The Endless War Webstory


"Commodore Cheezy_Cracker!" cried a First Lietenuant.

"Yes?" came the almost lazy response.

"Sir, the Confederates have not yet responded to our mail, we sent it several days ago!"

"Hmmm...We shall wait a small bit longer, if we recieve no reply, I'll start to take matters into my own hands." was the mysterious, and slightly sinister reply. "Get me Captain Astert, of my flagship!"

"Yes, Sir!" ended the First Lietenuant as he walked briskly away, he was one of the elite group of forces trained at the CCC Enterprises Mercenary camp on Yemuro.

"You called for me, Commodore?" called out Captain Timothy Astert, Commodore Cheezy_Cracker's most trusted advisor.

"Yes, I want you to prepare a small force, one Rapier would be enough, alter it's IFF to read as a Lethe Militia member. It may or may not become useful in the future." ordered the Commodore.

"Your wish is my command!" stated Captain Timothy, who almost worshiped his Commodore.

Encrypted Message:
To: Admiral Consul_Bob
From: Commodore Cheezy_Cracker
Subject: Need a reply

Most Honorable Admiral,
I have responded to your job proposal, and I now wish to hear whether you still need my services or not. A mercenary has more jobs than one, although the priorities of the highest paying customer always come out on top. Please respond, my men are getting anxious in anticipation of a good job!

Commodore Cheezy_Cracker
CCC Enterprises

Edit: Fixed a mistake!

"You don't want to sell me deathsticks"
"I...uh..I don't want to sell you deathsticks!"
"You want to go home and rethink your life."
"I..uh..want to go home and rethink my life!"

(This message has been edited by Cheezy_Cracker (edited 08-16-2004).)

(Message to Commodore Cheezy Cracker
(From Grand Admiral Consul Bob)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key twice as long as message)
I would appreciate it greatly if your forces could assist the Confederation fleet that is currently attacking Tiber. The battle there will almost certainly be lost without reinforcements.

This is a signature. About something. Yes, something. Something important. I think.
(url="http://"")The Endless War(/url)
(url="http://" Map.gif")The Endless War's Map(/url)

"Lieutenant! Prepare the fleet, we launch at 17:00!"

"Yes, Sir!"

The next several hours were hectic for Cheezy_Cracker as he prepared his fleet for battle, buying new torpedoes and missiles for every ship. Finally, all was ready.

The fleet left at precisely 5 minutes 'till 17:00, with stops at Polaris and Tau Ceti for fuel. Only one day left until they reached their destination, hopefully the Confederate Fleet there could hold on that much longer...

Edit: Fixed a problem the mods found
"You don't want to sell me deathsticks"
"I...uh..I don't want to sell you deathsticks!"
"You want to go home and rethink your life."
"I..uh..want to go home and rethink my life!"

(This message has been edited by Cheezy_Cracker (edited 08-16-2004).)

Ship and Fleet movement restricted by fuel capacity alone.

The Cheat walks down like, the zillionth hallway to the main shipyard. The Cheat watches as his Bulk Freighters land. He walks to his outfitters that were just adding a laser cannon to one of the civ ships.
"Ok, heres the deal," The Cheat says to the outfitters, "You see those bulk freighters coming into dock?"
"Yes!" They all reply.
"How long would it be to re-mod them as carriers for our newest ship the strike fighter?"
"About 8 days."
"Good. I will get the specs for you later."
The Cheat walks away leaving the outfitters in a haze about what kind of carrier he can make out of the bulk freighters.

(Research Commenceing)
Eegras Assult Carrier
Cargo: 500 tons
Shield: 110u
Armor: 25
Regen: 0.01u/sec
Accel: 62
Speed: 80 AU/h
Turn: 30 /sec
Fuel: 1000 (10 jumps)
Space: 150 tons
Weapons: 2 strike fighter bay +10 Strike fighters,
Complete in: 8 days

(Tech Researching)
Eegras Strike Fighter (ETA) 3 days
Eegras Assault Carrier (ETA) 8 days

$$ Earned: 10M
$$ Spent: 0M
$$ Left: 10M

Eegras attack Fleet:
3 Lightnings
4 Corvettes
15 Defenders
Location: Manos
Range: 3

Defense Fleet
10 corvettes
35 lightnings
15 Hawks
Location: Manos

{ (url="http://"")Eegras Studios(/url) }{ (url="http://"")TCL network(/url) }{ (url="http://"")Graphics Portfolio(/url)}
( (url="http://"")Eternal Light Studios(/url) )( (url="http://"")Forums(/url) )( (url="http://"")apple computer(/url) )( (url="http://"")Solar System Chatroom(/url)

(This message has been edited by The Cheat (edited 08-16-2004).)

(This message has been edited by The Cheat (edited 08-16-2004).)

Note: My bad, sorry Mods, so, would my fleet take 3 days to get there since there is 2 fuel stops? I figured 8 cause there were 8 jumps. Please, send me a mail explaining this...don't want to clutter the thread.

To: Admiral Consul_Bob
From: Commodore Cheezy_Cracker
Subject: Payment

Most Honorable Admiral,
Due to the fact that I have no daily payroll, I would like to propose a unique business operation. If you continue to use my services after the coming battle, I believe that you can save money by giving me a daily salary of 2mil credits. This type of payment insures my loyalty, as I will be assured of a daily income, whereas if you choose to continue to pay in lump sums, it will be much easier for me to, how do I say it, sway in my decision if a higher paying customer comes along. Thank you for your time!

Commodore Cheezy_Cracker
CCC Enterprises

Edit: Fixed a statement that might be read wrong
"You don't want to sell me deathsticks"
"I...uh..I don't want to sell you deathsticks!"
"You want to go home and rethink your life."
"I..uh..want to go home and rethink my life!"

(This message has been edited by Cheezy_Cracker (edited 08-16-2004).)

(Classified message sent to Manos)

Treasury: 155 million.

Ave Cadet, Imperatur Civitum Americae Unitas!
(url="http://"")Catholic Cadet: Apologetics and Evangelization(/url)

(Message Receved)

(To: Spl_Cadet)
(From: Manos)
(Subject: <Scrambled>)
(Heres that 5 Million)
(Transfer 5M)
(Receves Plans)

New Stats of the Eegras Assault Carrier
Eegras Assult Carrier
Cargo: 500 tons
Shield: 110u
Armor: 25
Regen: 0.01u/sec
Accel: 62
Speed: 80 AU/h
Turn: 30 /sec
Fuel: 1000 (10 jumps)
Space: 150 tons
Weapons: 2 strike fighter bay +10 Strike fighters, 4 Extended Proton Turrets


{ (url="http://"")Eegras Studios(/url) }{ (url="http://"")TCL network(/url) }{ (url="http://"")Graphics Portfolio(/url)}
( (url="http://"")Eternal Light Studios(/url) )( (url="http://"")Forums(/url) )( (url="http://"")apple computer(/url) )( (url="http://"")Solar System Chatroom(/url)

Consul Bob notices the battle repots coming in from Tiber...from what he can tell, the Confederation is losing. He sends a message to Antares, ordering that the following ships be purchased:
5 Confederation Cruisers = 100M credits
30 Confederation Frigates = 90M credits
After purchasing the new ships, and ordering that they be sent to Tiber to reinforce the Confederation fleet, Consul Bob sends off several messages.
(Message to Captain Cheezy_Cracker
(From Grand Admiral Consul Bob)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key twice as long as message)
Your idea is very interesting. We will give you 3M credits per day for your services. Continue moving your fleet towards Tiber to reinforce Commander NFReader. Despite reinforcements I have sent, he may still lose the battle.
(Message to Captain U.E. General
(From Grand Admiral Consul Bob)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key twice as long as message)
I have heard of your skills, and am willing to give you a salary of 3M credits per day for your services.
Consul Bob orders his fleet to go to the Zaxted system. After three jumps, they arrive...

Zaxted Station, Spaceside
The Confederation Purification Patrol enters the Zaxted system. Consul Bob activates the communication system.

"This is Consul Bob speaking. I request that you surrender to the Confederation. Should you do so, I assure you that no person will be harmed. If you refuse to surrender, we will be forced to take military action. Respond as soon as possible."

Consul Bob places his fleet in a ring around the station, so as to destroy incoming fighters with their might. After launching all of the fighters, he places them slightly in front of the Cruisers and Frigates in between them, so as to allow quick interception should the station not surrender. He flies his personal ship slightly in front of the other Cruisers, where it can be of service with its missile racks. Finally, he waits...

Income: 156M credits per day.
Current Cash: 431M credits
Expenses: 190M credits
Daily Expenses: 3M credits
The Confederation Purification Patrol - Zaxted
U.S.S. Elite Duellist*
10 Confederation Cruisers
100 Confederation Frigates
40 Confederation Patrol Ships (Inside of the Cruisers)
*Not included in the Cruiser count.
Neutronic Weapons: 2 days.
Loyalty Missiles: 2 days.
Confederation Orion-Class War Frigate: 3 Days

This is a signature. About something. Yes, something. Something important. I think.
(url="http://"")The Endless War(/url)
(url="http://" Map.gif")The Endless War's Map(/url)

(This message has been edited by Consul Bob (edited 08-16-2004).)

Commodore's Waiting Room, "Astert's Pride"--Planet Side on Polaris

"Lieutenant! Modify one more Rapier, this time give it the IFF signature of a New Cydonian, and fit it with the New Cydonian colors. I want this done before we launch after this fuel stop! Instruct this pilot to head down to Lethe and to cause as much trouble as possible, before making sure his ship is destroyed. Instruct the pilot of the Rapier with the Lethian IFF signature to head down to New Cydonia at the same time, and to cause as much trouble as possible before making sure his ship is destroyed. The loss of two Rapiers is a small price to pay for my plans to continue. Make sure the Rapiers both have escape pods, good pilots is one thing I cannot afford to lose!" Ordered Commodore Cheezy_Cracker

"Sir, Yes Sir!" came the smart reply from first Lieutenant.

Fleet Status:
5 Kestrels*
20 Corvettes
10 Rapiers (I had 12, but 2 are on "special assignment"
20 Lightnings (including the ones in the Kestrels)
6 Defenders

*Inclueds flagship, "Astert's Pride"

NOTE: No body has any way of knowing what is being said inside Commodore Cheezy_Cracker's waiting room. I only posted that to show you what was going on so you will not be confused later in the game, therefore you cannot respond to the part about the Rapiers, as technically you don't know about them.

"You don't want to sell me deathsticks"
"I...uh..I don't want to sell you deathsticks!"
"You want to go home and rethink your life."
"I..uh..want to go home and rethink my life!"

(This message has been edited by Cheezy_Cracker (edited 08-16-2004).)

You can't jump twice in one day Cheezy.

Ave Cadet, Imperatur Civitum Americae Unitas!
(url="http://"")Catholic Cadet: Apologetics and Evangelization(/url)

Oops, sorry mate, I'm still a little new, I finally got this stupid jump thing figured out, you can jump as many times as you have fuel in one day. After that if takes a day to refuel, then you can jump again. Sorry for the confusion, I already edited my threads.

Update: CCC Enterprise Fleet is 2 days away from Tiber, from where they started at Yemuro

"You don't want to sell me deathsticks"
"I...uh..I don't want to sell you deathsticks!"
"You want to go home and rethink your life."
"I..uh..want to go home and rethink my life!"

(This message has been edited by Cheezy_Cracker (edited 08-16-2004).)

(This message has been edited by Cheezy_Cracker (edited 08-17-2004).)

"Captian? We're receiving reinforcements right now." The young enlisted soldier flipped a couple of pages. "Looks like it's going to be 30 frigates supported by 5 cruisers, fleet led by Captain Janson." Captain smith turned around, the evidence that he had not slept in 48 hours visible. "Good. As soon as he arrives, tell him to get right into the fight."

"Gravametric sensors detect approaching freindlies" Said the ships AI. The bridge of Peace Maker 9 (now in italics!) beacme a beehive of activity. The new ship dove right into the fight, annihilating the enemy fighters. Captain Smith got on the radio: "You are surrounded. Surrender or face death."
Rebel Defense Fleet:
10 Cruisers
10 Destroyers
0 Mantas

Third Confed Fleet:
7 Cruisers
30 Frigates
0 Rapiers
8 Patrol ships

Spy Master
Member of the Lektorians
Proud member of the Divals
Imperium Official ListŽ

(This message has been edited by nfreader (edited 08-16-2004).)

(This message has been edited by nfreader (edited 08-16-2004).)

"Funny, that was what I was about to say"

Right behind the Confederate lines emerged the Third Fleet from hyperspace. Suddenly, the Confederates found themselves in between two large Rebel forces, and outnumbered. Not exactly a good turn of events. Missiles and torpedoes streamed out of their tubes, smashing the Confederate fleet, while the remaining planetary defense forces surged forward, locking themselves in combat with the bewildered Confederates. Meanwhile, the Third Rebel Fleet pushed forwards, driving the Confederate fleet towards the planet, and into the system center, preventing them from jumping to hyperspace.

"This is Rear Admiral Jackson, commanding the Third Rebel Fleet. You have no hope of victory, or of escape. Surrender your ships and your crews immediately, or you will be destroyed."

The galaxy waited for the response...

Third Confed Fleet

14 Frigates, all damaged to some degree

Planetary Defenses:
4 Cruisers

Third Rebel Fleet:
7 Cruisers
35 Destroyers, 5 more heavy damage (and in rear of line)
23 Mantas

Ave Cadet, Imperatur Civitum Americae Unitas!
(url="http://"")Catholic Cadet: Apologetics and Evangelization(/url)

Admiral Vilson is just going over the battle in his thoughts wondering where he went wrong to lose so many vessels, when another message is recieved from Jadzia High Council.

"Hello again, Admiral. It's nice to see you made it out of the fight alright..."

"Drop the pleasantries. What's the urgent call about?" Vilson is getting annoyed with the fake courtesy as of late.

"Your job at Nexus is done. Now you are to head to Pelagon and take over Opal. In your current state you may take some unacceptable losses, so you will be met by more help apon reaching Pelagon." Before Vilson can reply the link is severed, leaving him to carry out his orders.
New Bavaria, Jadzia
"Pelagon is worth quite a bit. We should maximise what we send the Admiral. "

"You're right. The treasury can wait. What should we send? "

"An assortment of Corvettes and lightnings. They seem the most effective."
Pelagon System
Jadzia's Admiral Vilson and his fleet exit hyperspace to meet up with the reinforcements from New Bavaria.
The Jadzian fleet moves into a semi-circle formation around the planet to get a jump on any vessels launched to combat the armada. Corvettes in front to take the brunt of the damage, Lighnings shortly behind with Rapiers in back to bombard the defense with heavy ordinance.

(Message to Opal)
(From Admiral Vilson of the Jadzian 7th Fleet)
(Shortband Transmission • In-System Only)
Your system is under Jadzian control as of now. Should you attempt to resist you will be killed. Do not make us take the system by force.
Union Research and Development, New Bavaria, Jadzia
The second test of the disrupter weapons is conducted without a hitch, with the shuttle being destroyed faster than by any other known weapon. Next for testing is the Disruption Torpedo.
Another trash heap is towed into space and a torpedo is fired at it. The vessel explodes, along with the remaining debrie from the previous shuttle due to the encompassing blast radius. No problems arose.
"Excellent. We can have these ready for mass production fairly soon. We had best start work on a new vessel to use them..."

Research Initiated
Jadzian Falcon Gunship
Cargo: 10
Shield: 40
Armor: 20
Regen: 20
Accel: 450
Speed: 325
Turn: 5
Fuel: 500
Space: 20
4 Disrupter Cannons
2 Disruption Tubes + 8 ammo
1 Rocket Launcher + 6 ammo

Cost: 800,000
(Message to Confederation)
(From Jadzian Union)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key twice as long as message)
Greetings. We, the Jadzian Union, are in need of some extra fire power as early as possible. Would you be willing to give us the FF-4237 design on our word that the vessel would not be used against you?
Please respond with all due haste.

Income: 13M /Day
Treasury: 400,000

Fleet Status - Pelagon;
J.U.S. Chivalry - Corvette
10 Corvettes
9 Rapiers
16 Lightnings

Disrupter Cannon/Turret: 2 Days
Disruption Torpedo: 3 Days
Jadzian Falcon Gunship: 4 Days

Notes: Bought 4 Corvettes and 3 Lightnings. They met the assult fleet at Pelagon before the attack started.

Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

With a great cry of vengeance towards the Confederation for their unprovoked attack on the Propus system, and vowing to avenge the murder of the brave defenders of the twin moons, the Second Rebel Fleet emerged into realspace. Facing them were the occupation forces that the Confederation had put into orbit, 20 cruisers and 30 frigates. Both sides launched fighters, and the fight promised to be an interesting one.

Confed Defense Fleet
20 Confed Cruisers
30 Confed Frigates


Second Rebel Fleet
7 Rebel Cruisers.
40 Rebel Destroyers
28 Mantas

Ave Cadet, Imperatur Civitum Americae Unitas!
(url="http://"")Catholic Cadet: Apologetics and Evangelization(/url)

Treasury: 160 million
1 day left on Extended Proton Cannons/Turrets
3 days left on King St. Edward the Confessor-class battlecruiser

Ave Cadet, Imperatur Civitum Americae Unitas!
(url="http://"")Catholic Cadet: Apologetics and Evangelization(/url)

The Cheat purchases 4 Kestrels and adds them to his attack fleet. The Cheat orders his attack fleet to go to Torgo and attempt to conquer it.

(Torgo System)
The Eegras Assault Fleet enters the system. The Kestrels quickly launch their lightnings and posisiton them behind the corvettes. The corvettes and kestrels scan the surface for the main space dock and posisiton themselfs so that any ship that lifts off would be in direct range of all cannons and rockets.

"To the Torgo People. Lay down your weapons and join the Eegras Federation. We wish not to use force, but will if we have to."

The Fleet stands by for the reply.

Eegras attack Fleet:
4 kestrels
3 Lightnings
4 Corvettes
15 Defenders
Location: Torgo

Defense Fleet
5 kestrels
10 corvettes
35 lightnings
15 Hawks

{ (url="http://"")Eegras Studios(/url) }{ (url="http://"")TCL network(/url) }{ (url="http://"")Graphics Portfolio(/url)}
( (url="http://"")Eternal Light Studios(/url) )( (url="http://"")Forums(/url) )( (url="http://"")apple computer(/url) )( (url="http://"")Solar System Chatroom(/url)


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**With a great cry of vengeance towards the Confederation for their unprovoked attack on the Propus system, and vowing to avenge the murder of the brave defenders of the twin moons, the Second Rebel Fleet emerged into realspace. Facing them were the occupation forces that the Confederation had put into orbit, 20 cruisers and 30 frigates. Both sides launched fighters, and the fight promised to be an interesting one.

Confederation Defense Fleet
20 Confederation Cruisers
30 Confederation Frigates
80 Confederation Patrol Ships

Second Rebel Fleet
7 Rebel Cruisers.
40 Rebel Destroyers
28 Mantas


The Confederation Cruiser group begins pelting the Rebel Cruisers with torpedoes, taking out four of them of them before the battle even progresses very far, but they unfortunately lose three mighty Confederation Cruisers to the missile fire . The Confederation Frigate and Confederation Patrol Ships begin attacking the Rebel Destroyers, taking out 27 of them, at the loss of 38 rather unlucky Patrol Ship pilots, and with 18 Frigates going up in flames. The Confederation Cruisers, refocusing their torpedo assault, begins firing them into the Destroyers. Five more are felled, but three more Confederation Cruisers fall to the enemy fire. Gritting their teeth, the Confeds wait to see what the Rebels will do next, as they fight...

Ship Count:
52 Confederation Patrol Ships
14 Confederation Cruisers
12 Confederation Frigates
3 Rebel Cruisers
13 Rebel Destroyers
28 Mantas
This is a signature. About something. Yes, something. Something important. I think.
(url="http://"")The Endless War(/url)
(url="http://" Map.gif")The Endless War's Map(/url)

(This message has been edited by Consul Bob (edited 08-16-2004).)

Oh what fun reinforcments are. 10 Destroyers, 70 Cossacks, and 55 Mantas from the First Fleet jumped into Propus to reinforce the Second Fleet. Missiles, torpedoes, and rockets, tore out of the ships and fighters and Confederate ships began blowing up as they beat a hasty retreat, though their slow speed made it so that they were constantly harassed by Rebel ships.

Planet Defenses
26 Confederation Patrol Ships
6 Confederation Cruisers
4 Confederation Frigates

Third Rebel Fleet (and reinforcements)

1 Rebel Cruisers (shields at 25%, rear of line)
18 Rebel Destroyers
67 Mantas
56 Cossacks

Treasury: 160 million
Tech: ExProton weapons 1 day, 3 days left on battlecruiser.

Ave Cadet, Imperatur Civitum Americae Unitas!
(url="http://"")Catholic Cadet: Apologetics and Evangelization(/url)