the system friend or foe but the projectiles the Igadzra use were causing problems. "Flank left, and blind-side that massive ." The rear guard had been torn apart when the Igadzra emerged and the back of the advancing fleet had opened. The Igadzra had destroyed a portion of the fleet very quickly.
A quick turn and the Trushalo Odj releases it's flight, four rockets launch simultaneously accompanied by seven blaze cannons. With it's large size the inefficiency of the Igazra shield system is magnified and one rocket is able to hit, by penetrating the shields, the command center. The sleek Lazira glides to engage the next vessel. " Te lolirav I phuv mure ratesa. We will spill our blood today, perhaps one day the war will end, but if the strands interfere not for hundreds of years. O ushalin zhala sar o kam mangela. We will fight on!"

System: Fridion

The combined Emaghla-UE fleet met with little resistance and quickly annihilated Denlon's production facilities via orbital bombing then advanced toward Niot.

"What if to reach the highest place you had to fall?"
Peter Mayer

OOC: Arrrggghhh! We need to get this going again!

Larra was so excited she would have been running around the bar talking constantly, had she not been putting forth effort to look calm and collected. "C'mon, let's go already!" she finally exclaimed, bouncing out of her chair. Demon, clearly remembering she owed him a dare, was looking around the bar with an amused look in his eyes. Without waiting to see if Page and Demon were following her, or even to hear(or see) Skysayer's answer to Demon's question, Larra half walked, half jogged to the bar door and stepped out.

Kamikaze was parked far off to the right, and Larra suddenly wondered if Page had to get anything from his shuttle before they left. She was about to turn around and ask, when a ship began descending to land, blasting her long black hair back and making her squint into the wind. For no apparent reason she stood there, watching the ship land...

OOC: I assume, Harbringer, that you planned on showing up before Larra and Page leave? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Life is a game, and it's to short to sit on the sidelines.

ooc: this'll do fine
Endekung II Hatuli syastem
The Endekung II after disgourging and confirming Straus's personal craft to be safe on atlantic station made a 180 degree course change and left the system and went on its way to its eventual destination, Planet voinia.

Atlantic Station, Hatuli System
the pilot of the new arrival motioned Larra over. The cockpit slid open and the man stood up.
"Good day, My name is Strauss, I have sensed the convergence of psychic powers here, and know you objective, I wish to help."
He jumped down from the cockpit.

shoot to kill?
shoot to stop?
I say let loose the firepower and let fate decide

(This message has been edited by Harbringer (edited 10-20-2003).)

(NSP: Regardless of the fact that no UE fleet could penetrate that deeply into Voinian space so quickly, as the Voinian Grand Empire has thousands of picket ships and border patrols, I'll add my own twist to the battle to compensate for that. Besides, the Dur'achi need some more development.)


The Teiresias jumped into the system, accompanying ten Voinian cruisers, fifty Voinian frigates, and the Voinian flagship, Karasio Dar , as part of one of the emergency reinforcement fleets dispatched to Voinia. They had been able to arrive at such an oppurtune moment due to the quick thinking of several planners on the Ylynn Outpost, who had used hyperspace sensor data to realize that an attack fleet was aimed for Voina. They had recommended a reinforcement fleet be dispatched immediately, so the fleets would clash without undue harm to the infrastructure on Voina. Grand Admiral Zathe Voltok had risen to the challenge instantly.

But he came with the aid of two Dur'achi swordmasters, Shek Sunrunner and Lelos Somm, two individuals who were not without their own resources and cunning. They had contacted the Dur'achi homeworld using the vast power of the hyperwave relay—an experimental instantaneous communications device developed by joint research between the Darweshi and the Dur'achi back on the homeworld. The ADL had been quick to answer the call, and, as evidence to that, a blue-tinged hyperspace rift opened up behind the Dur'achi-modified Voinian Heavy Fighter (/i)Teiresias(/i).

Twelve Dur'achi Rekesh -class warships emerged.

(-Encryption: None-)
(-Recipients: All Ships in System-Voina-)
(-Source: Dur'achi Flagship Swordmaster's Blade -)

To all invading and defending ships:

Stand down immediately and cease firing weapons. Should any ship fail to comply with this order within the next Galactic Standard minute, we will open fire with weaponry you have never seen before, and are likely to only see once should their discharge become necessary.

We repeat: stand down now. The Allied Dur'ahi League wishes to speak with the leaders of both warring fleets to discuss a matter of vital galactic security.


-End Message-)
-End Transmission-)

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
—J. R. R. Tolkien
(url="http://";=26")The Search Feature(/url)

The Skysayer waved his goodbyes as Page, Larra, and Demon left the bar.
Page kept close behing the black wolf, he figured he knew where he was going. Larra had jogged up ahead.
"She's awfully restless isnt she?" Page asked Demon. He snickered and muttered "if only you knew her definition of restless," under his breath.
Page stepped into the Kamikaze's hangar.
Next to Larra stood the chaingun toting captain Strauss.
"Hey," Page said, taking Srauss' extended hand.
"So what exactly are we doing?"
Page closed his eyes and thought about the task at hand.
"Strauss," he began,"The mission we are about to start will be like nothing you've ever seen. I need to know if you still want to join us."
Strauss thought for a seccond, and then replied, "yes."
In a half seccond Larra yanked them inside the ship, and ran the peflight routine.
She looked to see Page sittingwith his feet up, seatbelt unlocked.
"if i were you I'd lock that," she said.
"I'll be fine.."
"You'll be sorry."


Hatuli System, Northern EU Space
the Hermes lifted off from the hangar under control of the navigator that had accompanied Strauss to the station and took up a holding pattern outside the hangar.
"This is the navigator of EBS Hermes I am under order to accompany Strauss and thereby the party he is accompanying to their final destination in order to defend the non-combat class vessel kamikazi-"
Strauss raised his hand and caused the Hermes to jolt slightly to the right.
"... (the navigator checked over his instruments and after finding nothing threatening continued) Kamikazi during space flight."
The passengers of the Kamikaze looked at him slightly puzzled.
"Was that you?" Page asked
"Yes, I apologize for not telling you all earlier... I trained in the Rimerta House military, I fought alongside the Nilkemonia for a short time and trained under a vell-os master. i'm a high level T3 as classified by the new federation."

shoot to kill?
shoot to stop?
I say let loose the firepower and let fate decide

(NSP: Just a few things. I like how we're melding some Nova elements into this, but we need to make sure we keep enough of the EVO surroundings in the story, as we are currently operating an EVO webstory. Also, the Albatross is the bar on Atlantic Station in, I believe, the Liat system. It's not in Hatuli. Minor point, but I just wanted to bring that to everyone's attention.)

Onboard the Teiresias
Status: High-Alert Standby

Shek Sunrunner, Dur'achi swordmaster and general/all-purposes mercenary, looked over the planning table at Grand Admiral Zathe Voltok. The Voinian commander was gazing intently at the various holographic readouts being projected from the table, and his grim, set face indicated his displeasure with the situation.

Because of the inexplicable UE attack, the Dur'achi had been forced to reveal themselves to the galaxy. The Admiral had been hoping to save such a revelation for a particularly well planned moment—preferably in the relatively-distant future—but he had been unable to do so.

And the potential galactic conflict that could arise from the current explosive situation was terrifying.

Even for one so hardened and ruthless as the Grand Admiral.

Let us just hope the Dur'achi need not demonstrate the Fires of Shawaak, prayed the Admiral.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
—J. R. R. Tolkien
(url="http://";=26")The Search Feature(/url)