Bar Latte II

Oh no i've missed so much. I was away for 3 weeks in the US(I'm an Aussie). "Ohhhhh how cute" says kitty looking at the kittens, "Shade can i please have one pritty please??? I'll pay you....... How much do you want?

Its only letters on your screen, so what do I care?

Astok jumps off Shai-hulud to say hi to ShadowKat. ShadowKat's a boy, right?

Updated Dune ordering list:
•Spice liquor
•Paladan melon
•Laza tiger
•Pundi rice
•Reserved cell on Salusa Secundus 😄

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 09-10-2001).)

Correct.ShadowKat is male.
You'd be suprised how much trouble that d@mn Lyra Engels has remembering that over on the Boozerama Bars.
Kitty,The ShadowKat orbs are currently free.I was going to charge people,but it would hardly count for anything.
Just give it a better name than "Fluffy",which is what Jess named hers.
And remember-the Halo is the same colour as the eyes,and is superpowerful.
I.E. the ShadowKat can choke people to death with it if it wants to.
Shade tosses Kitty a glowing green orb.

Get some."-Me

She wasn't eating brains! It was spagheti.


Anyway, we need to liven this bar up.

Phoenix serves Phantramin hs free drinks and gives him a Crystal Gun.

Phoenix sets up the stage.

(cue the music)

He pulls out the MagnaAmp guitar.


(cue the lights)

Are you ready to rock!??!??/


I need a new signature. I really do.So........howziforasignatureitcouldbeaqoutebutI'dhavetolietosayzat'causeIdon'tknownanyqoutesrightnow, and I like sugar.

YEAH!!!!!!! Whoa. 😄


Originally posted by Imperial Phoenix:
I need a new signature. I really do.So........howziforasignatureitcouldbeaqoutebutI'dhavetolietosayzat'causeIdon'tknownanyqoutesrightnow, and I like sugar.

You like sugar, eh? I think I have something for ya....

I thought you didn't serve free drinks. 😉
Astok jumps onto Phoenix's shoulder.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

The crowd cheers deafeningly.

"I thought so..."

"Don't you think it's strange, that there's a way, of how you look and how you act and how you think!?"

"Just pretend they're not the same as you! "


"Do you know about his strength in conviction!?!"

"Or about how she puts her faith in religion!?!"


"Keep us from saying anything, get seperate from everything!!!"

"Until you hit the ground, look around, and find you're one in a crowd and you're paranoid of every sound!!!"

(bows and exits)

I need a new signature. I really do.So........howziforasignatureitcouldbeaqoutebutI'dhavetolietosayzat'causeIdon'tknownanyqoutesrightnow, and I like sugar.

(This message has been edited by Imperial Phoenix (edited 09-10-2001).)

This post originally said something entirely different,but I felt it was my duty t owarn you:
Arm your weapons and prepare for possible attack!
The inhabitants of the Boozerama Bar over on the EV board are contemplating a hostile takeover of the Bar Latte.
As a patron of both bars,I am doing my best to stop this movement gaining momentum,but I thought you might wish to know.
If you want to,feel free to go and post your opinions on this over on the Boozerama Bar VII,so the warmongering fanatics there can know that We Do Not Approve.

(This message has been edited by Shade (edited 09-11-2001).)

Just gotta say, kitty's orb can't be green cos mine woz!!!!
Jess boos Phoenix cos his song has weird words and asks for Eminem instead. I'd like ta see them take over our bar :mad: it's not like it's worth taking over, we just chill 🙂

I despise false modesty.

Phantmrain feels a brotherhood for this ol' bar. He pulls out a pound of green and offers it to the bar attendents. He takes the crystal gun he acquired from phoneix and starts to fiddle with it. 2 hours and 3 limbs later, he climbs out of the regenerator knowing how to use the gun with a deadly accuracy. He chills out at the bar with Asrial and Phoneix drinking his spice beer, after downing a few, his eyes turn a reddish orange, must be the mixture...

Lestat is the vampire from the series of books which started with "Interview with the Vampire"

"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."

By the way, i have some items im able to sell as well.

-Crip (In the north its called kind-bud?)
-As well as anything sold at your neighborhood smokeshop

"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."

I haven't heard iof any of those.
About to go check on BB to see the status of the war footing.
It may not happen.

Get some."-Me

The ShadowKats can handle them. 😄

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

"Thankyou Shade, but are you sure you don't want me to pay?" she says looking at the orb. " And could you change the colour for me? to a pale pink maby?

Its only letters on your screen, so what do I care?

"Well you could always pay in chocolate."Shade says.
He reaches out a glowing hand over Kitty's orb.
The Orb is covered in a shining blue light,and when it clears,it has changed to a rosy glow.
I think that the BBer's invasion of Bar latte is not happening,as they're all too shellshocked by the Attack to do anything.

Get some."-Me

After Phantmrain's head clears, he has the sudden urge to blow some **** up. Calming himself, he gets up and calls his friends in NYC. Knowing that his friends are ok, he sits back down and ponders to himself if he shall get involved and go into basic when the sign-ups come to his school....

-true story except i've been clear-headed for a whole week,and my names not really phantmrain.

"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."

This attack has shocked and disgusted the world.
Bin laden,or whoever is responsible,will be hunted down and killed.
Only,now the US is talking about invading Pakistan and Afganistan...I am quite scared.
I do not like war.

Get some."-Me

I do not like war myself, but it is essential if we want to keep our country safe in many cases. We cannot stand for this act of terrorism, and they will pay dearly. Once again the world will know the full power that the US possess's, maybe through sheer firepower,or through our chain of connections....most-likely and hopefully both.

"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."

Kitty brings 500kg of chocolate out of her ship and gives harf of it to Shade, then thanks Shade again and again and again and again.

Why? - Amy

Kitty waches as her orb begins to "Hach" A pink light fills the bar and a small head appears with a pale pink halo above its head and pale pink eyes, it has strawberry coloured furr, and its soooooo cute, it jumps on to kitty's lap and looks up at her it begins to purr, kitty squeals and picks up her kitty cudling it. But a name hmm i need a name kittyll? ummm Kitty Litter? no way......... i know Furr Ball! noooooo............ aghh ............ Cuteykitty YES and it is a she.

Why? - Amy

Aben Zin steps into the bar and sits down at the nearest vacant table. He does this by kicking the closest table over, putting a gun to to the head of the guy who's sitting there and saying
"I think I hear your wife calling..."
After re-setting the table he calls for a Double Vodka, chilled.



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.