Freeport Bar

Draco sees that people are looking expectantly at him for his story, so he begins.
"I was a mercenary until about 5 years ago. On my last job, although I didn't know it at the time, I had to follow a freighter that had some illegal goods on it. When it was unloading I was to get the goods and destroy the ship. The job was given by the UE Commander of Police. He told me that most of the cargo was powerful weapons smuggled from Aludra. I followed the 'Ladoner' from Sol to Centuri to Bakka, then north to the system DSN-1210, and they refueled at the outpost there. I won't bore you the exact route, but we finally arrived at Emalghion space. I was surprised, because I didn't want to do anything to my race members, but when one of the crew opened the door to get a drink, I saw that everyone onboard was human."
"They headed off again, but when they were less than halfway out of the system they crashed into an asteroid. It ripped a hole in the side of the ship. Every human onboard was sucked out into the void of space. The asteroid floated straight toward them, and then they were gone. The asteroid headed my direction, but I used a repulsor beam to keep it away while I shot it with my turrets. Eventually it stopped moving. I put it into my hold, picked up the chemical weapons from the 'Ladoner', and headed back to Sol after putting a few RPB in the cockpit."
'Fire in the night, embers in the void, flames in my blindness.' (Draco Firestone describing the explosion of the 'Ladoner')
"I was rewarded greatly(2 million credits), but I stopped doing jobs to care for my pet."

Draco looks around to see if there is any juicy food for 'Fifi' to eat.

The dragon awaits no whims but his own...
Doom, gloom, and things that go boom!!
Everyone but the black guy are Voinan's...(url="http://"") Die Voinans!(/url)

(This message has been edited by draco_2488 (edited 04-25-2001).)

Bob oozes into the bar looks around, screams and leaves????

SilverDragon returns to the bar after having mysteriously disappeared.

"Hey, Jess, I'm going to get Tigana on Saturday. I'll try and read it for next
Saturday, okay?" SilverDragon says.

He turns to all the people fighting. "Dragoona is currently whizzing around the bar,
under tables. You won't be able to see him - he's too fast. If another one of you
even thinks about fighting, I'm sure Dragoona will do something particular
unpleasant to you. Thank you."

SilverDragon gives everyone a drink, and then goes and contacts Jade.

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

Overrider720 walks in steaming mad and finds Phoinex blows a hole in the floor bury's phoinex in it melts the top so he can suffocate reincinerates dracos tongue orders his drinks finishes them runs out and fly's away to a system before phoinex can recarnate.

All quite on the western front.
But not for long...

(This message has been edited by Overrider720 (edited 04-25-2001).)

<Jade hunts down Overrider, and drags him back to the bar so people can have
fun with him>

A.S.S Beatrix,
Save the Queen.

Phoenix comes into the bar.

" might have been possible to do what you "did" to me
IF I had actually been in in the bar. I have been gone for hours"

"By the way, Jess...It is not immature to save peoples lives. I have not
created a single fight in all my time here(not on purpose anyway)."

Phoenix then drags Overrider out into the garbage chute and ejects
him into deep space.

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

Phoenix leaves the bar.

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

At the request of Job Kimball, the largest attack fleet of the Iothe Prime militia and the 3rd Southern Defense Fleet of the United Earth hyper into the system. An announcement is broadcast throughout the station: "Surrender, and you shall live." With his last breath, the blind Kimball says "Prepare to die, fools."

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake. " -Grand Master Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower

Remember not to kill without permission...

Phoenix on his way to the ship, hears the horrifying news. He rushes to the main control station and hails the UE,etc fleet.

"UE Flagship.....this is Phoenix. Yes, Phoenix Yamato. We have subjugated the renegades and declared this bar an independant port. We also have evidence that Starkiller has tampered with your military files, an offense punished by the death penalty. See him over there, sneaking off in his ship.....yah...that's him. Officers, do your duty."

The UE ships open fire on Starkiller and destroy him. They also award Phoenix 1M credits for services rendered to United Earth and all of humanity. Phoenix generously shares it with the bar members.

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

The English Admiral sits in the bar
after having destroyed the militia fleet
with his Igazra and his fleet of seven CW.

He orders a Saalian Brandy on the rocks
and falls asleep.


After growing his tongue back, Draco asks politely, "Was anybody actually was listening to my story?"

The dragon awaits no whims but his own...
Doom, gloom, and things that go boom!!
Everyone but the black guy are Voinan's...(url="http://"") Die Voinans!(/url)

Phoenix returns. "I was"

He orders water.

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

After putting his head back on.
"HELLO did anyone hear my last post?I need answers!"


(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 04-25-2001).)

Phoenix returns. "I....heard your last post.......your head fell I correct?"

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

yep. but i put it right back on.
suddenly, grundulater falls to the floor asleep.


(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 04-25-2001).)




(I told you i was in a bad mood....)

I have always known That at last I would take this road, but yesterday I did not know that it would be today.
--- Ben Sherwood

Phoenix sighs, and pours Red his drink.

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

Starkiller's ghost returns to haunt Phoenix.



Originally posted by Ultra Phoenix:
**The UE ships open fire on Starkiller and destroy him.

What do you not understand about "no killing w/i permission"? You have, on various threads, killed me numerous times. Stop it. You will notice that I never kill, I just set up possible situations.

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake. " -Grand Master Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower

"Who's supposed to be the barman here? I'm thirsty. Phoinix, you are not saving peoples lives, because we cannot die. You are just prolonging fights."
She decides to take over as Barwoman, and pours the ghost a drink.
(By the way, I have a new pet. It's a vulture called fluffy)

"Things that try to look like things often do look more like things than things, well known fact."
-Granny Weatherwax