The Dark Shadow

O.K. I'm starting over
can i be strandless.


<Private Message to: Grundulator>
{I would welcome an alliance with your peoples. I have an ally, the Igadzra, that have a very strong weopon. The SAE module. They do very good damge to armor, and Voinian ships cannot evade them. I also have another weopon of my own design, the X turret, but it is still in the development stages. To get to the point- I will create an alliance, if you will prepare a shipment of Emalgha turrets and cannons. We will rendevous in the system above kelmoan. Please be ready. I will give oyu a couple X turrets and cannons when they are complete.}
<End Message>
My Cruisers' hulls and computer systems are complete. All that remains is the outfitting.,
My X cannon is finished, but the turret is still in development. If i get Emalgha tech, then i'm gonna fuse the emalgha cannon armor damage into my X weopons...

OOC: Grundulator, please be Emalgha! The UE need Emalgha tech, and, well, the Emalgha position is the best direction to attack from! Come-on...

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 04-15-2001).)

It's "Dispy," short for "dispersal."

Also, Aradas, even "pers" Aradas, don't carry 1 million credits around. You could Sell the arada, but even then you would only get about 250,000 credits.

(Lies are in your head.)

Sorry i keep interrupting, but this is a quick way to reach all my people. Is anybody able to get onto the EVEA board? I can't even initiate connection with the whole 'pub51' section. Thanks for any help or info.

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.
EVEA Webstory Board: (url="http://"")http://pub51.ezboard.../bevoadventures(/url)
Will burn things for a nickname -- consult for further information.

Where's this map then?

SAWs: time to completion, 2 posts. Since they're absolutely brill (they take out about 3 ships with one blast), they're gonnan cost 0.5mil per time, so that not all the army can have them. Ships are being mass produced for the impending strike on the Azdgari. My personal funds are down to 26 mil. I reckon I should get 0.5 mil per day in pay.

I came; I saw; I hid behind a tree.

Yes, Rooster, the EzBoard server is down. It's been like that the entire day.

Jess, the map is at: (url="http://"")http://www.speakeasy..._shadow_map.gif(/url)

And I posted it on page 3. Also, what does SAW stand for? I also think that the time to completion should be larger.


Originally posted by ESPilot:
If I'm not mistaken Carnotaur is working on some expensive armor as his project and therefore must reduce his credits-per-day to research it.

The Voinians are a large race with large industrial capability. The Voinians produce a lot of stuff and get lots of credits. Besides, they need it to build their expensive ships.

Redchigh; the Emalgha are conquered and in slavery in the well guarded Emalghion system also conquered by the Voinians. Also, SAE's do very little damage to armor, it's practically a fact of all Crescent weapons with the exception of the Pursuit Missile and Defense Pod. Besides, the Azdgari have been giving me ECM Systems.

ESPilot; your SAI's are far too powerful. The AW can launch it's Azdaras quite faster, and definitely faster than you can launch your SAI's. Please downgrade them (I mean, taking out an AW in one hit is waaaay too powerful).


The Borb Armor project is one post away from completion.

The Voinian base on F-25 is fully operation, as is the research center there.

The two fleets in Voinian space now have 50 ships, and one of them has departed to Obron Outpost....


In the Yandros system, the UE had just driven off a Voinian raid and were in a bit of confusion regrouping, when suddenly the Voinian fleet hyperspaced in! The UE were caught off guard, and the massive Voinian fleet easily moved in and decimated what remained of the UE fleet. Then, the defense fleet moved in, but it was also easily slaughtered. Then, the Voinian fleet moved towards what was left of the UE defense fleet....

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 04-15-2001).)

Economy Report (each of the number representing the amount of money posessed are one tenth of the real amount):

Nova6(Azdgari):.......................45 million + 4 mil/day**

ESPilot:.....................43 million + 3 mil/day

-REDCHIGH-(UE):...................49 million + 3 mil/day*

SilverDragon(Igadzra):.....................45 million + 2 mil/day

Captain Carnotaur(Vonians):.....................37.5 million + 1.5 mil/day

Samurai(Zidagar)**:....................47 million + 2 mil/day*

Blacwingaway(Miranu):....................60 million + 5 mil/day*

Titan(Renagades):.....................39 million + 1 mil/day

Rima:.....................23 million

UE Crusader(Zachit)**:.....................34.5 million + 1.5 mil/day*

Thunder.........................25.2 million + .2 mil/day
Jess(Igadzra second-in-command)...............................26 million + 0.5mil/day
Once again, *= All days are real life days, **= researching something.

ESPilot, not finding Esponer so he can discuss his plan, leaves to his ship and takes off for Hizdriar to see how production of the new P89 Heavy Carrier-TT is going.

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 04-15-2001).)

(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 04-15-2001).)


Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
< Private Message to: Grundulator>
{I would welcome an alliance with your peoples. I have an ally, the Igadzra, that have a very strong weopon. The SAE module. They do very good damge to armor, and Voinian ships cannot evade them. I also have another weopon of my own design, the X turret, but it is still in the development stages. To get to the point- I will create an alliance, if you will prepare a shipment of Emalgha turrets and cannons. We will rendevous in the system above kelmoan. Please be ready. I will give oyu a couple X turrets and cannons when they are complete.}
<End Message>

Revoked, Grundulator does NOT control the Emalgha so he can't send you ANYTHING.


Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
OOC: Grundulator, please be Emalgha! The UE need Emalgha tech, and, well, the Emalgha position is the best direction to attack from! Come-on...

No, the Emalgha are conquered. He can't be them.


Originally posted by grunadulater:
can i be strandless.

Ok. Sure. Welcome to the story! 🙂

The dulplex shielding project research has been boosted by the additional research at F-25, so it will be done in 3 posts.

Long live the Rebellion!
(url="http://"")Visit my cool EV website!(/url)

(This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 04-15-2001).)

One sentance: Read the post above your post Nova6.

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
The Emalgha are conquered and in slavery in the well guarded Emalghion system also conquered by the Voinians.

Egads! That means my Emalgha fighter is the only one currently in operation!

(Lies are in your head.)

ESPilot, after having confirmed the mass production of the Heavy Carrier-TT's (which can now be bought for 8 million credits), and goes to Igadzra to discuss his plan, hoping that Esponer will be there to talk about it.

Upon arriving, he sees Esponer come out himlesf, and ESPilot begins to tell him of the plan.

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

Esponer smiles. "Sell Igaras for 30 million? Fun."

Esponer continues work on the Igara...

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

Rima can't think of anything else to do so she heads back up to Igadzra space to see whats happening and get some news.She goes to Morit and lands there.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

Esponer completes work on the Igara, and now all Igadzra ships are armed with
SAIs and Neutron Blasters.

He also hears that Rima is on Morit, and travels out to meet her in a fast
Igadzra Arada. He lands on Morit.


4 Igaras are instantly built.


The "Igadzra Beam" from the real EVO has now begun being made. Please take into
account that it won't take long to research, and understand that I won't use it
on my ships <ESPilot wants me to give it him, he said over AIM>
Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-15-2001).)

After her Lazira is refueled and restocket with dipersal rockets. she's about to leave when she hears Esponer is on the planet.She goes to the bar and see's if someone can tell her where he is.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

After discussing the plan with Esponer, ESPilot heads back to the S.S. Honor Blade and takes off, setting in a course for Hizdrair.

On Hizdriar, he stops to refuel and restock, and goes off to fight the usual renegade or two waiting off in space, but little does he know, a large cluster of Renegades have surrounded Hizdrair.....

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

Okay guys, ezboard's back up. You've only got a couple hours to choose your slots, and Carno, even though i know yours i need a confirmation.

Same to everybody else! Join! 🙂

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.
EVEA Webstory Board: (url="http://"")http://pub51.ezboard.../bevoadventures(/url)
Will burn things for a nickname -- consult for further information.

Borb Armor has been completed. It is now being put on all Voinian ships.

Project Initiated: Enhanced Neutron Weaponry
Time to Completion: 5 posts
Description: Duh, it's just a better type of neutron weaponry.

The other fleet in Voinian space (code named "Fleet Haakai") is now composed of 55 ships.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Esponer completes work on the Igara, and now all Igadzra ships are armed with
SAIs and Neutron Blasters.


4 Igaras are instantly built.

Revoked. You never even started working on it!
The dulplez shielding project will be done in 2 posts.


Long live the Rebellion!
(url="http://"")Visit my cool EV website!(/url)


Originally posted by Entropy:
**Egads! That means my Emalgha fighter is the only one currently in operation!


<Private message to: Entropy>
(How much would it cost me to get my hands on one Emalgha cannon off that Emalgha fighter?!
How does 1M c sound? Plus an X cannon to replace the cannon? Please respond)
<End message>

REDchigh, worried about the actions of the Voinians lately, decide to go ahead and outfit all of his ships with X cannons and turrets. Will take 8 posts.
All of the rescent attacks, RED urges all of his workers on the Cruiser project to change shifts, and all work on the cruiser, 24 hrs a day, and the Prototype is completed in that week. REDchigh Takes the ship out for a test drive, with five Destroyer escorts. The small fleet goes to the fringe of Voinian space, and comes upon a supply fleet. The Frigates go towards the UE ships, but the UE's maneuverability gives them a big advantage. the UE cruiser spots a couple frigates starting to retreat, and engages them. REDchigh storms towards them, and engulfs the frigates in a storm of X-turret fire. A two frigates are toast before the cruisers' shields are below 85%. The rest of the destroyers' shields are dangerously low, so REDchig orders them to retreat, even with four frigates and a dozen supply ships still hostile. The cruiser, knowing how low the supply ships' armour is, knows that just a few sai's can take'em out, so it storms toward the whole fleet, releasing all of the SAI's on board. The SAI's seem to be glowing a little dull, but REDchigh doesn't notice. The modules go past the frigates, and don't turn around... the just keep going and burn out. REDchigh is wondering why when the voinian fleet gangs up on him. The X-turrets and UE fighter Bay holds the voinians at bay for a while, but not for very long, and soon, the UE cruiser is overwhelmed by neutron fire. Now, the shields are gone, and the Armor is at 45% and dropping with every rocket hit. The tide of the battle has turned. The Voinians close in for the kill, but the Cruiser just narrowly escapes, and stays in hyperjump, all the way to sol. The armor is at 2%.
Knowing that his crew almost died, and, more importantly, the Voinians almost got the tech of the cruiser, REDchigh remembers how the SAI modules didn't work. They were just dead weight. Almost like they were.... disabled or something.
REDchigh wonders if his Igadzra allies are turning on him....

Since the SAI's don't work, REDchigh gets his scientists to start dissecting them, to check out the guidance system.

OOC: Esponer, you never TOLD me that the SAIs were disabled, and you never told me that i needed to replace my current mudules with a newer shipment (of SAE's)!

You should've told me!

I'm tempted to ally the Adzgari, and i would if they weren't already with the Voinians...

Oh, and now i'm starting to wonder if i should give you the X-weoponry, too....

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.