The Dark Shadow

Development of the Miranu Gunship is progressing smoothly. 2 posts to go.

Continuation: Strolling through Outpost Zachit, Zacha Crusader comes upon the scene involving Thunder and the Zacha official.

"I'm looking to join the Zachit. Can you help me to do that?"

"Look I appreciate your helping and all, but I really don't have the time to--"

He stopped at the sight of Zacha Crusader approaching. "Commander Crusder, I was just...."

"Turning away a potential recurit? I think I will handle this, if you don't mind."

Having the good sense to not argue, the official departs.

"So, looking to join the Zachit," Crusader said as a statement, not a question. "Very well, you'll have your chance. What's your ship and configuration?" He listens to Thunder describe it.

"So, a Courier.....well, one has to start somewhere. Tell you what. We've been picking up some increased Renegade activity near Dewe recently, and we want to subdue it before it gets out of hand. As a test you may come with me and assist in the destruction of any ships there. If you impress me, you can consider yourself a member."

With that, Zacha Crusader headed toward one of Outpost Zachit's several docking bays to take off. "If you still think you're up to it, I'll meet you in Dewe!"

Summarization: move to dewe, expecting that thunder won't be far behind.


To SilverDragon: Yeah, go on then, I'll be your second in command.

My Ship:
Name: Ragnarok
Class: Igazra
1000 Shields
300 Armor
Turn Angle 90 per sec
Accel 202
Top Speed 205
1 pursuit missile launcher + 50 missiles
1 needle launcher + 250 missiles
2 SAE launchers + 50 Modules
Plasma Siphon
1 Phase Turret
1 Neutron Turret

9 Igazras (Normal, except for Plasma Siphons) that were rebels.
Money: 30 mil

Can we all get SAIs? Will it cost a lot?
I came; I saw; I hid behind a tree.

(This message has been edited by Jess (edited 04-14-2001).)

To Jess: I'll give you SAIs. It won't cost you anything.


40% of the Igadzra navy have now been armed with SAIs.

Esponer consults Jess about formulating an attack on the Azdgari....

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)


Originally posted by roostersw:
I'm not looking to be the only gig in town, but to be honest this disturbs me. How am i supposed to start the Sokaro Divide and expect those of you who are EVEA Writers to pay enough attention to all of these stories? Like i said, i know there will be other webstories than the EVEA ones but Apocalyptic Night and Reign of Chaos are enough without worrying about further attention to this story AND another RH sequel. Are you just expecting Sokaro to be as slow as Shakra was? Help me out here to understand this. And don't tell me i'm crazy, already i have to wait a day to get a single post on the EVEA board (during development even) and most of the time that post is UE General seeing if he's a mod yet! So, what's the deal?

Well, I had been waiting to start this story for a while now. Then Reign of Chaos ended, so I decided to start it (I had already started this story on EzBoard, but it didn't get much traffic, so I "moved" it here). I didn't expect to get this much members, I thought I would only get 2 or 3. I'm sorry if this draws attention from you.

<Message to Samurai>
<Hello, I am Nova6, leader of the Azdgari. The Igadzra have been increasing their attacks on us and someone might have just stolen your Zidagar ECM. But, if we fought together, we could withstand these acts. To you accept?>

The Azdgari are increasing patrols in Azdgari space. And they are increasing raids on the Igadzra.


Long live the Rebellion!
(url="http://"")Visit my cool EV website!(/url)

To Rooster: Well, at least you won't have to worry about me; I'm currently only involved in one story board; this story. I can easily do two story boards.

Noav6; I'm working on the map.


The Voinian fleet that destroyed Kelmoan then returned to Romit, where another Voinian fleet was assembling. This fleet would be the fleet that was to take control of Emalghion.

The Phase Neutron Cannons/Turrets have been completed. They have the strength of neutron weapons with the speed, accuracy, and reload of Phase Weaponry. The fleet at Romit is equipped with these weapons.

Four days later, the Emalghion system was attacked with 14 different raids. After the 14th raid, as the Emalgha fleet was in disarray, the Voinian Romit Fleet attacked.

The battle was quick and desicive. The Voinians far outnumbered their Emalgha foe, the Emalgha were disorganized, and the Voinians had far superior weaponry. Soon, the Emalgha fleet was destroyed, and the Voinians were landing thousands of troops on Emalghia. Within one day; the Emalgha were conquered.

The Voinians are now free to use the main bulk of their forces on the UE instead of splitting it between fighting the Emalgha and UE. Now, Voinian raids can increase, Voinian ships can be built faster, and Voinian outposts can be more easily guarded.

The Voinians have no initiated a new project: Raptor Missiles
Time to completion: 2 posts
Description: Essentially the same as the UE's Hunter Missile, the Raptor Missile is different in the fact that it is an enlarged turret rocket with guidiance thrusters and computers. The Hunter Missile is in a straight forward launcher and has some of the explosive removed, while the Raptor has some added. To add to this the fact that it is a turret rocket compensates the fact that the Raptor does not have a very good guidiance system.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The Neutron Blaster is getting along quite well.


Esponer views an Azdgari raid, and grins. "They still don't understand?" he asked
one admiral.

"Apparently not, sir." the admiral grinned.

"Have all 20 Igazras open fire with SAIs. Waste the whole raiding fleet."

The Igazras fired out their SAIs, and the raiding fleet didn't stand a chance.

"Their ships aren't fast enough." Esponer smiled.

<<Message to Samurai of the Zidagar>>
<<From Esponer of the Igadzra>>
<<Encryption Sequence Dei-6 Active>>

We would like to propose a non-violence pact between our governments to see to the
destruction of the Azdgari.
Long have all three of us been at war, but us two have fought less than either of
us have fought the Azdgari.
I know you will make the right decision.


Meanwhile, a truely huge force of Igazras at Innor - 1000 Igazras and 2000 Igadzra
Aradas as backup, have massed.

OOC: In the game it says Innor holds thousands of Igazras. So there. 🙂

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

<Message to Nova6>
<Here are the designs for dospect armor and phase neutron weaponry. With this technology you can make your Azdaras practically invincible.>
<End Message>

OOC: I'm serious about what I said in that message. Add dospect and a shield generator to an Azdara and it's invincible.

The Voinians are starting to assemble three large fleets in the Voinian core worlds. Their purpose is unknown.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Esponer remembers he's allies with the UE, and recalls the fleet. 🙂

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-14-2001).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-14-2001).)

I wasn't aware that Reign of Chaos had ended. But i suppose i will still be baffled if it turns out we're doing extremely well in Sokaro and you still participate in Red Horizon and Dark Tide sequels. I'll be starting Sokaro soon, i really wish ya'll would think a little more about if there's anything else you need to know before the story starts. It seems strange that Shakra needed more instruction (by a lot) than Sokaro, the premiere superadvanced playable webstory has. Oh well. :rolleyes:

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.
EVEA Webstory Board: [](<br />
Will burn things for a nickname -- consult for further information.


(This message has been edited by Jade (edited 04-14-2001).)

4.05 million credits, growing by 50,000/day

Entropy is rather stressed. The Azdgari Emporer is right in his office, the Voinian Empire is asking him to tell him everything he knows about the two biggest, baddest governments in localized space, and theres a (b) gigantic Igadzra warfleet (/i) attacking Ursla and its moon!
Since Entropy doesn't own the moon, he doesn't have to do any fighting- the local militia has to. Unfortunately, the entire militia has been deployed, and it is still having a very difficult time defeating the Igadzra.

Entropy replies-
"We have no feud with the Igadzra- yet. True, they are attacking Ursla and this moon, but I am lobbying a complaint with the Council, so if the Igadzra don't back off they will have to deal with the Council peacekeeping forces."

"The CSLF is a campaign, not a government. We do not wish to become big and powerful, crush our enemies, dominate the galaxy, etc. We only wish to end the wholesale slaughter of the Urslan fuzz by Miranu fashion companies. We have offered countless alternatives- Synthofur, Bioculture fur, Hrinisee fur, nylon, etc., but our complaints have fallen on deaf ears."

"If you will aid us in our quest, we will be eternally grateful."
I'm staging a protest against Fuzzfur us in Miravanu (the Miranu capital city.) If you don't want to get drenched in paint, throw away your Fuzzbags.
Message to Council- (unencrypted, MessageTap shiled level 2)
The Igadzra are attacking Ursla and its moon unprovokedly. Please order them to discontinue this assault.
- End message
Message to Carnotaur- The Igadzra are attacking Ursla right now (!,) so we can offer you some first-hand info.
Some Igazras appear to be outfitted with a varient of the SAE module, exept that it is much more devastating. I think that they are planning to expand their empire by attacking the UE- they are certainly trying to gain territory to the west. I believe that SUmer might be the first human settlement to go, since it is not a member of the UE, is far from any other settlement, and is poorly guarded.
I think they are also developing a new type of Neutron weapon.
If you want to attack them, you better do it now- their leader just resigned, so the government will be in chaos until another ruler comes forward.

The UE we know less about- they appear to have developed cloaking, and their blaze weapons are effective against both shields and armor. We ahve a UE destroyer we found floating derelict- if you want to examine it, you may.

Is this enough to be given those two frigates? Or do you need more info?
- End message
A big galactic supply company was astounded by the quality of our placards, so we sold them a whole bunch for .5 million credits. (Wow!) If they want more we could set up a sales department.
4.55 million credits, growing by +.05 credits/day realtime

(Lies are in your head.)

Project Ultimate Tomato is going quite well.
Since I haven't posted in a while, I'll say my BlackMakret Arada Dock will be complete in one post.

ESPilot's fleet lands on Xarnes, just outside of the Azgdari HQ, and disembarks from his ship alone. He enters the building to see Nova6, when a guard halts him. ESPilot pulls out his ID, showing it to the guard, and continues to Nova6's quarters. As he enters the room, several more guards enter, asking "What business do you have with Emporor Nova6?" ESPilot responds coolly "I have a certain preposal to make with your superior, this 'Emporor'." He goes up to Nova6 and explains "I have a preposal to make that will surely make the other Strands fall." Outside, the three Miranu H. Freighters' IDs are suddenly converted to 'Heavy Carrier-TT' as the fighter bays and turrets become more visible, still leaving the Classified Cargo a mystery.

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

Entropy: There's no way you'd know about the Neutron Blaster.

EVERYONE: I'm not attacking the UE - I'm allied with them. And I've not quit.

Some Mercenary: Was it ESPilot? I was going to give you money to work on my
advanced shielding.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

This is the last time i do this. But come on, humor me! Come see what all your storymates are up to, cuz if you do decide you want to join Sokaro it needs to be now!

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.
EVEA Webstory Board: [](<br />
Will burn things for a nickname -- consult for further information.

5 Igazras didn't go back to Igadzra space. They delivered the SAI module blueprints
to the UE at Paaren Station.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

I hereby un-resign, and reclaim the UE.

<Public to All Igadzra Vessels?>
(I could be wrong, but i was certain i allied you!
<End Message>

The fleet that barged into by system, ended up going to Paaren station and giving me Techs.
esp. SAI's, and the secret to the Igadzra's shields. I don't really have any worthy techs to give them....

<Private Messege to: Anna Baloshova on New Taranto>
(I know you are already workin on a new ship, but please hurry with it.)
(The UE needs the plans ASAP)
(and let it take advantage of SAI modules, Neutron Blasters when they are finished,and the) {Igadzras shields..)
( :D)

I get my best pilots, and make a fleet of about ten fighters, and send them on a raid t5o Feviry to get Voinian technology.

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 04-14-2001).)

<Message to Entropy>
<Encrypted Code 1>
<Encrypted Code 2>
<Encrypted Emergency Code>
<Thank you for the information. I will send you one Voinian Cruiser now, and possibly another one later. I will send a fleet to pick up the UE Destroyer. Thank you for your assitence, and if you can, please continue to send tactical reports to us when you can.>
<End Message>
<Delete Message Trail>

The first Voinian fleet is ready. It is sent around UE space, quickly through Molos and Valos, into Jax, through two uninhabited systems, and finally into Feviry.

Meanwhile, the Voinian fleet picks up the Derelict UE Destroyer which is taken to Sumer. There, the Voinian fleet shows the fact that the Igadzra will most likely attack Sumer to the natives, and the independents there join the Voinians.

Then, the Voinians set up a small research base on the planet (to work on analyzing the destroyer) and begin work on a station orbiting Meira itself.

Because the UE Destroyer had hunter missiles, the Raptor Missile will be done in my next post, instead of two more posts.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 04-14-2001).)

Carnotaur, by the time you'd have gotten there I'd have been gone. I began attacking
AGES ago.

Also, SAI modules are equally effective against armour than shields, so the battle
would NOT have been so easy.

And your travel would have taken 3 weeks. Nova said one post only counts for 1

<<Message to ESPilot>>

I would like to purchase the blueprints for the Arada bay.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

Rima lands on Igadzra with the Zidgar ECM waiting for Esponer to pick it up for study.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

Esponer collects the Zidagar ECM, and in return hands over a SAI launcher and 10
SAI modules. "I trust you." he says, before running off to hide <Igadzra are


The Neutron Blaster will be complete in about 1-2 weeks.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)