Anyone else observe these bugs? (full version)

JB, that's exactly what I just did! 🙂 Collecting Xirchons sure is a pain when you're out of save points, isn't it. And I agree -- it's no bug. We just need the spell.


I am working on all of these bugs. Here's an important note to anyone who got the Ice Crystals spell in Iceconoclasm and can't get any further: E-MAIL YOUR SAVED GAME FILE to me at I will fix it and send it back. We will release a bugfix update soon, but in the meantime I can fix your saved game files so you can continue to progress. Also, any detailed information on exactly where and when any crashes occur, especially stdlogs, would be very helpful.



Glad to hear it. Now go and enjoy 🙂

David Dunham / tech support / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

(This message has been edited by David Dunham (edited 02-02-2000).)


I've emailed the StdLog you asked for on Ferazel crashing. I can't wait to get this resolved. The crashes aren't as frequent with the "OS9 All" set enabled, but they still occur.

Additionally, I'd like to point out that putting the computer to sleep makes ferazel switch the screen resolution to 1024x768 on my PowerBook and the game cannot switch it back without restarting. I've played a few times on the tiny screen that results. It would be great to see this fixed as well.


I think I may have found a couple more bugs. The flying carpet on the Labyrinth level was very hard to get working. I jumped on it from all sides, threw fireballs at it, jumped up and down on it and it wouldn't move a bit. I started over from a previous save two more times and finally got it to work. other thing. Why am I accused of taking Nimbo's treasure when I didn't? I know where it was, but it was gone before I got there. That entire exchange was rather strange.


I recently discovered a rather nasty bug in "fire in the hole" when I go to the place where the vblade is supposed to be (small room, switch activated door, save point inside) there is nothing on the little pilliar. no powerups, no spells, just nothing. This is quite a problem as it prevent's me from getting the vblade spell. David, I think you may have to modify mr saved game again.

"Sometimes I think that the surrest sign that there intellegent life elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."

I'm experiencing a bug on the hangnabit level. When I get so far or go so high, Ferazel disappears from the screen. Using the direction controls, he "climbs" back and yet he is in another diminsion, so to speak. The space around him is blank. As he wanders, it becomes a blank white tunnel in the middle of the air. He passes two save points as he heads west, both within a few steps from the other. If I send him east, he disappears from the screen, so I push him westward, where he, for some unknown reason, disappears from the screen leaving only the sound of his last whimper.

So, needless to say, I can't complete the hangnabit level. Maybe it's a sign I should work more and play less, eh?

😛 AM


I have just noticed several bizarre bugs:

  1. On the Hangnabits level, if you decapitate the flying fire-breathing monsters, then kill the bodies, occasionally the head will flash into existence for a frame or two. The head countinues following the path that it would have if it was still on a live body. This is annoying because if you are trying to get the Xichrons that are in it's path, it will possibly appear on you and hurt you.
  2. If you try to land on one of the small ledges in the Hangnabits level, you will remove the hanglider and fall through the platform because Ferazel is standing slightly below the top. I'm talking about the small ledges suspended in mid-air that have thing on them like money. And because when you fall you already removed the hanglider, you fall to your death.
  3. On the hangnabits level, if you hold 'down' while in an updraft, then release it, sometimes you shoot upwards above the screen. This also occasionally happens even when not in an updraft.
  4. On my iBook that I received for Christmas (yay! :)), I installed Ferazels wand. This bug was not occuring before, but I guess it was today (or yesterday at this time of night) that this bug popped up. You know how Ferazel's Wand fills up the entire screen? Well, on my computer it leaves a few centimeters of space between it and the left edge, the right edge, and the top edge.
    Signing off, this is Gick (Dave Ballard, 14 years old, Concord MA,

"It's not whether you win or lose, it's whether I win or lose." 😄



I have another bug/question....
Several times when I have had fast feet, I was able to go through walls...
In flash freeze I went through the ice wall, but than couldn't repeat it...
In Lyberinth, I did it going through one of the sets of floating spiky balls,
Sometimes it looked like it accured when i was hurt but not always... It's never major, but extremly startiling...
Anyone notice this?

I've gone though walls a whole bunch of times when I'm fast. It's happened in several places in Flash Freeze in particular, and I've also gone through that ice wall in Flash Freeze least three times! Sometimes, spells will go through solid walls too, I've noticed.


There are a few things we obviously have to work on this weekend :frown:. If you experience a problem with missing spells of any kind or devices like catapults or flying carpets not working, try to go back to a saved game from before that level.
I'll be working with Ben to make sure he is aware of all of the issues that have been pointed out here.

David Dunham / tech support / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

(This message has been edited by David Dunham (edited 02-04-2000).)

The freezing problems that I have had, seem to be related to the screen resolution. This happened to me first with the demo, and I had forgotten about it, but when I first started using the CD a couple of days ago, it happened again, and crashed things so bad it messed up my internet stuff (control strip modules disappeared from the system!!!) and the system itself. I had to end up doing a clean install of System 9.0 to get things going again (major hassle). I didn't lose anything but system files, but things were definitely lost out of the system itself, which is very weird, and I've never had happen to me before!

So now when I play (which I was a little hesitant to do, but I remembered what had happened with the demo), I switch the screen resolution first.

Things seem to work much better that way. Oh yes--I also have to switch the resolution using the system's monitor control panel, NOT ColorSwitch Pro! If I just use CS Pro, the same thing happens (nothing quite as major as that one time, though), and I have to do (as so aptly termed by one other person in the conversations above) the three-fingered salute.

One thing that happens, is that white blocks appear in the picture on the screen. If I touch those white blocks at all, BOOM! As long as I work around them and don't touch them at all, if I can get to the next screen, everything's OK. These white (empty) blocks appear much less often, if I have switched the screen res ahead of time.


lindawing wrote:
One thing that happens, is that white blocks appear in the picture on the screen. If I touch those white blocks at all, BOOM! As long as I work
around them and don't touch them at all, if I can get to the next screen,
everything's OK. These white (empty) blocks appear much less often, if I
have switched the screen res ahead of time.


That is exactly what happens in the Hangnabit level for me...empty white blocks. And I can't play the level because of it. (By the way, is there something beyond this level that I'm missing? Or a spell or power-up? It'd help to know before skipping it and playing much further. Thanks!)



One other thing...
I can't get the v-blade... i have gone through the level without saving, I can't get it, and although I have gotten pretty far without it, the level is near impossible...
Any ideas how to get it?
i will soon be sending a saved game in for ice crystal-ice wall... although ice crystal is still pretty nice 🙂

Would some one be willing to either send me a saved game or help me with one of mine?

I'd appreciate the help, thanks.



I'm having a problem on the Iceconoclasm Level. As reported by Rilla, Cedric malfunctions- buy 20 fire seeds and they are 20 escape rings, buy 5 fire seeds and he doesn't want to barter

I've got 279 coins.

Is this something that can be fixed in my saved game or must I wait for an application-level fix?


Because of the way the conversation system works, the merchants can't be fixed via the saved games. The updater will take care of them, though, and it should be out very soon. That's all I can really say right now... don't worry, I am working industriously to squash the bugs and I apologize for the trouble they've caused thus far.



yet another bug. When I go talk to nimbo after rescuing dimbo, I get 99 Zir. seeds and 99 Vblade spells instead of 99 Zir. Seeds and 99 Fire seeds.
Jeez... All this must be feeding Jason like a king for weeks.

"Sometimes I think that the surrest sign that there intellegent life elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."

Hmm. Do I sense lazy beta testers?

How is it possible that this many visible and very apparent bugs get through the beta-testers? Like the one that makes it impossible to finish the game - shouldn't beta testers finish the game before giving their approvement?

Also, the merchants work all right in the demo. How come the CD version's merchants don't work? I guess something mixed up the resource ID's of the items in the CD version, but how does that sort of thing happen?

Is it possible that the reason for some of these bugs is that the game is shipped with CDs? Was something changed in order to put it into a CD that could have caused these bugs?

I'm not going to draw any more devils on the wall, but I think it's weird that all these very serious bugs went through the beta testers.

"I don't say yes or no, more like the other way around"

Ankh Starrunner, The Diamond Blaster

Well, essentially, the game was shipped before it should have. We'll be fixing the bugs in an update that Ben will make available shortly (and it should be a relatively small download), so all will be well soon.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.