Freeport Bar

"All right Starkiller, how about peace. I won't kill you....but watch out if you atempt to cause any trouble."

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

SilverDragon shoots Jess in the head, and then puts her head back on.

"Sorry, but I'm the barman. From 10PM English time to 3PM English time you can
take the place, though."

SilverDragon gives drinks to all who want drinks <Redchigh, I've done this several
times, so you haven't been neglected> at no cost as an apology.

He turns to Jess. "Saturday. I'll get Tigana out on Saturday."

He then goes and processes his gun in the ice machine, and some ice cubes come out.
He addresses the crowd.

"We don't need to fight anymore, do we?"

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

Rima rolles her eyes at Silver Dragons attempt at peace.This is a bar.She wonders how he expects it to get business without fights.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

"Hmm, so I'm barwoman for about half an hour every day, then I go to bed. You should make Rima barwoman at that time, cos she lives in America, and they're 5 hours behind. I don't trust the rest."
Fluffy the Vulture liquifies Polly in the blender.
Jess wonders if SilverDragon know that he has swapped his gun, quite a good weapon to keep the peace, for some ice cubes. They aren't really very threatening.
"Things that try to look like things often do look more like things than things, well known fact."
-Granny Weatherwax

(This message has been edited by Jess (edited 04-26-2001).)

"You don't trust me? :frown:"

Phoenix lowers his head and looks hurt.

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"


Originally posted by Ultra Phoenix:
**"All right Starkiller, how about peace. I won't kill you....but watch out if you atempt to cause any trouble."


Starkiller's ghost floats over Phoenix. After knocking over his drink, freezing his arm, and generally bothering him, he floats through the wall and out into space.

OOC: There is nothing wrong with causing trouble, as long is it does not result in the unwilling death of somebody else.

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake. " -Grand Master Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower

SilverDragon sighs. "Rima and Jess can command the bar whenever I appear to be

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

I live in America too. Oh and I think it's 6 hours behind, not 5. I'm free from 6 PM England time to 3 AM england time.....

After a big explosion outside and a few chunks of asteroid debris flying through the bar and a completely blue Crescent Warship with 'Blueberry Terd' painted across its hull in blackpaint docks at the port , a tall muscular human enters, looks around, and smiles for no apparent reason. He draws a phased disruption pistol, blows off everyone's head, arms, and legs, and puts them back on. He orders the strongest wine in the bar and eyes everyone as if they might pull something out and blast his head off and put it back on, which he knows to be a painful experience.

Recently started playing ROTUE, haven't got too far, haven't seen any new ships.

"I bet i can take any one of you on in a one on one match w/ our ships..."

I have always known That at last I would take this road, but yesterday I did not know that it would be today.
--- Ben Sherwood

"Oh yeah?" ESPilot says "I'd like to see that. The Blueberry Terd's the best ship out there. Nothing has, or can beat it!" he gets his own drink since no one else has given it to him and drinks it. He steps behind the bar and says "I'm the new 'tender till that SilverDragon dude gets back. Disobeying the rules results in -1 head on your shoulders, and I know that most of you onl have one." he then serves everyone their drinks even if they have one and chugs a keg of Saalian Brandy.

Recently started playing ROTUE, haven't got too far, haven't seen any new ships.

"Pardon, but SilverDragon gave explicit instructions to the effect
that only Rima and Jess can be bartenders"

Phoenix then smiles pleasantly and blows ESPilot's head off.

He then hangs up a sign saying, "Bartenders are: SilverDragon, Rima,
and Jess."

Phoenix then regenerates ESPilot. "Nothing personal, but you were kinda
stepping over the line."

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

(This message has been edited by Ultra Phoenix (edited 04-26-2001).)

Overrider is very mad at phoenix but is willing to make a deal and ask some questions


2.I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me we have a deal?

Overrider will be gone for a week soon so do not disturb me because you shall pay dearly if when I get back i am in some delema

All quite on the western front.
But not for long...

All right Overrider....I am happy to have peace. I did those
things because you were hurting innocent people. I simply protect the
unprotected from harm. I also defend myself when threatened.

I agree on peace.

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

" Overrider720 walks in and see's Draco about to tell the story so he shoves an anti-target mine on his tongue which insinerates it and kicks back and orders a Fruit/Vegi shake of course with Sallian Brandy on the side "

This a copy of one of your messages. I had a reason for shooting
you : ) Draco has the right to tell a story.

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

Blaziron calmly walks in, polishing his favorite weapon, an upgraded version of the Blaze pistol (oddly enough called a Blaziron pistol :p). Waves off offers of 'Brandy politely, and proceeds to sit on a table facing the room. "Don't even try it"

Destroyer of Worlds
(or at least their ships)

Rima ignores ESpilot's attemt to break the rules,gives everyone there drinks and wonders why she's up at 10:45

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

Thank you Phoenix Now for Jade I think he deserves to be taught a lesson. That will happen when I get back. i will be gone for a week so nothing can happen to me 😛

All quite on the western front.
But not for long...

Phoenix shakes hands with Overrider.

"By the way, Jades somewhat related to the bartender so I wouldn't
push it...but it's your choice..."

: )

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

"Jade never even comes here, so you're going to have difficulty teaching her a lesson."
She casts a suspicious glance at the guy sat in the corner, and then a loathing one at ESPilot, because she has never heard such a stupid name for a ship. Being the friendly person that she is, she bashes his head repeatedly into the bar. The idea is that he'll have trouble aiming.

"Things that try to look like things often do look more like things than things, well known fact."
-Granny Weatherwax

Jade walks in, explains that she's a woman do whoever called her a man very simply,
and walks out.

A.S.S Beatrix,
Save the Queen.