EV3 graphics engine screenshot

Here's a little screenshot featuring some of the graphics from the upcoming EV3 using the new graphics engine. No release date has been announced as of yet, and these are preliminary graphics, but they do illustrate the differences between the two graphics engines well (though the transparency effect isn't immediately apparent). Here's the screenshot:


The same models were used to render the ships -- on the left side you see the models as they'd appear in EV/EVO: 8 bit system palette graphics, no transparency, no glowing thrusters/beam weapons (when active).

On the right side, you see the models as they'd appear in the new EV3 graphics engine: 16 bit color, transparent effects (the explosions, thrusters and weapons look especially cool transparent), glowing thrusters.

Of course, we're not tipping our hand; we have plenty of graphical goodness up our sleeves for EV3 -- but this screenshot illustrates the graphical engine differences between EV/EVO and EV3. We'll have a more in-depth preview of EV3 (with more screenshots) when the time is right, in The Ambrosia Times:


Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

Hmmm, slanted... almost like Nova graphics... =P πŸ˜‰


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(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

So, how do those engine glows work? Does it like switch from the bottom, right set of pics to the top, right set of pics when the thrusters are fired? what about turning?


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(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

Since you are working on EV3 I have an little idea:
You COULD keep some of the old ships, but in new versions, like UE Destroyer MK3, itΒ΄s just an idea, ignore it if it`s stupid. (Is it tooooo early to come with an idea?).

If itΒ΄s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow


Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
**So, how do those engine glows work? Does it like switch from the bottom, right set of pics to the top, right set of pics when the thrusters are fired? what about turning?

They are seperate sprites that are layered (transparently) on top of the ship when thrusters are used. πŸ™‚ Obviously because of this, they can be used for other cool effects, too.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

I think it looks like MAGMA graphic. I look forward to EV3.

If itΒ΄s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow

Hmmm, I was thinking that Nova would just be a huge crippleware plug with maybe some Ambrosia approval/sponsored thing, but now I'm beginning to wonder whether Nova will be EV3 after all. First, it was the slanted graphics; those seem about the same angle as the screen shots I remember. Then I went over to the EV board and saw three main things:
Β•"proffesionally rendered and modeled" if you don't know, ATMOS is using Lightwave which is one of the most advanced graphics software out there and is indeed used by proffesionals
Β•"it will be an immense universe, with a several huge sprawling plotlines" Again, Nova was supposed to have a huge universe with different plot lines
Β•(about target pictures) "Some other (cool new) type. Sorta a hybrid" Well, if you ever saw the screenshots, you might remember the interface and how the target picture was neato and molded/blended in with the rest of the interface

Of course, these might all be coincidences, but I'm starting to wonder again...


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(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)


Originally posted by Shadow:
**I think it looks like MAGMA graphic. I look forward to EV3.

With no disrespect to the excellent work done on Magma, I can say with some confidence that EV3's graphics will be significantly better. We have an unfair advantage: 16 bit graphics & translucency -- Magma was limited to 8 bit graphics.

The cool thing is that even though we're using 16 bit graphics (32 bit for rendered scenes/pictures), it uses less memory for the same sprites than EV/EVO used for 8 bit graphics.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.


Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
**Β•"proffesionally rendered and modeled" if you don't know, ATMOS is using Lightwave which is one of the most advanced graphics software out there and is indeed used by proffesionals
Β•"it will be an immense universe, with a several huge sprawling plotlines" Again, Nova was supposed to have a huge universe with different plot lines
Β•(about target pictures) "Some other (cool new) type. Sorta a hybrid" Well, if you ever saw the screenshots, you might remember the interface and how the target picture was neato and molded/blended in with the rest of the interface

Of course, these might all be coincidences, but I'm starting to wonder again...

Well, think about it -- of course the graphics will be professionally rendered, of course the universe will be immense with several plotlines -- those are natural progressions.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.


Originally posted by andrew:
**Well, think about it -- of course the graphics will be professionally rendered, of course the universe will be immense with several plotlines -- those are natural progressions.

True, but that and the target and angle? Well, if there was a new target in EV:O why not in EV3? And of course, since many people like angled graphics, you might have just chosen to do it that way etc.. Although, one thing with the professional graphics, I've never been aware of Ambrosia using Lightwave and it is very proffesional, but again they could've used some other proffesional application, or hell, if you can afford a hummer, you should be able to afford Lightwave... Besides the angle, the ship seems to have a Nova feel (again, from the screenshots a while back).

I'm not saying I'm really sure, far from it in fact; I just find this interesting...


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(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)


Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
I'm not saying I'm really sure, far from it in fact; I just find this interesting...

:🀷: Does it really matter what it is as long as it's cool? πŸ™‚

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.


Originally posted by andrew:
**:🀷: Does it really matter what it is as long as it's cool?:)

Does it really matter what top-secret projects our government is working on as long as it keeps us safe? Humans (and smart colors =P ) just like to know/find out about any secrets they can; it's in their blood (and photons...) to learn, especially when not many people know it and its hard to get.


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(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

Remember all those feature requests everyone made for EVO 1.0.2? LET'S MAKE FEATURE REQUESTS FOR EV3!!! Here's MY idea:
Mission bit based descriptions. So the description of a spob or a ship could change, while the ship (including ID) would stay the same.

"We should develop anti-satellite weapons because we could not have survived without them in Red Storm Rising." -Dan Quayle


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


Hey, andrew, need any graphic professionals to help you on EV3? Or are all those crazy aussies at ATMOS working for you? My rates are very low (a place in the credits is my payment...if you're nice a free reg code). I've done graphics for several (but dead) plug-ins such as delta_v list plug, Finale Battle 2: Xenocide (you had to be good to get on that team, we all know how good the graphics looked in FB 1. Anyone remember some of those screenshots from FB2?).

My feature requests (the alpha channels alone are a god send, however):

Much more dynamic missions. I'm talking about a whole mission event-based scripting language. This could allow you to do just about anything, allow ships to jump in when some other ships shield goes below x, let ships come in in waves, allow for timers etc, anything you can think of. Oh, and let missions be completed my hailing a ship. I beg you! They can offer them, why not let them give you a job well done after you complete a mission. Thanks


"Do or do not. There is no try."


Originally posted by Dave Lesovoy:
**Hey, andrew, need any graphic professionals to help you on EV3?

I think we're all set, but thanks for the offer.


**Much more dynamic missions. I'm talking about a whole mission event-based scripting language.

No comment. πŸ™‚

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

Gah, then the next time Ambrosia makes a game that has 3D sprites, where does one sign up to help in advance? πŸ˜„

"Do or do not. There is no try."


Originally posted by andrew:
**No comment.:)

A "No comment." and a smiley, hmmm... πŸ™‚


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(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

(This message has been edited by ShadeOfBlue (edited 06-18-2000).)

Concerning angled graphics: Are the ship/weapon kinematics calculated in the same tilted plane as the graphics are or is there the same discrepancy as in nowadays' angled graphics plug-ins? (I take it you did it right this time... :rolleyes πŸ™‚ Anyway, it sure looks cool. πŸ†’

Concerning layers: Do those transparent layers only contain the pixels that differ from the regular sprite? If so, they're probably quite tricky to make... and if they contain the whole ship, why not just use that sprite instead of the regular one rather than superimposing it? Does it have to do with the usage of different effects (thrusters, weapons etc.) simultaneously?

Concerning weapon effects: Will you at last include customizable explosion graphics? :rolleyes:

-- Cinga



Originally posted by Cinga:
Concerning layers: Do those transparent layers only contain the pixels that differ from the regular sprite? If so, they're probably quite tricky to make...

If it is like that, just render the whole normal one and the whole special effects one, then cut out the parts (using the mask) that don't change or make them jet black in that version.


<-------- The information went data way -------->

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

(This message has been edited by ShadeOfBlue (edited 06-18-2000).)

No comment + smiley = one of the following:



3.Yes, and it will be alot better then that.

4.Yes, but it won't be as good as that.

Yep, a 75% chance there will be some sort of mission script or atleast a much more advanced mission engine. Well, only 75% if your a die-hard optimist when it comes to features.

"Do or do not. There is no try."