Anyone else observe these bugs? (full version)

I noticed another visual quirk last night.

The light from the torches seems to move the colors within a specific radius around the torch towards brighter/whiter. I imagine this is accomplished by adding a value to the color.

In a couple of places, this breaks down or there is a goof in the math, I think. Near the beginning of "Unemployed in Greenland," there's a skeleton near a torch and the usually yellow/brown skeleton is lime green around the head. I've noticed this in a couple of other places (usually skeletons) where the green or other "odd" color will flicker with the torchlight as well.


This isn't really a bug, but since this is where the people that make updates check the most, I thought that this would be a good place to put this.
I know that many would love the feature to be able to save outside of the levels, but this hasn't been included for reasons involving the other exit/escape rings. I have found a way so that everyone's happy and no "cheating" is irritating enough that no one would do it unless they are really really stuck, and tose people deserve a handicap. All you have to do is make it so once someone enters a level, if they go out through the entrance, they can't save until they've gone through the right way of that or another level. another possiblility is that right after a level it would save on the map and if you were in the level, or had the level in progres, you couldn't save. these are just suggestions, but any way you can work it in, I would be endlessly happy. i'm on Zichra's lair, and would like to get the stuff i missed like the other 2 heart pieces, and save when I go to buy potions and other such things. Thank you in advance (I hope).

"Sometimes I think that the surrest sign that there intellegent life elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."

Hey, are the bats supposed to swim? They seem to be able to fly under water.

Why does the last save point in goblin cheif move up a bit after you pile as many tree trunks up from the edge of the healing pool towards the end?

How come every 5th or so save, everything interactable in the level disappears?
This includes bridges, ropes, enemies, springs, and spikes, and almost everything except the water and the ground?

These are just some of my major questions.

Ah! Timon! You're dead!
No I'm not.
Yes you are! Just look!
Oh! So I am!


GeX wrote:
...many would love the feature to be able to save outside of the levels, but this hasn't been included for reasons involving the other exit/escape rings... would like to get the stuff i missed like the other 2 heart pieces, and save when I go to buy potions and other such things. Thank you in advance (I hope).

This probably isn't what you had in mind, but here's a suggestion:

I didn't use the 2 save points in Scent of Peril, the 2 by Mandrakiti Warrior, the 3 or 4 in River of Fears, the ones at end of Storm Valley, one at end of Unemployed, and so on...there's at least 10 of them back there so far. Most these places I have %100 of the secrets, except Storm Valley and Unemployed. Anyways, the save points aren't that hard to access, either because they're at the beginning or the way to them is not dangerous. It adds more challenge than a save on the main map because you have to plot it, yet it still helps a lot. Just as I'm grateful for purple ziridium at the beginning of some levels. h

Having a couple more rez necklaces and making buying health potion easier...that'd be better than happiness on a stick! 😄


Croax, this is the first I've heard of everything disappearing in a save. Can you give me any more detailed information on this? Possibly send a saved game file that demonstrates it? It would be much appreciated.



Reading the latest posts in this thread reminded me that I've been going to ask this question for days!

In The Labyrinth, when I FIRST resume a saved game (only the first time, mind you--not on a Continue), the armadillo things are in that level! They seem to get in from some sort of blue warp shield that surrounds the first torch you pass while heading into the main tunnel, right at the first part of the level. The torch seems OK when you go in, but there you are running along to get down to where you need to hop up to get up in the higher parts of the maze, when suddenly there's a "blast from the past" (Storm Valley) and you have to screech to a halt and "statue-ize" the little guy.

Of course, the other option is to just turn around, head back for the entrance, and then come back in on a second Resume (or just hit the Esacpe key and do the same). Unfortunately, I've also found that this SOMETIMES happens on about the fifth Continue, and then it's worse! When you Resume a saved game, the only two animals are one in the bottom level, then one by the part where you have to teleport to, then run through a lake and go up and to your left.

When they little armadillos (or whatever they are--what are they?) appear LATER, after five or so Continues, they are EVERYWHERE!!! Sheesh!

Again, if you just Escape, you can come back in and they won't be there anymore, but it's really irritating.


Actually, I think the porcedillo things are supposed to be in the labyrinth, but they're funky about it.

In storm valley, no matter how many times they're eliminated, if I leave the level, then come back to it later (regardless if it's from a save or not), they're still there. Always 80% enemies, even if more are offed before I leave the level. Funky. 🆒


Regarding enemies, I've noticed that you don't necessarily have to kill all the creatures in a level to get credit for 100% enemies. I suspect that some of enemies are ignored for this calculation (the ones that regenerate, for example).




Amorisse wrote:

In storm valley, no matter how many times they're eliminated, if I leave the level, then come back to it later (regardless if it's from a save or not), they're still there. Always 80% enemies, even if more are offed before I leave the level. Funky. 🆒

I have gotten 100% of the enemies in SV so it is possible. I can't get all the secrets/xichrons as I still can't get past those darn bouncy screws at the top of the windy stairs.




Amorisse wrote:
**Actually, I think the porcedillo things are supposed to be in the labyrinth, but they're funky about it.

In storm valley, no matter how many times they're eliminated, if I leave the level, then come back to it later (regardless if it's from a save or not), they're still there. Always 80% enemies, even if more are offed before I leave the level. Funky. 🆒

The first time I went through Storm Valley I ended up killing only 80% of the enemies or so. So I ran back through, and low and behold, there were those stupid armadillo things there that were NOT there before. So..I killled them and then I exited the level I was told that I gotten 100% of the enemies. It also tells me I got 100% of the secrets and I did NOT get the rez necklace. So I think the count is a bit missed up. 🙂 But if you only got 80% I'd suggest trying to go through the entire level again. Must be that some of the enemies "hide" the first time. The cowards!


One more thing I found for Ben,

If you exit Storm Valley during the lightning flash, the screen will stay white through the "stats" (ie, can't see the stats) and not reset to its normal brightness/color until the "main map."



Zelda wrote:
**The first time I went through Storm Valley I ended up killing only 80% of the enemies or so. So I ran back through, and low and behold, there were those stupid armadillo things there that were NOT there before. So..I killled them and then I exited the level I was told that I gotten 100% of the enemies. It also tells me I got 100% of the secrets and I did NOT get the rez necklace. So I think the count is a bit missed up.:) But if you only got 80% I'd suggest trying to go through the entire level again. Must be that some of the enemies "hide" the first time. The cowards!


I also got credit for 100% of the secrets in Storm Valley, and I also did not get the rez necklace.



Those last posts, remind me that I was going to ask if anyone has ever found the other 50% of secrets in the Manditraki Warrior level? I THINK I've investigated everything fully there, but can't break through to the "ponds" or anything, and I've tried shooting just about everything else I can think of, and still nothing. ???


No, you haven't explored fully. The other 50% is easy to find if you wait until you get the VBlade; just fire it everywhere.

But it isn't worth it. 🙂


"Miren al pepino. Que suaves movimentos. Es como montequilla en un chango pelon." -- Larry the Cucumber

I didn't need the V-blade..I just did the spin jump thing. And it's very very VERY not worth it! 🙂



Zelda wrote:
**I didn't need the V-blade..I just did the spin jump thing. And it's very very VERY not worth it!:)


I thought it was worth it because that purple pool was so easy to get back to from the main map - either before, or in the middle of, other levels.

Lindawing - just spin-jump toward the beginning.



I guess because there's already a pool at the end, and it is rather a short'd only spend about two more seconds running to the other pool. 🙂

But here's something I wonder: I wonder if you could actually use that pool when fighting the monster? I wonder if it would do you any good. If it would, then it would be rather a nice thing after all.


(This message has been edited by Zelda (edited 02-13-2000).)

Is it my imagination or, as I continue to collect bags of coins and goodies, is Ferazel's wealth in coins decreasing rather than increasing? When I left Iceconclasm, I had well over 800 coins, and that was after buying numerous things from the merchants there and in Flash Freeze as well as getting robbed by Rojinko who sold me a non-existant bottle of health potion.

Yet now, as I'm in Fire in the Hole, I have only 400-something. I got swiped a couple times, but not too often and I've recovered more than that from the enemies and all. Haven't I?


I don't think this bug has been mentioned before and it's not real serious, but I sometimes get the splash sound when I knife a rock pile.

Yes, I have noticed the lack of coins after Flash Freeze! I only spent about 800 of my over-2000 coins, and I came out with only about 200!!!!!!! No fair!!! They left me in one fell swoop!

I've built back up to over 500 again, but every time I think about it I get upset. Then, of course, there's the thieving Rojinko! I know that's a glitch, but it just goes to show how careful you should be of ANY merchant, right? (That's a joke--I don't really think that way, for all you merchants out there.)

The bug that I've found NOW, is that when I use an Escape Ring to go get more Health and Magic while fighting those interesting Fire Guardians, when I come back to the arena, the heads have moved to the left (and sometimes up, sometimes down)! I have two Escape Rings, and I've experimented with this several times. Each time I go out and come back, the heads move more to the left!

Once, the left head was totally engulfed by the wall, which meant I couldn't hit him at all, though he could still hit me! fair!!!


