Council station? What for??? + background

the only way I could see it is to have EVO take place in 150 years (as it does) and EVO is 200 or so years.
Which would explain why the SOL system was more 'colonized'
Then the humans took over the Universe, the last races got together and made those ultra-powerful red Alien ships (high shields, sounds like Strands + those beams, Seeker Drone all seem like Strand tech)

Humans are the conquers of the galaxy is the result

WTF? Please explain in more understandable terms.

(This message has been edited by Basilisk (edited 12-04-99).)

Remember, Stardock Alpha was built by the humans, and Mars was colonised by humans. All differences to Sol are man-made. Ever seen Sliders?

And why would the humans be interested in destroying their allies, the Emalgha, and their trading partners, the Miranu?

I think Plug ins are very good ideas to developpe EV and EVO, and I find all the scenarii you mentioned up this message are good, but They are not fantastics: I doesn't change the bases of the game. What I want to say is that Is it possible to create a plug ins that allow you to choose the race of your pilot? for example, it can able you to begin as a Miranu, and you will began in Miranu space with some advantages and disavantages like some money in more or a modifications to your pilot abilities, it will allow you to buy any miranu ships and so on
This will really improve the game because it can change your way of playing every time you try a new pilot (and why do not exist different types of money for each race with moving change rates?)
An other Idea that can improve EV and EVO is to help traders in any way: I think being a trader is not a goal but just a way to reach the status of big fighter: the best (and the most expensive) ship is (I think) the voinan cruiser or the Igadzra and they both are cruisers, not trading ships so why do nobody try to create a very very very big trade ship that have a lot of defensive weapons and shield improvements that able him to escape and destroy an attacking cruiser (but not to attack him correctly) ?

I think that your ideas sound very good. I'd love to do something like that, preferably with a lot more plot added. The plot is the best part of the game, IMHO. Unfortunately, I don't believe it is possible with the current game engine.

BTW, have you ever used the AquinaCorp plug (for EV)? The Nomad is a brilliant cargo ship, but it also excels in the role of an extremely heavy (but super-fast) fighter or a speedy fighter/warship. All it takes is a bit of upgrading and it rocks! (I'd kill to see the looks on the faces of the 'Feds watching one of their massive cruisers being blown into space dust by a cargo ship!)

I think that superships that can do everything are plainly boring. I believe the Nomad also has super-heavy shields that regenerate in the blink of an eye? Boring. Just boring. Then you might just as well give a shuttle 9.999.999 cargo, 9.999.999 space, 999 missile launchers, 999 missiles, 999 proton cannons, 999 proton turrets, 99900 units of fuel, 9.999.999 shields, 1500 speed, 3000 accel, 7 turning, and to top it, 1 shield regeneration. You'd have an invincible ship, but you'd be bored to death after five minutes.

I like the Tachyonic Fighter or the Azdara much better. These ships at least take skill to fly.

What does a Nomad cost, btw?

"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
- Albert Einstein

Drat the luck. Damn double posts.

(This message has been edited by Squid Fizzy (edited 12-17-99).)

I think that superships that can do everything are plainly boring. I believe the Nomad also has super-heavy shields that regenerate in the blink of an eye?

Not really. With mine, it regenerates like a slug. The shields are pretty good, but inferior to just about all the ships I fight. Anyways, it has a horrible primary weapons complement.

Boring. Just boring. Then you might just as well give a shuttle 9.999.999 cargo, 9.999.999 space, 999 missile launchers, 999 missiles, 999 proton cannons, 999 proton turrets, 99900 units of fuel, 9.999.999 shields, 1500 speed, 3000 accel, 7 turning, and to top it, 1 shield regeneration.

Not the same thing. Anyways, how would you control something that fast? Even turning the speed right down to 50% would make it only as hard to control as, ooh, an azdara at 200%?

You'd have an invincible ship, but you'd be bored to death after five minutes.

Not everyone is totally bored by that. Why do you think people have made so many cheaters?

Not totally boring, just close. Cheater plugins are good for about 5 minutes, after that, it is just boring. Of course, i have a friend who seems to enjoy it. He uses the plug which makes everything cost 5 credits, buys a bunch of stuff, and then turns the plug back off, and sells the loot for 15-20 times its price. I am not sure why, but hey, there's no accounting for taste.

"Since when do you have to tell the enemy he has won?" -Mazer Rackham

Hey! I just thought up a couple really good ideas for some plug-ins!
Tell me what you think.

(Original EV) A new race of Aliens apears (Name? I'm thinking Virasu) that attack the other Aliens (Name? Kritara? Don't know.) The Kritara ask the humans for help, and the Rebels, Confeds, and Kritara band together to fight off the Virasu (New weapons, upgrades, melding of existing technology a must).

(EV Override) The Voinians defeated the UE at the Battle of Sol, and the UE fled to the Crecent. The Strands saw what had happened to the humans, and banded with the Miranu and UE to stop the Voinians (I love the idea of UE Destroyers cruising around with Phase Disruption Beams. Oooooo.).

Sounds neat, huh?

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are cruchy and taste good with catsup.

No offense, but those names sound like they've come out of a random word generator.

What? You think I'm putting a sig here?

Ouch. I think if the 'Feds turn up suddenly in EVO, just push them all into Voinian space. One goes down, the other is greatly weakened. End of story.

Servack, I think that your ideas are good, but Ideas doesn't make a game: In EVO, I don't mind if the batle of sol has been won by UE or the Voinians, I just want more missions, better ennemies (around 10 disco bisons can be good) to fight with and other wargears or spaceships...
And I'm sorry of my unknowledge, but can you explain your theory of the random word generator Basilisk. (and from where come your name???)

The basilisk is a mythical beast- the name comes from the Greek basileus (king). As its name suggests, the basilisk is sometimes called the 'king of the reptiles.' Originally depicted as a serpent with a crown of three(?) white (um)-things on its head, it has had its image changed over time, and is sometimes represented as/confused with the cockatrice, a two-legged beast with a rooster's head, wings and a dragon's tail. The basilisk is believed to kill with a glance, sometimes has poisonous breath as well. Some versions of the basilisk do not kill with a glance, they instead turn their victims to stone. The sound of a rooster crowing is supposed to be fatal to the basilisk.

OK, I did that all from memory, so I might have got some facts scrambled.

(This message has been edited by Basilisk (edited 01-04-100).)

The Squid is a mythical, all-powerful being of vast intelligence and superior intellect that usually lives on the bottom of the sea and pretends to be stupid. On occasion it will leave the sea and change it's form (an improved version of the lesser squid's color-changing ability) into a human in order to be able to use a keyboard better. If annoyed s###less, it is prone to spraying the annoying part with ink and/or acid. It also has trouble believing that The Chapo has never heard of The Basilisk before. The Squid believes The Chapo never to have played rpgs before.

Thanks Basilics, my english is not so efficiant than a azdara 🙂 , but you have make me learn a new word today (that's enough english work for this week 😉 ), so I have to explain you the french word "Chapo": it's a short for "chapeau" which is a hat in French. OK, it's not so interessant than a basilisk, but it's fun...

Oh yeah- the basilisk is also a real creature. It runs so fast it can walk across water. Cool, huh?

I've played RPG's, and I'm still playing RPG's, that's why I have asked Basilik to told me more about his name. I can proove it by telling you some other strange species of animals used nin RPG like orcs (the most common), fimirs, cockatrix, wyvern, troll, gobelins... but I don't think that gob can make a good name for a pilot 🙂

Never call an orc an animal. He might act like one.

Uhh... generally, Orcs DO act like animals regardless of whether or not you call one an animal...

Ankh Starrunner, The Diamond Blaster