Council station? What for??? + background

Yeah- and the aliens are from another universe, and they found the EV universe when they were looking for more places to settle, and when they got beaten, they kept on looking, and they found the EVO universe, and because they hade made links between their universe and the EV and EVO universes, the three got all smooshed together, along with a couple of other universes, wiping out a whole lot of the systems in the process, and the aliens started fighting everyone, and they were really strong, and the other govt's couln't fight them properly, because there were other wars going on, and the aliens started taking over the universes, and you have a plot for a big plug

The highest good legal status you can have is "Honored Leader".
Pillar of Society is the next step down, if I remember right...
Oh, and Upstanding Citizen is down a few more notches.

Hmm. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
No, not that.
Nope, not that either.
Man, are you guys sick, or what?
Okay, what I'm thinking is, why not really make this plugin? Maybe get Aeon to help with it. If anyone does not object, I think I'll give this idea to Aeon.

That sounds like a good idea. If it's based on my original plot, do I get credit for it?

BTW, do you think something like this could finally end the Strand War?

I think that this would force the strands to ally to fight the new threats, so yes.

I think the aliens from EV should be left out of the whole. As far as I'm concerned, the aliens became extinct with the destruction of their last battlecruiser.

I think the best idea would be to let the Miranu tackle this: another young, promising scientist from Station Pybin (I think that's what the main Miranu research station is called, but I may be wrong) discovers parrallel universes, and when he tries to send a ship over, he accidentally creates several permanent connections, so that now most major factions have one or two "gateways". Sol should play a special role in this scenario, since it is the only system that exists in both universes.

There would be many possibilities: The UE government purchasing advanced technology to help with the voinian war, the voinians attempting to steal the shields of a 'Fed Cruiser in order to achieve utter invincibility, and lots of possibilities for other factions, like the Miranu (new trading routes), the Strands (military aid from those that deem it suitable), the Emalgha (escape?), the possibilities are endless. But no more EV aliens. Please! They were the rulers of a galaxy. They got beaten. Finis.

Hmmmmm. I think that the aliens should have a proper name if they're going to feature in the story. And I think they should feature. The plot just wouldn't fit together without some real badguys.

BTW, do you think the strands could even cooperate? It would make a very funny plot, that's for sure!
Which brings me to another point- if the universes were aligned without 'assistance' from the aliens, the Strand War would just go on, there being no serious danger that might force them to ally. This would probably mean that they would get the assistance of one of the EV govt's. In turn, this would probably (gotta love that word! ;)) end the Strand War by giving one strand superiority. Me being the peace-loving trader I am, this doesn't appeal to me in any way. (Also, that would present the problem of which stand to place in power. As almost no-one agrees on this, the plug could likely be abandoned by supporters of the losing strands. See the problems yet? It's just not as plot-viable to get rid of the aliens. Also, a plot revolving around huge jumps in technology for some race always seems a little unrealistic to me. The aliens, however, are pretty much an unknown. They could have the tech to do something like that quite easily.

That's my argument. If you can't stick up for your side with an argument compelling enough to convince me to keep arguing, I won't consider your alternative plot. However, you can come up with another one if you like. πŸ™‚

That has got to be the first post I've ever made defending the aliens- heh!

I just got here VIA EVO board.
Guess what, I have actually developed a plot for all these things
Its called Great War II (yes for EVO)
I wont give to much of it away, but here is some stuff

  1. EVO date is now 250 years (same galaxy, I just didnt like the year), 50 years after EV
  2. The Aliens had interference devices that prevented you from going into their part of the galaxy. Now over 50 systems are ready for Exploration
  3. New Alien ships, Interceptor, Freightor, Supply Ship and weapons too πŸ™‚
  4. New UE stuff, imagine the UE with strand technology, perfect for fast ships with high shield tech
  5. Some planets had crash landing from the great war, those ships are lost, until... the renegades dig thru alittle snow :D. Imagine Renegades with some old EV ships. Plus, a few Confed ships made after the war
  6. I have altered quite a bit of it to fit into the feel of EVO. I was going to introduce some kinda non-EVO things, but I like preservation now :D... no more weird stuff like with alot of plug-ins
  7. GWII is a set of plug-ins, each independent. All taking a different side with diff techs
  8. It has no end, many many many additional plugs could be made to continue the 'plot'
  9. It really, will be good. And will be done. Nothing wacky, its not small its not a CR, its really really really a true 'expansion'.
  10. I dont consider the graphics to be cheasy, which ruins many plugs. I try to make them as high quality and EV similiar as I can.

GWII an expansion to EVO of EV stuff, some old, some fimiliar some new

oh, one last thing...
quite a bit of it has been done. I have released some various parts for testing, but certainly not everything that I have.
Here are the plugs so far
and the Aliens are far behind in technology.... no more super shields, far more realistic

Join the UE
Basically, help on the Voinian front, then the Alien front, goto Council, give them a disabled Voinian Frigate and a disabled Alien fighter (which will have an interesting plot to itself, considering you can't 'disable' one) for reasons highly suspecious and later covered perhaps.... Then they (council) get a group of scietist from -hehe wont say--- that build the UE ships and outfits to fight the Aliens. Also the Voinian front will receive new technology from -x-x-x-x-x-x-.

Join the Aliens
First to be released. LOTS of new Alien stuff, and of COURSE old stuff, lets you see the brand new addition to the EVO map (of 50 systems!). -As with all the rest of the plugs, the Aliens have new stuff like stations and whatnot, that make it seem like a regular EVO govt- Oh, as with all, they have captured a Verril and Sol. Earth is dead, Luna is a shipyard and its lava core (rich in good metals) is being RAPIDLY sucked out by the Aliens. Mars is terraformed, poorly at first, then it gets better... and a station is added to Sol. All UE stuff is renamed upon capture though-> like Luna = New Isokes.

Join the Voinians
Factions factions factions! Which of course brings new threats to the Voinians. Erase the emalgha (and I mean ERASE) and the Hinwar and stop the Voinian faction (those tired of tyrannical, bloody, enslaving Voinia-- and those who think rebellion is the only way to get peace)

Join the Emalgha
ummm, not finished devolping... new ships (metal might be COOL)... lots of conquring and death...

Join the Renegades
Uncover the past of the Great War and Civil War. Attack civilians and uh... lots of cool stuff... not finished think thru though...

ΕΌJoin the Confederacy?
Its a possibility, imagine going back to the Great War, or a portion of it..... I wont say to much of what is thought through as it is not even a for sure thing, nor is it 'solid' meaning LOTS OF CHANGES to come πŸ˜„

BTW: I made a tiny little (and mostly unknown) practice plug for this. It is almost conpletely diff from the GWII series. Except it had three Alien ships and 10 systems and 10 missions and a bunch of outfits and other stuff.... I was told to make it BIGGER, so.. hehe look at the result... I finished it last August

Hey Mikee, don't forget us traders! Make some missions for traders, explorers, couriers, weapons/supply runners, etc.

Oh, but of course!
Trading in Alien space is like this....
The civilian planets have commodities, the miliatary ones dont. The Aliens are alot like the Voinians, but not as evil. In fact, the Aliens and the Voinians are neutral, not allies considering the Aliens are against slavery. I've decided that the Aliens believe that the humans are 'bad' and incapable of self rule. I mean, who started the Great War? Maybe they thought we were invading them.....
For traders I made the Supply Ship and the Freighter which has two Alien interceptors.
There will be a bunch of missions, I may even ask for help on some if I don't make enough varied ones.
What types of missions am I forgeting? Tell me people, oh and any suggests or changes you think I should make, I LOVE CRITISM, I want new ideas!
MISSION COMPUTER: Take cargo to planet, also rush cargo (or people)
DANGEROUS CARGO RUNS: Take a person or cargo to a planet either owned by an enemy or a course with people trying to stop you.
HUNTING: Find and destroy a specific person or group
COMBAT: Join a battle
MYSTERY/BUILDING: Uncover some secret or help bring stuff together to build technology.
What else?

Hmmmmm. Sounds interesting, although the 'interference devices' part seems just a little tacky

On the topic of the possible plot (it could be completely different Mikee) Squid Fizzy mentioned the possible significance of the Sol system being the only one existing in both universes. Further expanding that idea, what would happen if it turned out that the aliens originated on an parallel Earth in their universe? They could be an evolved form of the dinosaurs, because in their universe there was never a disaster wiping out almost all life on their "Earth". They discovered the universe-linking tech some time ago, and discovered that many universes have a Sol system. This led them to explore, and they soon found the EV universe. They were unaware of the humans, and tried to colonise planets.

The humans interpreted this as attack, and so began the Great War. The aliens were intrigued by the prospect of another sentient race, and some wished to make peace, while others wanted to totally obliterate the humans. While they were still discussing this, some of them sent out a warship to judge the extent of the human technology. This move was not supported by the majority of the aliens. The humans got the wrong idea from this (but you knew that).

Meanwhile, the aliens (must get a better name) continued to search, while they separated further into the warike kind and the peaceful kind. When the EVO universe was discovered, the warlike kind got in faster than the peaceful. They once again made the wrong impression on the other races. The peaceful aliens tried to contact the other races, but they attacked them, believing them to be hostile. The peaceful aliens retreated back into their own universe, while the warlike kind expanded, attempting to conquer the universe. As there were a vast number of aliens, and the others were fighting their own wars, the warlike aliens soon began to achieve part of their goal.

Here's where the plot starts.

The original EVO races must ally to protect the universe from the aliens- unless they can contact the peaceful kind. Since they are not yet totally separate (unlike the strands), the peaceful aliens could convince the warlike to leave the others alone. However, they must have a good reason to do this

the reason I picked 'Interference Devices' is because of lack of a better excuse. In EVO new systems are found by having nebulae pentrating devices, (interference reducers).
Or, I could just say that the extra systems had such high interference that only Alien ships could get through. Then, the UE (or Miranu or some science group) is able to make it through the interfernce. The Aliens see it as an attack, and attack UE.
With this plot (in addition to other similiar missions) I could have the UE develop (or if you are on the Alien's side STOP them from developing) interference reduction.
This seems like a more EVO like plot, new systems are uncovered with better interference reduction. Perhaps I could put a nebulae graphic on the part of the systems that connect to the rest of the galaxy.
I think this plot is better, the Aliens had only one escape, to go to a part of the Universe unknown to anyone else.

Hmmmmm. I think that both plots sound good. However, there seem to be too many discrepancies between them to make integration possible.
If anyone else finds this plot idea intriguing, please speak up.
I would like to know if it's worth creating a plug for this.
On second thoughts, it'd make a wonderful story

My apologies for the rather complicated words. I've been working on my English homework, and I seem to have temporarily forgotten the smaller terms.

oh, I am more than half way thru with GWII.
I was not suggesting a plug-in for it be made.
Its well on its way to finishing.
Which will probably be in March.

But your plot is alot diff then mine.

Ooh. That sounds good. Do you like the story idea?

First, what I meant with the strand war was NOT that they should support others, but get support. And the strand that gets support is determined by whatever strand the player supports.

As for the aliens, the idea of neutral aliens doesn't appeal to me (but if it's not changed, I'll probably play the plug anyway). Rather, the aliens should either be totally xenophobic (non-aliens are unsuitable for anything but obliteration) or separated into the two factions. This would work like this: After the great war, some of the aliens decided that genocide probably wasn't the right way to go about other races, and the race split into two factions. While one faction now is more the peaceful type, the other race is now totally xenophobic. The only ones they leave alone are the peaceful aliens, since aliens see the whole race as their family.

Dimensions: How about this: Sol system always the same, rest totally different. Only one connection between the different universes.

Unfortunately, in EV and EVO Sol is slightly different. However, keeping the Earth/Luna/Mars bit is probably a good idea. My idea is that the aliens are split up, but the peaceful kind are still vital to the war effort. They are trying to cut off their supply to the fighters, but they aren't succeding particularly.

They would probably do quite well with the Miranu. πŸ™‚


What are the differences in the sol system?

Well, in EV they have Stardock Alpha- not in EVO. In EV they colonised Mars. Not in EVO- not to mention the fact that in EV Sol has lots of 'Fed ships in it- in EVO Sol has lots of UE ships in it. πŸ˜‰