Bar Latte II


I stopped Shade dead-in-his-tracks.


Fashion knows no season.

Are you proud of that?

Get some."-Me

ESPilot decides to join the bar, docking his CW at the dock and enters the bar. He looks at all the people, becomes suddenly confused, and sits down and orders some extremely expensive, strong, and exotic wine.

Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
If I were to face him now, I'd say he would probably beat me into the ground —Goku

Asriel recreates himself, and apologizes to I394 for not delivering the spice. "I got stuck on Giedi Prime. Damn Harkonnens! Oh, I'm about to feed Shai-hulud. Want some spice liquor?"

Apparently, I'm the Dune supplier, so here goes...
Today's special: Pundi rice: A delicious mutant rice grown on the planet of Caladan, former home of House Atreides.
•Spice Liquor
•Spice Beer
I haven't read Dune's sequels. What's a Laza Tiger?

Oh, I'm on Shade's side. 😄

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept


Originally posted by ESPilot:
**ESPilot decides to join the bar, docking his CW at the dock and enters the bar. He looks at all the people, becomes suddenly confused, and sits down and orders some extremely expensive, strong, and exotic wine.


Corey starts shooting madly at the bottle of wine from his obscure corner. BLAM BLAM BLAM! The bottle's contents begin to leak on the (wood) table. "I'm not happy about that," says ESPilot. "So, whatcha gonna do about it?" asks Corey. 😉

Coreył (Cubed)
I'm a (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url) kinda guy!

ESPilot gets up and looks at Corey. "Now what praytell did I do to you to deserve that? Wait...I bet I know...You're going to say 'You walked in here' like all the other local bar-going idiots." He pulls out his superduperultramegaultimateprotonneutronbonbonelectronelultimatowhatchamacallit blaster and sticks it at Corey's head. "No more BS you got me?" He sits down and orders some spiked tea.

Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
If I were to face him now, I'd say he would probably beat me into the ground —Goku

Phoenix serves out the spiked tea.

How about a truce, Shade?

Fashion knows no season.

I will not fight,knowing now your propensity for strange and eerie cartooniage.

Get some."-Me

That Japanese brain-eating cartoon was weird and grotesk.

Yeah, Lord Asriel, I'd like some Spice Liquor. I'll skip the Pundi Rice, but a Paladan melon would be nice, also from Caladan. A Laza Tiger is basically a Terran tiger with larger paws and teeth, bigger, and with more ferocity and cunning. It resides on Salusa Secondus.

Shade, could I use your homework blackhole sig?

I like EVO! Anyway...

Originally posted by I394:


Shade, could I use your homework blackhole sig?

Sure,if you can find it.
I can't remember it myself.
Got some trouble with that stuff,eh?

Get some."-Me

Hi ESPilot, hmmm, last time we were in a bar together you blew me up... or in, like, every bar...
Jess decides she deserves some revenge and so blasts Victoria Beckham's 'Innocent Girl' into his ears until he is sent raving mad by how incredibly annoying and crap it is.

I despise false modesty.

Shade blasts the juke box so it will stop playing crap muzak.
He doesn't blast Jess because her mind is already scrambled from the crap muzak.

Get some."-Me

Hiding in the corner the whole time everything was happening, HE finds himself clutching his plasma rifle like a tedy bear. Anyways, now that the duel is over, He pulls out a CD player and puts in Systematic, and ancient band that nobody really knows about. HE put it on the medium setting, and figuring nobody likes it, places his personal shield generator on it, and plces his own marine armor on him. HE fingers a small devise in his pocket...

"Stop Whining"

Phantmrain realizes that nobodys really tried to kill him. Him and his friend lestat talk quietly in a dark corner for quite some time, Lestat then leaves mumbling something about having to feed. Phantmrain then sits alone at the bar, wondering who's gonna die next. Presuming it's gonna be him, he orders his free round of drinks.

"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."

Humm..this Lestat fellow is a vampire,yes?
What free drinks?
Pheonix doesn't serve free drinks,he just waits several years for your tab to grow and then hits you with it.

Get some."-Me

Thrawn walks into the bar after being gone for some time. Goes over to a table
in the back and orders somethin to drink. I've been gone to long.
So what's new in here?

Why is Star Wars so addictive?

Corey grunts, "sorry," and walks out of the bar. "My, that was strange," says ESPilot.

Coreył (Cubed)
I'm a (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url) kinda guy!

(This message has been edited by coreycubed (edited 09-09-2001).)

Asriel serves I394 his spice liquor and a paladan melon. He also serves Phantmrain some free spice liquor. Asriel then shakes all the crap music out of his ears, and realizes that his Orbs are still spinning on the table. He mutters something to them, and they start to change shape...

One turns into a goblin, and one turns into a blue-black ShadowKat named Astok.

Asriel immediately kills the goblin, muttering something about a "defective Orb." Astok climbs onto Shai'hulud and meows.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

I394 thanks Lord Asriel. And also thanks Shade for the use of the sig. He goes to check on Ka'aat and the Laza Tiger, who are creating rampant destruction and chaos. For some reason the landscape looks better that way.

I like EVO! Anyway...

ShadowKat climbs down from Shade's head to say Hi to Astok.

Get some."-Me