Boozerama Bar: The Deadly Entropy

Rickton drinks the acid pit.

GAHH! NOT ALL OF US HAVE $30 TO SPEND ON EVN! ONCE DASH... erm excuse me. Once dash fixes the problem, could someone port it somehow to Classic or Override?

Ah, yes, but I don't own the game, nor do any of the other 18 or so people who play it at this school. My Dad just sent me a mac in the mail!!! wee!!!

Now I'm buying EVN. For Mac. The way it's supposed to be. Oh, and the REAL EVC, and the REAL EVO.

Sorry for that stupid technicality...

Does the link not work, or the plug?
...or both...

Dash faceplants a tree. Now there's a tree growing out of his face.

Dash_Merc, on Nov 13 2004, 01:34 AM, said:

Does the link not work, or the plug?
...or both...
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When I click on the link to download it I get a not found page.

DE pulls the acid pit out of Rickton.

oops...that's not cool. I thought the file was on the site. If it doesn't work, then I have no copy of the file to give you. Yet.

emainiac destroys Dash_Merc

Dash feels rather destroyed today...

Rickton vomits.

DE destroys Rickton for stealing his verb.

Dash destroys himself.

DE undestroys Dash, then redestroys him.

Dash reundestroys himself, and stops to think about how he could make a never-ending rant about reundestroying and stuff...

DE becomes incredibly confused, but he remembers this is Boozy.

Riuckton joins in on the destroying.

Dash laughs at the drunk Rickton's speech impediment...

DE destroys everyone.

Dash destroys everyone else.

"Your head a splode!"

Rickton becomes sober again.

Dash sobers up Rickton by picking him up by his pubic hairs and throwing him into the acid pit.

Rickton was already sober, so he uses a new martial art, Acid Do Chi, to kick Dash's ass.