Bar Latte II

Now, there is no one left, the place is empptey, save for Mac, Lyra, and corey. they run back to the defender they arrived in, and as hey hopped in, Lyra turns around. Slowly, she unbuckles the belt, ad pulls out a redeemer...

5 minutes later, the small courier pulls away from the smoking wreckage. The Massacre of The Bar Latte was over.

Need we say more?

Mac's Rebel Destroyers, not to be left out, pelt the surrounding ground with Heavy Rockets. They also identify where Shade, the traitor of BB8, used to be, and saturate it with Proton turret fire. Bar Latte II is now a smoldering crater, with no one left alive, and no bar to rebuild. Mac transfers to one of his Destroyers, blasts the CW that tries to come in (too late) to defend the bar, and hypers back to the EV board.

Looks like bar Latte II has ended. If you guys feel you need a new bar, you can join us at Boozerama Bar 8 (Ha! We have a much better franchise than you anyway! I don't know why I once thought you'd be worth buying out and adding to us. 😛 ) over on the EV board. Been nice blowing you up and rubbing your ashes in the ashes of your bar!

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

In the courier, en route back to Earth, Lyra says, "TURN IT AROUND!" They do, go back, and Lyra takes a forklift and lobbs it into the general area where OV's body was last seen. AS the mushroom clud spirals behind the retreating vessel, Lyra mutters, "THAT was for saying I'm mean."

But really, guys, you must admit that EV truely IS surperior, and that EVO is a glorified Total Conversion for the best game in the Mac gaming world, EV.

So, in short, you're all dead, if you'd LIKE to be alive again, I suppose we could make some arrangements over at BB... however, I wouldn't try coming in. Just holler our little spirit selves out from the door. Just trust me on this one. We've got some defences...

Us, The BB'ers- Posted Image You, the Latt'ers- Posted Image

As phantmrain sits comfortably on his captains chair, hovering over the planet and watching all this comotion, he tries to comprhend how someone killed him, even though he wasnt there....must've been someone else. He see's the remaining patrons of the bar run out of the bar on fire, the few that made it are scared and burned and are looking at Phantmrain's ship begging for help. He goes back down to the surface and picks up his friend Lestat who is sitting mildly mannered on top of a boulder. He again wonders why everyone at the bar turned their backs on him, and now are asking for help. He picks up all the survivors and whats left of everyone else and heads for the closest miranu medical station where they can bring everyone back....after all, this means war does'nt it? And by god, that was a cheap shot.

"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."

Oh for God's sake push off,and go back to BB8.
What's wrong with me visiting 2 bars,anyway?
Shade and the ShadowKats evacuate the planet in a huge,glowing blue warship.
The ship turns around and a blue energy beam shoots out,ripping apart the palnet.
All the damn irritating BB8er's are killed.
Now go away!

Get some."-Me

Oh yes:
I vote that the loyal EVO'ers of this bar abandon this topic for the BBers to romp over,and start a new bar.
One with special Spatial Distortion Sentinels to detect non-existent ships(such as the ones from EV)and destroy them.
Darnit,I was having a good day until this happened.

Get some."-Me

Jess lounges comfortably in her chair.
'Wow, do they really have no lives or was it just an act? I'm ****ed if I'm dead.'
Y'know, I'd have been here to defend but I was in the outside world. Start a new bar if you want. Corey was quite cute, and didn't actually hit me. Wasn't that nice of him?

I despise false modesty.

Hah!You don't know Corey.
I just want to measure Latte'er opinion of starting a new bar,to see if it's viable,or wether we continue to weather these attacks.

Get some."-Me

I say we sit here and inflict our superior intelligence on them if thy ever turn up again 🙂

I despise false modesty.

Another incarnation of Esponer walks into the bar, this one female, quite noticeably, and is followed by a man - yet another "Esponer" - wearing a purple coat.

The man in the purple coat goes to the counter, orders some water, and sits and chats with Jess and Phoenix.

The woman, orders a red wine, and starts looking around the bar, taking things in, smiling all the while.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Another incarnation of Esponer walks into the bar, this one female, quite noticeably,


Please tell me we're not back to this again....
a. It's worrying
and b. I hate having other women in my bar.
Except for Kitty who I think may be Amy

I despise false modesty.

I see that, over at BB, somebody shot me. Well, under most circumstances, I would glady except death. However, seeing as how Shade and Jess are now at the places they would LEAST like to be, I doubt that either of you are in the position to shoot anything.

Sorry Shade. We're on 2 DIFFERENT PLANETS! You just killed all your friends. You were born an idiot, you are an idiot, you'll DIE an idiot.

The machine guns are STILL sticking out of the wall, shooting at any Latt'ers, you know. You die now. 😄

Everyone is dead but Jess, because she manged to hide behind the bar stools. By some stroke of luck, she flips a switch that deactovates the machine guns and re-incarnates everybody.

Most unfortunatly, the small, irregularly shaped object tha Lyra placed in the drink cabinet starts beeping, in realization that there are life-forms here when they shouldn't be.

After 10 minutes of the Latt'ers throwing it around to see what it is, attempting to open it, and other acts of stupidity, the small, irregular shaped object self-detonates, deystroying the bar and the saourronding 5 systems, including all the various ships orbiting, such as Shade's and that whats-his-nose guy that starts with a "P."

PS: Just as an afterthought, how could you all run screaming from the bar, if all of you are dead? I didn't see any re-incarnation going on here.
Lyra lobs another forklift at the smoldering wreckage of SHade's Blue Orb ship. Any surviving ShadowCats are now dead.

And Shade is too. 😄

Thank you, Thank, Thank you very much, ladies and jellybeans, you've been a great target practice, you really have. I'll be here all week, so feel free to call me if you want to die again. Once again, I thank you, It's been a pleasure blowing you to smithereens.

(Exits stage to tumultous applause, the stupid Latteres not knowing that they were just severely insulted)

After leaving the smoldering planet, Lyra fires one of her ingenious detonating the planet yet again, even though it doesn't exist. Just to make sure. So, just ti make sure that you understand this time... Y-O-U---A-R-E---D-E-A-D!---T-H-E-R-E-'-S---N-O-T-H-I-N-G---Y-O-U---C-A-N---D-O---A-B-O-U-T---I-T-! 😄 😄 😄 😄

Some people. My actions cannot be controlled by other people in other people's posts. Please don't **** with me girl.
Jess sips her Vodka.

I despise false modesty.

Lyra sticks her head through the non-existant door and blows the non-existant vodka glass out of non-existant Jesses non-existant hand. She then retreats back behind the non-existant doorway. After a couple of seconds, she comes back out into the non-existant bar and takes a non-existant stand in the non-existant door frame. She blows non-existan Jess' nonexistand head off, and blows up any other non-existant AND existant people too, even though there aren't any existant people in this non-existant place.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
Lyra sticks her head through the non-existant door and blows the non-existant vodka glass out of non-existant Jesses non-existant hand. She then retreats back behind the non-existant doorway. After a couple of seconds, she comes back out into the non-existant bar and takes a non-existant stand in the non-existant door frame. She blows non-existan Jess' nonexistand head off, and blows up any other non-existant AND existant people too, even though there aren't any existant people in this non-existant place.

Yeah sure. And I don't drink my vodka out of a glass, I inject it into my veins 😉
If this place don't exist, why do you keep coming here?

I despise false modesty.

I am making sure that you aren't plotting anything...

Mac, corey, Lyra!!! What the hell are you guys doing!!!!???? Go back to BB! There's nothing here for you guys!!!!! Go back to our buisness at BB and leave them alone! herds all of them out of the bar and back to the EV realm Overrider the pest controller at your service guys! 😉


Originally posted by Jess:
Except for Kitty who I think may be Amy

I liked Amy

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
rookie's smiles:(url="http://"")Cool Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Cooler Smiles(/url)
AIM: Ferazel17

All you BB'ers are so incoherent that we shouldnt play with you. Dont you guys realize that you cannot control our actions in your posts like said before? You guys suck at this, and frankly, u all should die of japanesse water torture. You basically just posted back and forth to the people that came from your bar and supposedly killed us without us even putting up a fight. Just go back to your bar and pretend to do something.

Stop copying off the matrix also, dont you guys have ANY original ideas?

"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."

You're just mad because we kicked all of your ***es off in battle, cunning, and wit. Anyway, you go on about "controlling you with our own posts" but you R guilty too! Just look at OV! "OV shoos them out... I'm the pest control for you guys..." It doesn't get any worse that that! So, take that big boulder out of your eye before you start worrying about our pebble.

The matrix spoof was deliberate. If you are too young and immature to get it, then, well, that's sad, I'll set U up with a pshychologist I know, she'll be able to help you.

I MEANT AN APPOINTMENT! NOT A DATE! Gosh, you guys are sick...

Apparently, these primitive creatures have away of re-incarnating themselves and bars without actually saying so. In an effort to stop this problem, Lyra hurls a Molatov Cocktail at the roof of the building, effectivly deystroying it and all persons inside.

EQUATION FOR MOLATOV COCKTAIL (for all you dumb*** Latte'ers)-
Molatov Cocktail = Large jug of undistelled, raw alchahol + lighted rag stuck in the top

To use: simply point, aim, and throw. As if I needed to tell you that. Actually, I may HAVE needed to tell you that, all you guys R so dumb you probably wouldn't know what to do with it even if you DID manage to make it. Eventually, the flames would start to lick the alchahol and your clothes. But you'd just stand their like some old cristmas tree in an electrical fire, finnally burning away all your clothes and then going on to your body. Now there's a sight I DON'T want to see before I die: OV standing there, w/out any clothes, getting burned alive. PLEASE save THAT for MTV, people!

Gosh, you guys are REALLY sick! Where you could come up with this stuff is beyond me... 😉

Jess, the "female" Esponer is just to help people get the hang to that particular personality. If you want, I'll....

The female Esponer dies suddenly.

...just stick with the BORING, old one.

Esponer looks at Lyra Engel, and then realises she doesn't exist.

"Hey, everyone! This person doesn't exist, so anything they say is totally unimportant, and must be 100% ignored!"

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon