The Dark Shadow

The work on the SAI is getting along. Since I haven't posted in a while, I'm
saying there are 3 posts left.

And don't worry - the Igadzra don't have any allies. Of course, I'm not going
to attack the Zidagar, since I'm too much of a Zidagar fan. πŸ™‚

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

Ahh, what the heck, count me in. πŸ˜„ I'll be a roamer, profile as follows:

Name: Thunder
Race: Kayan
Ship: Miranu Courier, S.S. Psychadelic
Ship specs: Stock weapons plus an extra phase turret, extra armor, and a pursuit missile launcher.
Escorts: None
Profile: Thunder always had a desire to explore the universe. Once he had saved up enough money, he bought a crescent fighter and left his home on Kayia to go exploring. Unfortunately, two systems out, he was ambushed by a fleet of renegade aradas and laziras. Young and inexperienced in battle, his ship was destroyed before he could make it into hyperspace; he barely managed to get in his escape pod and escape. He was picked up by a miranu freighter and found his way to Mira. Over the next few years living on Mira, he managed to find work and get enough money to buy a Miranu Courier. Now he's free to explore the universe once again. But he's also taken battle training and is now has quite a high combat rating (dangerous), and he vows to help others who find themselves falling victim to the renegades...

Continuation: In the Zachit system, a couple Zachit fighters are doing battle with a Renegade lazira. The fighters have the experience advantage, but the Lazira makes up for it with it's power. Thunder notices that all three ships are dipping dangerously low on shields. Seeing his opportunity to repay the renegades for the destruction of his poor crescent fighter four years ago, Thunder opens fire with pursuit missiles and charges the Lazira, Phase turrets blazing. The Zacha take advantage of this unexpected help from this ship with a merchant transponder, moving in for the kill. The Lazira goes up in a ball of flames, escape pods flying everywhere. Over the comm the two Zacha pilots cheer.

In the docking bay of Outpost Zachit, Thunder is approached by one of the Zacha who was fighting the Lazira. "You're the pilot of the S.S. Psychadelic, aren't you? Thanks for the help out there," he says, "That Lazira never knew what hit it."

"No problem," Thunder said. "I had a score to settle with the renegades since they destroyed my crescent fighter."

As the Zacha turns to walk away, Thunder stops him. "Wait, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Over the past few years, I've seen quite a few stories on the news, and even in person, of innocent merchants and helpless civilian ships being attacked and destroyed by renegades. I myself was a victim of their attacks, nearly dying in the assult. Now I'm lucky enough to have my own Miranu Courier and the battle experience to strike back at the renegades."

"What are you trying to say?" The Zacha asked, impatiently.

"What I'm saying is that I'd like to join the Zachit. Could you help me arrange that?"

A hatch opened up and the aliens said,
"We're sorry to learn that you soon will be dead,
But though you may find this slightly macabre,
We prefer your extinction to the loss of our job."


Name- Entropy
Government- Campaign to Save The Lovable Fuzz
Ship- Lazira with +1/2 shields for attacking Fuzz Merchants and a double-size hold for carrying Fuzzes
Government's total fleet- 1 CW, 2 Laziras, (one of them mine,) a UE destroyer found drifting derelict near Grooz and salvaged, 2 Aradas, 1 Merchant Arada, 1 Renegade Arada (stolen,) 1 Azdara, (Our members are very culturally diverse,) 1 Emalgha Fighter (Ditto- lots of chrome, wood replaced with tungsten-titanium alloy,) 3 Crescent Fighters.
Members- About 3,000, we also hire mercenaries occasionally.
Allies- None
Enemies- Fuzz Merchants, anybody who attacks us.
Capital- 4 million credits
Income- 50,000 credits per day realtime (from donations, grants, ferrying runs done by members to make ends meet, etc.)
base of operations- could someone please remind me of the moon we're on, the planet the Fuzzes are on, and the system? My Mac is down and I forget. Please?)
May I join?

(Lies are in your head.)

Esponer gathers a force of 20 Igazras and go attacks Entropy's land.

"We need another base." is his only reason.....

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

I hereby retire from my position As UE commander. this is too confusing, being in four webstories...

anyone can claim them

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

Esponer sends raiding forces to attack the Azdgari and UE.....

OOC: I'm working to get the Igadzra killed. πŸ™‚ I'm firing on anyone except
Zidagar and Zachit, and don't really care what happens.

Every good game needs a madman. πŸ™‚


Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)


Type: Ship
Name: P89 Heavy Carrier-TT
Stats: 2 CF Bays, 2 phase turrets, 2 SAD launchers, 1 CLASSIFIED , 2 CLASSIFIED as well as 1000 CLASSIFIED

As dockworkers come to onload the 3 Miranu H. Freighters, ESPilot says to them "No, I and my crew can handle this cargo. Thanks anyway." And the workers walk over to the next ship. ESPilot decides what he had in mind can wait for later, so he walks back into his ship and takes off, the rest of the fleet including the Freighters lift off.


Type: Bay/Dock
Name: BlackMarket Shipyards Inc. Custom Arada Dock
Desc: The secure transport of up to 2 Aradas without stopping to refuel them is made possible by this brand new dock, which can be customized for all sorts of Aradas, compatible with matter stabelizers for Igadzra Aradas (due to the 10 powerful SAE Modules just meters away from your ship's hull), stores of more SAE's, and dispersal rocket stores for Renegade and Azdgari Aradas. No proper carrier should be without this new item from BlackMarket Shipyards Inc. !!!

Estimated time to completion: 4 posts

P.S. Anyone DESPARATELY needing to know what the 'CLASSIFIED' objects are, contact me via AIM.

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' Β—ESPilot

(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 04-13-2001).)

Can we do our own governments? I want to set up an Igadzra Revolutionaries group, due to our Commander's insanity.
Actually, forget it I've changed my mind. I really should go and get a life... πŸ™‚
I came; I saw; I hid behind a tree.

(This message has been edited by Jess (edited 04-13-2001).)

Titan sends a fleet to the thoso system to capture it. The fleet includes, 20 Creacent warships, 15 aradas, 10 Lazeras, 15 Helians, and 8 Turncoats.

Anakin Flyswater, meet Obi-wan Beloni!

Please join, Jess! I'll even stop being a madman! You can be my second in command!

Or you can lead the Igadzra and I'll be YOUR second in command! Just for crying
out loud - I need an ally!

Please? πŸ™‚


The SAI module is finished. An Igazra tests it out against an Azdgari Warship -
all Azdaras are destroyed with one shot before they come within weapons range, and
three blasts disable the Azdgari warship. The Igazra suffers no damage.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-13-2001).)

Okay I would like to start resherching a new freagter that holds a lot of cargo.

EVO addict


Originally posted by Entropy:
could someone please remind me of the moon we're on, the planet the Fuzzes are on, and the system? My Mac is down and I forget. Please?)

Well, I know that Fuzzes are on Ursla, but that's all.


May I join?

Sure! Welcome to the story! πŸ™‚ Have fun! And save those Fuzzes! πŸ˜‰
What I don't like is that everyone is posting their attacks like this: "I attack so and so guys" I don't like that! What I meant when I posted the rule:


8. When attacking a system that is under control by another member, you can only attack and then you have to wait for the person who controls the system post his defence of the system. So no saying: "My ships jump into this system and capture it".

Was that you make your fleet jump into the system, and engage the enemy!


Wrong: "Esponer sends raiding forces to attack the Azdgari and UE"

Right: "In the <insert UE or Azdgari system name here>, all is peaceful. Suddenly, a fleet of <say fleet size> hypers into the system. The <say which gov your attacking> ships are cought of guard. Then the <insert the name of your gov here> charges the <say which gov your attacking> ships, guns blazing!"

Then you wait for your enemy to responed with his defence move. It doesn't have to look exactly like this, but this gives you an idea of what to post.

Also, everyone is researching to much! Stick to normal tech please!
Meanwhile, on Entropy's HQ, Entropy is sitting down looking a Fuzzes bounce around the room, when an ensign walks up to him.

"Sir, the Emporer of the Azdgari Empire is here to see you."

"Let him in."

"Yes sir!"

I walk in.

"Entropy, I am Nova6 Emporer of the Azdgari Empire. I have seen that you are a small government and are not very powerful. But, with my help you can become strong and we can help you fight off the Igadzra. Do you accept?"

Entropy responds....

Long live the Rebellion!
(url="http://"")Visit my cool EV website!(/url)

I did not exactly say I had attacked.

I MOVED to attack Entropy. I SENT my Igazras there. Also, I believe the attack
would have commenced before you reached there, Nova. So let's say I'm attacking
NOW, and you don't have time to move a whole army in.

Also, I'm RAIDING Azdgari and UE. They may assemble defences - I have merely
begun raiding, not actually started winning battles.


Also, I spent quite a while with the SAIs, not like everyone elses 3 posts techs.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

<To Entropy>
<I offer the services of two Voinian cruisers to aid your cause in return for intellegence reports on the UE or Igadzra. Nothing big, just if you know anything about them, tell me. And if you can, scout out their south-eastern perimeter.>
<End Message>

<Message to Nova6>
<Agreed. I shall send a Voinian battlefleet with supply ships to F-25 to start a base.>
<End Message>

The Voinians are increasing their attacks on the Emalgha and on Yandros and even Verril.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Rima travels down to the edge of Igadzra space.She slowly drifts around and refuels on the planet. She cautiously makes her way closer to the Igadzra homeworld with the Zidgar ECM.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

(This message has been edited by Rima (edited 04-13-2001).)

A huge number of Igazras are being armed with SAI modules.

Researching commenced

Name: Neutron Blaster
Est. posts: 10 posts

Descrip: An incredible primary weapon that takes up 75 tons. Two shots from
this can destroy a Zidara, and a few more can destroy Voinian Cruisers. Equally
effective against shields and armour.
Note: Each shot takes 100 fuel units, but all Igazras armed with it have fuelscoops.
On average, one fires after each hits and dissipates.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

Titan's fleet arrives in the thoso system. The fleet inagages in the UE, after ann hour the Renagade fleet is Victorious, but at the cost of many ships. Renagade losses: 5 Creacent warships, 4 Turncaots, 6 aradas, 2 Lazeras, and 7 Helians. Renforcements pour into the system, renagade ground forces quickly gain control of Crocket and new Chicago.

Anakin Flyswater, meet Obi-wan Beloni!

The Voinians have gathered up a force of 7 Cruisers and 17 Frigates in the Denlon system. This fleet heads towards Kelmoan, where they engage the Emalgha fleet there. The Voinians also send a small raiding fleet to Emalghion to tie up Emalgha reinforcements, while the other Voinian fleet attacks and destroys the Emalgha ships one-by-one using a special swarm tactic. Soon, the Voinians have destroyed the space fleet, and it is not long before the Kelmoan colony is destroyed by bombardment.

The Phase Neutron Turret/Cannon will be done in my next post.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

ESPilot jumps into the Mark system, where three Igadzra tech Sergeants are waiting, and he picks them up wordlessly, heading to Hizdriar where the bounty hunter/mercenary fort is.

On the fort, he walks into the science and research facility, where various proffessors and techies converse their projects. ESPilot goes into a seperate room, with tables, shelves, counters, all of which are empty and waiting for equipment. Three brawny Kayans unload the instruments and parts onto a table, where the 8 researchers, 3 Igadzra tech Sergeants, and a pair of veteran scientists set to work.


Type: Shield modification
Name: BlackMarket MI-42 Ultimate Tomato Shield Generator
Shielding increased by: .5 of the given ship's default shields
ETC: 4 posts

P.S. I'm serious on the name, it was just to make it funny πŸ˜‰

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' Β—ESPilot

(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 04-13-2001).)

I'm not looking to be the only gig in town, but to be honest this disturbs me. How am i supposed to start the Sokaro Divide and expect those of you who are EVEA Writers to pay enough attention to all of these stories? Like i said, i know there will be other webstories than the EVEA ones but Apocalyptic Night and Reign of Chaos are enough without worrying about further attention to this story AND another RH sequel. Are you just expecting Sokaro to be as slow as Shakra was? Help me out here to understand this. And don't tell me i'm crazy, already i have to wait a day to get a single post on the EVEA board (during development even) and most of the time that post is UE General seeing if he's a mod yet! So, what's the deal?

EVEA Administrator

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.