New Life

OK, If no one has objections, lets start. Sorry, this may seem as if I'm taking over U.E. Admiral. But I think everyone agrees with me?<nudge nugde nugde> 😉

Also, if I break a rule, someone please tell me because I don't completely understand the whole idea.

Disco sets out in his specialized Arada boasting all the usual upgrades, as many speed upgrades as possible, shield enhancments, 4 Phase Cannons, a Tractor Beam, a Repulser Beam, and an ECM system heading for the station he has heard rumors of known as "Freeport," planning on making an alliance. Rumor has it that the entire system is owned by renegades of a spiecies called the "Humans."


CHANNEL SECURITY: 8 (scale of 1-10)

"Greetings "humans." It is, that we could possibly make an alliance. Please bring your answer to the planet at the following cordinates."


That wedge of cheese
can't hurt anyone! So
don't dread it - it even
says not to

You silly, we don't start in the sign up topic! Duh! If you want this story to start, which we all do, UEA, give the okay. NOW.

Now, for errors in your post.
1. You can't just hear a rumor. You can go exploring. They would let that slip by.
2. Try to make your post a little longer. Put more detail. Not heavy on this.
3. IC(In Character) and OOC(Out Of Character) can't be in the same post unless you do OOC: (stuff)
At the top or bottem of the post. I hope there will be a complete OOC topic, so as we don't clutter up the story.

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 11-28-2002).)


Originally posted by grunadulater:
**You silly, we don't start in the sign up topic! Duh! If you want this story to start, which we all do, UEA, give the okay. NOW.

Now, for errors in your post.
1. You can't just hear a rumor. You can go exploring. They would let that slip by.
2. Try to make your post a little longer. Put more detail. Not heavy on this.
3. IC(In Character) and OOC(Out Of Character) can't be in the same post unless you do OOC: (stuff)
At the top or bottem of the post. I hope there will be a complete OOC topic, so as we don't clutter up the story.


I completely ditto this post except: UE Admiral will not be here for a couple of weeks. We should start this in a new topic.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!


Originally posted by grunadulater:
Ah, I should have made that more clear. I said "What is a ** RENGADE?" I was joking at his wrong spelling! Sheesh.


I'm sorry. I completely missed that. I guess I was reading too quickly to notice the incorrect spelling. :redface:

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel

It appears that's it's been started already... even though construction and research isn't yet clarified.

As a placeholder, I suggest this:-

+10% to your existing navy size per day

e.g. 100 Igazras, build 10 a day. There are numerous errors with this, but it should do until we can establish something more organised. It might be a good idea to note that that's 10% of your original existing navy (why should blowing up 10 Igazras mean the enemy have less production?)

As for research, I believe that it's also supposed to be per day. Solel, the per post high research times you are referring to are, I believe, from Shadows Dawning (and 'Dawning used per post by all , not per post by relevant player.)


That sounds good to me, SD. So I would gain 30zidaras and 10fighters every day of construction.

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel

Okay this construction system is good for now but as soon as stellars start changing hands it is going to fall apart. I think we need to get a stellar based construction system simillar to that of Shadows Dawning, in fact what would be wrong with just using that system? Also... how does research work?

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

Vice Admiral Ipvicus's points must be addressed, and soon. Since my Miranu Carriers will be ready to start mass production on 12/6/02, I had assumed that I would just allocate some resources from the M.H. Freighter production to make them. However well this might solve this solution, what if a government designs a completely new ship, like a dreadnaught/cruiser/gunship type vessel? The ship construction equations must be modified.

So far, it looks like EoD is moving along quite smoothly. Hooray!

Keep up the good work people!


(EDIT)—I figured out a way to solve my problem if I ever design gunships, but the is only works if my fleet numbers and production numbers are modified to include couriers, which were indeed in my original shipcount in SD (as well as Crescent Fighters). Again, this way only works if I produce these ships in replacement for other parts of my production. I suppose this could apply to anyone, but this system of mine has not been thought about very much, and thus is probably not a good system. Hooray!
Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

(This message has been edited by Solel (edited 12-02-2002).)

In additon to these logistical problems there is also a battle moderation that needs to be addressed. Grundy has expressed concern that I did not give myself a realistic number of losses in my sneak attack. My opinion is that I shouldn't lose any ships because I didn't engage any combat ready Igadzra in that battle. Also, I have disputed his bringing reinforcments from two and three systems away into that battle in unison within his first post. It would take at least 6 game days (plus lag time for the distress signal to arrive and all that guff) for those ships to travel the distance needed to get to the battle together. Grundy needs to modify his post to exclude those reinforcments and wait until after my next post to bring them in.

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

Beeblebrox, now that i am back i must demand that you add the following into the first post of the webstory:

Name: Eve Of Destruction

Player List:
United Earth: Beeblebrox
Iothe: Zax
Human Renegades: Zurg
Voinian Empire: U.E. Admiral(subject to change)
Emalgha: Thought Police
North Tip Renegades: disco
South Tip Renegades: Player Needed
Strandless Renegades: Player needed
Miranu: Solel
Zachit: Kauthor
Zidagar: Ultimate Rebel
Azdgari: SilverDragon
Igadzra: Grundy
Council: Optional
Private Captain(s): -REDCHIGH-
Free Huron Fleet: Cyril
Hinwar Liberation Fleet: Player Needed
(Explaination: Cyril can take command of a small fleet of Civilian/Renegade ships with which to take Huron. As far as the Hinwar Liberation Fleet: Same as Free Huron but with Voinian ships and most likly a shorter life span.)
Voinian: 450 Ships
UE: 350 Ships
Emalgha: 70 Ships
Human Renegades: 50 Ships
South Tip Renegades: 60 Ships
Strandless Renegades: 35 Ships
North Tip Renegades: 80 Ships
Miranu: 500 Freighters
Zachit: 60 Ships
Zidagar: 400 Ships
Azdgari: 600 Ships
Igazra: 300 Ships
300 Total-
-100 Igazras
-200 Igadzra Aradas
400 Total-
-300 Zidaras
-100 Zidagar Fighters
600 Total-
-100 Azdgari Warships
-225 Azdaras
-275 Azdgari Aradas
500 Total-
-200 M. H. Freighters
-300 M. Freighters
60 Total-
-25 Zachit Aradas
-35 Zachit Fighters
N. T. Renegades:
80 Total-
-20 Crescent Warships
-15 Lazrias
-30 Renegade Aradas
-15 Crescent Fighters
Strandless Renegades:
35 Total-
-5 Crescent Warships
-20 Lazrias
-7 Renegade Aradas
-3 Crescent Fighters
S. T. Renegades:
60 Total-
-10 Crescent Warships
-30 Renegade Aradas
-20 Crescent Fighters
Human Renegades:
50 Total-
-20 Turncoats
-25 Helians
-5 Kraits
Iothe Prime:
30 Total-
-5 Turncoats
-15 Helians
-10 Kraits
70 Total-
-25 Emalgha Warships
-30 Emalgha Fighters
-15 Emalgha Freighters
United Earth:
350 Total-
-50 Carriers
-150 Destroyers
-75 UE Fighters
-20 Freighters
-30 Cargo Transporters
-5 Scoutships
-15 Shuttles
Voinian Empire:
450 Total-
-100 Cruisers
-200 Frigates
-75 Heavy Fighters
-50 Intercepters
-25 Supply Ships
Common sense to be used at all times.
Real-time will be used for research/building.
A maximum ship construction per day will be issued for each government.
No single-post battles.
All players are to be treated as if their crews are the same in every way(no "my crews are more experianced than yours so i can kill 8 destroyers at the loss of one ship" crap).
Ship and Fleet movement restricted by fuel capacity alone.
Effective Scanning Range is no more than 2 system radius(Unless upgraded).
Players can overrule the moderater(s) provided they all agree.

I figured whomever started it would have the intellect to post the player-slots,shipcounts, and rules.
Where did you get the idea i wouldnt be back for a few weeks?! I said 5 days to a week as i recall. I am now going to read the story through and post my objections/moderations here. <slap>

Does no human on this planet have any patience?

Insanity has its advantages


Originally posted by disco:
**Disco sets out in his good old Lazira, the "U.S.S. Odyssey." He has decided to go exploring for other renegades, and possibly make an alliance.

What Happens: Finds Freeport
ETA: 1 (real time) day


Revoked: a Lazria can not travel accross the galaxy in one post because it is not capable of having that much fuel.

Insanity has its advantages


posted by Zurg **
NPD prototype: 3 real time days**

Make that 7 days. It took the Miranu about 3 weeks to make theirs and they started with an Igadzra sensor array(far beyond your technology).

Insanity has its advantages

Vice Admiral, i did not catch your discription of the phase burst cannon. please email me with all info.

Insanity has its advantages

Zurg, i'm afraid that your attack on Sol is partly revoked. There is no way that you could have passed through UE space undetected. The UE would have been standing right at the exit point of each jump link with everything they had. As much as i would like for your attack to be as successful as you posted, i can not allow it. Your inflight losses need to be increased and the fact that the UE would be ready and waiting for you in Sol needs to be taken into account.

To everyone: Ship movement is limited only by fuel! For example, if Igadzra was under attack, and a fleet of Igazras happened to be 8 jumps away, the fleet could arrive in one post(Igazras have 8 jumps fuel ya know).

Also to Everyone: If you have plans for certain items, but do not want them known to everyone in the story you may mark them as cencored or classified as long as you send me the statistics to me via email to be accepted/revoked. Example, in a previous webstory i was researching a weapon, but i didnt want my enemy to know what it was so i marked it as classified and emailed the bigwig about it's abilities(to complete the story, my weapon was countered cause it took me too long to make use of it :mad: lol).

Insanity has its advantages

Ok still learning. Editing...

Life is full of surprises, but never when you need one.

  • Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat


Originally posted by Solel:
**OOC Alert:

I have some complaints about this post. First off, is this whole bit about capturing ships allowed for in the rules? I never remember it being discussed. Second, how the hell are the renegades going to have access to "all the speed/armor/shield upgrades"? I mean, come on. The North Tip renegades don't have that technology, unless I missed something about them allying with both the Voinians AND the Azdgari. How else would one get Bronev or the shield generator? I suppose the 3 day research time is acceptable...considering how long I take to develop mine, but with this talk of all the upgrades, I think something fishy is on the table.

Whoever is moderating this, I believe this post needs to be addressed.



Solel, i think he means all of the available upgrades such as the standard engine/thruster/RCS upgrades. The avail shield upgrades being the standard Shield capacitors. And well, there is no available armor upgrade to them so that is revoked.

Insanity has its advantages


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
To everyone: Ship movement is limited only by fuel! For example, if Igadzra was under attack, and a fleet of Igazras happened to be 8 jumps away, the fleet could arrive in one post(Igazras have 8 jumps fuel ya know).


Okay, how did you come up with that, it's completly beyond logic... varrying jump times are an inegral part of strategy in webstories such as this. With this system a fleet of U.E. Carriers would be able to travel intantainiously a distance that would take it 12 game days in EV:O. There are no time advantages whatsoever smaller ships, that fleet of Carriers could travel just as fast as Crecent Warships, even though the CWs have obviously more advanced hyperdrive tech (semi-fast compared to slow). If we used your system there would be practicly no limits to travel ans it would completly throw off the balance of the game.

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush


Originally posted by Vice Admiral Ipvicus:
**Okay, how did you come up with that, it's completly beyond logic... varrying jump times are an inegral part of strategy in webstories such as this. With this system a fleet of U.E. Carriers would be able to travel intantainiously a distance that would take it 12 game days in EV:O. There are no time advantages whatsoever smaller ships, that fleet of Carriers could travel just as fast as Crecent Warships, even though the CWs have obviously more advanced hyperdrive tech (semi-fast compared to slow). If we used your system there would be practicly no limits to travel and it would completly throw off the balance of the game.


ok, so you are telling me that you want it to take 12 days for you to make 4 jumps? Would you rather i set it to hours? It can be done. The point is that many people have next to no patience(looks at everyone in topic). You see, i dont like the idea of it taking me a year just to go arround the galaxy's rim ya know? I dont think any of us want to wait a year to take over an enemy on the other side of the galaxy. Any reasonable time for jumps that everyone would agree on would for the most part ruin the story. If you happen to come apon a viable and agreeable time rate for hyperspace, please bring it up. We'll give it a shot for a couple days and if everyone likes it we can stick with it.

I may be top mod of this story, but that doesnt mean im an arrogant, ignorant, selfabsorbed, mentally retarded ******* .

Insanity has its advantages

Whoa Whoa! Relax, U.E. Admiral. Take a deep breath,



Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**ok, so you are telling me that you want it to take 12 days for you to make 4 jumps? Would you rather i set it to hours? It can be done. The point is that many people have next to no patience(looks at everyone in topic). You see, i dont like the idea of it taking me a year just to go arround the galaxy's rim ya know? I dont think any of us want to wait a year to take over an enemy on the other side of the galaxy. Any reasonable time for jumps that everyone would agree on would for the most part ruin the story. If you happen to come apon a viable and agreeable time rate for hyperspace, please bring it up. We'll give it a shot for a couple days and if everyone likes it we can stick with it.

I may be top mod of this story, but that doesnt mean im an arrogant, ignorant, selfabsorbed, mentally retarded ******* .**

You are, however, hypocritical, because you asked me to start the webstory in your absence, and now bitch about people having no patience when the story begun at the time you wished it to, albeit by a different person.

Ipvicus' point is, fighters need to be faster in hyperspace than warships. I will correct him about the Crescent Warship - its speed of "semi-fast" relates to how quickly it enters hyperspace, I believe, as it takes the full 3 days per jump - but I support his argument. Everyone else want to make a statement regarding that? If we all disagree with this rule, we can of course overrule it...
