The Dark Shadow

Esponuer, there is no way I would have that small a fleet protecting Mavs. Titan's fleet arrives in the Lothe system. The Militia(spelling) quickly engage the the Renagade fleet, but with superior Phase Tech, they are eaisly destroyed. Titan has captured the Lothe system.

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.

I'm ruler of the almighty Emalgha!

occupation:Ruler of the Emalgha
lives:in a hidden base on Emalgha
ship:Emalgha Battlecruiser
ship name:Inandulation
ship specs:UE cloak
5 phase turrents
EMC system
4 sheild enhancers
Emalgha fighter bay
5 Emalgha fighters

<transmition to UE leader>
I am Grundulater of the Emalgha. We have never talked to anyone before but we are desperate.We would be greatful if you would come to the planet Emalghion to consider a temporate .......alling.Will you come. We are desparate.

current projects:Emalgha Wave Emitter finished in 5-7 days
<Transmission to all races except voinian>
{no code}
Greetings races. We are the Emalgha. We used to be a triving race some time ago on the planet Emalgha. Since then we have made the technology to create new starships. We are a strong race that is looking for any temporary compromises. Contact me.
Grunadulater off


(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 04-14-2001).)

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 04-14-2001).)

Because grunadulater made the mistake of transmitting the message to all races, the Voinians easily intercepted the message, and sent 6 Voinian Cruisers to the Gualon system to find and destroy the Hinwar rebels.

The two Voinian fleets now have 40 ships.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

grunadulater, this story takes place at the beginning of EVO, the Hinwar haven't been freed yet. Sorry, post revoked.

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.-Starkiller


Posted by Nova6:
Also, how did you know it was called the "Tomato" Shield Generator?



Posted by me earlier on:
Ultimate 'Tomato' Shield Generator
Mass: 0 tons
Shields increased by: 50% of the ship's original shields


Posted by Nova6:
I'm not going to use the econamy report anymore.

If you don't mind, I'll handle the economy report for you, and as of now.....

Economy Report:

Nova6(Azdgari):.......................49 million + 4 mil/day*

ESPilot:.....................40 million + 3 mil/day

-REDCHIGH-(UE):...................46 million + 3 mil/day*

SilverDragon(Igadzra)**:.....................43 million + 2 mil/day*

Captain Carnotaur(Vonians)**:.....................36 million + 1.5 mil/day*

Samurai(Zidagar)**:....................45 million + 1 mil/day*

Blacwingaway(Miranu):.....................55 million + 5 mil/day*

Titan(Renagades)**:.....................38 million + 1 mil/day*

Rima:.....................23 million

UE Crusader(Zachit)**:.....................33 million + 2 mil/day*

Thunder.........................25 million + .2 mil/day

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

<message gone>

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 04-14-2001).)

Didn't you read my post! I'll say one more time, POST REVOKED!!

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.-Starkiller

sorry didnt see your message, I'll be the Emalgha.

Grunadulater sighning off

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 04-14-2001).)

Ok, you can be them.

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.-Starkiller

<To grunadulater>
Sir, we have just picked up a report of a large unidentified ship coming into the system.Shall we attack?

<to Emalgha general>
No hail the for a response. I shall supply you with some fighters and you have your batllecarrier. wait for my signal.


Grenjfge hiurhguwr ghirehgw hufgtih. utyfohugfnrehufhreg fhurgiufhiug rehgufhgik fiuhiure fugeuo duigfurhe hurehg. gfref b frwt gfref c cegreb f v b hygvb?hglehgh hjfdhrih fjhgf!

grunadulater, you can do all that in one post. What is a battle carrier?, if its just a Emalgha warship with a fighter bay that ok, but if its some new disign you'll have to research it.

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.-Starkiller

"Excellent sneaky plan Esponer. As it is my birthday, the number of posts till the SAWs are complete is hereby reduced from 4 to 3."

To Nova: ESPilot is selling off his tomato shield generators at 5.2 mil, so we would have known. We're getting those blueprints, thankyou very much.

To Esponer: "Are the Zidagar allying with us?"

I came; I saw; I hid behind a tree.

You forgot me in the Economy report, but thats okay because my finances are really hectic.

4.6 million, growing by .05 million/day realtime.
Entropy responds- "Excellant! Of course, your people will have to stop wearing Fuzzfur..."

As the last militia ship that hasn't fled to the surrounding systems explodes in a puff of flame, the Igadzra conquering fleet moves in to claim the two stellar bodies for the Igadzran Empire...

Suddenly, in a flash of blue and black hulls, a gigantic council peacekeeping force arrives in the system.

"Cease your assault immediately! Leave the Feviry System now!"

The Igadzra reply...
I've gotten the supply company interested in my placards, so I'm selling a few tons of unused placards every day to the company. Income increases by .05 million credits.

No, I havn't "sold out."
4.65 m, +.1 m/day realtime.

(Lies are in your head.)

Oh, and by the way, you can't keep developing weapons without spending money on them. The more you spend, the faster you get them.

And no developing a "gluon ray" that can "destroy an Igazra in one hit" for "2 million credits" or anything. That would need at least 2 million credits a day.

(Lies are in your head.)

New Map: (url="http://"")http://www.speakeasy..._shadow_map.gif(/url)

The new Borb Armor will be done in two posts.

Both of the Voinian fleets now have 45 ships. The Voinian outpost at Sumer is doing fairly well, and the station is halfway completed. The Voinians on Sumer have also begun construction of a shipyard.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 04-15-2001).)


Posted by grunadulater:
**I'm ruler of the almighty Emalgha!

occupation:Ruler of the Emalgha
lives:in a hidden base on Emalgha
ship:Emalgha Battlecruiser
ship name:Inandulation
ship specs:UE cloak
5 phase turrents
EMC system
4 sheild enhancers
Emalgha fighter bay
5 Emalgha fighters

<transmition to UE leader>
I am Grundulater of the Emalgha. We have never talked to anyone before but we are desperate.We would be greatful if you would come to the planet Emalghion to consider a temporate .......alling.Will you come. We are desparate.

current projects:Emalgha Wave Emitter finished in 5-7 days
<Transmission to all races except voinian>
{no code}
Greetings races. We are the Emalgha. We used to be a triving race some time ago on the planet Emalgha. Since then we have made the technology to create new starships. We are a strong race that is looking for any temporary compromises. Contact me.
Grunadulater off**

Revoked. The Voinians conquered the Emalgha. Please edit your post.


Posted by grunadulater:
sorry didnt see your message, I'll be the Emalgha.

No, you cannont be the Emalgha, they were conquered!
Ok, ESPilot, you can control it. Just a couple things....


Posted by ESPilot:
Nova6(Azdgari):.......................49 million + 4 mil/day*

You forgot that I was researching something.


Posted by ESPilot:
Captain Carnotaur(Vonians):.....................36 million + 1.5 mil/day***

Make that 3 million per day.


Posted by ESPilot:
ESPilot:.....................40 million + 3 mil/day

Since you do not control a gov, you do not get credits per day. You only get money by doing missions for people.


Posted by ESPilot:
Samurai(Zidagar):....................45 million + 1 mil/day***

Change that to 2 million per day.


Posted by ESPilot:
UE Crusader(Zachit):.....................33 million + 2 mil/day***

Change that to 1 million per day.

Also, you didn't copy that thing that tells you what "*" means and what "**" means.

Once your done with all these changes multiply everyone's credits per day by 10.


Posted by ESPilot:
To Nova: ESPilot is selling off his tomato shield generators at 5.2 mil, so we would have known. We're getting those blueprints, thankyou very much.

Oh, sorry, I didn't know that. All posts that have to do with the Igadzra having or know about tomato shield generators are here by un-revoked.
Thanks for the map Carnotaur! 🙂


Posted by grunadulater:
< To grunadulater>
Sir, we have just picked up a report of a large unidentified ship coming into the system.Shall we attack?



Posted by grunadulater:
< to Emalgha general>
No hail the for a response. I shall supply you with some fighters and you have your batllecarrier. wait for my signal.

Revoked. The Emalgha only have Fighters, Warships, and Freighters.


Posted by grunadulater:
Grenjfge hiurhguwr ghirehgw hufgtih. utyfohugfnrehufhreg fhurgiufhiug rehgufhgik fiuhiure fugeuo duigfurhe hurehg. gfref b frwt gfref c cegreb f v b hygvb?hglehgh hjfdhrih fjhgf!


The Azdgari are increasing patrols in their space.

The dulplex shielding project will be done in 4 posts.


Long live the Rebellion!
(url="http://"")Visit my cool EV website!(/url)

(This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 04-15-2001).)

(quote)Posted by Nova6:
Since you do not control a gov, you do not get credits per day. You only get money by doing missions for people. (/quote)

I don't control a govt, but I control a huge shipmaking and weapon/upgrade manufacturing company, known as BlackMarket Inc., so it seems fair that I should get money per day. AND I'm being paid good money by Esponer to help him with technology and ships. BTW, thanks for the cash Esponer.

(quote)Posted by Nova6:
(/quote) quote:
Posted by ESPilot:
Captain Carnotaur(Vonians)
:.....................36 million + 1.5 mil/day*

Make that 3 million per day.**(/quote)

If I'm not mistaken Carnotaur is working on some expensive armor as his project and therefore must reduce his credits-per-day to research it.

(quote)Posted by Nova6:
Posted by ESPilot:
:....................45 million + 1 mil/day*

Change that to 2 million per day.**(/quote)

<Changed to 2 million per day>

(quote)Posted by Nova6:
Posted by ESPilot:
UE Crusader(Zachit)
:.....................33 million + 2 mil/day*

Change that to 1 million per day.

Also, you didn't copy that thing that tells you what "*" means and what "**" means.

Once your done with all these changes multiply everyone's credits per day by 10**(/quote)

<Changed to 1.5 million per day> (compromise)

OK, I'll tell what * and ** means in the economy report: *= all days are real life days, **=Researching something

Oh and that last part, it clearly states in my economy report that EACH OF THE BELOW FIGURES IS ONE TENTH OF THE REAL AMOUNT.

Now shaddap about it.

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

Rima,In southern Igadzra space, decides to get a new escort.She finds the closest renegade base and waits in a system near it.An arada jumps in and she immediately attacks it.She disables it with guns and dispy rockets and boards it.She manages to capture it and adds it to her fleet of escorts.Another one comes and attacks her and using the same weapons she disables it.It has 100,000 credits and she steals the credits and leaves the ship there in space.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

(This message has been edited by Rima (edited 04-15-2001).)