New Life

Oh, excellent then. Good and simple, a most efficient solution. I commend you.


Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

I need to put a plea out for the Emalgha Player to contact me or at the least, start posting. This player haven;t posted once ever since the webstory began.


I see i must explain to you about my spy in UE space. In the game when playing the UE side they speculate on how the Voinian Dreadnought got such powerful shields. They speculated that they were stolen so i am trying to replicate that process. I consider it legal to have a spy in someone else's space as long as it is stated in the game itself and that the spy is used only for the purpose the game intended. Only problem is that the only government that was mentioned using espionage was the Voinians last i knew. My spy is needed in order to stay true to the game's word.

Oh right, the Voinian defecter can be considered a spy by my standards(make use of it Beeblebrox).

Insanity has its advantages


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**I see i must explain to you about my spy in UE space. In the game when playing the UE side they speculate on how the Voinian Dreadnought got such powerful shields. They speculated that they were stolen so i am trying to replicate that process. I consider it legal to have a spy in someone else's space as long as it is stated in the game itself and that the spy is used only for the purpose the game intended. Only problem is that the only government that was mentioned using espionage was the Voinians last i knew. My spy is needed in order to stay true to the game's word.

Oh right, the Voinian defecter can be considered a spy by my standards(make use of it Beeblebrox).


The question is: will the shields you steal result in the Dreadnought having as much shields as in EVO, or more shields?

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**The question is: will the shields you steal result in the Dreadnought having as much shields as in EVO, or more shields?


I am trying to stay true to the game untill i get all the things the Voinians do in the main scenario.

Insanity has its advantages

Ultimate Admiral and Grunadulator, could you guys please post what your fleet positions are?

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

I have been stating where I sent them, and wherre they are headed. I will post the numbers of ships on each stellar later.

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel

Questions to disco about the NT Light Cruisers:


Originally posted by Disco on 12/2/02:
Reasearch: NT Light Cruiser
ETC: 3 days

So the prototype should have been ready on 12/5/02 right?


Originally posted by disco on 12/4/02:
Current Fleet Size:

Crescent Warships: 22

Lazirias: 17

Aradas: 55

Crescent Fighters: 44

NT Light Cruisers: 6


That's some awful fast production there. Explanation?

I'm sorry I sound so harsh with these posts, but I'm just trying to help make sure all the players (including myself) keep to the ground rules. This way, you can focus solely on your writing, and with writing, practice helps tremendously.


Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

(This message has been edited by Solel (edited 12-05-2002).)


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**I have been stating where I sent them, and wherre they are headed. I will post the numbers of ships on each stellar later.


You realize that this isn't fair to me? I am the only strand player that has posted my fleet positions, and that kinda puts me in a bad position.

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

How does that put you in a bad position? It doesn't mean we know the exact location of all your ships. It is just to state where they are, so there will not be any arguments over it later. I have a lot of homework to do today, so I will not be able to calculate the positions. Tomorrow expect them to be posted. Sorry for any inconvenince.
-Ultimate Rebel

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**How does that put you in a bad position? It doesn't mean we know the exact location of all your ships. It is just to state where they are, so there will not be any arguments over it later. I have a lot of homework to do today, so I will not be able to calculate the positions. Tomorrow expect them to be posted. Sorry for any inconvenince.
-Ultimate Rebel


It puts him in a bad position because players are sometimes forced to use OOC intell. Now that you have seen and read over where his fleet positions are it would be stupid to attack a stronger outpost even though you know your fleet cant win. That's why i tend to keep track of things on my computer(I dont like my update section to be longer than my post either). A possible alternative is to have everyone send their daily fleet positions to me via email(with the exeption of my immediate enemies that can be sent to Esponer).
I have yet to deside where i can puting my fleets and how, but i will let you know when i deside. With Beeblebrox and Thought Police seemingly missing i dont have to worry about being attacked so all is well.

Insanity has its advantages

Don't worry about OOC knowledge, people. I'm Admiral's bouncer. Anyone who is seen using it will be out the door. : )


Okay, Admiral, we really need to talk. It seems to be running well, but I'm concerned that a few people are diving towards power while others are facing destruction, because of some holes in the rules. If you don't mind, when you have some time, I'd like it if we could systematically check the production rates people in this story are producing at to check that they are correct, and also look at projects being researched closely.

It doesn't really matter if people are getting strong really quickly or really slowly, as long as people are doing it at a realistic pace with each other.

Ipvicus; can you forward me the data of your classified projects? You know my goals in this story, and that they don't involve attacking the Azdgari, so there shouldn't be a problem.

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 12-06-2002).)


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
Ipvicus; can you forward me the data of your classified projects? You know my goals in this story, and that they don't involve attacking the Azdgari, so there shouldn't be a problem.

We have already discussed them over AIM.

Um, I'm kinda curious about this new fighter bay that Ultimate Rebel is making for the Zidara. It seems to me that 5 Zidagar fighters are a bit much to be able to fit on a light warship, especially if it is to keep all of the weapons it currently mounts. Maybe Ultimate Rebel should design a seperate carrier variant of the Zidara instead?

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

(This message has been edited by Vice Admiral Ipvicus (edited 12-06-2002).)


Originally posted by Vice Admiral Ipvicus:
We have already discussed them over AIM.

Apologies, I had forgotten which was the second.



Um, I'm kinda curious about this new fighter bay that Ultimate Rebel is making for the Zidara. It seems to me that 5 Zidagar fighters are a bit much to be able to fit on a light warship, especially if it is to keep all of the weapons it currently mounts. Maybe Ultimate Rebel should design a seperate carrier variant of the Zidara instead?


I'll look over my stats once again, I am ptretty sure I have less weapons on the Battlecarrier. I yanked two Phase Turrets (the are what 30, 35 tons a peice?) and added some SAD launchers, which I'll take out if I have too. Hmmm maybe I forgot to list that the Battlecarrier has 30 less tons of cargo space than the Warship, I dunno but I'll check.

(edit) Okay, so it was 20 tons of cargo, but that still seems pretty fair to me. The only thing I'm not sure about is exatcly how much those SADs weigh... and that's kinda important. If there are too many of them I'll take 'em out.
Azdgari BattleCarrier/Improved Azdara Bay
-Speed: 175
-Accel: 350
-Turning: 2
-Shields: 2000
-Recharge: 400
-Armor: 450

Weapons: 2 Phase Burst Turrets, 2 SAD Launchers 24 Ammo, 1 Improved Azdara Bay, 12 Azdaras

Description: Complete overhaul of the Azdgari Warship Design. The Improved Azdara Bay basicly involves acompletely new, and very compact, way of racking the Azdaras when the are inside the bay. It aslo takes upabout 20 tons of what was cargo space in the Azdgari Warship. The Azdaras can not be launched all at once, but they can still be launched in groups of 6.(/edit)
Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

(This message has been edited by Vice Admiral Ipvicus (edited 12-06-2002).)

Phase turrets are 25 tons.

You freed up 70 tons in total. The SAD capabilities, I think, come to 94 tons. I believe the launcher is around 35 tons, although I am not certain.

Well, I think it comes to -24 tons spare, and then you double the capacity of your bays (and the original Azdara bay is several hundred tons.)

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
Dammit, how does Solel find the time to write all this... <laughs>

Heh, yah-I say the same thing whenever you post something Esponer! Your posts are what, 10 pages single spaced? 😄

Yes well, what times are you normally on AIM Esponer? I never seem to be online at the same time as you. Now, I've heard this is because you live in Great Britain, and that would certainly explain things if that's the case.

So far this one looks like its going along quite smoothly. Let's keep up the good work people!


Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

Sorry I'm doubly posting here, but I just saw your OOC post in EoD Esponer and I might as well get the information about the cloak out in the open. Yah it has a downside, I guess I just forgot to mention it in the post.

The Miranu Cloaking Device will entail the Miranu ship cloaks, but it can still view all the ships around it (I suppose your shield masking thing would stop this though...) just as they could normally, and research is going on to allow the cloaked vessel to fire weapons while under cloak. The cloak does, however, immediately drop the shields of the cloaked ship as soon as it is activated.

(Tell me if this is still unbalanced...I think it is a decent disadvantage for its power.)

Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

Alright, I know I haven't posted for ages.
Recently I suffered an injury while riding my bike to my right hand. I now have to type purely with my left hand, which is no mean feat.
I have also had exams, and have been seeing my pediatric surgeon a lot about it. I'll try to get back into the webstory, but I still won't be able to post much.

Beeblebrox 4:7 - And the prophet Beeblebrox heard the Lord's word, and he procliamed to the people, "Thou shalt not discriminate against two-headed, mac-using nerds!"
See Microsoft's 'Switch' Campaign; just goto (url="http://"")here(/url)

A Phase Turret is 20 tons!
A SAD Launcher is 30 tons!
A SAD is 1 Ton!
An Azdara Bay is 180 tons!
Why am i the only one that remembers this ****?

Insanity has its advantages