rEVisited rocks! ... and a quick question

I can't believe how good the rEVisited graphics look! Just, wow... Quite the difference over the stock EV classic for Nova.

As for my question: Do the intro missions ever get re-offered to you after you decline them? Being a little rebel at heart, I turned down the Confed guy. The one that really concerns me is some scruffy looking dude wanting me to take him (or someone or thing) to a pirate base. Since my courier was routinely getting abused by pirate argosies and corvettes at the time I said no. I don't even know who he worked for, for goodness sake!

The darn rebels seem to be taking their sweet time offering me any missions, though I hope I've got that figured out from reading the older posts. We'll see...

dsatt12, on May 22 2005, 08:54 PM, said:

I can't believe how good the rEVisited graphics look! Just, wow... Quite the difference over the stock EV classic for Nova.

As for my question: Do the intro missions ever get re-offered to you after you decline them? Being a little rebel at heart, I turned down the Confed guy. The one that really concerns me is some scruffy looking dude wanting me to take him (or someone or thing) to a pirate base. Since my courier was routinely getting abused by pirate argosies and corvettes at the time I said no. I don't even know who he worked for, for goodness sake!

The darn rebels seem to be taking their sweet time offering me any missions, though I hope I've got that figured out from reading the older posts. We'll see...
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Yes, you can deny the offering missions (the cargo runs) as many times as you want to, they'll continue to be offered.

Some main things to consider when it comes to getting missions from the main strings are you current government relations and your combat rating. Some missions are also on a low random % in being offered too.
Otherwise, KMQ's masterpiece is truly a fine work of art... and I am glad myself to offer a ported version for PC users to enjoy. Take care and play hard my friends 🙂

Prof. ADN

ProfessorADN, on May 23 2005, 11:01 AM, said:

Some main things to consider when it comes to getting missions from the main strings are you current government relations and your combat rating. Some missions are also on a low random % in being offered too.
Otherwise, KMQ's masterpiece is truly a fine work of art... and I am glad myself to offer a ported version for PC users to enjoy. Take care and play hard my friends 🙂

Prof. ADN
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Where could hungry EVN players on PC come across a copy of said converted plug? What exactly is rEVisited? Should I just check the plugs page?

Dash_Merc, on May 23 2005, 08:45 PM, said:

Where could hungry EVN players on PC come across a copy of said converted plug? What exactly is rEVisited? Should I just check the plugs page?
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Yes, check the plugs page. It's right there.

Thanks for answering my question Gutless Wonder.

And thank you ProfessorADN for making it so I could enjoy the purty graphics. I am using the the PC version. Let's not forget Dr Trowel either- I saw your name in the credits too when I was a good little boy and clicked on the revisited, uh, name/link thing.

Now back to the serious job of acquiring a rebel destroyer...

Hello folks, just as an informational addition to this topic, for those who are having issues trying to expand the 3 part zip file archive, my answer and solution can be found here ...;=1422471

Till next time...

Prof. ADN

ProfessorADN, on May 23 2005, 05:01 PM, said:

Some main things to consider when it comes to getting missions from the main strings are you current government relations and your combat rating. Some missions are also on a low random % in being offered too.

Prof. ADN
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Man, you're not kidding about the low pct. Sometimes those #s just work against you I guess. My combat rating is up to 19k plus and I still haven't gotten the rebel covert ops mission(s). The best I can tell from the data files is that I am OK to receive it, the mission just has a 15% chance.

I guess I used up all my lucky numbers capturing that heavy weapons confed cruiser at 11% 🙂 I just couldn't bring myself to take it for my own, seeing as how I flew 60 circles around it to disable it in the first place in my tricked out pirate argosy B. I Didn't need THAT happening in every rebel system with a destroyer. Do I have my game mechanics right in that the rebels would hate it(me) no matter what I did due to the inherent govt type? Or do I start castigating myself now? While I'm at it- why doesn't this go for escorts too?

Most Confed ships are government set at 128, so I think that there is part of the problem. Originally all the pirate ships were set at 130 too making any pirate ship you've captured a target. I found this to be a bit more severe than anything so I changed the pirate ship governments to 1130 when I did the port... this is true in Nova too. However I did not do this change to the Rebel or Confed ships and therefore the Rebels and Confeds will always hate each other ship wise as well as government wise. I hope this explanation is helpful...

Prof. ADN