Storm Valley Rest Area

John sits up. "Oh, boy! I missed Thanksgiving! I want some potatoes! And turkey!" Amazingly, after he waves his wand once, a large platter of potatoes and turkey appears. "Yummy!" he exclames, and digs in.

"I don't need romance." Zak Kebron told her confidently. "I have goldfish."

MonsterLady sits up and stretches. "My goodness, I needed that!" she says, referring to her long nap.

"Painting the cabin sounds like a good idea. Just not pink. I despise pink."

OV looks at the paint brush. "oops."

It is better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. (I wish I could remember this before posting!)

Thok yawns. "Lets paint it salmon so it will be easy to notice." Everyone stared at Thok. He sighed "And to just be original, too, I guess."

Zelda brews a round of tea for all who hanker for it. She frowns at Overrider. "I like this place the way it IS. Put that paint away."


I am your Fairy Godmoderator.

Hey, if you're in love with someone, then you have every right to completely screw up their life.--cynical me!

John looks up and reccomends a nice "Mood Ring" color-changing paint.

"I don't need romance." Zak Kebron told her confidently. "I have goldfish."

I like green, what about you guys?

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
There are 9 people in this world. Those who can eat and those who don't know how to write a sig.
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7

Begemotike hauls himself out of the Ziridium brine, feeling greatly refreshed. He settles down with a blanket, feeling worlds better, and sipping on his tea. "Wow... that brine is pretty impressive stuff! I feel a world of difference. Combined with some tea, I'll be fit in a fiddle in no time." He takes in the debate about colors for a bit, then offers his opinion.
"You know, maybe we shouldn't paint it anything.. Ferazel seems to like to inhabit earth colored places. Maybe we should get some nice wood panelling? Just a suggestion!"

I may not have the strength to hold you up/ but if you fall/ I will fall under you/ and make it as soft as I can
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(url="http://"") Resistance Web Page (/url)

Swell. Another argument! (jk)

Actually, the cabin is made from logs (ie - it's a log cabin), so the inside is already wood.

I recommend we forget about painting and concentrate on decorating for the upcoming Winter Festival. (Polically Correct terminology for Christmas). (Today is the first day of Advent, which designates the season of preparation.)

Any special customs anyone wants to incorporate? I'll supply the tree.

It is better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. (I wish I could remember this before posting!)

Awaking with a snort, Corkmaster then realizes that a armadillopine had strayed near the cabin. Whipping out a wand, Corkmaster imobilizes it with a permanent statue spell. Corkmaster goes out to retrieve it. Bringing the statue back in corkmaster says " What a Great idea that is!(to have a "Winter Festival"), Why don't we decorate this?" Corkmaster adds " Is their anything to eat? Im starved!"

Don't ask me - I'm new here.

MonsterLady takes the Armadillopine statue from Corkmaster.

"Um, thanks, I guess" she says. "I guess we can put it in the corner and string lights on the spines. Everyone be careful not to sit on it."

"You've been awfully quiet since you arrived, Corkmaster, and I notice you're new here. Welcome. There is some leftover turkey soup in the freezer, but otherwise the only thing fresh to eat are the omnipresent Poppyseed Muffins."

It is better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. (I wish I could remember this before posting!)

I think we should put lights up al around the cabin. That way we can actuallt be seen in the rain!

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
There are 9 people in this world. Those who can eat and those who don't know how to write a sig.
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7

Ferazel walks out, yells an incantation, and lights pop up all over the cabin. Satisfiyed, he walks in and conjures a packet of top ramen, and procedes to cook it.

Those who know the truth are not up to those who love it; those who love the truth are not up to those who delight in it.
-- Confucius (a.k.a. Kong Fuzi)

Thok, tired from staying up all night, mumbles something below his breath. He goes out and, with a wave of his wand, changes the lights to... Death powerups! No, pentashield powerups. "Lights arn't the best way to attract people. Powerups attract people like I attract death traps, and they glow too, so its just as good, right?"

John thonks Thok with a large oyster. "You silly! Lights are the way to go... or candles." Then he faces Corkmaster. "I have some turkey and potatoes you could eat. Want any?" but without waiting for an answer he yells "Poainitous!" and there is a huge explosion. The cabin had blown up. "Oops!.. uhh, unsindoaio!" he yells again, and the cabin is recreated, but this time with a few huge cozy windows. The house has a trim of multicolored lights, the cabin is not painted, and there are religious candle-holders in the windows, filled with sweet-smelling candles. There is also a brand new oven, and a platter of turkey and potatoes on the table, along with a Ziridium-filled hot pool instead of the old bowl. "Ahh, this is the life!" he says, sitting on the large squsishy couch int he corner. The armodillo, turned into a large fireplace, blazing happily. And last but not least, there is a huge tray of poppyseed muffins roasting in the oven.
Whoo! That was crazy!

"I don't need romance." Zak Kebron told her confidently. "I have goldfish."

OV gets on the rook to hang icicle lights. "uh oh" OV says as he slips of the roof. "ow!" OV says and propmtly pass's out.

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
There are 9 people in this world. Those who can eat and those who don't know how to write a sig.
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7

A loud belche comes from behind everyone. Corkmaster is sitting there surrounded by empty platters. "Oy, thats good stuff." Corkmaster comments. "I guess I should add to the holiday spirit." Waith a wave of a wand, holly wreathes and garland appear around the cabin. But unfortunatly,Corkmaster's spell had a reverse affect. Seconds later, Corkmaster is in the very middle of the Labyrinth. "great," says Corkmaster. "and I left all my escape rings on the table."

I like chocolate cake!!

Lights are all very well outside the cabin syas LizWiz, but who wants to stand out there in that rain and look at them?

She waves her wand and quantities of multi-coloured lights appear draped round the walls.

Liz the Wiz:)

There are two rules for ultimate success in life. (1) Never tell everything you know.

MonsterLady comes out of the storeroom where she had gone to get the ladder.

She looks around, amazed at all the changes while she was gone.

"Well, I guess we don't need this." she says, indicating the ladder, and returns it to the storeroom.

She notices a pile of empty dishes at the table. "I wish you would at least clean up after yourselves" she mutters under her breath, as she puts them in the dishwasher. Then she notices a pile of escape rings sitting on the table.

"Do these belong to anyone?" she asks. "What happened to that person who was sitting here? Corkmaster?"

LizWiz explains that after the holly appeared, Corkmaster had disappeared in a puff of smoke.

MonsterLady takes a Myst potion and scours the area. Rematerializing in her body she says "Well, I spotted Corkmaster in the middle of the Labyrinth. Looked confused, so I'll just go off and help. Carry on decorating while I'm away. Shouldn't be too long." She wraps up in her cloak, and in a burst of wind and rain through the door, is gone.

It is better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. (I wish I could remember this before posting!)

Back in the labyrinth, corkmaster stares at a large pile of statues that had formed on the other side of the sap pit (if you haven't already noticed, the statue spell is Corkmaster's favourite.)

All of a sudden, MonsterLady appears beside Corkmaster.

"You left your dishes on the table." MonsterLady says.

"Ooops. Sorry." says Corkmaster.

"Here are your escape rings." says Monsterlady, brandishing a sack.

"Great! Let's get out of here!" Corkmaster hands an escape ring to MonsterLady and they both disappear in a puff of smoke.

I like chocolate cake!!

Geroditus comes in shaking the water off his cloak. What a great place to find in Storm Valley. I really am pleased to get out of that weather. Is there any food about? I'm starving.
