
Now in Quartz!

Just discovered Quartz the other day and have been messing round with it a bit:
Attached File (50.66K)
Number of downloads: 150
(requires QT 7)

This post has been edited by Guy : 16 August 2005 - 11:42 PM

cool! Only one side is supposed to be textured, right?

It would be really easy to remake the shuttle in a professional 3d program using nova graphics as textures. I don't know what you'd use if for, except landing scenes and movies, maybe a shuttle bay.

This post has been edited by Insomniac : 17 August 2005 - 02:24 AM

Yeah, I only got an image of the front of it.
I thought this would be great for the shipyard as you can make really cool animations with tiny file sizes. Unfortunately Quartz's 3D modelling is pretty limited (sphere, cube or... teapot).

Guy, on Aug 17 2005, 11:01 PM, said:

(sphere, cube or... teapot).
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That's quite a leap.

Insomniac, on Aug 18 2005, 05:02 AM, said:

That's quite a leap.
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You'd be amazed. Teapot is often included in professional 3d modeling programs as a primitive (namely, 3ds max has it) because it used to be the standard for benchmarking computers -- keep in mind, this was way back when. It has everything -- concave surfaces, convex surfaces, curves . . . everything necessary for testing out different lighting algorithms, especially on old computers.

But yeah, no torus? I dunno about this Quartz thing . . .

If you don't know what Quartz is, it's kinda like flash. It takes images and patches and stuff and renders the animation on the fly, so you can have a large complex animation but still keep the file size to only a couple of hundred k (the only requirement being a grunty graphics card :p). Since QuickTime can play them you could easily include lots of them for shipyard previews in a plug (at least, you could if your ships were only made of cubes, spheres and teapots :rolleyes:). I based the shuttle on the Meteor from Quartz Compositions.

This post has been edited by Guy : 20 August 2005 - 10:32 PM

I couldn't open it... I've got quicktime 7.0.1.

Do you have to have Tiger for it to work?

Hm, I thought it just required QT 7. Maybe it does need Tiger though. Anyone else know?

You could've tried using Panther's version of Quartz, Guy.

Quartz Composer is new with Tiger. (and I don't have Panther anyway)

I've always thought EVN needed a flying teapot.

Short and stout?