Wave of Destruction, Ch. 8-10


Originally posted by ESPilot:
**OOC: Again, GRRR! Esponer, Carno just used a team of marines and their commander. Are they really that crucial?

OOC: Actually, Carnotaur is directly controlling some of my most important characters. I'm Jeynek Coral, and those troops were part of Nightmare. They are, in fact, probably a very high percentage of all my loyal forces. In addition to that, their tactics are a lot different to how Carnotaur posted them...more along the lines of step inside the freighter and blow the thing to pieces. They are not Coalition.

And it also seems we have a problem. My SiC is working totally against my plans. If we don't sort this out soon, I'm going to have to have the guy shot. I mean, literally, if we can't work something out by the end of the day, I'm having Nightmare assassinate his character.





Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**OOC: Actually, Carnotaur is directly controlling some of my most important characters. I'm Jeynek Coral, and those troops were part of Nightmare. They are, in fact, probably a very high percentage of all my loyal forces. In addition to that, their tactics are a lot different to how Carnotaur posted them...more along the lines of step inside the freighter and blow the thing to pieces. They are not Coalition.

And it also seems we have a problem. My SiC is working totally against my plans. If we don't sort this out soon, I'm going to have to have the guy shot. I mean, literally, if we can't work something out by the end of the day, I'm having Nightmare assassinate his character.




OOC: well email me with your plans so that i may follow them!!!!!!!

Insanity has its advantages


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**OOC: Actually, Carnotaur is directly controlling some of my most important characters. I'm Jeynek Coral, and those troops were part of Nightmare. They are, in fact, probably a very high percentage of all my loyal forces. In addition to that, their tactics are a lot different to how Carnotaur posted them...more along the lines of step inside the freighter and blow the thing to pieces. They are not Coalition.

OOC: Actually, I thought we not only settled that dispute a while ago, but I also edited my post to try and NOT control your guys. That's practically impossible, of course, because you never told me anything about Nightmare, AND I have to control them to small degree in my post just saying that they boarded the ship.


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**OOC: well email me with your plans so that i may follow them!!!!!!!


His plans were fairly evident when he stated his want to annihilate the Azdgari, just before you send them a message of peace.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 03-15-2002).)


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**His plans were fairly evident when he stated his want to annihilate the Azdgari, just before you send them a message of peace.

How about this; Coral tries to kill Admiral, and/or Admiral tries to kill Coral? Let's get this cleared up.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**How about this; Coral tries to kill Admiral, and/or Admiral tries to kill Coral? Let's get this cleared up.

OOC: I say have Admiral follow your plans from now on, and if he doesn't, then kill him. 😉

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

me thinkins that yr bein to hard on the kid afterall this is his firs t time on one o f these 😛

OOC: Methinks that unregistered people should not clutter up our webstory.
OK, the following post as made by me and Mamajama; I'll post the Zidagar arrival shortly afterwards.

Angel's Lair

"I thank you for and gratefully accept the offer of the re-engineered Phase Beam technology. I will, of course, respect your wishes and not share it with any other Miranu," said Mamajama formally.
Then, leaning forward in her chair,
"But, don't forget, Saraine, I am Miranu. Our people are excellent engineers and hard-working farmers. We are traders, opportunists....and we are very practical people. If we are pushed to the wall, we might do terrible things, as we showed 30 years ago. The military and strategic mindset is still new to us, and we make mistakes. But, Saraine, the qualities you admire in me are Miranu qualities. You're still resenting Admiral Benden and the decisions that were made 30 years ago. But, I can tell you, he might make the same decision today, if he thought Miranu interests would be best served. At some point, you're going to have to make your peace with that. " Mamajama smiled. "Lecture ends."
Saraine was silent, thinking over her words.

Mamajama finished the fragrant tea, and then leaned forward.
"Saraine, I need a favor."
"Depends on the favor."
"Let me have an hour alone with Raven - no cameras or mikes, a locked room. If she wants to scream at me or fight with me, she can get it out of her system. This obsession with the unchangeable past has been eating at her guts long enough. Post a guard outside the door...but tell them not to come in unless one of us is screaming for their help."
"How do I know that you won't hurt her?"
The trim, dark haired Miranu woman smiled, a little sadly. "Raven is still, after all these years, my friend. She would like to be my conscience, judge, and executioner, too, but "conscience" and "friend" she still is. I will defend myself, but I would never hurt her."

Saraine leaned back, and closed his eyes to mull it over.
"You're right, she does deserve a chance to have it out with you. And it may be the only way that I can get my best engineer back on track. When do you want to meet with Raven?"
"How about now?"


With some misgivings, Saraine led Mamajama to Raven's locked quarters. He signalled the two guards to stand ready, then unlocked the door, and MJ slipped in. Locking the door behind her, the guards heard Raven yell, "What are you doing here?"
There was a thud on the door, and a sound of breaking glass from within.

From then on, the guards heard only snatches of the "conversation."
"Raven, we need to ...."
"About WHAT, you bloody-handed murderer?!!"
Then there were more thuds and bumps against the door. Under the door, the guards could see that the room went dark.
"How COULD you...you have children of your own...."
"Would we have had peace for 30 years if I hadn't...WOULD WE? "
"you should have..."
"I couldn'tS"
"Why didn't you tell me...."
I couldn'tS following ordersS"
"That's the weakest piece of **** I ever heard!"
"...Nightmares, too."
"You deserve worse. I'll kill you myself..."
"Is that what you want? One more death? Will it bring anyone back? Do you want my life? Here, I've owed it to you many times, now take it."

Finally, sobbing, wrenching, tearing open wailing; "I can't. I...can't."
"I know."
"I hate you."
"I know."
More crying, then; "...Missed you, too."
"What do you want me to do?"
"SWant you to know, to seeS what you've done."

After several minutes, the guards heard a knock at the door, and Mamajama and Raven saying, "Open UP!"

Saraine, who had been monitoring the hallway from his terminal, hurried down, in time to see two dissheveled women, barely standing, both bloodied and bruised. Raven sported a magnificent black eye in the making. Mamajama's lip was swollen and bleeding.

"Saraine, we need a shuttle and two space suits. We're going to go down to what's left of Veltes."

The ageing founder of the Seraphim thought for a moment, then nodded.

"I'll assume you know haw to operate a standard Crescent shuttle, then. Rasael's engineers are down there, trying to bring the big chunks of Azdgari itself into orbit; they can help if anything goes wrong."

Mamajama nodded, wiped the blood from her face, and turned in the direction of the shuttlebay.


In the high-yield antimatter strike by Miranu Suicide Warships thirty years ago, the planet Azdgari had been shattered, it's toxic atmosphere vanishing as the planet splintered into radioactive fragments.

The three moons which orbited it, suddenly deprived of their parent body, degenerated into long elliptical orbits which would eventually escape the star's pull.
On Veltes the first thing Azdgari civilians would have seen would be the bright flash as Azdgari itself was destroyed, then raging tides and vulcanism as the loss of the orbital body affected the seas.
But only for a short while; as Veltes left the warmth of the sun, the seas had frozen, and the atmosphere soon afterwards; the moon was covered in a fine dusting of oxygen snow.

Mamajama and Raven were silent as they picked their way through the ruins of buildings, destroyed by tides or lava or desperate, rioting civilians.
Here and there lay the frozen bodies of Azdgari, dropped like dolls where they had finally succumbed to the cold.

For hours they rambled silently through the wreckage, moving by unspoken consent through the safer passageways.
Mamajama walked through the nightmare, wracked by pity and horror for the long-ago destruction of the Veltes Adzgari. Tears condensed inside the faceplate of her spacesuit, and the suit's environmental controls whirred into action. She could see Raven's helmet was also fogged up on the faceplate.
Mamajama activated the com unit.

"Raven, do you want to know that this hurts me? It does. If I had it to do over, I would question my judgement that my people's survival depended on these people's deaths. Perhaps it wasn't really an us. vs. them choice, and I only told myself that it was. Does that make you happier? I wouldn't so quickly accept such a mission. Did you want to know that I'll be haunted by these people the rest of my life?"

From Raven's com, came only the single word, "Yes."

"Can we go now?"


In silence, the two women walked back to the shuttle. Mamajama stopped once, and with effort in the clumsy suit, picked up a toy, a tiny, delicate Azdara model, lying by the mummified, snow-dusted body of a small Adzgari child. Then,they climbed in the shuttle, closed the hatch, cleared liftoff with Raessel's crew, and with the minimum of communication, left Veltes.

Back at the Angel's Lair, Saraine met the two at the docking bay. He looked questioningly at the tiny Azdara in Mamajama's hand.
"A souvenir?" he asked.
"A reminder, Mamajama replied.

---ETA until Drone complete: 3 posts

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/shades_shipyard")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Paul read the reply message that the Attar had sent. He pressed the button on his comm board that would send a message to the scouts. "We do not wish to fight. We build ships for defense and launch offensives only when necessary to preserve lives of Miranu citizens. We are not suspicious of you in particular, we are suspicious of aliens in general. They have lied to us in the past, and we do not wish to be tricked again. It is good to know that you only seek information, and information we can give you. We shall resume transmission of the history of the universe till we have a question to ask you." With that Paul shut off the transmitter and reactivated the ComSat. He had a few misgivings about the Attar and was not sure that they would be of any good or bad to the Miranu, so for no he was going to play it safe. "Engineering, I want shields primed to be up at a second's notice," he ordered.
Disruptor Cannon
ETC:17 Posts

"Take me to your dealer"-Bumper sticker
"You may not throw things at my dragon!"
"We remove the furry killing things. We think only of removing the furry killing things."-The Skies of Pern, Anne McCaffery

The Confed fleet starts to destroy the fleet...
A gaurd finishes a conversation with Grundy about the treaty. He walks over to the scoutship and the man.
"No."He says simply, then he shoots the man and gets a team to fill the scoutship with Buster Mines that explode when the door opens. They set hypersordinants(sp?) for the nearest Coalition planet, close the door, and send the scoutship away...
The Confed fleet commander groans. He then gets lots of ships to escort the bombers to the station. After losing more ships, the bombers fly by the station and drop loads of Buster Mines, which fall by the gravity of the huge station and destroy the shields. With no mines left, the bombers return to carriers and the fighters launch a full force attack on the Renegade ships. The capitals return to the fight and call for reinforcements while making sure no Renegades escaped...
A small fleet in Kelmaon gets the message and shoots off for F-25.
A medium fleet in Guradhion gets the message and shoots off for F-25.
Scatter cloak=5 posts
Time till fleet arival in F-25=2 posts

Never pet a burning dog.
Come visit (url="http://"http://nova6.pautsch.com/forum/intro.lasso")Nova6s Webboards(/url).

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 03-16-2002).)

MOD: Urgh. Grundy, you can't end the battle in Riden like that. The Coalition force is still substantial, which means the battle would continue for at least one more post. Not to mention that it was only one sentence.

I'd also like for everybody to keep exact records of how many ships they have in each one of their fleets in big battles, like the one currently occuring in F-25. Added to that, I'm ALSO working on developing a total ship count for each race.

Also, about the battle in F-25; post revoked unless an edit is made. Asgard is about 5 times the size of an ordinary station, with about 10 or 15 times the shielding and armor. I seriously doubt your bombers would knock it out that easily, especially with a hundred or more Renegades in the way. Even with its shields gone, its horribly well armored.



The bomber raid had taken its toll on the shielding of Asgard station, but it was still a deadly force to be reckoned with.

Lans Chimra gripped his consol, his eyes watching the battlefield. "Launch the next wave of fighters and aradas," he commanded as a swarm of ships left dock and soared towards the Confederate fleet. Asgard shook again as another wave of bombers descended upon it. "All turrets; fire!"

A huge hail of gunfire vaporized the bombers, their ionized carbon atoms flying off into space. Lans grinned evily as another fighter wave fell under the awesome firepower of his personal battlestation. "That should hold the Confeds off for a while. Now, launch a few waves of SADs into them. We need to disperse their formation more if we're to win this battle..."

More waves of SADs streaked out and hit the Confederate flank, causing that area to start to crumble, but it regrouped. Then came two more waves of SADs, followed by another wave of Aradas and Laziras, backed by a dozen Crescent Warships...



The Attar, as they continued to recieve the data stream, were puzzled as to why the Miranu ships suddenly raised their shields. "Why are you raising your shields? Our scouts have no real weapons, and even our cruisers are not very powerful... We are peaceful... You don't need to worry about us..."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Here comes the first meeting between the Zidagar and Dark Angels.

Saraine watched as the pair of Zidaras, the ZSS Spirit and ZSS Mangudai , docked inside the massive hulk of a salvaged Azdgari Predator dating back to the Battle of Gadzair. Gutted by explosions and Psi weaponry, the ship's hangar bays remained an excellent secure docking bay for high-security vessels.
Long tubelike access conduits snaked down to clamp onto the access hatches of the Zidagar vessels, allowing access to the station proper.
Arranged to meet the Zidagar leader ESPilot were Saraine, Rasael, and the newly returned Raven, now sporting a massively blue-black eye.
ESPilot, followed by his researchers, came aboard. An ageing Zidagar, ESPilot had an air of authority which mirrored Saraine's own.
The two leaders exchanged greetings, then moved to Saraine's offices near the heart of the Angel's Lair.
Reclining back in his chair, Saraine steepled his fingers and began to speak.
"Your researchers can join mine on Tollb." he said. "If it is acceptable to you, they will be transferred there via one of our Warships- their Distortion Cloaks may not be good for much, but they will at least hide the class of ship inside the cloak, and they make it impossible to read lifesigns."
ESPilot nodded at that.
"As to the alliance; we have an idea that you wish to attack the Azdgari. It is certainly an excellent idea for someone in your position; they are getting too powerful. But bear in mind that although our Archangels could possibly destroy three Azdgari Predators, we only have three; the Azdgari have many more."

ETA until Drone complete: 2 posts

OOC:Your turn, ESPilot.

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/shades_shipyard")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Message to: Attar
From: Azdgari
do you have any other questions for us?
We wish to help you in every way possible.

Red relaxes... wondering where the relations with the Attar will end up. He can't show hostility- the Azdgari dont need an enemy.
they need... better allies...
an idea strikes Redch'igh..

Message to: Renegades
From: Azdgari
We have been allies since battle of gadzair. Now, the Azdgari would like to strangthen the alliance before the threat the aliens place grows even more. please reply.

Redchigh relaxes, and hopes it all works out..

in F-25, unknownst to evryone, even the renegades, an asteroid drifts by..
a confed fighter notices a giant slug creature on the asteroid..
the Fighter is suddenly obliterated by renegade SAD's..
Thats what the pilot gets for being distracted.

The slug remains on the asteroid.. curious as to the battle going on... probing the ships with unidentifiable electromagnetic fields...
identifying weapons..

(note.. The slug can't be identified by scans, only visuals... even so, only post one action. the slug will react.)

"I dont follow the crowd.. I stand and make fun of all the people walking in a straight line." ~A. Rickman
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

Espilot said "Yes, we do have plans to attack. Tell me, do you know of a government called the Coalition of Worlds?" "Well, yes, I have. We only have scant records of them. But—" "They sent us a message asking for an alliance, with some battle plans enclosed. Quite effective plans if I do say so meself." He handed him what looked like a small, rectangular, very flat monitor with a metal frame, and two buttons for scrolling up and down. On it were the plans the Coalition had sent. As the Seraphim were reading over the plans, Espilot's com link to the ship beeped. "Yes?" "Admiral, we've gotten a transmission from the R&D; department on Tumni." "Forward it here. Dismissed." He turned it off and said "We have received a transmission from our R&D; team. Hopefully about the testing of our modified inhibitors. If you don't mind, we're having it forwarded here." Rasael said "Yes, that should be ok." The message came. It was a verbal transmission. "Admiral, we have completed modifications and tested them. Our results...were...less, than satisfactory. The ship was torn apart by the inhibitor's subspace distortion regardless of the modifications meant to let it through. I apologize, sir. Kenel out." Espilot frowned. "I guess our only choice now is to actually open the inhibitors. Either that, or develop a totally different way to travel between stars. However, we are currently researching several rather destructive weapons, and talking about designing some sort of warship. Serious warship; not something like the Zidara. Now, I heard from our manufactureing branch of R&D; that they're developing little driods that zoom around in teams, building up ships. They say that with a large team of ships they could create one cruiser-size capitol ship in two to three weeks, and at least twenty fighters within that time period. That means lots of warships. Lots of big warships. Lots of big powerful warships. Lots of fighters for the warships. If we had the Archangel blueprints, we could conceivably construct a good several more than what the Seraphim have. What say ye, Seraphim?"

Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
Of all the people I've pummeled; unsuspecting and deserving, I've learned one thing: you can either run, or fight. All other strageties are variations of these. —Geglash
All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? —The Beatles

OOC:I did not rais my shields. I said that I wanted them readied. Would me just having a ratio of 1 Dragon:10 CW's:12 HVF's+Carried Ships for total ship count?

"Take me to your dealer"-Bumper sticker
"You may not throw things at my dragon!"
"We remove the furry killing things. We think only of removing the furry killing things."-The Skies of Pern, Anne McCaffery

Saraine grinned evilly, showing a smile full of pointed Strand teeth. "A very good proposition." He said. Calling up the blueprints for the Archangel on the main console, he downloaded them onto a data crystal and handed it to ESPilot. "That will have all the data you need to build Archangel Battlecruisers. We, too, were planning a new warship class should we collaborate upon it?"

ETA until Drone complete: 1 post
ETA until Positron Beam minaturised: 4 posts

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/shades_shipyard")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

The Confed ships in Riden all cloak and then move behind what is left of the Coalition fleet. They all uncloak and attack with everything they had. Not even half of the Confed fleet was lost, just about 1/4. The Haulers flew down to the planet, unloaded troops, and took command of the system.
The Confed fleet attacked the station until there was almost no ships left. But the commander of the fleet knew, as his ship was being destroyed, that he had nearly done his job and it would be finished soon. That job was to disable Asgard Station...
Scatter cloak= 4 posts
Fleet arivle in F-25= 1 post

Never pet a burning dog.
Come visit (url="http://"http://nova6.pautsch.com/forum/intro.lasso")Nova6s Webboards(/url).

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 03-16-2002).)


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
Paul read the reply message that the Attar had sent. He pressed the button on his comm board that would send a message to the scouts.....(my edit) We shall resume transmission of the history of the universe till we have a question to ask you." With that Paul shut off the transmitter and reactivated the ComSat. He had a few misgivings about the Attar and was not sure that they would be of any good or bad to the Miranu, so for no he was going to play it safe. "Engineering, I want shields primed to be up at a second's notice," he ordered.

Mamajama left the Angel's lair at 0500 hours. All of the Seraphim were occupied with negotiations with the Zidagar, and she needed to keep her promise of returning to Himgro to help Admiral Benden deal with the aliens, in case they got aggressive.She sent several messages before leaving:

TO: Raven
FR: Mamajama
RE: no subject
Old friend, I wish you well. If you ever need me, call.

TO: Saraine
FR: Mamajama
RE: Thanks
Saraine, thanks for the opportunity to make things right with Raven. She still despises me for what I did 30 years ago, but at least, is no longer trying to kill me. Also, thanks for the technology (re-engineered Phase Beam). If you ever have need of the services of the House of Jama, do not hesitate to call.

TO: Admiral Benden
FR: Mamajama
RE: On my way

I'm finished with my personal business, returning as promised. Anything new from the aliens? They left Gadzair in a hurry, claiming they had to consult with their leader. I still don't like it. See you soon.


TO: Mission Computer
FR: Mamajama
RE: Available for missions again
Please post me as available for all missions. I now have a Dragon Dreadnaught, 12 Ares Crescent Warships, and 12 Heavy Fighters, and 20 of my old fleet of CWs and Miranu Gunships.

TO: Jo Jama
FR: Yo Mama
RE: Had your baby yet?
Hi, honey, how are you? How's Elana? Has she had the baby yet? I'm not quite ready to be a grandma, but I'll try. Is the drought on Poch getting worse? Has the irrigation equipment arrived? I'm working hard at making money for more equipment. Don't forget to brush your teeth, and please write soon.


"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the most discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny...'"
--Isaac Asimov

I will be away for the next three days, and won't be able to check anything until I return.


(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/shades_shipyard")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Rahzio rested within his armored fortress, within huron...
Suddenly a wall collapses, and a planetary attack drone moves into the room. Rahzio rushes to the corner of the room, desperate to get away from the hovering tank. He frantically opens the door, and comes face to face with..
his ensign. "Sir, there's been a minor security breach, but it's under control.."
the drone crashes through the wall behind them. The ensign is speechless.
"Does that look like it's f*cking UNDER CONTROL?!" Rahzio yells as he runs down the hall way.
The Ensign is frozen with fear as the drone moves forward, and fires a blast of raw energy. The Ensign falls into convulsions with the occasional spark.
The drone speeds up, in the direction of Rahzio. Finally Rahzio reaches his command console. He types in a message to his security corps, right as a blast fries the computer.
Rahzio runs toward the bunker, with the drone on his tail, leaving a trail of broken brick and crumpled armor. Then Rahzio hears the sound of marching steps. He runs toward them, and as he thought, it's his security corps, fully armed in anti-vehicular weapons. A Firefight ensues between the tank and the battalion of 20 men, and the men rush and spread out right as a massive blast hits a poor rookie. He explodes, spraying blood over rahzio.
Rahzio wipes the blood off, and takes a few more steps back, knowing that if his corps dont stop the tank, he's dead.
Projectiles hit the tank, and are retaliated with energy blasts, sometimes blowing massive holes in the walls arould the hallway. The Marines rush up to the tank as the shields fall, and shoot the top hatch until it's melted, then it's pried off. Fire grenades are thrown in, and flaming bodies crawl out of the tank. On runs right up to Rahzio.. "Please... shoot me..."

To be Continued...
(Post Courtesy of REDchigh..
you dont really think rahzio could write this good, do ya? ;))

People, post! Keep the story going.


The Pirates had taken rather heavy losses, but their remaining ships were still quite substantial. Regrouping, Lans ordered another charge into the Confederate lines, one which would finally break thorugh and destroy what was left of them.

Their guns blazing, the Pirates charged into the remnants of the Confederate fleet, destroying the first counter-wave, then scattering their remaining formation. As the last handful of Confederate ships were destroyed, the Pirates pulled back towards Asgard, leaving only a wave of Aradas and Laziras near the forward area to take bombing runs against enemy ships by surprise.

Suddenly, another alien, or rather Attar, scout appeared in the system. It completely ignored the Pirates, thought for all they knew it was scanning them the whole time, and headed straight for an asteroid. As it approached, it fired a strange sort of energy beam that the Pirates could not identify, killing the strange slug create on the asteroid immediately. As soon as it was dead, the scout hyperspaced out...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).