EV3 graphics engine screenshot


Originally posted by Dragon:
**Oh btw thats just a dinky little cargo ship, not nearly as awesome as some of the others....



How do you know? Was that cryptic conversation with Shade something to do about you being a tester?

Learn to understand, and there will be nothing to know.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did that break your concentration?
I didn't mean to do that.
Please, continue.
I believe you were saying something about "best intentions."
-Jules. Pulp Fiction

"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
- Dan Quayle

"You guys line up alphabetically by height."
- Bill Peterson, Florida State football coach

Man walks into a bar...you finish it

"He must have made that before he died."
- Yogi Berra (on seeing a Steve McQueen movie)


Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
**First, it was the slanted graphics; those seem about the same angle as the screen shots I remember. Then I went over to the EV board and saw three main things:
ย•"proffesionally rendered and modeled" if you don't know, ATMOS is using Lightwave which is one of the most advanced graphics software out there and is indeed used by proffesionals
ย•"it will be an immense universe, with a several huge sprawling plotlines" Again, Nova was supposed to have a huge universe with different plot lines
ย•(about target pictures) "Some other (cool new) type. Sorta a hybrid" Well, if you ever saw the screenshots, you might remember the interface and how the target picture was neato and molded/blended in with the rest of the interface

Oh yeah, I knew I forgot something. andrew also said that it already had a huge amount of tect written for the storyline/missions or something to that effect. I also remember Pipeline or Frandall once saying that they'd practically written a novel's worth of text for the missions... ๐Ÿ™‚


<-------- The information went data way -------->

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

Hey, andrew, Is that ship gonna be in EV3?

oh, could you make the cycle backwards key settable, i use shift for my after burner, and it's anoying yo use up fuel just to cycle backwards.



Originally posted by the Necromicon:
**How do you know? Was that cryptic conversation with Shade something to do about you being a tester?

Tests? I hate tests, I got finals in a couple days don't talk to me about tests. Bah




Originally posted by Dragon:
**Are you a .... ...... as well? Is that where you reconize the ship from? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

I swear, it's posts like this that plague the board with conspiracy-believers :). Does Amborsia swear everyone to silence?
btw, .... ...... = b e t a t e s t e r

Mr. Welch: Would you please explain why a multiplayer version of EV is so unspeakable? ๐Ÿ˜• You've got a huge market for it, and Ambrosia has created multiplayer games before. Perhaps you could modify the code from Ares?
A horde of potential customers that drool at the idea + one multiplayer kick-*** game = good public relations + $$$$$


Actually, they do swear everyone to silence.

As I recall, the reason there will be no EV3 multiplayer goes like this: Ambrosia's programmers want to be free to program what they want to program. They want the ability to unleash their creative spirits without being tethered by the whinings of customers. And they don't want to make EV3 multiplayer. Something like that. Either that, or they just don't have the resources to maintain it. It'd still be big bucks though. <sigh>

I assume transparency will give new meaning to the word "cloaking device", no?

My feature requests:

-Make the radar spin with the ship orientation, so that I can navigate entirely by radar. Useful in large battles.

-Make the targeting system more intelligent. Possibly a "hostile only" mode, so that I don't have to madly cycle through all the friendly ships in a system to get to the hostile ones. Reverse cycling helps this, but not much. Either that, or have an option to automatically select the nearest hostile ship if the one you are targeting is blown up.

-Dynamic universe! Things should change, and not just because of missions. Define a set of algorithms to simulate the universe's economics, government relations, etc. Lots of randomness change in the universe that is independent of the player. Although a mission-based scripting language would be great.

"The impossible is easy; it's the unfeasible that poses a problem."


Originally posted by Captain Bob:
**I swear, it's posts like this that plague the board with conspiracy-believers:). Does Amborsia swear everyone to silence?
btw, .... ...... = b e t a t e s t e r


?? What are you talking about? It actually stands for D A R K W I Z A R D. We both belong to a cult that secretly influences Andrew and the rest of the Ambrosia Team into greating games to our standards. Of course now that we've told you, we'll have to control you and everyone who reads this as well. DON'T FALL ASLEEP!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



(This message has been edited by Dragon (edited 06-20-2000).)

Uh... What the HECK is going on?????

- Lone "Darn, its not in the spellchecker!" Igadzra

Cheese! That's what!


Originally posted by LoneIgadzra:
**Uh... What the HECK is going on?????

The Dark Wizards are controlling the Ambrosia team, we recently did this to Bungie as well. We are led by .... ..... Haha figure THAT one out. If you do then you belong in our ranks.



how fun... hehehe

your freindly drug addict

Matt Burch, duh. At least, I think so. Let's see, 4 dots, and then 5 yeah that makes Matt Burch. But you are not the Dark Wizards. That is just your code name. In your deepest, most elite ranks, your organization is known as "The Dark and Blasphemous Minions of Satan". Yes, that's right. Quit talking in code.

On the other hand, I have some suggestions.

1. Zoom out, รก la Ares. Man, that would be great (wheres that &#