Bar Latte II

Phantmrain slices through Aben Zen's body with his neutron mini-gun. He goes up to his body and throws 1,000 credits on the corpse. "Next time, be more polite." Phantmrain then cleans up the little mess and realizes he should've used his newly acquired crystal gun he got from the bartender. He sits back down and marvels at how all these new animals got here and why he keeps seeing halos floating on top of their heads....must be the spice.

"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."

A man walks into the bar.

The man is not Esponer, but an incarnation of him.

He looks at the one called Phantmrain.

"Grow up, kid," he mutters. "That's not how to do mindless violence."

A lead pipe appears in his hand, and Phantmrain soon finds himself half a complement of teeth short, but still fairly conscious.

"Anyone want to feel drunk without the cost? You ask, I administer."

The incarnation of Esponer sits at a chair, pulls out a crossbow, with barbed bolts, and starts firing at people around the bar.

"God, I should become a politician for the Scorched Earth Party....."

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Phantmrain is quite dazzed. He's about to counter-attack from behind a knocked over table when he finds out that Silver Dragon is english. After laughing himself to tears he blows off SD's knee-caps and before he can recover, he takes his gun and ties him up. He then witnesses what happens when u piss off several of those space-cats and wonders how much that mustve hurt. Well, at least death stopped your pain SD

Btw, Cheesy punch-lines are only good when executed right...but since your english, i just dont see that happening

"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."

ShadowKat gets hit by a barbed arrow,gets enraged,and rips the head off SilverDragon.

Get some."-Me

Cuteykitty who got hit by a arrow dosen't look to happy, as she is eyeing SilverDragon, and about 2 minites later there is not much of SilverDragons body left.

Why? - Amy

HeHeHe...ph33r the sh@d0wk@t!
I needed that humor.

Get some."-Me

Shai-hulud gets hit by an barbed arrow...and I don't think I need to say what happens next. ๐Ÿ˜„

(url="http://"")World Trade Center Terrorist Attack 9/11/01(/url)
(url="http://"")Bush's Statement 9/11/01(/url)
(url="http://"")More WTC Coverage 9/11/01(/url)

Cuteykitty starts climbing up the walls and poping all the balloons that Kitty hung up. Kitty starts giving chocolate to evryone.

Why? - Amy

Shade eats the chocolate.
ShadowKat begins swinging on the lampshades again.

Get some."-Me

Cuteykitty starts swinging on the lampshades with Shadowkat. Kitty gets some more chocolate out of her ship. "Hey Phenix do you have a menu of all the food and drink?

Why? - Amy

Aben Zin walks in to the bar again. After so brief periods of action he sits down and starts picking Phantmrain's teeth out of his fists.



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.

Shade sits down next to Kitty and orders something long and (i)cold(/b).
I can't remember the name of it.
Sorta like fruit punch,but more alcoholic.
"Yeah,Pheonix,do you sell cat food?"

Get some."-Me

Corey hangs up a VERY large banner that says, "Boozerama is coming...and there's nothing you can do about it!" "That's right, we're takin' over!" Corey says, and is almost shot by a dozen blaster bolts before teleporting out again ๐Ÿ˜„

Coreyล‚ (Cubed)
I'm a hip frood who knows where his towel is!

Jess grabs Phantmrain round the neck and starts bashing his head repeatedly against the wall, demanding to know what he finds so funny about the english.

I despise false modesty.

Phoenix calmly serves out free cat food and a menu.

Phantramin's pained cries reach his ears.

Phoenix walks up to him.

"Yes, what is so funny about the english?"

Phoenix regenerates SD and hauls Phantramin and the other trouble makers off to the Agoniser Room.

Screams issue forth.

I just love the charming litle sound the rack makes on the first turn.


Let us vote on the method of execution for the lackwit punks I've got locked up.

Vote now! (please ^-^)

1. Toxin needlejab game. Fun for the whole family!

2. Chainsaw massacre. Need I say more?

3. We let them go just for the fun of it. Then we HUNT THEM ALL DOWN!!!! HEE HEE HEEE!!!


They die, but they die slow.


Phantmrain realizes that his bar-mates are pissed off at him. He was just trying to piss Aben Zen off, but seemed to have said the wrong thing. Then he trys to figure out why everyones so pissed at him, when he tied up the one who hit everyones shadowcat...interesting. Well, i guess u can't win um all. He takes out the crystal gun that phoneix gave him, and while nobodys around, he cuts a hole in the holding cell and boards his ship. He knows where he's not wanted. Before leaving he leaves some ShadowCat food and the crystal gun that phoneix gave him behind, not wanting to leave on a bad note.

Good Bye

P.S. I have nothing wrong with the english, its the picture of an english accented kid threating me with Duke Nukem type threats, kinda makes me laugh.

"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."

Esponer has spent the time laughing, wondering why Phantmrain has been attacking a man who doesn't exist, at least not in this bar.

"The SilverDragon is my ship, dumdum, and I DON'T have an English accent," he mutters, then promptly disappears.

-This personality is out of date, resetting-

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Admist all the goings on, Lyra walks in to the Bar Latte, wearing a heavy trenchcoat. After stepping through the door, the metal detectors start beeping wildly.

Macavenger, standing guard at the metal detector, stops Lyra and asks her why she has enough metal on her to trigger even this bars metal detectors, which aren't to sensitive, as weapons are normally allowed here.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")