New Life

I took dispy rockets off my ships. Thats why I've never used dispys.

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).

When did you get the offender rating, grundaulator?


Please, don't ask. It will be gone in about 17 posts.

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).

Hey grundy, could you be a little more specific as to how you have your mines layed out, and which systems they were placed? I don't remember reading about which systems you put them in. That would help to clarify things for me, as I am a little slow at understanding some things. Thanks 🙂

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel

The mines are in every system on the border. They are all over the systems.

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).

ok, i have finished my fleet dispersal. I would rather not reveal it, but...

Voinian Shipcount

100 Cruisers
200 Frigates
75 Heavy Fighters
50 Intercepters
25 Supply Ships

Remaining to be distributed
10 Cruisers
2 Frigates
3 HVY Fighters
14 Intercepters
0 Supply Ships

Empire Fleet 1
30 Cruisers
60 Frigates
21 HVY Fighters
(i)Empire Fleet 2(/b)
20 Cruisers
40 Frigates
16 HVY Fighters

1 Dreadnought Prototype
150 Cruisers
300 Frigates
110 HVY Fighters
75 Intercepters
35 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
4 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
6 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
3 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
7 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
1 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
2 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
1 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
2 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
0 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
0 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
0 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
0 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
0 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
0 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
0 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
0 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
0 Supply Ships

5 Cruisers
11 Frigates
4 HVY Fighters
2 Intercepters
0 Supply Ships

Insanity has its advantages

Thanks, that answers my question. How much damage does each mine yield, and how is it set off? Is it if it's touched, or heat sensors, or movement sensors, or if it is touched?
(EDIT) I just realized I forgot to include my ship loss in the count. :eek: I'll edit that one to fix the number. So read it again if you already have. (/EDIT)

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel

(This message has been edited by Ultimate Rebel (edited 12-10-2002).)

I still want to know how many launchers and ammo you have on each type of ship.

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

Is Zax still going to play as Iothe? And what about Thought Police? Are the Emalgha going to show?

Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

A mine does a constant drain of 23 energy damage per second. It lasts for 35 seconds. When the shields have been depleted, the mine has been shot by a PDS, or the mine has been active for 35 seconds, it explodes, doing 180 shield damage and 50 armor damage. The way to set the mine off is to get close to it. When it gets close to a ship, it will use electromagnets to very quickly snap onto the ships shields, with the optional help of a tractor/repulsor beam in the launcher. It will only attack ships designated as enemies, unless ordered so by the mothership. The launcher, which launches mines and Berserkers, launches about 1 per 6 seconds. The mine has a mini repulsor/tractor "wave" beam, which is not as powerful as the regular beam, but sends a way of pulling or pushing energy onto the Berserker, mine, or anything else.

A Berseker does a constant drain of 20 energy damage per second. It lasts for 30 seconds. When the shields have been depleted, the thing shot, or has been active for 30 seconds, it explodes, doing 150 shield damage and 45 armor damage.

A normal Igazra holds:

  • 5 Phase Turrets

  • 3 SAE Launchers

  • 30 SAEs

  • 2 Dispersal Rocket Launchers

  • 10 Dispersal Rockets

The newest version looks like this:

  • 5 Phase Turrets

  • 3 SAE Launchers

  • 30 SAEs

  • 1 Berserker Launcher

  • 10 Berserker Missiles

  • 5 Berserker Mines

Igadzra Arada:

  • 3 Swivel Phased Cannons

  • 1 SAE Launcher

  • 10 SAEs

  • 2 Rear Phased Cannons

New Igadzra Arada:

  • 2 Phased Cannon

  • 1 Swivel Phased Cannons

  • 1 SAE Launcher

  • 10 SAEs

  • 1 Berserker Launcher

  • 5 Berserker Missiles

  • 3 Berserker Mines

Igadzra Carrier:

  • 17,000 Shields

  • 1,000 Armor


  • 2 Igazras

  • 10 Igadzra Aradas

No weapons

(All scales are done Res-Edit style.)

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).

I'm currently butchering Solel (moderation-wise.) Thank you.

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.

Butchering complete, for now. All knots removed.

Thanks Esponer.

Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

Disco, I need your AIM Screenname, or Email address.


I'm going to be studying for exams for the next few weeks (2, maybe), and I will barely be posting. I would really like it if people would not attack me unless you really have to, and I will only be responding to posts in a very short manner. I will try to get as much as I can in, but I can't promise a lot.

Slave of homework

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).

Heh, what happend at Diudir Grundy? 😉 I thought we were gonna have a battle :frown:.

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

Zurg, could you explain this cloning tech? I don't understand the purpose it serves.


Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

Well, I was going to write a battle, but I can't write a good one in the 20 minutes I have online. I actually have 30, but the other 10 are spent reading up on the story.

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).


Originally posted by grunadulater:
**Well, I was going to write a battle, but I can't write a good one in the 20 minutes I have online. I actually have 30, but the other 10 are spent reading up on the story.


No need to worry about that. It usually takes me longer to read up on the posts, depending how many there are. Hey, I'm gonna make my battle against you short. Not that I'm gonna win quickly or anything, but it will end by sometime tonight, hopefully.

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel


Originally posted by Solel:
**Zurg, could you explain this cloning tech? I don't understand the purpose it serves.



Ok, basically it allows me to create an army quickly, which allows me to step up my war on United Earth and build up enough defences so that noone wipes me out. Also this tech allows me to make speciallized beings to either work in factories or fight in the army.

Life is full of surprises, but never when you need one.

  • Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat

As Redchigh has returned, my position won't be necessary any more, so unless Admiral objects, I stand down.

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.