The Endless War Webstory

35 hawks, 40 defenders, 2 rapiers emerged as the defenses of the Zaxted system. Suddenly the daunting sight of 10 Confederation Cruisers and 100 Confederation Frigates comes in front of them. The Rapiers let of some torpedo fire, and the hawks come throught the middle and fire around of missles. They try to dive away form the incoming missles, and do a mediocore job, at best. So many missles at one time made it very difficult to manuever. The patrol ships emerged from the confederate frigates, 40 strong, and began to unleash the missles as well. The Rapiers, while managing to dismantle some ships, were quickly succummed by the large amount of Torpedo fire. The defenders swarmed the patrol ships, and had equal numbers against them. However, missles tore many apart. Things did not look good for Zaxted.

10 Confederation Cruisers
97 Confederation Frigates
33 Confederation Patrol Ships (Inside of the Cruisers)


15 hawks
13 defenders

<Insert Clever Saying Here>
(url="http://"")I'm awesome(/url)|(url="http://"") Penny Arcade! (/url)
Let us run through the flowers of red and gold,
and dance naked under a building of bricks!

"Men, we're on the move. Let's set course for Rigel."

And so the 42nd Spaceborne headed to Rigel.

Upon enetering the system the fleet took the normal posisitions around the planet, poised and ready to strike at any attack.

<Insert Clever Saying Here>
(url="http://"")I'm awesome(/url)|(url="http://"") Penny Arcade! (/url)
Let us run through the flowers of red and gold,
and dance naked under a building of bricks!

The Pelagon Defense fleet emerged into the system and quickly realized they were surronded in close quarters. 40 hawks, 25 defenders and 2 rapiers came out to defend their system. A volley of missles came into their ranks and did some immediate damage. Some heavy rockets landed among the fighters, yet the Pelagonese got a volley of their own off and manage to slow the advancing fleet just enough to allow their fighters to charge into the enemy fleet...

35 Hawks
20 defenders
2 rapiers.

Fleet Status - Pelagon
J.U.S. Chivalry
10 Corvettes (3 at 90%)
8 Rapiers
15 Lightnings

<Insert Clever Saying Here>
(url="http://"")I'm awesome(/url)|(url="http://"") Penny Arcade! (/url)
Let us run through the flowers of red and gold,
and dance naked under a building of bricks!

New Bavaria, Jadzia
The council had not heard from Vilson since the last order issued and was worried that the attack on Opal was not going well.

"We should hae heard from him or his fleetcraft by now... Is it possible the attack failed?"

"It is a possiblity we must consider. I suggest we send a group of ships to investigate. To check the system for debrie. If the battle still rages, give them orders to engage apon the order of the highest rank that may be left."

"Alright, i will send word to the shipyards."

"You know, this may be a good time to ask the Confederation for the FF-4237 Frigate design again."

"Again, you are right. I will have a message sent before the hour is through."
Pelagon System
The system's defending forces attempted to push into the Jadzian formation, but are met by a volly of heavy rockets and missiles at extreme close range allowing minimal time to make any attempt to dodge. Lasers from all around the system all erupted at once claiming many more pilots. Just as the brave militia of Opal thought things couldnt get worse, another jump point opens, dumping out more Jadzian vessels...

20 Hawks
15 defenders
1 rapiers.

Fleet Status - Pelagon
J.U.S. Chivalry
10 Corvettes (2 at 90%)
11 Rapiers
19 Lightnings
(Message to Confederation)
(From Jadzian Union)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key twice as long as message)
This is a repeat message from a week(RTD) ago.

Greetings. We, the Jadzian Union, are in need of some extra fire power as early as possible. Would you be willing to give us the FF-4237 Frigate design on our word that the vessel would not be used against you?
Please respond with all due haste.

Income: 13M /Day
Treasury: 100,000

Fleet Status - Pelagon;
J.U.S. Chivalry - Corvette
10 Corvettes
11 Rapiers
19 Lightnings

Disrupter Cannon/Turret: 1 Days
Disruption Torpedo: 2 Days
Jadzian Falcon Gunship: 3 Days

Notes: Bought 1 Corvette, 4 Rapiers, 6 Lightnings for 13.3M
New ships were sent to aid the assult on Pelagon.

Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

Torgo System
"I KNEW IT! Those Eegras fools are looking to expand and conquer our home! Launch the defense fleet!!"

A huge mass of fightercraft are seen rising from the planet, but wait, those arent fighters! They're missiles fired at the invaders that were so brave as to possition themselves so near the planet. With the Eegras fleet distracted, the fighters were able to break through the blockade with minimal losses and begin to attack the vessels that remain from the first volly...

Eegras Fleet;
4 Kestrels (1 60%)
8 Lightnings (-3)
3 Corvettes (-1)
5 Defenders (-10)

Torgo Defense;
88 Hawks

Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

Spreading his fighters around, he manages to catch the remaining Zaxted defense fleet inside of a massive web of missiles, heavy rockets, and proton fire. The remaining fighters are blown to pieces with ease. The losses in performing this move are six Patrol Ships that do not move quickly enough to dodge the incoming fire. Docking with the station, it is only a short amount of time until the Confederation Doomtroopers, using stunner pistols, capture the administrator and force him to sign a paper surrendering to the Confederation. For the new defense fleet, he purchases the following ships:

20 Confederation Cruisers = Free, part of the 40-ship fleet.
20 Confederation Frigates = Free, part of the 40-ship fleet.
10 Confederation Frigates = 25M credits, for the Defense Fleet
13 Confederation Patrol Ships = 9.1M credits, to replenish the fighters in the Cruisers
3 Confederation Frigates = 7.5M credits, for the Purification Patrol
Total Expenses: 34.6M credits.
Remaining Credits: 549.4M credits

Before preparing to leave for Propus, Consul Bob sends a message off..
(Message to President U.E. Admiral
(From Grand Admiral Consul Bob)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key twice as long as message)
As long as the Jadzian Union promises to never attack the Confederation using this design, we will send it to you.
Attachment: ConfederationFrigateBlueprint.psd

Consul Bob orders his fleet to go to the Propus system. After three jumps, they arrive...

Propus, Spaceside
The Confederation Purification Patrol enters the Propus system, firing off salvo after salvo of missiles and torpedoes at the Rebel fleet. Eleven of the Rebel Destroyers are instantly crushed, only managing to damage ten of the Frigates before they fall. The Confederation Frigates begin to unload their missiles, which slam into the Cossacks, taking out thirty-eight of the pests. Unfortunately, torpedo fire brings down four of the defense fleet's cruisers, four of their frigates, and sixteen Patrol Ships. Eight frigates and one Cruiser in the attacking fleet are also destroyed. More missiles fly out from the Frigates and Patrol Ships, annihilating twenty of the Mantas. The Confederation Patrol Ships fly out to intercept their fighter foes, while the Confederation Cruisers and Frigates disable the Rebel Cruiser with a sprinkling of more torpedo fire. Consul Bob's voice comes over the intersystem comm. "This is Confederation Grand Admiral Consul Bob speaking. Your escape is blocked off; your ships badly damaged. Any hope of victory that you might have had is gone. Power down your remaining defense systems, or die." While he says this, the Patrol Ships dogfight the Mantas, taking out twenty-two of them, but they lose twenty Patrol Ships to the annoying Rebel starfighters, which are assisted by the Rebel Destroyers and Cossacks.

Income: 156 credits per day.
Current Cash: 549.4M credits.
Daily Expenses: 3M credits.
The Confederation Purification Patrol - Zaxted
U.S.S. Elite Duellist*
9 Confederation Cruisers
92 Confederation Frigates
20 Confederation Patrol Ships (Normally inside of the Cruisers)
*Not included in the Cruiser count.
Neutronic Weapons: 1 day.
Loyalty Missiles: 1 day.
Confederation Orion-Class War Frigate: 2 Days

This is a signature. About something. Yes, something. Something important. I think.
(url="http://"")The Endless War(/url)
(url="http://" Map.gif")The Endless War's Map(/url)

(This message has been edited by Consul Bob (edited 08-17-2004).)

20 Hawks
15 defenders
1 rapier

Fleet Status - Pelagon
J.U.S. Chivalry
10 Corvettes (2 at 90%)
11 Rapiers
19 Lightnings

The Battle raged on at Pelagon. The fleet did not want to be the next victim of the expanding jazdians. The hawks fired their last missle volley. It struck solidly into the flank of lightnings and some rapiers. The defenders floundered in desperation, trying to stay alive while laying licks on the jadzians. The one rapier stayed around the hawks and shot heavy rockets around until it finally was shot down. The Jadzian force was just too strong, and eventually reduced the inferior fleet to inferior dust.

Ground forces remain/

Fleet Status - Pelagon
J.U.S. Chivalry
10 Corvettes (4 at 90%)
10 Rapiers
15 Lightnings

<Insert Clever Saying Here>
(url="http://"")I'm awesome(/url)|(url="http://"") Penny Arcade! (/url)
Let us run through the flowers of red and gold,
and dance naked under a building of bricks!

OOC: if spl's post right under my last one was not intended for me, the following post is moot.

Captain Sean Smith ran onto the bridge of the Peace Maker 9. "GET US OUT OF HERE HELMSMAN! WE'RE GONNA GET POUNDED!" The helmsman, an experienced pilot, wheeled the ship around and began thrusting towards safe hyperspace range. The other ships in the fleet did the same. 5 million miles away from the planet the ships were able to enter hyperspace safely. Captain Smith fell down into a chair, his brow heavy with sweat. "Damage report?" He asked. "We lost a lot of ships today sir. 23 cruisers, 20 Frigates all of the Rapiers and we have 8 Patrol Ships left." "How many dead?" "We lost almost 1500 men." Captain smith started crying. He suddenly sat bolt upright in the chair. He pointed to the helmsman. "Where are we going?' he curtly asked. "Antares station." "Good.' he replied. HE got up and walked off the bridge.
Rebel Defense Fleet:
10 Cruisers
10 Destroyers
0 Mantas

Third Confed Fleet:
6 Cruisers
28 Frigates (All damaged)
0 Rapiers
6 Patrol ships

Spy Master
Member of the Lektorians
Proud member of the Divals
Imperium Official ListŽ

The planet of New Cydonia had been quiet for several days in tense anticipation of the completion of the long awaited water creating system. With the first rivers of water the planets joyous citizens enjoyed the sweet pleasure of freedom. Freedom from the tyrrany of there greatest need. Still the party's wonderful atmosphere was dampened by the questions of Lethe's own acceptance of the treaty proposed by New Cydonia.

While the party raged in the square below, General Swithich, the man of the hour for his ingenious proposal, was working hard in his office track several major events in the galaxy that his spies were tracking. The Confederates had opened up two major fronts, one in Propus, and one in Tiber. Also, a strange movement was occuring near the center of the galaxy. Mercenaries(sp.) were making a steady trip from Yemuro towards the Southwest corner of the galaxy. These miserable half breeds would do anything for money. If General Swithich's hunch was right the Mercs (as they were commonly called) were on there way to assist the Confederates in the take over of Tiber. He figured this because why else would the whole Merc attack force be crossing the galaxy in that general direction. He couldn't help, but question the motives of the evil empire of the Confederacy. He mind was troubled...

8 Corvettes for Defense fleet 20,000,000.(Two days salary.)

Defense fleet:
39 Corvettes
15 Rapiers
15 Lightnings

Communication to Lethe:
Either accept or deny our request. Please. We have offered stability and it is to your benefit to accept.

(url="http://"")The Speculation Plug is here!!(/url)

(This message has been edited by Swithich (edited 08-17-2004).)

OOC: Swithich, the OOC thread is for such long complaints. Please snip that note from your post and repost it in the OOC thread. I will address it there. Short notes are alright here, but for anything more than 3 or 4 short sentances, please redirect it to the OOC thread. Thank you.
Opal, Pelagon
With the last of the hostiles destroyed, the Corvettes carrying the Jadzian troops made landfall with fighters knocking out any planet-based defenses that tried to fend off the transports. A land battle ensued, but the threat of orbital bomardment put an end to any further resistance.

Reports are sent back to New Bavaria.
New Bavaria, Jadzia
Reports from Pelagon reach Jadzia.
"Admiral, we'd thought we lost you in the battle space side! Thank whatever God that exists that you are able to speak to us. How has the occupation gone?"

"Thank you for your... concern. The occupation is going as well as can be expected. A missile strike in an unimportant sector ended their little rebellion by showing them what we could do to them from orbit. Do you have any further orders for me?"

"Your orders are to stay put for now. Get some rest. We are sending reinforcments tomorrow and you will be using them the same day."

"Understood. Admiral Vilson, out."
Union R &D;, New Bavaria, Jadzia
The tests of the Falcon Gunship's space frame and hull prove to be a positive result and production of a few prototypes began. The ship must jump through several hoops in the form of structural testing and weapon integration. The vessel looks very promising and apears able to beat anything in it's price range.

The Disruption Torpedo used on the Falcon has been constructed in such a way that it can literally see where it is going and identify it's assigned target. This makes it incredibly useful in asteroid infested systems, because all other types of guidance are distracted and/or blocked by the asteroids. The Disruption Torpedo takes the best of these systems and combines it into one powerful weapon that will virtually always strike it's target.
(Message to Confederation)
(From Jadzian Union)
(Encryption: 128 Bit - High)
Thank you for your trust. The Jadzian Union will not betray it. Perhaps we can return the favor in the future.
(Message to Mercenary Captain U.E. General)
(From Jadzian Union)
(Encryption: 32 Bit - Low)
Greetings. We understand that you are up for hire. We would be willing to pay you 10M credits up front if you conquer the Sauron system for us. Payment of 1M a day will follow our occupation of the planet.
Are you interested?

Income: 18M /Day
Treasury: 100,000

Fleet Status - Pelagon;
J.U.S. Chivalry - Corvette
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers
15 Lightnings

Disrupter Cannon/Turret: 1 Days
Disruption Torpedo: 2 Days
Jadzian Falcon Gunship: 3 Days

Notes: Opal in the Pelagon system is now under Jadzian Union rule. Income changed to reflect it as such.
I just noticed i forgot the 40 ship defense fleets i am entitled to for Nexus and Pelagon, i will take care of that sometime today.

Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

(This message has been edited by U.E. Admiral (edited 08-17-2004).)

The Cheat orders construction of 5 more Lightnings and sends them into the Torgo system. The Cheat enters his flagship and jumps with the lightnings.

The Lightnings enter the system and let off a volley of heavy rockets slam into 10 of the hawks obliterating them and taking the shields down on the sorrounding 5. The proton turrets from the kestrels distroy the 5 hawks and sends shrapnel flying in all directions. The White Lightning launches its lightnings and picks off a hawk coming in for a kamikasi like attack. The WL launches its missiles at the hawks attacking one of the other kestrels. The shrapnel of the hawk dinks aganst the hull of the kestrel. A fleet of hawks (10) screams down and takes out a corvette before getting half of their fleet distroyed.

2 Kestrels (1 60%)
6 Lightnings (-3)
2 Corvettes (-1)
0 Defenders (-10)

White Lightning
Added weapons:
1 Proton Turrets
2 Missile Launchers
+20 Missiles
Shields: +20u
Armor: +30u

88 Hawks (-28) -> 60

{ (url="http://"")Eegras Studios(/url) }{ (url="http://"")TCL network(/url) }{ (url="http://"")Graphics Portfolio(/url)}
( (url="http://"")Eternal Light Studios(/url) )( (url="http://"")Forums(/url) )( (url="http://"")apple computer(/url) )( (url="http://"")Solar System Chatroom(/url)

(This message has been edited by The Cheat (edited 08-17-2004).)

(This message has been edited by The Cheat (edited 08-17-2004).)

(This message has been edited by The Cheat (edited 08-17-2004).)

Torgo System
With the arrival of the White Lightning , the indepedent fighter craft pull back and reform into a jumbling swarm. They begin their charge again having lost 4 to missile fire in their attempt to re-group. Apon comming within' range of the Kestrels and lightnings, the remaining hawks fire their second and last volly of missiles, which crash into some lightnings destroying them. The weakened Kestrel that recieved the rest of the missiles was no more lucky as it too exploded. In this charge the defending forces lost 12 to missile and rocket fire...

Eegras Fleet;
E.F.S. White Lightning
1 Kestrels (-1)
10 Lightnings (-3)
2 Corvettes

Torgo Defense;
44 Hawks

OOC: I didnt expect the defense to be so effective, really. I am doing all i can to minimise your losses without being too biased.

Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

(This message has been edited by U.E. Admiral (edited 08-17-2004).)

<Total Snip!>

(This message has been edited by Cheezy_Cracker (edited 08-18-2004).)

Oh, by the way:
Eegras Strike Fighter (ETA) 2 days
Eegras Assault Carrier (ETA) 7 days

{ (url="http://"")Eegras Studios(/url) }{ (url="http://"")TCL network(/url) }{ (url="http://"")Graphics Portfolio(/url)}
( (url="http://"")Eternal Light Studios(/url) )( (url="http://"")Forums(/url) )( (url="http://"")apple computer(/url) )( (url="http://"")Solar System Chatroom(/url)

Cheezey, check the OOC topic for details on a slight mistake you made in your attack.


<Insert Clever Saying Here>
(url="http://"")I'm awesome(/url)|(url="http://"") Penny Arcade! (/url)
Let us run through the flowers of red and gold,
and dance naked under a building of bricks!

OOC soory it took so long again new to this and forgot to check in everyday

My fleet is based out of Atropos

Omran Khan finally wakes up and see that the war between the confed and rebellion has heated up again. He decides that they will need a buffer zone between them and the confed planets so he decides to attack the independent planed of darven which is only one jump away. He takes his entire fleet into the system and haild the planet

We are making and advance base here to prevent further confederation attacks kindly join the rebellion or we will be forced to take you over.

ooc not sure i did that right please tell me of any mistakes

The brave are always the first to die.
No Retreat! No Surrender!
Death Before Dishonor


Originally posted by Omran Khan:
**OOC soory it took so long again new to this and forgot to check in everyday

My fleet is based out of Atropos

Omran Khan finally wakes up and see that the war between the confed and rebellion has heated up again. He decides that they will need a buffer zone between them and the confed planets so he decides to attack the independent planed of darven which is only one jump away. He takes his entire fleet into the system and haild the planet

We are making and advance base here to prevent further confederation attacks kindly join the rebellion or we will be forced to take you over.

ooc not sure i did that right please tell me of any mistakes


OOC: I am sorry, but that post is revoked. You see, you didnt show up so Cadet took control of your fleet. Your fleet is posted at Tiber right now. Please read the OOC thread. Welcome back to the story, and please try to post at least once a day.

Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

forget it didn't know was still suspended till cadet reinstates me

(This message has been edited by Omran Khan (edited 08-17-2004).)

(This message has been edited by Omran Khan (edited 08-17-2004).)

OOC: Here's how it works. You can attack 2 things. An enemy Fleet, or an enemy star system. disrupting trade is pointless, so that is revoked.

You're ship movment to Sauron is instant. The movement of your fleet is restricted by the fuel on the shortest range of ships(in this case that's your mantas with 2 jumps of fuel). Thus you may travel to Sauron instantly, but will be forced to remain there untill noon tomorrow(refuel time).

Whereas you may leave, you would be leaving the 14 Frigates in the system unchecked, and they might be able to conquer the system. That wouldnt make Cadet happy. 😉

Anything else should be answered in the first post of this thread. Please take the time to read and catch up on what has happened so far.

Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

It was hard sometimes to sit out the warfare going on throughout the galaxy, but it wasn’t yet time for the “Pirates” as their inferiors so disdainingly referred to them. They would improve and spread like any other power, but everyone was already against them. They couldn’t take risks that would harm their chances to bring enlightenment to the human race.

New designs in progress for fighter technology. Developments in cheaper alloys as well as speed and maneuverability improvements on classic Lightning and Rapier design albeit with loss in armor strength.

Time to release: unknown.

Fleet upgrades:
Fleet added 2 Corvettes, 11 Lightnings and 8 Bomb Argosies

I move along the path alone, without a friend, without a home.
Yet though this tortured path I roam, knowing that my mind doth foam;
in madness shall I ever seek, an answer for the poor and meek.