The Albatross

ooc: right then I will test the waters

Gordontron has an interesting conversation with Paranoid about times past and what is currently happening. Gordontron picks up that the Miranu may be under threat. Always one to help the peaceful Gordontron sets off after ordering a jones soda from desperado. 1 upgraded Azdara and 10 others flash out of the system bound for Mira.

--Days later--

Gordontron's fleet arives in Miranu territory, phasers turned to "no military stance," the fleet lands on Mira and Gordontron heads for the palace that houses the Miranu government. Gordontron arrives and waits outside a magestic door with two guards on either side. Gordon stands there patiently waiting, long Azdgari robes gently flowing in the breeze.

"Chaos is our ally, discipline our mortal foe" --Azdgari Commander
Long live the Azdgari!
"Guns don't kill people, ammunition does."-Garison Keeler

My humble observation: If this crowd wants a webstory then create a webstory. If yall want to continue the old bar style game then by all means do so. But if you don't then yall should (yes I know I am using yall) make a new thread because this thread was desperados bar. In other words this post has drifted away from its original purpose and should be locked unless something isn't done to change the story or move it to a new origianl thread.

"America always preaches rule of law, but in the end it always places itself above the law."-british ambassador

"Chaos is our ally, discipline our mortal foe" --Azdgari Commander
Long live the Azdgari!
"Guns don't kill people, ammunition does."-Garison Keeler

(NSP (Non-Story Post):


Originally posted by Gordontron:
**My humble observation: If this crowd wants a webstory then create a webstory. If yall want to continue the old bar style game then by all means do so. But if you don't then yall should (yes I know I am using yall) make a new thread because this thread was desperados bar. In other words this post has drifted away from its original purpose and should be locked unless something isn't done to change the story or move it to a new origianl thread.

"America always preaches rule of law, but in the end it always places itself above the law."-british ambassador


Note: this is not a webstory in the sense that each writer controls a government. We do not. I control two characters. Most of us here control one or two characters or so. I'd like it to stay this way, so we don't deteriorate into petty mathematical disputes about naval battles and such, or cold, calculated research numbers. Common sense and general courtesy is the rule.

This, following on this trend of openness, if your character wants to talk to the Miranu, feel free to have him do so in your post. Just come up with a reasonable explanation as to how he got to talking with 'em.

So far, the Albatross has been a very open webstory. However, your point about a new topic is well taken, and I think it might be wise to open another thread, as we've accumulated a great many posts in this topic so far. Thus, I'm going to ask the writers here for their input on this. Namely, should I make a new topic? If so, what should we call it? I'm leaning on something like "The Albatross II: Rising Storm" or something like that.

So, comments people, comments! 😄



All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
—J. R. R. Tolkien
(url="http://";=26")The Search Feature(/url)

(This message has been edited by Solel (edited 09-13-2003).)


Originally posted by Solel:
**< Stuff>

Sounds good to me. I think a new topic might make me more motivated to write. I've kind of been slacking off...

wanders over to an empty computer booth and begins writing

"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." --Voltaire

(url="http://"")The Fifth Column(/url) (url="http://"")Fatal Alliance(/url)
"So being anti-'bad idea' is now Liberal? If you say so." --The Infidel

I'm all for it, I haven't been too motivated.

"What if to reach the highest place you had to fall?"
Peter Mayer

Alright, there seems to be good consensus for it. I'll make the topic sometime midday or so tomorrow.


All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
—J. R. R. Tolkien
(url="http://";=26")The Search Feature(/url)


Originally posted by Solel:
**Alright, there seems to be good consensus for it. I'll make the topic sometime midday or so tomorrow.



NOOOO!!! I haven't been motivated to write lately either, but lets not dishonour the Albatross by not letting it reach it's final resting post count of 1000.

To err is human.
To err and blame it on someone else, is even more human.


Originally posted by Cresent:
**NOOOO!!! I haven't been motivated to write lately either, but lets not dishonour the Albatross by not letting it reach it's final resting post count of 1000.


That would take a piece of work 250 posts isn't exactly an easy number to whip quickly. The reason it got so high in the first place is because people posted things like: I continue to sit in the corner drinking vinilla coke laughing at frodo.

"Chaos is our ally, discipline our mortal foe" --Azdgari Commander
Long live the Azdgari!
"Guns don't kill people, ammunition does."-Garison Keeler

Sits in the corner laughing at the arguing patrons of the Albatross.

"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." --Voltaire

(url="http://"")The Fifth Column(/url) (url="http://"")Fatal Alliance(/url)
"So being anti-'bad idea' is now Liberal? If you say so." --The Infidel


Noted about the 1000 post deal. That's the main thing stopping me. And, since that is a rather nice number, let's go for that before making a new topic. I suppose I'll try and kick us back into gear slightly.



"So let's go over this one more time Mr. Mishashevsky," Somm said. "The United Earth government, according to you, finances the Renegades as a secret front for illegal revenue."


Somm went on. "In addition to this treasonous activity on the part of the UE leadership, you say also that the UE military has not dealt with the Renegades because the renegades are a revenue source, implying that the UE leadership that funds the renegades also has hooks in the military leadership."

"Also correct."

"Furthermore," continued Somm, "you assert that the Renegades are involved in a slave trade involving human beings, and that this slave trade extends beyond just the renegade worlds, but reaches into the economic spheres of the Voinian Empire."

"You have a grasp now of the knowledge that imprisoned me," replied Dmitri Mishashevsky, the martyred rebel living the life of a forgotten hero. Like Shay, like Spartacus, he had moved to correct for injustices. But the ruling class had been too powerful for him.

Shek and Somm turned to one another. Shek whispered, in Dur'achi battle code, "This is dangerous territory we enter. We're dealing with international incidents here."

Somm replied in the same manner. "It matters not. What matters is what's at stake. An interstellar federation is being run by a dangerous oligarchy, one that happens to be collaborating secretly with the sworn enemy of said federation."

"As you will. But you know what this means."

"We can't go back to Voltok with this."

"That's certainly something to consider. But I have a feeling we'll need to see the old Grand Admiral at some future juncture."

"Whatever. Let's get out of here."

"Not yet. We'll finish with this man, but we're going to question the others too. Just in case."


The two Dur'achi swordmasters turned back to the forgotten exile. "Thank you for your time Mr. Mishashevsky. Be assured, we will make this information into tangible justice. And when that day comes, you will feel the sweetness of true freedom."

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
—J. R. R. Tolkien
(url="http://";=26")The Search Feature(/url)

As much as she didn't want to admit it, this was one situation in which Larra had no absoulute clue what to do. Instinctively, she mistrusted anything angelic. Demon was no help; he took her mistrust several steps further and was hiding in Kamikaze. On the outside she looked calm and unconcerned with the comotion in Page's corner, stretched out in her chair, occasionally sipping the drink in her hand. The hood of her cloak was pulled down, effectively hiding the fact that one eye was always trained on the angel, and that the both violet eyes were beginning to swirl slightly with various shades and tints. Effectively, she was terrified.

Life is a game, and it's to short to sit on the sidelines.

OOC: Bloody Comp homework...

Anyway, I should be writing more once I get my new TiBook.

"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." --Voltaire

(url="http://"")The Fifth Column(/url) (url="http://"")Fatal Alliance(/url)
"So being anti-'bad idea' is now Liberal? If you say so." --The Infidel

(This message has been edited by double_zero (edited 09-17-2003).)

Gordon grumbles about making it to 1,000. Hey if you want to point out spelling by my guest, that is one of my many faults. Oh, yeah and I do post in third person often for my character.
Gordontron stands out for waht seems like hours when he finally decides to see what is going on. Pushing open the huge double doors the Azdgari veteran walks inside closely followed by the guards from the Miranu and Gordontron's loyal followers. The throne room is through two more double doors and up three grand stair cases. After a good workout Gordontron arrives at the top of a huge tower and walks directly into the throne room.
Gordontron is shocked at what he sees. "You?"-He says to the person in the trone. "And who exactly are you, you're not the venerable leader of the Miranu. Oh, I am Gordontron." He says bowing low in front of the person.

"I am grand moff Kiltch, I have taken over the posistion of king from the Miranu leader. He was took weak to carry on and I have taken his place. Things are going to be run differently from now on Gordontron. I heard you once worked with my predicessor to destory the renegades. Your services are no longer required, you will find that I run a civilization much more effectively any Miranu has done in the past." On that note gordon is dismissed over something more important.
Wondering about the new regeime Gordontron walks to the main Mira bar. It was packed. Patrons were cramed into every corner. Apparently a local rock group called the Offspring were playing. Gordontron liked the music and decided to stay and order a few good Azdgari spirits. Gordontorn manages to elbow his way past all the teenagers and to the main bar tables. But even here it is packed Gordontron does see one table that is almost empty except for one man. Gordontron walkes over to him and introduces himself. The man, DZ, seems a little disturbed at Gordontron's followers so he sends them away. "Have you lived here long?" gordontron asks. later on in the conversation gordontron drops hints about the new ruler. "So um, getting to the point. I think that this new administration has something to hide. I am planning to uncover exactly what. Are you in for a little muck raking?"

"Chaos is our ally, discipline our mortal foe" --Azdgari Commander
Long live the Azdgari!
"Guns don't kill people, ammunition does."-Garison Keeler

(This message has been edited by Gordontron (edited 09-18-2003).)

OOC: Oh, but I want you to envy me. It's a matter of pride, that I'm able to purchase a TiBook with my own money. A job is a beautiful thing, especially a first one. When you don't need to buy a car, or pay for school, or any of that. Anyway, enough boasting. On with the story:

The Bar on Mira
Er... What's the name of the bar on Mira?

DZ walked into the bar. None of the patrons took any notice of him. Just another trader, looking for some higher-paying work.

He took a seat in the back of the bar and occupied his mind with what Chester had found out for him, while he waited for his contact to show up.


I'll edit in the rest as soon as I get it done. Past my bedtime.

"The cruelest lies are often told in silence." -- Robert Louis Stevenson
"All that is gold does not glitter; not all those that wander are lost." -- J. R. R. Tolkien

(url="http://"")The Fifth Column(/url) | (url="http://"")dz's Site(/url) | (url="http://"")Five Iron Frenzy(/url) | (url="http://"")My Blog(/url) | (url="http://"")I Go Skate(/url)
"So being anti-'bad idea' is now Liberal? If you say so." --The Infidel

If you don't cease bragging, I will mention my computers which I worked on and off for five years to get and costs much more than my car (that's not saying much).

The Renegade "tallies" the conclusion. "No restrictions will be placed upon incoming members but the taxes will not be lifted." The Miranu aren't sure whether to appear ecstatic or disappointed, so they look foolish. The humans reactions vary but some look with obvious disgust at the Miranu obviously against any aliens joining the Renegade decides he needs to deal with this. The Voinan members immediately speak with the Miranu, who are likely to trade more extensively with the Empire than humans were allowed to.

A vessel traveling through the Centauri system is destroyed apparently due to a hyperdrive malfunction.

"What if to reach the highest place you had to fall?"
Peter Mayer

(This message has been edited by Paranoid (edited 09-20-2003).)

OOC: Actually 250 posts isnt hard to come by, my bar on the nova board is almost at post 800, and its been maybe a month, of course there are few veteransand mostly new people.
By the way, the story I'm posting now is easy to latch onto, and will be easier in the near future.

After Long hours of speaking with Dar, Page was thuroughly confused.
"There is something you must know about that sword you carry," Dar says finally cutting to the point.
Page's hood hangs low over his eyes, and his slow quiet breathing is heard in the few moments of silence before Dar knocks on Pages head, as if it were a door.
"Huh? what the ****?!"
"As i was saying... That Blade you hold contains the essence of an ancient god, Antaries, Antaries was the god of protection, and there were two others that exhisted in his time. There was Ungar, the god of creation, and Kergoth, the god of destruction."
Page had dozed off after hearing the name Ungar, but the name Kergoth awoke him with a start.
An Image surfaced in his clouded mind.
A Tall man wearing a horned helmet, his black tattered cloak flailing violently in the wind, He held a Blade, about 8 feet long and one foot wide, and the hilt was made of skulls. The Blade glowed a dark and demonic red, as did the warlords eyes.
Standing nfront of him as a boy, maybe about 17 years of age, wearing equally tattered clothes. Over his shoulder was Pages sword, which was apparently the same one Dar had.
And in his eyes was a look of sheer terror.
Page shuddered as he took a sip of his drink, rom a long pink twisty straw.
"That will be you," Dar said, continuing...



Originally posted by Valence:
**< maybe a month>

OOC: Has it really been that long?


As much as her fear held her back, it was eventually overcome by curiosity, and Larra slowly began moving her table closer and closer to Page's. First she would wrap her ankle around the table leg and pull it a few inches, then nonchalantly scoot her chair over. It help that the other chairs that were at her table had been borrowed by a large party croweded around a single table on the other side of the bar. Larra was glad to see the chairs go, maybe no one unwanted would attempt to hit on her, as was usual in a bar like this. Once she got close enough, Larra listened in. And was surprised by what she heard. Having never understood the 'sword thing', mainly because no one had bothered to explain it to her, she now drank in every word. But that still didn't make her trust the Angel any more.

Life is a game, and it's to short to sit on the sidelines.

Pax Station, Dogover System

Somm and Shek sat across from one another at a circular table off to one side of the decrepit bar. Several Voinians were present, some at the bar, conversing with the 'keep, some at other tables, and some just standing, watching the scene. Uneasy because of the presence of this group, about a dozen humans were also acting as patrons, most of them seated around three tables in a corner of the dimly lit room.

"So we have a problem," Somm stated dryly. The information they'd collected from the other prisoners they'd interviewed after their revelations from Alekxander Mishashevsky had served to corroborate the martyr's tale.

A convicted smuggler had been imprisoned after bringing questions to the UE government when some of his underworld contacts had tried to contract him for a Voinian slave run. But why should they arrest him for providing superficially useful information? It made little sense, unless viewed under the revealing light of conspiracy.

Several lawyers lived in other cells. They all had been charged with conspiracy and treason against the State. But immediately before their arrest, they'd uncovered, in cases brought to their attention, evidence strongly indicating the UE government was deliberately allowing the Renegade infestation to flourish. They had been imprisoned on Verril soon afterwards, and the defendents and plaintiffs involved in their case had also been jailed, unfortunately, on Hatuli. Those witnesses would never speak the deadly truth in court.

The evidence ran on and on. It became too much of a coincidence that the Hatuli prison had been destroyed by terrorists who had "hijacked" a UE fighter squadron. When a similar group of fighters had entered Verril after the Teiresias had broken the atmosphere, Somm and Shek had opened fire. The Dur'achi weaponry had wiped out the UE craft in a matter of moments, and the modified Voinian fighter had cloaked, so that, at most, the attack would be labeled a lucky Voinian foray.

So they had gone to Pax, to talk with Voltok. If the Voinians were indeed dealing in a slave trade with the Renegades, the Grand Admiral of the Voinian Imperial Navy would know about it. The fact that that clearly implicated him in an interstellar conspiracy against trillions of people made the swordmasters' venture understandably risky. There was the definite possibility that they would die on Pax if Zathe Voltok took it into his mind that the two posed a threat to him.

But they knew that Grand Admiral Zathe Voltok was not that kind of man.

A Voinian, looking even stronger than most of his race, walked up to their table, wearing the all-black uniform without decorations.

Shek and Somm stood up and proffered their hands in greeting. "Admiral. Thank you for coming."

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
—J. R. R. Tolkien
(url="http://";=26")The Search Feature(/url)

Within 10000 minutes the number of Miranu joining the Confederacy was reaching the thousands, and the trade flow to the Zidagar and Voinian systems increased, and an ambassador was sent to negotiate for trading rights to the Azdgari. The Confederacy was expanding exponentially and seeking for corruption became nearly impossible.

"What if to reach the highest place you had to fall?"
Peter Mayer

Bomb walks in, eviction notice in hand.

1000 posts and this place is demolished.. See you all in a few months..


"I've over stayed a while..
my time in exile..."