whats your favorite escape velocity game
Just curious and wanted to know your favorite escape velocity game and why.
i like ev override the best{but i wish it had ev nova graphics}
whats your favorite escape velocity game
Just curious and wanted to know your favorite escape velocity game and why.
i like ev override the best{but i wish it had ev nova graphics}
I like the one where topics like this manifested on the Nova board.
That being said, Override had more going for it. Nova leaves me feeling empty.
I'll have to agree about Override. Although the writing was clearly not as polished as in Nova, I loved the overall "exploration" feeling and general goofiness in Nova. I think the less detailed description actually left more open for imagination.
However, in all fairness, Override was the first EV I played, and at the time I was unaware of the community. I just played the game, discovering it as I played. When Nova came out, I had been reading the Nova boards for months, read a ton of spoilers, and to some extent witnessed the development process. I found Override on a shareware CD; it was a total surprise. To me, Nova was a well-executed project, but I kind of expected everything I saw in the game.
As far as the engine goes, though, I can't imagine looking back at EVO. Nova added so many features that just seem evident for that type of game.
This post has been edited by pez : 02 August 2006 - 11:38 AM
@rmx256, on Aug 2 2006, 11:44 AM, said in favorite game:
I like the one where topics like this manifested on the Nova board.
That being said, Override had more going for it. Nova leaves me feeling empty.
Why should this be on the Nova board?
It shouldn't be here, but why on the Nova board?
Because this has nothing to do with development. It should go on either the Nova, Override, EVC or perhaps the B&B, but not the dev board.
@rmx256, on Aug 2 2006, 10:04 PM, said in favorite game:
Because this has nothing to do with development. It should go on either the Nova, Override, EVC or perhaps the B&B, but not the dev board.
Agreed that it doesn't have anything to do with development, I just think that the Nova board gets a bum deal with random threads where people automatically say "this should be on the Nova board!".
Really, it should be on the B&B.
Given that the thread was posted on the EVDC, I will make the (probably unwarranted) assumption that it is asking about favorite EV engine. For that, I am forced to say Nova, as there is simply no comparison between its engine and that of EVC and EVO.
If, on the other hand, the thread is referring to default scenario, I will add a vote for EVO. The ships and weapons were fairly well balanced, the storyline wasn't forced on you, and never turned you into a god, there were all sorts of unique nooks to explore, there were actually some uninhabited planets, and there were loose ends floating all over the place.
For the record: every topic I have posted on the B&B about EV has been moved. It is not related to EV at all, but if it were anything other than "EV Banter and Brawl", it would just not be the B&B anymore.
Also, my favorite is Nova, engine-wise and game-wise. I am also a major fan of Classic and Override, however. It's just that Nova is so HUGE, and it's all very professionally put together. I indeed don't like the amount of power that comes with each storyline, especially since very little actually changes at the ends, but I am personally a fan of having the major storylines, and having each of them finish off at the end and make you start a new pilot. Ideally, a game would have some storylines like in Override, perhaps even six of them, where you could change the Galaxy in some way but you could continue on to do other things afterwards, and in addition would have several large storylines that had endings and required a restart to complete the others.
EDIT: In addition, the Nova universe is my favorite. The Override universe would be my favorite, but only if the aliens were more "alien" like.
This post has been edited by Crusader Alpha : 04 August 2006 - 10:55 PM