The Endless War Webstory

Privateer's Haven

“Mother Bingen!”

A slightly overweight woman turned toward the young man. “Yes Francis?”

Francis stopped where he was and looked up at the middle-age woman. He knew that she was dangerous; she had fought her way to the top, easily besting stronger men with greater power. However, it was impossible not to trust her, she was looked up to as a pillar of motherly authority for everyone in Privateer’s Haven. “Mother, the research has taken an unexpected turn.”

The pirate leader turned towards the overeager researcher and looked him directly in the eye. “Yes, my son?”

“The research teams have split. One group is finishing up the research on the original design, we call them ‘Black Fighters”’and the other is going for a cheaper design of Lightning. They’re dropping all the weaponry except the cannons and redesigning the Lightning along with it. They’re calling it the ‘Cold Lightning.’ The amazing thing is their goal for the expense. They think they can get the cost of production down to 150,000 credits.”

“Is the cost increasing for the ‘Black Fighters?’”

“No, Mother.”

“When will they be released?”

“The ‘Black Lightning’ design is under stress testing for hyperspacial use, but it will pass. The design should be approved as safe within the week. The ‘Black Rapier’ should be available the week after that and the ‘Cold Lightning’ after that.” His eyes were gleaming with a boyish excitement. Why did all scientists seem so naďve?

“Thank you Francis. That will be all.”

Designs have split into better and cheaper status. The

Credit Stash:
36 Million

I move along the path alone, without a friend, without a home.
Yet though this tortured path I roam, knowing that my mind doth foam;
in madness shall I ever seek, an answer for the poor and meek.

"SIR!" Says one of his lackeys.
"The Strike Fighter is done!"
"Good. Start mass produceing with the 25M we have."
"Yes sir!"

The Shipyard starts construction of 30 Strike Fighters.
(Message To: spl_cadet)
(From: The Cheat)
(Encryption: uber)
(Greetings spl_cadet. Thank you for the ExProtons. I have come to ask you a question. Can I buy some ships from you?)
(-The Cheat)

(Message To: council_bob)
(From: The Cheat)
(Encryption: uber)
(Greetings council_bob. Thank you for the Bulk Freighters. I have come to ask you a question. Can I buy some ships from you?)
(-The Cheat)

Bank: 25M
Used: 19.5M
Left: 5.5M
Earned Today: 15M
New Bank 20.5M

{ (url="http://"")Eegras Studios(/url) }{ (url="http://"")TCL network(/url) }{ (url="http://"")Graphics Portfolio(/url)}
( (url="http://"")Eternal Light Studios(/url) )( (url="http://"")Forums(/url) )( (url="http://"")apple computer(/url) )( (url="http://"")Solar System Chatroom(/url)

(This message has been edited by The Cheat (edited 08-21-2004).)

First Rebel Fleet:

2 Cruisers
32 destroyers
164 Cossacks

Confederate Purification Fleet:

3 Cruisers
45 Frigates

42nd Spaceborne:

9 Cruisers
39 War Frigates
78 Frigates
8 Rapiers

Reinforcements from Rigel:
80 Gunboats
72 million

Now at 384,000,000 Credits.


The 80 gunships that entered the Propus system immediatly opened rocket fire on the Cossacks once within range. In the meantime, the fight already taking place between the Cruisers came to a close, as the stronger Confederate Cruisers blasted open the final hull. The 30 destroyers were overpowered by the Orions and a great deal of Frigates, and also meet a bitter end. The Cossacks put up a suprisingly taught battle, however. The Gunships took damages, but when the rest of the fleet came around, there was no chance of them surviving. The Battle of Propus had ended, and the Confederate Forces were victorious.

First Rebel Fleet:


Confederate Purification Fleet:

2 Cruisers
37 Frigates

42nd Spaceborne:

7 Cruisers
35 War Frigates
67 Frigates
3 Rapiers


54 Gunboats

<Insert Clever Saying Here>
(url="http://"")I'm awesome(/url)|(url="http://"") Penny Arcade! (/url)
Let us run through the flowers of red and gold,
and dance naked under a building of bricks!

(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 08-21-2004).)

Joe Jerald floated over Propus after a great victory. He addressed the troops:

"Now that the Rebel's are much depeleted, we cannot rest! We must continue to advance!"

Propus's shipyard was quickly busy manufacturing Mod-Cruisers. The new ships were quicker cruisers loaded with new tech.

543,000,000 Credits in Confed bank.

Confederate Purification Fleet:

5 Mod Cruisers

30 Orions

30 Patrol ships

Total 241,000,000

5 MC's
2 Cruisers
20 Orions
37 Frigates
30 Patrol Ships
54 Gunboats

Status: Propus, full fuel.

42nd Spaceborne:


5 Mod-Cruisers

30 Patrol Ships


5 Mod-Cruisers
7 Cruisers
35 Orions
67 Frigates
30 Patrol Ships
3 Rapiers

181,000,000 credits in Confed Bank.

The 42nd Spaceborne then set "sail" to Darven.

Jerald went over the system PA device:
"Government of Darven. Don't even bother. Hand over the control of you planet or you will be crushed in a matter of minutes."

With real life not being so simple, Jerald waited impatiently as hell for the defense fleet.

<Insert Clever Saying Here>
(url="http://"")I'm awesome(/url)|(url="http://"") Penny Arcade! (/url)
Let us run through the flowers of red and gold,
and dance naked under a building of bricks!

Captain Sean Smith walked onto the bridge. "I have our marching orders so listen up: We're due in Sol before the end of this week so we need to leave now. Call all the crewmembers back to the fleet." As orders were shouted and butons pressed the Captain sat down at the nearest terminal.
To: Commander JimBob
From: Sean Smith
Subject: Check in

Yeah. Sorry about my fleet's performance at Tiber. I hope that after more training we can become a formidiable force. Anyway... I'd like to relocate to Tau Ceti to purchase some more ships for my fleet. Or I can stay down here and patrol. You're the boss here. I await your reply as soon as you can get it to me.
Confederation Fleet:
12 Frigates
Fuel is maxed out
This is my sig.

(This message has been edited by nfreader (edited 08-21-2004).)

(This message has been edited by nfreader (edited 08-21-2004).)

New Bavaria, Jadzia
The Union Council is in a meeting as a young officer rushes in and turns on the Confederation News Network.

<"After days of constant battle, the Confederation has emerged victorious at the historic Battle of Propus. This week long stand began when Consul Bob lead his massive Purification Patrol against the independent star system of Propus containing 2 inhabited moons, New Ireland and New Scotland, that they were on a quest to capture. They took the system after a space fight lasting less than an hour and ground forces were minimal.
The true Battle of Propus was soon to start. The next day the Rebellion's Second Fleet entered the system and began what was to prove a truely massive fire fight of magnitude and length we have never seen before. The Second Rebel Fleet alone could not stand to the mighty Purification Patrol, so the Rebellion sent another fleet in with reinforcments. The First Fleet of Liberation, Rebellion High Command's personal fleet, held the advantage for a day until a second Confederate fleet came apon the Propus system. These new vessels renewed Confederate hope, and before the next day was through Propus was safly in Confederation hands.
This is Kyla Ghine for the CNN, Good night.">

The news had said it all. The Jadzian Council was speachless, execpt for one old member.
"The Rebellion will not let that stop them. That was made out to be much larger than it actually was. However, the Confederation may not know how minor a setback that battle was, so maybe we can persuede them to aid us in some research now that they think they have the upper hand. Our scientists will not be free until tomorrow, but i expect it will take that long to iron out the details."
**Union R &D;, New Bavaria, Jadzia **
An upgrade to make the disrupter fire a longer distance was easy, but to maintain that rate was not. The power coils and the coolant system was no longer able to handle the extra power. Estimates on a new coil type and cooling system are about one week.

Meanwhile, the Disruption beam was failing miserably. Scientists could easily make a constant beam, but making it worth using over a few cannons wasnt so easy.

In yet another section of the R&D; department, Qualtainium alloy is proving an effective armor, however, scientists have not yet found a forging method that will yield quite the strength the military is looking for.
(Message to Confederation)
(From Jadzian Union)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key twice as long as message)
We have contacted you in reguard of a joint project between us. The project would greatly aid us both in the future, and even more so, in the present.
Would you be interested?

Income: 23M /Day
Treasury: 56,000,000 Credits

Fleet Status - Jadzia;
3 Frigates
J.U.S. Chivalry - Corvette
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers
18 Lightnings

•Qualtainium Alloy: 3 Days
•Disrupter Upgrade: 1 Days
•Disruption Beam: 3 Days


Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
(Message to Confederation)
(From Jadzian Union)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key twice as long as message)
We have contacted you in reguard of a joint project between us. The project would greatly aid us both in the future, and even more so, in the present.
Would you be interested?


(Message to Jadzian Union)
(From Confederation)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key twice as long as message)
Good evening.
We would be very interested in joining in on you with the development of said technology. It would be very benficial to both of us. We would be very pleased.



To: Commander JimBob
From: Sean Smith
Subject: Check in

Yeah. Sorry about my fleet's performance at Tiber. I hope that after more training we can become a formidiable force. Anyway... I'd like to relocate to Tau Ceti to purchase some more ships for my fleet. Or I can stay down here and patrol. You're the boss here. I await your reply as soon as you can get it to me.
Confederation Fleet:
12 Frigates
Fuel is maxed out



Commodore Cheezy_Cracker sat in his berth, enjoying his days of freedom. After loosing so many men at Tiber, he had needed this rest to recollect his spirits and fortitude. Now, he was ready and able to continue the good fight. He called up his lieutenant and ordered a treasury report, followed by the fleet's status:

Expenses: 0
Income: 3 mil/day
Total: 34mil

Fleet Status*
3 Kestrels
11 Corvettes
3 Rapiers

*All ships have been completely repaired at the ship yards on Luna

To: Confederation Military Headquarters
From: Commodore Cheezy_Cracker
Subject: New Orders and Information request
Encryption: Delivered by courier

Most Honorable Confederation,
My fleet has been fully repaired, and I await only the authorization to use Confederation funds to reimburse the ships lost in the Battle of Tiber. I also request that I be allowed use of the Confederation Frigate designs, in order that I may strenghthen my fleet to be able to serve you more fully. The CCC Enterprises Fleet stands ready to launch at any moment from Earth, all I need are orders on what to do. Please send a response.

Commodore Cheezy_Cracker
CCC Enterprises

"You don't want to sell me deathsticks"
"I...uh..I don't want to sell you deathsticks!"
"You want to go home and rethink your life."
"I..uh..want to go home and rethink my life!"

Message to Manos: Yes, Rebel ships are available should you choose to purchase them.

(Classified message sent to Jadzia)

(Classified message sent to Evildrome)

(Classified message sent to Sol)

(Classified message sent to New Cydonia)

Ave Cadet, Imperatur Civitum Americae Unitas!
(url="http://"")Catholic Cadet: Apologetics and Evangelization(/url)

Palamino-class corvette

Cargo: 30
Shield: 325
Armor: 70
Regen: 200
Accel: 450
Speed: 400
Turn: 4
Fuel: 300
Space: 50
Crew: 210
6 ExProton turrets
1 GSB rack with 4 GSBs

5 million, 4 days

Ave Cadet, Imperatur Civitum Americae Unitas!
(url="http://"")Catholic Cadet: Apologetics and Evangelization(/url)

(This message has been edited by spl_cadet (edited 08-22-2004).)


Originally posted by Cheezy_Cracker:

To: Confederation Military Headquarters
From: Commodore Cheezy_Cracker
Subject: New Orders and Information request
Encryption: Delivered by courier

Most Honorable Confederation,
My fleet has been fully repaired, and I await only the authorization to use Confederation funds to reimburse the ships lost in the Battle of Tiber. I also request that I be allowed use of the Confederation Frigate designs, in order that I may strenghthen my fleet to be able to serve you more fully. The CCC Enterprises Fleet stands ready to launch at any moment from Earth, all I need are orders on what to do. Please send a response.

Commodore Cheezy_Cracker
CCC Enterprises


Ok, I'm authriozed to reimburse you for 75% of your damages for saving my butt. I'll I need is a long and detailed invoice. As for the Frigate design, I'm not authriozed to share the plans with you at this time.

This is my sig.

(This message has been edited by nfreader (edited 08-21-2004).)

OOC: I'm back.

Consul Bob begins planning the stats of his new flagship...
C.S.S. Darkbringer
Cargo: 75
Shield: 1000
Armor: 200
Regen: 320
Accel: 450
Speed: 350
Turn: 3
Fuel: 500
Space: 80
4 Neutron Cannons
4 Neutron Turrets
3 Loyalty Missile Racks + 56 ammo
Patrol Ship Bay + 4 Patrol Ships
1 Escape Pod
To: Commodore Cheezy_Cracker
From: Grand Admiral Consul Bob
Subject: Re: New Orders and Information request
Encryption: Monolith Level XI Coding

Commodore Cheezy Cracker,
The Confederation will grant you the funds for repairs to your fleet.

Grand Admiral Consul Bob
Attachment: ConfederationOneTimeCode.text

New Expenses:
3 Modified Confederation Cruisers = 60M credits.
3 Orion-Class War Frigates = 12M credits.
1 Confederation Gunboat = 1M credits.
10 Confederation Patrol Ships = 7.5M credits.
Expenses: 100.5M credits.
2 Confederation Cruisers (Will be completed in two days)
37 Confederation Frigates (To use Neutron weapons) (Will be completed in two days)

Income: 156M credits per day.
Daily Expenses: 3M credits.
Current Cash: 100.5M credits.
The Confederation Purification Patrol - Propus
C.S.S. Darkbringer
8 Modified Confederation Cruisers
2 Confederation Cruisers (In the process of being upgraded)
33 Orion-Class War Frigates
37 Confederation Frigates (In the process of being upgraded)
40 Confederation Patrol Ships
55 Confederation Gunboats
Confederation Catapult: 2 days
Trimaplast Armour: 2 days

This is a signature. About something. Yes, something. Something important. I think.
(url="http://"")The Endless War(/url)
(url="http://" Map.gif")The Endless War's Map(/url)

(This message has been edited by Consul Bob (edited 08-22-2004).)

(Message To: The Cheat)
(From: Consul Bob)
(Encryption: Monolith Alpha VI)
(It depends on what ships you wish to purchase.)

This is a signature. About something. Yes, something. Something important. I think.
(url="http://"")The Endless War(/url)
(url="http://" Map.gif")The Endless War's Map(/url)

(Message To: Consul Bob)
(From: The Cheat)
(Encryption: Monolith Alpha VI)
(Any and all.)

{ (url="http://"")Eegras Studios(/url) }{ (url="http://"")TCL network(/url) }{ (url="http://"")Graphics Portfolio(/url)}
( (url="http://"")Eternal Light Studios(/url) )( (url="http://"")Forums(/url) )( (url="http://"")apple computer(/url) )( (url="http://"")Solar System Chatroom(/url)

New Bavaria, Jadzia

"The Confederation has sent word that they would be interested in the project. How shall we reply?"

"Send a message containing the details of the project along with a secure channel on which they can speak with our research team."

"Yes Sir."

"In other bussiness, a few members of the Council and myself believe it may be a good idea to set up a warstation in the Pelagon system. The Pelagon system is most likely to be the front line should someone attack. Thoughts?"

"That would definitly be the front if attacked by the Confederation, but we are obviously on good terms with them. Our more likely enemy is the Rebellion or the Eegras Federation."

"We have worked out an agreement with the Rebellion. The Eegras Federation while gaining power, is no match for us, as we are gaining power much faster."

"The next problem is... do we have the resources for such an undertaking?"

"Sure we do. We control 3 planets and Nexus Outpost. That offers plenty of income. Any metels we cant afford to extract from the planets can be found elsewhere for a few credits."

"Alright, i will order the construction by the end of the day."
Union R &D;, New Bavaria, Jadzia
The new equipment comes in and the upgrade for the disrupter weaponry follows easily. They are now ready for mass production, and the previous design can be upgraded within a day. No vessels have been built with these weapons, so it shouldnt take any time at all.

New equipment had come for the Disruption Beam project as well. A larger power source and focusing array is what turned the weapon from being no more useful than a cannon, to being strong enough to turn the tide in a fight between a Corvette and a Kestrel. Final testing and mass production adaptations will consume the last days of the project.

Qualtainium alloy is moving into the ending stages as a method of forging the metels together effectively has been discovered. It has been made stronger and lighter than tritainium, and while more expensive than a normal plating kit would be(Tritainium is only sold on the black maket for an inflated price), it is well worth the price. Final tests and shaping methods are underway.
(Message to Confederation)
(From Jadzian Union)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key twice as long as message)
Our scientists have begun the project. They are now sending you regular hourly updates on their progress. I suggest you do the same to speed up the process.
(Message to Mercenary Captain Cheezy_Cracker of CCC Enterprises)
(From Jadzian Union)
(Encryption: 1024 bit)
We understand that you are working for the Confederation primarily, and have tried hiring another mercenary. It would seem that he is not available, however, so we would like you to carry out a job for us.
We would be willing to pay you 10M up front if you were to capture Diphida II in the Diphidia system for us. A second payment of 10M will follow our occupation of said planet.
Are you interested?

Income: 23M /Day
Treasury: 79,000,000 Credits

Fleet Status - Jadzia;
3 Frigates
J.U.S. Chivalry - Corvette
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers
18 Lightnings

•Qualtainium Alloy: 2 Days
•Disrupter Upgrade: Complete
•Disruption Beam: 2 Days
•Hgofz Rtytflt Lnlztd: 3 Days - Project with Confederation - Classified and Scrambled

Quake Warstation: 7 Days @ 10M/day construction cost.

Notes: All Union vessels will be constructed with upgraded disrupters.
Quake Warstation stats will follow in the OOC thread as soon as i put them together.

Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

(Message To: The Cheat)
(From: Consul Bob)
(Encryption: Monolith Alpha VI)
(You may purchase the Confederation Patrol Ship and Gunboat as soon as they are obslete. You will need to prove yourself to purchase the Confederation Frigate. The Confederation Cruiser is off-limits.

Income: 156M credits per day.
Daily Expenses: 3M credits.
Current Cash: 100.5M credits.
The Confederation Purification Patrol - Propus
C.S.S. Darkbringer
8 Modified Confederation Cruisers
2 Confederation Cruisers (In the process of being upgraded)
33 Orion-Class War Frigates
37 Confederation Frigates (In the process of being upgraded)
40 Confederation Patrol Ships
55 Confederation Gunboats
Confederation Catapult: 2 days
Trimaplast Armour: 2 days
Hgofz Rtytflt Lnlztd: 3 Days - Project with Jadzian Union - Classified and Scrambled

This is a signature. About something. Yes, something. Something important. I think.
(url="http://"")The Endless War(/url)
(url="http://" Map.gif")The Endless War's Map(/url)

Captain Sean Smith sat in a fine restraunt on Tau Ceti, laughing with at a joke he had just told his protoge. "So then, the bartender goes: IT'S NOT DEAD YOU IDIOT!" He bursts into laughter, with the young officer looking at the other customers sheepishly. A waiter approached his table with a phone. "Captain? It's someone from the the shipyard. They say it's urgent." The captain picked up the phone. "Hello? Yes. No. Yes. Erm... sure. Go ahead." He paused, listening to the voice on the other end of the phone. "We'll be down in about 2 hours." He hung up "That was the shipyard. The new Confed Mod-Cruisers came in. They want us to inspect them." He got up from the table and walked out of the restraunt with his protege trailing him...
That's all moot but it's good writing anyways.

<fleet sniped>
This is my sig.

(This message has been edited by nfreader (edited 08-22-2004).)

(This message has been edited by nfreader (edited 08-22-2004).)


Commodore Cheezy_Cracker had moved his flagship Astert's Pride to the Luna Shipyards, where he used the Confederation code to purchase the ships he had lost. He was able to completely repair his fleet to former status, although he left out the 6 defenders, deciding they were useless anyway.

New Ships:
2 Kestrels-20mil
9 Corvettes-22.5mil
9 Rapiers-10.8mil
20 Lightnings (this includes new escorts for the Kestrels)-20 mil

Total Cost to Confederation: 73.3mil

Encrypted Message Sent to New Cydonia

To: Grand Admiral Consul_Bob
From: Commodore Cheezy_Cracker
Subject: Job
Encryption: Delivered by Galatic courier

Most Honorable Grand Admiral Consul_Bob,
I have recently recieved another job offer, which proves to be too lucious to pass by. I will be taking a temporary leave of absence, in which time I will not take pay. Thank you for reimbursing my fleet's losses, and I hope that the friendship we forged may last long.

Commodore Cheezy_Cracker
CCC Enterprises

End of Message

To: Jadzian Union
From: Commodore Cheezy_Cracker, CCC Enterprises
Subject: Job Proposal

Dearest Jadzian Union,
I accept your job proposal. I expect payment by tommorow.

Commodore Cheezy_Cracker
CCC Enterprises

End of Message

Commodore Cheezy_Cracker prepared his fleet from launch off of Luna. They quickly entered hyperspace and headed towards Diphidia.


Commodore Cheezy_Cracker's fleet lurched into the Diphidia system, and immediately took up siege positions around the planet. They were out of range of planetary missiles, with the Corvettes and Rapiers forming the front of the lines, followed by the Lightnings and Kestrels. Any force that lifted off the groud would immediately be bombarded by heavy torpedo and missile fire from the Rapiers, Kestrels, and Corvettes. A message was sent to the planet:

This is Commodore Cheezy_Cracker of CCC Enterprises. I am here representing the Jadzion Union. My client wishes for you to join in the protection from Pirates and Marauders who plague your system, and to enjoy the riches and wealth offered by the Jadzion Union. There is no need for bloodshed, you will recieve fair treatment if you accept this glorious proposal to enter the awesome Jadzion Union, however, if you resist, your planet will be considered inferior, and treated as such, you will not share in all the riches that could be yours from a peacefull surrender. All you have to do is choose...

Treasurey Report
Income: 3mil/day
Total Treasurey: 37 million credits

"You don't want to sell me deathsticks"
"I...uh..I don't want to sell you deathsticks!"
"You want to go home and rethink your life."
"I..uh..want to go home and rethink my life!"

Diphidia System

The planet's government in disorder, some wanting to surrender and save the lives of many, and the others that would fight to the death for their lovely planet.
Without offical orders a fleet is launched composed of not just the planet's defense fleet, but a few merchants as well that agreed to aid in the defense.

75 Hawks and 60 Defenders rise from the surface. Defenders being the fastest, they are the first to meet with Cheezy's greeting. A heaping portion of the defenders crash into missiles, torpedos, and heavy rockets, some of them diliberatly, trying to clear the way for the more powerful vessels.
The tactic worked as most of the Hawks made it to space. The militia, slightly more organised than most, fire their missiles into the spots that count. The majority of the missiles impact with Corvettes, destroying 6, and strays damage a Kestrel and some Rapiers. 12 remaining defenders form a pack and hunt down rapiers, and they manage to destroy one and damage one slightly before submitting to superior fire power. A couple more vessels lift off from the surface now, it's the merchants.
The Merchant vessels, an Argosy with large ammounts of torpedos, a Clipper fitted with lasers and plenty of javelins, and a Corvette that is fresh from the shipyard(stock). They fire spreads of torpedos and hoards of Javelin fire that manage to breach the hull of one Corvette and then retarget a Kestrel.
Commodore Cheezy_Cracker CCC Enterprises;
5 Kestrels ( 1 95%)
+10 Carried Lightnings
13 Corvettes
11 Rapiers (2 60%)
10 Lightnings

Diphidia II Defense;
70 Hawks - one more volly of missiles -
Merchant Argosy (with torps)
Merchant Clipper (lasers + javelins)
Merchant Corvette (stock)

Notes: Because this is for my eventual benefit, i am giving them a special defense option(the merchants). Just trying to prove i am not trying to make it easy for myself.

Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

OOC: Sorry, i forgot all about this...

Darven System
With the massive Confederate Warfleet bearing down apon them the citizens of Blackthorn launch their desperate counter-stike.
12 Rapiers and 5 Defenders launch and hide among the asteroids... waiting for clean shots they fire torpedos managing to blast away one frigate. Once depleted of torpedos, the ships move in for rocket strikes, but they are shot down on their way by tremendous masses of missiles. Blackthorn Station itself turns it's defensive guns on the fleet, but being a low-grade mono-ring station it doesnt have much...

Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

(This message has been edited by U.E. Admiral (edited 08-22-2004).)