Boozerama Bar: The Deadly Entropy

Dash_Merc, on Apr 7 2005, 07:09 AM, said:

gnentically engineered super-shrews
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The gnenticans go on strike. Much havoc is had.

The shrews at high command are distracted, but soon things take a turn for the worse. Due to a slight mispeling, the gnetically modified shrews reveal themselves as femshrewbots, and begin firing spuds at the high command shrews.

The shrews of high command throw down their finger protectors full of root beer, and begin firing mettalic toothpicks out of railguns at the femshrewbots.

EDIT: Gah! mettalic, sheez... :rolleyes:

This post has been edited by Hamster : 07 April 2005 - 11:50 PM

Everything in the Boozerama Bar is obliterated with a Stellar Converter, then rebuilt with a eighteen words: Lights!

Emainiac hires a professional studio to make a professional recording of "The Boozy Song"

What's the boozy song go like?

Dash_Merc, on Apr 9 2005, 12:52 AM, said:

What's the boozy song go like?
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Emainiac grabs a spear
And a root beer.
Then he trounces around the bar,
Wonderin' where the iPods are.
Goes and kicks Rickton's ass,
Tells Dash_Merc he's got gas...
The Boozy song!
The Boozy song!
Everyone sing The Boozy song!

This post has been edited by Rickton : 09 April 2005 - 09:12 AM


Mack watches as those singing the Boozy song become drunken flaming torches.

Dash's torchness becomes ever more prevalent as the gas he has becomes the main fuel for the fire...

Hold on...

Wait for it...

Ahhhh...that felt good.

All of a sudden, another follows, more loudly (outdoing any self-respecting subwoofer), and everyone's torchness wxplodes into full-fledged bonfireness. Quizno's...Mmm, toasty!

Mystic Guitar Plucking
Long ago....
On a webboard far away....

Guitar Strums faster

A man named U.R.
Came and said
Listen and you'll see far
I've traveled wide and brought you something...
The Boozarama Bar...

Guitar Goes to Fast Rock Pace

The Acid Pit is always there,
Despite the Boozers wit,
As long and hard, as they try,
They can't get rid of it.

The Regenerator, It makes sure
No Boozer Left Behind.
It's the Most Effective Gadget,
You will ever find.

Grab a root beer, And a spear,
Then you will be prepared
To Just make sure that your first time
You will not be impaired.

The Boozy Song, The Boozy Song
We can sing it all day long!
The Boozy song, The Boozy Song
Everybody sing the Boozy song!

Now it's your turn, make up your own verse(s)!

DE grooves.

Mack throws DE into the acid pit, which is promptly flushed.

DE's Marathon Marine Suit™ is now acid proof. DE unflushes the acid pit and sits at the bottom, firing his Flechette through the acid at Mack.

duke returns from being gone for a millinea. He is completely perplexed by the spectacle.

There is a boozy song. Everone looks different. New weapons and armor have come out. duke has a beard.

duke remembers school, the hectic institution that it is, and decides to throw away that lifestyle of knowledge.

He orders 10 rounds of root beers for everyone and then grabs a fusion ball and throws it out the bar swinging doors.

Come on people. Expand on the Boozysong!

emainiac, on Apr 10 2005, 12:49 PM, said:

Mystic Guitar Plucking
Long ago....
On a webboard far away....

Guitar Strums faster

A man named U.R.
Came and said
Listen and you'll see far
I've traveled wide and brought you something...
The Boozarama Bar...

Guitar Goes to Fast Rock Pace

The Acid Pit is always there,
Despite the Boozers wit,
As long and hard, as they try,
They can't get rid of it.

The Regenerator, It makes sure
No Boozer Left Behind.
It's the Most Effective Gadget,
You will ever find.

Grab a root beer, And a spear,
Then you will be prepared
To Just make sure that your first time
You will not be impaired.

The Boozy Song, The Boozy Song
We can sing it all day long!
The Boozy song, The Boozy Song
Everybody sing the Boozy song!

Now it's your turn, make up your own verse(s)!
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DE looks for Cade,
but he is never there.
He is a scared of DE,
and doesn't play fair!

The Boozy Song, The Boozy Song
We can sing it all day long!
The Boozy Song, The Boozy Song
Everybody sing the Boozy Song!

All the Boozers hate,
The Stupid No Name bar.
No matter how fast they post,
We're faster than they are!

I think that they're all really great
Oh, yeah, they're all just fine
Here...have a root beer,
But don't you dare drink wine!

I'm going to archive this on a piece of electronic paper (MS Word KILLKILL!) and work out a tune for it. I've already got it in my head, now I just gotta transcribe it and see if I can get some guitar-playing (better than me) friend f mine to play it and record it. I think I'll work out a temporary electronic version first. I have an electric guitar synth I can use to make up for my lack of guitar skills. Wish me luck. Won't be done soon, same with the Boozy plugin. Lots of homework, big projects, and musical practise until the end of this week.

This post has been edited by Dash_Merc : 13 April 2005 - 01:26 PM

Ive got a tune for it too, but i can't figure out what the notation is for it.

Hmm...whistle it into sound recorder, or something, and ship it off to I'll see if I can get some notation for it. Lots of musically inclined kids around here. (not me...yet. I'm working on it).