Global Thermonuclear War

Since I wasn't actually home at the time two days came and passed, feel free to vote until... oh, midnight Central Time.

@darth_vader, on Aug 16 2007, 04:19 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:

Until Eugene Chine votes, you all can still change your votes. If you really think it is me, you could change your vote to me. Also note that Eugene Chin has still not voted. If I really wanted no risk, I'd wait until he was done too, then I could jump on the bandwagon with the rest, or I could point the finger at him. I know that you are an experienced player, mrxak, and if I wanted no risk, I'd choose someone else, someone who I knew would defend themselves less effectively. I might pick on Eugene Chin, who has never played before, and who I once again note was your original choice. You said that you picked him because you though Mackilroy was trying to give him an interesting first game with a lot to do. Yet you know as well as I that trying to guess his motives is essentially pointless. You, in essence, did the same thing as Mispeld, but with a bit more nuance. This worked in your favor, as Mispeld soon made a more obvious error, allowing you to have cause to jump on him.

Another reason I waited was I wanted to see if an evil dictator would show themself. It seems one has.

There's two dictators... the two of you could both be playing the same game, having discussed your strategy at the start of the game, voting at the very end. Perhaps it's because I initially pointed to Eugene Chin (your ally) that you're accusing me now?

I'm going to keep my vote as Mispeled because random voting is bad, and for all I know he's still a dictator. But if he turns out to be innocent, you shouldn't be surprised if in the next round I come after one of you two.

This is what I get for being late.

Mack wouldn't want to stick a new, untested player, with too much to do, or this game would be done pretty quickly.

A Dictator, however, would want to eliminate untested or unknown variables from the equation. After all, the unknown is dangerous.

The Vote As It Stands Now:







No lynch

Without my interference, Mispeled is history. If I vote to kill 1Eevee1, I force a tie-breaker. If I vote for anybody else, I'm effectively doing nothing.

So, I can force a tie (And be perceived as a Dictator protecting his partner, I know mrxak is going to throw this accusation at me), or I can do nothing (And be perceived as a Dictator trying to take few risks and thus stay under the radar, an accusation mrxak has already thrown at me).

I think I'm going to be obstinate.

Eugene Chin:

I'm not going to vote for Eevee, because I still think a no-lynch is our best move. Honestly, did everyone else just ignore my post completely?

So everybody is done voting, but nothing has been decided. How do tiebreaks work? Do we get a chance to change our vote, or do we start over, or what?


darth, here's the rules which I stole from Round I/III:


All of the players shall take on the role of the leader of one of the United Nations (I will be representing The People's Republic of Xanderia). From the UN representatives, I shall select two (or more) Evil Dictators and one (or more) Intelligence Agents. The goal of the Evil Dictators is to destroy the world, while everyone else is trying to stop them.

Each turn shall consist of several phases:

During the Diplomacy phase, the UN representatives, (i.e. the players) will select a nation to nuke into glass. This will be done by voting in this thread. Votes should look something like this:
I, the leader of Xanderia, have been provoked for the last time by evil minions of The People's Republic of Nfreader! I propose that the threat of nfreader is permanently dealt with.

If you change your mind, please do so in a clear fashion, i.e.:
The threat of nfreader (retracted) has been dealt with through diplomatic means. Instead, the Great Nation of Xanderia is threatened by the megalomaniacal ravings of mrxak, the President of Unpronouncable.

That is, bold the person that you are voting to destroy, and make sure you put the word "retracted" into any post where you change your vote.

During the Diplomacy phase, you can discuss all you want. You can implicate anyone you want. Your goal, however, is to destroy the Evil Dictators.

During the Genocide phase, the Evil Dictators will select a nation to nuke, and do so. This will be done via PMs.

During the Intelligence phase, the Intelligence Agent will pick a player, and ask me if they are an Evil Dictator. I will respond either yes or no. This will also be done via PMs.

The Genocide and Intelligence phases will take place at the same time, more or less, and will occur after the Diplomacy phase.

So we going to do tie breaks the way I did them? (can only vote for those people that were tied)

Okay... I'm touched that you think I'm evil, really, I am, but when faced with nuclear annihilation, I'm on the side of good.

And also don't vote for me.

Yes, let's. I don't particularly mind. With that, you now have... twenty-five hours to vote now. To nuke either Mispeled or 1Eevee1. 🙂

As Mispeled seems to be a pacifist, I change my vote No lynch

This post has been edited by kickme : 21 August 2007 - 12:16 AM

Is no lynch still an option?

Also, as it happens, we can also no-lynch on D2 and have the same results.

Hmm. Sure, no lynch is an option.

Then I'll vote no lynch for now.

To defend myself: my random vote was a strategy to get things moving. What is my other choice? Just to go with mrxak's bandwagon on Eugine Chin? Or mrxak just for casting the first vote? Since we're playing longer days, I have time to retract my vote and vote for someone else if I see good reason to.

I'm quite sure Mispeld is innocent, and 1Eevee1 has done nothing suspicious yet. I will also vote No lynch for now.

The only way to end this nightmare is to destroy everyone who isn't me. 1Eevee1 must fall.

I'm going No lynch as well. We need more information. And less armageddon on my lands.

No lynch. Darwinian and mrxak have yet to report in, but this is already 4 of 8 for No lynch.

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 17 August 2007 - 05:20 PM

I keep my vote as Mispeled. This no lynch thing was all his idea, which as far as I'm concerned is handing all control of the game over to the evil dictators, which we cannot allow.

@mrxak, on Aug 17 2007, 08:06 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:

I keep my vote as Mispeled. This no lynch thing was all his idea, which as far as I'm concerned is handing all control of the game over to the evil dictators, which we cannot allow.

Why are you continually ignoring my post where I clearly showed that no lynch doesn't give any advantage whatsoever to the evil dictators?

It's possible that mrxak is a evil dictator who is determined to achieve a lynch. It's also possible that he has spotted an error in your statistics, in which case he should point it out quickly and remove suspicion.